Amy Waldman, MD
Locations: Main Building, Buerger Center for Advanced Pediatric Care
About Amy Waldman, MD
Medical Director, Leukodystrophy Center
Attending Physician, Assistant Professor of Neurology, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Neurology – American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
Editorial and Academic Positions
2011 - Reviewer, Neurology
2011 - Reviewer, Pediatric Emergency Care
2011 - Reviewer, Pediatric Drugs
Academic Committees:
2011 - 2014, Member, Data Safety Monitoring Board, "A randomized controlled trial of vitamin D supplementation in multiple sclerosis," PI: Ellen Mowry, MD, MCR; Johns Hopkins University
Education & training
Graduate Degree
MS in Clinical Epidemiology - University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA
Medical Degree
MD - Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatrics - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Pediatrics - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Neurology - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Multiple Sclerosis - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Keller SR, Mallack EJ, Rubin JP, Accardo JA, Brault JA, Corre CS, Elizondo C, Garafola J, Jackson-Garcia AC, Rhee J, Seeger E, Shullanberger KC, Tourjee A, Trovato MK, Waldman AT, Wallace JL, Wallace MR, Werner K, White A, Ess KC, Becker C, Eichler FS: Practical Approaches and Knowledge Gaps in the Care for Children With Leukodystrophies. Journal of Child Neurology 36(1): 65-78, January 2021. PMCID: PMC7736398
Sguigna PV, McCreary MC, Conger DL, Graves JS, Benson LA, Waldman AT, Greenberg BM; PERCEPTION Collaboration: Utilization of Visual Acuity Retroilluminated Charts for the Assessment of Afferent Visual System Dysfunction in a Pediatric Neuroimmunology Population. Journal of Neuro-ophthalmology 41(1): 19-23, March 2021.
Sebastian P, Cherbuin N, Barcellos LF, Roalstad S, Casper C, Hart J, Aaen GS, Krupp L, Benson L, Gorman M, Candee M, Chitnis T, Goyal M, Greenberg B, Mar S, Rodriguez M, Rubin J, Schreiner T, Waldman A, Weinstock-Guttman B, Graves J, Waubant E, Lucas R: Association Between Time Spent Outdoors and Risk of Multiple Sclerosis. Neurology Page: in press, October 2021
Gmuca S, Hardy DI, Narula S, Stoll S, Harris J, Zhao Y, Xiao R, Weiss PR, Waldman A, Gerber JS: Validation of Claims-based Diagnoses of Adult and Pediatric Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder and Variations in Diagnostic Evaluation and Treatment Initiation. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 37: 101488, January 2020. PMCID: PMC7078037
42. Gaetz W, Rhodes E, Bloy L, Blaskey L, Jackel CR, Brodkin ES, Waldman A, Embick D, Hall S, Roberts TPL: Evaluating motor cortical oscillations and age-related change in autism spectrum disorder. Neuroimage 207: 116349, February 2020.
Hong X, Kumar AB, Daiker J, Yi F, Sadilek M, De Mattia F, Fumagalli F, Calbi V, Damiano R, Della Bona M, la Marca G, Vanderver AL, Waldman AT, Adang L, Sherbini O, Woidill S, Suhr T, Kurtzberg J, Beltran-Quintero ML, Escolar M, Aiuti A, Finglas A, Olsen A, Gelb MH: Leukocyte and Dried Blood Spot Arylsulfatase A Assay by Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry 92(9): 6341-6348, May 2020. PMCID: PMC7203001
Helman G, Takanohashi A, Hagemann TL, Perng MD, Walkiewicz M, Woidill S, Sase S, Cross Z, Du Y, Zhao L, Waldman A, Haake BC, Fatemi A, Brenner M, Sherbini O, Messing A, Vanderver A, Simons C: Type II Alexander disease caused by splicing errors and aberrant overexpression of an uncharacterized GFAP isoform. Human Mutation 41(6): 1131-1137, June 2020.
