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Psychosocial Support in the CFDT and the SDU

Psychosocial Support in the CFDT and the SDU

Couple consulting with counselor
Appointments & referrals (800-IN-UTERO)

Learning that your baby has a birth defect is a stressful, life-changing experience. You are not alone. Our team is here to support your physical, mental and emotional wellness during your care. From the moment you receive your diagnosis, we provide compassionate, individualized care for your entire family. We offer a wide array of counseling and support services. We can help you cope with your high-risk pregnancy as well as your baby’s hospitalization. We can direct your family to local resources, both at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and once you return home. We remain involved with you after discharge, if needed, and can help you manage the care of perinatal and postpartum mood and anxiety disorders.

How we serve you

Our team supports the medical and emotional needs of you and your family throughout this experience. We listen to your concerns and help you cope.

You can access the following services at any time during your journey.

Conditions we treat

Perinatal or postpartum mood and anxiety disorder (PMAD) describes the distressing feelings that can occur during pregnancy (perinatal) and throughout the first year after pregnancy (postpartum). Learn more about PMADs and how to seek support. Learn more about PMADs and how to seek support.

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Compassionate moment between patient and staff

Meet your team

Every person on our team is dedicated to providing you the best medical care, emotional counseling and much more. We make sure your entire family gets the support you need.

Close up of a newborn that previously had inutero surgery

Our research

Families facing a prenatal diagnosis of a birth defect face a unique journey. Our psychosocial team leads research to improve our support for parents and other family members during these stressful experiences.

Mother-to-be glances at an ultrasound of her baby

Psychosocial support resources

All the resources you need to find answers to your questions and support as you cope with the complications of a high-risk pregnancy.

Patient stories

Our Stories
Asher came to CHOP for a fetal surgery procedure called FETO to treat his severe CDH before he was born, giving him the best chance to survive and thrive.
Our Stories
Inés’ family credits an expert care team and seamless communication across the miles for saving their daughter’s life.

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Mother and son smiling
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