Neonatal Consensus Statements
The Division of Neonatology at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia has a large collection of clinical consensus statements that synthesize new information, largely from recent or ongoing medical research from our experts, that has implications for reevaluation of routine medical practices. A number of these statements are available below for colleagues and professionals to access as a resource.
Oxygen Targeting Consensus (2020)
Ventilation in the DR Consensus (2022)
Preterm Nutrition Consensus for Neonates Born < 32 weeks <1500 grams (2022-23)
- Preterm Nutrition Enteral Feeding Advance Consensus Full Document
- Preterm Nutrition Enteral Feeding Advance Consensus Brief Summary
- Preterm Nutrition Enteral Feeding Advance Table (Figure Only)
Preterm Nutrition Parenteral Nutrition Consensus
- Preterm Nutrition Parenteral Nutrition Consensus Full Document
- Preterm Nutrition Parenteral Nutrition Consensus Brief Summary
Preterm Nutrition Consensus
- Preterm Nutrition Consensus Hot Topics
- Preterm Nutrition Consensus Lactation Recommendation
- Preterm Nutrition Consensus Discharge Recommendations Full Document
- Preterm Nutrition Consensus Discharge Consensus Brief Summary
Transfusion Consensus (2023)
- Blood, Platelet and Plasma Transfusion Recommendations Full Document
- Blood, Platelet and Plasma Transfusion Consensus Brief Summary
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The Neonatology Consensus Statements (“Statements”) are based on a consensus of medical practitioners at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (“CHOP”) and are current at the time of publication. These Statements are intended to be a guide for practitioners and may need to be adapted for each specific patient based on the practitioner’s professional judgment, consideration of any unique circumstances, the needs of each patient and their family, and/or the availability of various resources at the health care institution where the patient is located.
Accordingly, these Statements are not intended to constitute medical advice or treatment, or to create a doctor-patient relationship between/among CHOP, its physicians and the individual patients in question. CHOP does not represent or warrant that the Statements are in every respect accurate or complete, or that one or more of them apply to a particular patient or medical condition. CHOP is not responsible for any errors or omissions in the Statements, or for any outcomes a patient might experience where a clinician consulted one or more such Statements in connection with providing care for that patient.
If you use a printed version of a Statement, please ensure that you are using the most current version.