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Researchers Working Hard to Find a Cure for Ewing’s Sarcoma

Researchers Working Hard to Find a Cure for Ewing’s Sarcoma
Clinicians/Researchers Offer the Best Treatment Options, and Working Toward Experimental Curative Therapies for Common Bone Tumor in Children & Adolescents
November 25, 2019

An unrelenting, deep bone pain that woke him up from sleep - is what led to Jake’s diagnosis just last March of Ewing sarcoma, one of the most common bone tumors in children and adolescents. Symptoms of this type of cancer are often ignored in children, written off as growing pains. But with this cancer, more common in boys, the pain can be intense and does not get better over time.

Now 11 years old, Jake is receiving chemotherapy at CHOP. The goal is a cure: up to 75% of children can beat Ewing sarcoma with standard treatment. Often, though, extensive surgery to remove the tumor is required.

At CHOP, Jake has access to both a world class clinical team, and researchers who are developing novel targeted therapies for pediatric sarcomas to improve outcomes.

Dr. Patrick Grohar, a physician-scientist at CHOP who is a world leader in Ewing sarcoma research, is developing a novel treatment with the aim of opening a clinical trial for children with Ewing sarcoma who relapse after receiving traditional treatment.

Dr. Grohar was featured in this story on NBC10 Philadelphia, reported by Erin Coleman.

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