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Parents PACK Newsletter Archive

Parents PACK Newsletter Archive


Vaccine News & Notes — September 2023

With fall around the corner, check out which vaccines you or your family members may need. Also, read an article about vaccine-related developments since 2005, the year in which the greatest vaccinologist in history passed away.


Vaccine News & Notes — August 2023

Check out the new STEM careers booklet; learn more about the history of public health & why chronic underfunding threatens us all, and watch Dr. Handy's video about RSV.


Dr. Handy’s Corner: Pneumococcal Vaccine & Kids

Dr. Lori Handy talks about pneumococcal infections in kids, the complications that can result in hospitalization, and why pneumococcal vaccines were more difficult to make than some other vaccine-preventable bacterial infections.


Vaccine News & Notes — July 2023

Watch "Marion Gruber: Preparedness Is Prevention," a film that showcases Dr. Gruber’s years working as a scientist at the FDA.

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