Parents PACK Newsletter Archive
Dr. Handy’s Corner: Why Has My Child Been Sick Since Starting Day Care?
Are your children in day care? School? Have you felt like when they first started, they were always sick? In this short video, Dr. Handy talks about why your perceptions were probably spot on.
Feature Article: RSV and Babies — A Bit of Hope
Preventing RSV in the youngest among us has been difficult, but in 2023 new tools have poised us to change the story.
Vaccine News & Notes — September 2023
With fall around the corner, check out which vaccines you or your family members may need. Also, read an article about vaccine-related developments since 2005, the year in which the greatest vaccinologist in history passed away.
Dr. Handy’s Corner — Treating Pneumonia: What to Consider
In this video, Dr. Lori Handy talks about the causes, symptoms, treatments and prevention of pneumonia.
Feature Article: A New Vaccine … and It’s for Adults! Find Out More About RSV and the Vaccine.
For the first time ever, we have vaccines to protect older adults from RSV. Learn more.
Vaccine News & Notes — August 2023
Check out the new STEM careers booklet; learn more about the history of public health & why chronic underfunding threatens us all, and watch Dr. Handy's video about RSV.
Dr. Handy’s Corner: Pneumococcal Vaccine & Adults
Listen to Dr. Handy as she describes why pneumococcus can be a problem for some adults and find out more about the vaccines, including recent changes to vaccine recommendations.
Feature Article — Pneumococcal Vaccines for Adults (Part 2): The Latest News
Find info about pneumococcal vaccine options for adults; see why pneumococcal disease can be severe in adults, and learn about recent updates to vaccine recommendations.
Dr. Handy’s Corner: Pneumococcal Vaccine & Kids
Dr. Lori Handy talks about pneumococcal infections in kids, the complications that can result in hospitalization, and why pneumococcal vaccines were more difficult to make than some other vaccine-preventable bacterial infections.
Vaccine News & Notes — July 2023
Watch "Marion Gruber: Preparedness Is Prevention," a film that showcases Dr. Gruber’s years working as a scientist at the FDA.