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2020 Is A Big Year for Kids

2020 Is A Big Year for Kids
September 13, 2020
Young girl wearing a protective mask
Young girl wearing a protective mask

This year brings two important opportunities to advocate for children and the programs that impact their health and well-being. See below for more information about how to safely and effectively make your voice heard.


The census counts every person living in the United States and five U.S. territories. The results of the census help determine how much federal funding states receive to support key resources for kids such as Medicaid and schools. When kids are undercounted, our patients, our families and our communities miss out. We encourage everyone to complete the 2020 census before the September 30 deadline. For more information, visit


Voting is one of the most powerful tools we have to advocate for children. CHOP has partnered with VotER, a non-profit, non-partisan voter registration organization, to help give everyone the information they need to vote safely. To learn more about this initiative, register to vote or apply for a mail-in ballot, visit

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