Books for Adults

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The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

  • A pioneering researcher transforms our understanding of trauma and offers a bold new paradigm for healing in this New York Times bestseller

Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief by David Kessler

  • This book journeys beyond the classic five stages of grieving, to discover a sixth stage: meaning. Many people look for "closure" after a loss. Finding meaning beyond the stages of grief can transform grief into a more peaceful and hopeful experience.  

Empty Cradle, Broken Heart: Surviving the Death of your Baby by Deborah L. Davis

  • A resource for those who want to better understand and support bereaved parents. 

The Grief Recovery Handbook by John W. James, Russell Friedman

  • This classic resource further explores the effects of grief and sheds new light on how to begin to take effective actions to complete the grieving process and work towards recovery and happiness.

Healing after the Loss: Daily Meditations for Working Through Grief By Martha Hickman

  • For those who have suffered the loss of a loved one, here are thoughtful words to strengthen, inspire and comfort.

'It’s Ok that You’re not Ok' by Megan Divine

  • When a painful loss or life-shattering event upends your world, here is the first thing to know: there is nothing wrong with grief. Grief is simply love in its most wild and painful form, says Megan Devine. It is a natural and sane response to loss. In It's OK That You're Not OK, Megan Devine offers a profound new approach to both the experience of grief and the way we try to help others who have endured tragedy.

It’s Okay to Laugh (Crying is Cool Too) By Nora McInerny Purmort

  • Twenty-seven year old Nora McInerny Purmort bounced from boyfriend to dopey "boyfriend" until she met Aaron. When Aaron was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer, they refused to let it limit their love. This book is for people who aren't sure if they're saying or doing the right things in life. For people who had their life turned upside down and just learned to live that way. For everyone who wondered what exactly they're supposed to be doing with their one wild and precious life. 

Resilient Grieving. By Lucy Hone, PhD

  • Resilient Grieving offers an empowering alternative to the five stages of grief--once thought obligatory--and makes clear our capacity for growth following the trauma of a loss that changes everything.

Strong and Tender (A guide for the Father Whose Baby has Died) by Pat Schwiebert

  • A book especially for fathers, this is a collection of insights, helpful hints and tender thoughts to give a father strength during the dark times of grief following his baby s death. For too long fathers have been the forgotten grievers. By giving him this special book you tell him you also recognize his loss.

When Bad Things Happen to Good People by Harold Kushner

  • When Harold Kushner's three-year-old son was diagnosed with a degenerative disease that meant the boy would only live until his early teens, he was faced with one of life's most difficult questions: Why, God? Years later, Rabbi Kushner wrote this straightforward, elegant contemplation of the doubts and fears that arise when tragedy strikes. In these pages, Kushner shares his wisdom as a rabbi, a parent, a reader, and a human being. Often imitated but never superseded, When Bad Things Happen to Good People is a classic that offers clear thinking and consolation in times of sorrow.