Waldman AT, Lavery AM, Liu GW, Avery RA, Liu GT, Maguire MG, Ying GS, Banwell BL: High- and low-contrast letter acuity perception matures with age in normally-sighted children. Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology 40(2): 148-156, June 2020.
Graves J, Barcellos LF, Krupp L, Belman A, George M, Shao X, Quach H, Hart J, Chitnis T, Weinstock-Guttman B, Aaen G, Benson L, Gorman M, Greenberg B, Lotze T, Soe M, Ness J, Rodriguez M, Rose J, Schreiner T, Tillema JM, Waldman A, Waltz M, Casper C, Waubant E on behalf of the U.S. Network of Pediatric MS Centers: Vitamin D genes influence MS relapses in children. Multiple Sclerosis Journal 26(8): 894-901, July 2020. PMCID: PMC6851448
de Blank P, Berman J, Prelack M, Sollee JR, Lane A, Waldman AT, Fisher MJ: Effect of Age and Neurofibromatosis Type 1 Status on White Matter Integrity in the Optic Radiations. Neuro-Oncology Advances 2(Suppl 1): i150-i158, July 2020. PMCID: PMC7317057
Waldman AT, Benson L, Sollee JR, Lavery AM, Liu GW, Green AJ, Waubant E, Heidary G, Conger D, Graves J, Greenberg B: Interocular Difference in Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness Predicts Optic Neuritis in Pediatric-Onset Multiple Sclerosis. Journal of Neuro-ophthalmology October 2020 Notes: Epub ahead of print.
Waldman AT, Sollee JR, Datta R, Lavery AM, Liu G, Aleman TS, Banwell BL, Gaetz WC: Structural correlates of atypical visual and motor cortical oscillations in pediatric-onset multiple sclerosis. Human Brain Mapping 41(15): 4299-4313, October 2020. PMCID: PMC7502834.
Writing Committee for the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group (PEDIG); Pineles SL, Repka MX, Liu GT, Waldman AT, Borchert MS, Khanna S, Heidary G, Graves JS, Shah VS, Kupersmith MJ, Kraker RT, Wallace DK, Cotter SA, Holmes JM: Assessment of Pediatric Optic Neuritis Visual Acuity Outcomes at 6 Months. JAMA Ophthalmology 138(12): 1253-1261, December 2020. PMCID: PMC7563662
Aaen G, Waltz M, Vargas W, Makhani N, Ness J, Harris Y, Casper TC, Benson L, Candee M, Chitnis T, Gorman M, Graves J, Greenberg B, Lotze T, Mar S, Tillema JM, Rensel M, Rodriguez M, Rose J, Rubin J, Schreiner T, Waldman A, Weinstock-Guttman B, Belman A, Waubant E, Krupp L: Acquisition of Early Developmental Milestones and Need for Special Education Services in Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis Journal of Child Neurology 34(3): 148-152, January 2019. PMCID: PMC6579723
Chi C, Gonzales E, Xiang A, Graves J, Waldman A, Lotze T, Schreiner T, Aeon G, Tillema JM, Ness Y, Krupp L, Gorman M, Chitnis T, Belman A, Casper TC, Rose J, Moodly M, Rubin J, Schaefer C, Waubant E, Langer-Gould A, Greenberg B, Candee M, Weinstock-Guttman B, Shao X, Rhead B, Barcellos L, Benson L, Mar S, Rodriguez M, Smith JB, Rensel M, Kahn L: Admixture mapping reveals evidence of differential multiple sclerosis risk by genetic ancestry. PLOS Genetics 15(1): e1007808, January 2019. PMCID: PMC6353231
Lavery AM, Collins BN, Waldman AT, Hart CN, Bar-Or A, Marrie RA, Arnold D, O'Mahony J, Banwell B: The contribution of secondhand tobacco smoke exposure to pediatric multiple sclerosis risk. Multiple Sclerosis Journal 25(4): 515-522, April 2019. 36.
Rhead B, Shao X, Graves JS, Chitnis T, Waldman AT, Lotze T, Schreiner T, Belman A, Krupp L, Greenberg BM, Weinstock-Guttman B, Aaen G, Tillema JM, Rodriguez M, Hart J, Caillier S, Ness J, Harris Y, Rubin J, Candee MS, Gorman M, Benson L, Mar S, Kahn I, Rose J, Casper TC, Quach H, Quach D, Schaefer C, Waubant E, Barcellos LF; US Network of Pediatric MS Centers: miRNA contributions to pediatric-onset multiple sclerosis inferred from GWAS. Annals of Clinical Translational Neurology 6(6): 1053-1061, May 2019. PMCID: PMC6562070 37.
Waldman AT, Yeshokumar AK, Lavery AM, Liu G, Pineles SL, Repka M, Adang L, Narula S, Liu GT: Validation of a Symptom-Based Questionnaire for Pediatric CNS Demyelinating Diseases Journal of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus 23(3): 157, June 2019. 38. Banerjee PP, Pang L, Soldan SS, Miah SM, Eisenberg A, Maru S, Waldman A, Smith EA, Rosenberg-Hasson Y, Hirschberg D, Smith A, Ablashi DV, Campbell KS, Orange JS: KIR2DL4-HLAG interaction at human NK cell-oligodendrocyte interfaces regulates IFN-γ-mediated effects. Molecular Immunology 115: 39-55, November 2019. PMCID: PMC6543535
Datta R, Sollee JR, Lavery AM, Ficerai-Garland G, Karoscik K, Liu G, Banwell BL, Waldman AT: Effects of Optic Neuritis, T2 Lesions, and Microstructural Diffusion Integrity in the Visual Pathway on Cortical Thickness in Pediatric-Onset Multiple Sclerosis. Journal of Neuroimaging 29(6): 760-770, November 2019. 40. Jurkiewicz M, Rodriguez P, Waldman A, Pollock AN: Olfactory bulb hyperplasia in genetically confirmed infantile Alexander disease. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 13(3): 1-2, 2019.
Schwartz CE, Grover SA, Powell VE, Noguera A, Mah JK, Mar S, Mednick L, Banwell BL, Alper G, Rensel M, Gorman M, Waldman A, Schreiner T, Waubant E, Yeh EA. Risk factors for non-adherence to disease-modifying therapy in pediatric multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler. 2018 Feb;24(2):175-185. Epub 2017 Feb 1.
Yeh EA, Grover SA, Powell VE, Alper G, Banwell BL, Edwards K, Gorman M, Graves J, Lotze TE, Mah JK, Mednick L, Ness J, Obadia M, Slater R, Waldman A, Waubant E, Schwartz CE; Pediatric MS Adherence Study Group. Correction to: Impact of an electronic monitoring device and behavioural feedback on adherence to multiple sclerosis therapies in youth: results of a randomized trial. Qual Life Res. 2018 Apr;27(4):1117.
Azary S, Schreiner T, Graves J, Waldman A, Belman A, Guttman BW, Aaen G, Tillema JM, Mar S, Hart J, Ness J, Harris Y, Krupp L, Gorman M, Benson L, Rodriguez M, Chitnis T, Rose J, Barcellos LF, Lotze T, Carmichael SL, Roalstad S, Casper CT, Waubant E. Contribution of dietary intake to relapse rate in early paediatric multiple sclerosis. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2018 Jan;89(1):28-33. Epub 2017 Oct 9.
Brenton JN, Schreiner T, Karoscik K, Richter M, Ferrante S, Waldman A, Banwell B. Attitudes, perceptions, and use of marijuana in youth with multiple sclerosis. J Neurol. 2018 Feb;265(2):417-423. Epub 2017 Dec 22.
Wells E, Hacohen Y, Waldman A, Tillema JM, Soldatos A, Ances B, Benseler S, Bielekova B, Dale RC, Dalmau J, Gaillard W, Gorman M, Greenberg B, Hyslop A, Pardo CA, Tasker RC, Yeh EA, Bar-Or A, Pittock S, Vanderver A, Banwell B. Neuroimmune disorders of the central nervous system in children in the molecular era. Nat Rev Neurol. 2018 Jun 20. [Epub ahead of print]
Gmuca S, Xiao R, Weiss PF, Waldman AT, Gerber JS. Use of Rituximab and Risk of Re-hospitalization for Children with Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder. Mult Scler Demyelinating Disord. 2018 Apr;3. pii: 3. Epub 2018 Apr 17.
Waldman AT. Leukodystrophies. Continuum (Minneap Minn). 2018 Feb;24(1, Child Neurology):130-149.
Lavery AM, Collins BN, Waldman AT, Hart CN, Bar-Or A, Marrie RA, Arnold D, O'Mahony J, Banwell B; Canadian Pediatric Demyelinating Disease Network. The contribution of secondhand tobacco smoke exposure to pediatric multiple sclerosis risk. Mult Scler. 2018 Jan 1:1352458518757089. [Epub ahead of print]
Kwon JM, Matern D, Kurtzberg J, Wrabetz L, Gelb MH, Wenger DA, Ficicioglu C, Waldman AT, Burton BK, Hopkins PV, Orsini JJ. Consensus guidelines for newborn screening, diagnosis and treatment of infantile Krabbe disease. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2018 Feb 1;13(1):30.
Pakpoor J, Seminatore B, Graves JS, Schreiner T, Waldman AT, Lotze TE, Belman A, Greenberg BM, Weinstock-Guttman B, Aaen G, Tillema JM, McDonald JC, Hart J, Ness JM, Harris Y, Rubin J, Candee M, Krupp L, Gorman M, Benson L, Rodriguez M, Chitnis T, Mar S, Kahn I, Rose J, Carmichael SL, Roalstad S, Waltz M, Casper TC, Waubant E; US Network of Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis Centers. Dietary factors and pediatric multiple sclerosis: A case-control study. Mult Scler. 2018 Jul;24(8):1067-1076. doi: 10.1177/1352458517713343. Epub 2017 Jun 13.
Gianfrancesco MA, Stridh P, Shao X, Rhead B, Graves JS, Chitnis T, Waldman A, Lotze T, Schreiner T, Belman A, Greenberg B, Weinstock-Guttman B, Aaen G, Tillema JM, Hart J, Caillier S, Ness J, Harris Y, Rubin J, Candee M, Krupp L, Gorman M, Benson L, Rodriguez M, Mar S, Kahn I, Rose J, Roalstad S, Casper TC, Shen L, Quach H, Quach D, Hillert J, Hedstrom A, Olsson T, Kockum I, Alfredsson L, Schaefer C, Barcellos LF, Waubant E; Network of Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis Centers. Genetic risk factors for pediatric-onset multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler. 2017 Oct 1:1352458517733551. [Epub ahead of print]
Adang LA, Sherbini O, Ball L, Bloom M, Darbari A, Amartino H, DiVito D, Eichler F, Escolar M, Evans SH, Fatemi A, Fraser J, Hollowell L, Jaffe N, Joseph C, Karpinski M, Keller S, Maddock R, Mancilla E, McClary B, Mertz J, Morgart K, Langan T, Leventer R, Parikh S, Pizzino A, Prange E, Renaud DL, Rizzo W, Shapiro J, Suhr D, Suhr T, Tonduti D, Waggoner J, Waldman A, Wolf NI, Zerem A, Bonkowsky JL, Bernard G, van Haren K, Vanderver A; Global Leukodystrophy Initiative (GLIA) Consortium. Revised consensus statement on the preventive and symptomatic care of patients with leukodystrophies. Mol Genet Metab. 2017 Sep;122(1-2):18-32. Epub 2017 Aug 20.
Rice GI, Kitabayashi N, Barth M, Briggs TA, Burton ACE, Carpanelli ML, Cerisola AM, Colson C, Dale RC, Danti FR, Darin N, De Azua B, De Giorgis V, De Goede CGL, Desguerre I, De Laet C, Eslahi A, Fahey MC, Fallon P, Fay A, Fazzi E, Gorman MP, Gowrinathan NR, Hully M, Kurian MA, Leboucq N, Lin JS, Lines MA, Mar SS, Maroofian R, Martí-Sanchez L, McCullagh G, Mojarrad M, Narayanan V, Orcesi S, Ortigoza-Escobar JD, Pérez-Dueñas B, Petit F, Ramsey KM, Rasmussen M, Rivier F, Rodríguez-Pombo P, Roubertie A, Stödberg TI, Toosi MB, Toutain A, Uettwiller F, Ulrick N, Vanderver A, Waldman A, Livingston JH, Crow YJ. Genetic, Phenotypic, and Interferon Biomarker Status in ADAR1-Related Neurological Disease. Neuropediatrics. 2017 Jun;48(3):166-184. Epub 2017 Apr 10.
Yeh EA, Grover SA, Powell VE, Alper G, Banwell BL, Edwards K, Gorman M, Graves J, Lotze TE, Mah JK, Mednick L, Ness J, Obadia M, Slater R, Waldman A, Waubant E, Schwartz CE; Pediatric MS Adherence Study Group. Impact of an electronic monitoring device and behavioral feedback on adherence to multiple sclerosis therapies in youth: results of a randomized trial. Qual Life Res. 2017 Sep;26(9):2333-2349. Epub 2017 Apr 9. Erratum in: Qual Life Res. 2017 Dec 23.
Gianfrancesco MA, Stridh P, Rhead B, Shao X, Xu E, Graves JS, Chitnis T, Waldman A, Lotze T, Schreiner T, Belman A, Greenberg B, Weinstock-Guttman B, Aaen G, Tillema JM, Hart J, Caillier S, Ness J, Harris Y, Rubin J, Candee M, Krupp L, Gorman M, Benson L, Rodriguez M, Mar S, Kahn I, Rose J, Roalstad S, Casper TC, Shen L, Quach H, Quach D, Hillert J, Bäärnhielm M, Hedstrom A, Olsson T, Kockum I, Alfredsson L, Metayer C, Schaefer C, Barcellos LF, Waubant E; Network of Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis Centers. Evidence for a causal relationship between low vitamin D, high BMI, and pediatric-onset MS. Neurology. 2017 Apr 25;88(17):1623-1629. Epub 2017 Mar 29.
Lavery AM, Waldman AT, Charles Casper T, Roalstad S, Candee M, Rose J, Belman A, Weinstock-Guttman B, Aaen G, Tillema JM, Rodriguez M, Ness J, Harris Y, Graves J, Krupp L, Benson L, Gorman M, Moodley M, Rensel M, Goyal M, Mar S, Chitnis T, Schreiner T, Lotze T, Greenberg B, Kahn I, Rubin J, Waubant E; U.S. Network of Pediatric MS Centers. Examining the contributions of environmental quality to pediatric multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler Relat Disord. 2017 Nov;18:164-169. Epub 2017 Sep 7.
Borchert M, Liu GT, Pineles S, Waldman AT. Pediatric Optic Neuritis: What Is New. J Neuroophthalmol. 2017 Sep;37 Suppl 1:S14-S22.
Waldman AT, Liu GT, Lavery AM, Liu G, Gaetz W, Aleman TS, Banwell BL. Optical coherence tomography and visual evoked potentials in pediatric MS. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2017 Jun 5;4(4):e356. eCollection 2017 Jul.
Bourne T, Waltz M, Casper TC, Kavak K, Aaen G, Belman A, