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Coping With Healthcare Procedures

Coping With Healthcare Procedures

Healthcare procedures are often stressful and frightening experiences for children and families. Giving children strategies for coping with these procedures will help them to have:

  • A sense of control over the experience
  • A feeling of participating in their own care, leading to increased self-esteem
  • A positive and effective coping strategy to use during future procedures
  • A better overall experience

Helpful hints

  • Be honest with your child. Talk to him about the procedure by explaining what he will see, feel and hear.
  • Tell the staff what helps your child.
  • Focus on and talk about positive topics.
  • Be positive and encouraging to your child.
  • Praise your child during and after the procedure for doing all the things that are asked of him or her, such as holding still.
  • Talk in a calm quiet voice.
  • Position yourself so he or she can see or touch you while you hold a hand or rub the forehead or cheek.
  • Ask questions to prepare yourself for the procedure.

Common coping strategies you can use with your child during healthcare procedures

Breathing and blowing

Items to use: bubbles, pinwheel, kazoo, party blower or harmonica

Tips on using breathing and blowing to help your child cope with a medical procedure

  • Practice slowly breathing in and out with your child to help him or her relax.
  • Let your child watch you take deep breaths if he or she does not want to join in.
  • Breathe together so that your child can hear, see and copy you.
  • Make the breathing activity into a game: count how long you can blow, or blow big bubbles rather than small bubbles.
  • Explain to teens that deep breathing can help the body relax and may make the procedure easier and faster.


Items to use: magic wand, pop-up book, sound book, electronic hand-held game, or portable CD player or tape player

Tips on using distraction to help your child cope with a medical procedure

  • Distraction helps your child to focus on something interesting and fun.
  • Participate in the activity with your child.
  • Make sure the item you are using will hold your child’s interest.
  • Let your child hold and play with the item. If this is not possible, let him or her tell you what to do with the item; for example, when to turn the page or push the music buttons on the book.


Items to use: relaxation tape, music box, storybook, portable CD player or tape player, and your child’s imagination.

Tips on using imagination to help your child cope with a medical procedure

  • Using imagination may involve making up stories or using your child's imagination to think of a special place he or she would like to be.
  • You know your child best. Do what works for your child. For example, if your child’s story is silly but distracting, follow his or her lead.
  • Allow your child to make choices and ask questions that will keep his or her interest.
  • Practice before the procedure. Your child can better concentrate on learning new coping skills before, rather than in the middle of, a procedure.

Physical touch

Items to use: a blanket, a favorite stuffed animal and yourself!

Tips on using physical touch to help your child cope with a medical procedure

  • Hold or sit next to your child on the exam table or at the bedside.
  • Sit or lie alongside your child and stay where your child can see you.
  • Rub your child’s back, arm and forehead using long slow strokes.
  • Speak or sing into your child’s ear in soft, soothing tones. This will help your child focus on you instead of the procedure.

Coping strategies by age


  • Holding your baby
  • Speaking in a soft voice
  • Playing music or singing
  • Offering a pacifier
  • Shaking rattles


  • Holding your toddler
  • Playing music, singing or reciting nursery rhymes
  • Reading pop-up and sound books
  • Blowing bubbles
  • Spinning pinwheels


  • Blowing bubbles
  • Spinning pinwheels
  • Reading pop-up and sound books
  • Playing music and singing
  • Counting
  • Talking about favorite things such as a pet or a favorite place


  • Picking a favorite place or thing to talk about such as a TV show or cartoon character
  • Playing music
  • Squeezing a ball
  • Using a magic wand
  • Breathing with slow deep breaths
  • Reading pop-up and sound books
  • Playing with noise-making items


  • Picking a favorite place or thing to talk about or imagine
  • Playing music on a portable music player
  • Playing a hand held game
  • Breathing with slow deep breaths
  • Relaxing muscles
  • Squeezing a ball
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