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Ronald F. Marchese, MD

Ronald F. Marchese, MD

Ronald F. Marchese, MD

Ronald F. Marchese, MD, is a CHOP pediatric emergency medicine physician at the Main Hospital and Virtua Voorhees.

Areas of expertise: Point-of-care Emergency Ultrasound, Sepsis, Concussion, Community Medicine, Quality improvement



About Ronald F. Marchese


Pediatric Emergency Medicine Physician

Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania


Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)

Neonatal Advanced Life Support (NALS)

Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Instructor

Pediatric Emergency Assessment, Recognition and Stabilization (PEARS) Instructor

Pediatric Emergency Medicine Bedside Ultrasound Course for Physicians

Pediatric Emergency Medicine – American Board of Pediatrics

Pediatrics – American Board of Pediatrics

Awards and Honors

2018-’21, Quality and Safety Improvement Scholars Program, Academic Pediatric Association

2016, Early Career Faculty Honor Roll – chosen by senior residents for commitment to resident education and teaching

2014, Travel Award Recipient for Young Investigator’s, Annual Meeting of Pediatric Academic Societies for Poster Presentation, Use of Bedside Ocular Ultrasound to Identify Optic Disc Swelling in Children

2014, Travel Award Recipient, 26th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Society for Pediatric Research for Platform Presentation, Use of Bedside Ocular Ultrasound to Identify Optic Disc Swelling in Children

2013,"Top Ten Articles in Pediatric Emergency Medicine 2012-13," American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference and Exhibition, Orlando FL, Oct 2013

2004, Phi Beta Kappa, Saint Joseph’s University

Leadership and Memberships

Memberships in Professional Organizations

2013-present, American Academy of Pediatrics (SOMSRFT, SOYP, SOEM)
2012, American College of Emergency Physicians, Sections of Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Emergency Ultrasound
– Pediatric Ultrasound Subcommittee


Editorial and Academic Positions

Editorial Positions

2011-present, Reviewer, Pediatric Emergency Care

Academic and Institutional Committees

2017-present, ED Radiology Quality Improvement Committee, Division of Emergency Medicine

2016-present, The Pediatrics Quality Committee at Virtua, Division of Emergency Medicine

2016-present, Fellowship Program Evaluation Committee, Division of Emergency Medicine

2016-present, 72 Hour Revisit Committee, Division of Emergency Medicine

2016-present, Ultrasound Director at Virtua, Pediatric Emergency Department

2014-present, PEM in the Community, PEM Fellowship Curriculum Development Committee, Division of Emergency Medicine, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

2014-present, Ventricular Shunt Pathway Review and Quality Improvement Committee, Division of Emergency Medicine, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

2013-present, Febrile Illness Pathway Review Committee, Division of Emergency Medicine, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

2012-present, Handoff Process Review Committee, Division of Emergency Medicine, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

2011-present, Resuscitation Review Committee, Division of Emergency Medicine, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Research Interests

Point-of-care emergency ultrasound
Community medicine
Quality improvement

Education & training

Medical Degree

MD - UMDNJ – Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Brunswick, NJ


Pediatrics - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA


Pediatric Emergency Medicine - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA

Team affiliations

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Marchese RF, Taylor A, Voorhis CB, Wall J, Szydlowski EG, Shaw KN.: A Framework for Quality Assurance of Pediatric Revisits to the Emergency Department. Pediatric Emergency Care Feb 2020.


Marchese RF, Mistry RD, Binenbaum G, Liu GT, Scarfone RJ, Woodford AL, Chen AE: Identification of Optic Nerve Swelling Using Point-of-Care Ocular Ultrasound in Children. Pediatric Emergency Care 34(8): 531-536, AugJan 2018.


Marchese, RF, Schwartz, ES, Heuer, GG, Lavelle, J, Huh, JW, Bell, LM, Luan, X, Zorc, JJ. Reduced Radiation in Children Presenting to the ED with Suspected Ventricular Shunt Complication. Pediatrics. 2017 May. 139(5). pii: e20162431. doi: 10.1542/peds.2016-2431. Epub 2017 Apr 13. PubMed PMID: 28557725.

Marchese RF, Mistry RD, Binenbaum G, Liu GT, Scarfone RJ, Woodford AL, Chen AE. Identification of Optic Nerve Swelling Using Point-of-Care Ocular Ultrasound in Children. Pediatric Emergency Care. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2017 Jan 31. DOI: 10.1097/PEC.0000000000001046

Marchese RF, Gala PK, Seiden JA, Scarfone R, Belfer RA, Posner J: Clinical Experience in a Community Setting During Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship Training. Pediatric Emergency Care Page: doi: 10.1097, Oct 2017 Notes: epub only.


Fishe JN, Marchese RF, Callahan JM. Lyme myocarditis presenting as chest pain in an adolescent female. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2016 Jul; 32(7): 459-61. PMID: 26945194


Marchese RF, Mistry RD, Scarfone RJ, Chen AE. Identification of Optic Disc Elevation and the Crescent Sign Using Point-of-Care Ocular Ultrasound in Children. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2015 Apr: 31(4): 304-7. PMID: 25831036


Scott HF, Donoghue AJ, Gaieski DF, Marchese RF, Mistry RD. Effectiveness of physical exam signs for early detection of critical illness in pediatric systemic inflammatory response syndrome. BMC Emerg Med. 2014 Nov 19;14(1):24. PMID: 25407007


Scott HF, Donoghue AJ, Gaieski DF, Marchese RF, Mistry RD. The Utility of Early Lactate Testing in Undifferentiated Pediatric Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome. Academic Emergency Medicine 2012:19(11):1276-80. PMID:23167859

Editorials, Reviews, Chapters


Cohn, KA, Balamuth, F, Marchese, RF, Alpern, ER, Henretig, FM. Chapter 88: Fever in Children Fleisher & Ludwig’s Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, 7th Edition Wolters Kluwer, 2016.

Delgado, EM, Marchese, RF. Chapter 29: Groin Masses Fleisher & Ludwig’s Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, 7th Edition Wolters Kluwer, 2016.

Kirschen, MP, Marchese, RF. Chapter 28: What is the Role for Head Imaging in Suspected Concussion? Curbside Consultation in Pediatric Neurology SLACK Incorporated, 2016.


Marchese, R., Shaw, K. Chapter 34: Fluids and Electrolytes Pediatric Emergency Medicine Secrets, 3rd Edition Elsevier Health Sciences, 2014.

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