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New Bioengineering Lab Paves Way for Pediatric Airway Discoveries

New Bioengineering Lab Paves Way for Pediatric Airway Discoveries
December 25, 2018

Riccardo Gottardi, PhD
Riccardo Gottardi, PhD

The Center for Pediatric Airway Disorders is one of the few in the country specializing in tracheal reconstruction, recurrent laryngeal nerve reinnervation, and a variety of other specialized airway procedures. The multidisciplinary team plans to innovate new techniques and devices to advance these complex procedures and develop novel treatment strategies. One arm of this translational research effort involves the launch of a first-of-its kind bioengineering and biomaterials laboratory dedicated to pediatric laryngology, which will be led by Riccardo Gottardi, PhD.

Read more about the new lab in this Cornerstone blog post.

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