“13 Reasons Why,” a show on Netflix, focuses on the suicide of a high school girl named Hannah. Season two covers the aftermath of her death and how other characters are coping with their own issues.
Many parents have questions surrounding the show. "Should my child watch it?" "How can I talk to them about suicide and depression?" "What should I do if I suspect my child is struggling with these issues?"
Our Psychiatrist-in-Chief and psychologists from the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) were recently interviewed by a number of media outlets to give their advice on how parents can help.
- Read Dr. Tami Benton’s interview with The Press of Atlantic City: “What experts are saying about Netflix's '13 Reasons Why' as show returns Friday.”
- Listen to Dr. Rhonda Boyd’s interview on KYW Newsradio regarding the rise of children thinking about or attempting suicide: “New study finds more kids are thinking about or attempting suicide.”
- Read Dr. Boyd, Dr. Lewis, and Dr. Stephen Soffer’s blog post on how parents can prepare for the second season of “13 Reasons Why."
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“13 Reasons Why,” a show on Netflix, focuses on the suicide of a high school girl named Hannah. Season two covers the aftermath of her death and how other characters are coping with their own issues.
Many parents have questions surrounding the show. "Should my child watch it?" "How can I talk to them about suicide and depression?" "What should I do if I suspect my child is struggling with these issues?"
Our Psychiatrist-in-Chief and psychologists from the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) were recently interviewed by a number of media outlets to give their advice on how parents can help.
- Read Dr. Tami Benton’s interview with The Press of Atlantic City: “What experts are saying about Netflix's '13 Reasons Why' as show returns Friday.”
- Listen to Dr. Rhonda Boyd’s interview on KYW Newsradio regarding the rise of children thinking about or attempting suicide: “New study finds more kids are thinking about or attempting suicide.”
- Read Dr. Boyd, Dr. Lewis, and Dr. Stephen Soffer’s blog post on how parents can prepare for the second season of “13 Reasons Why."
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Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences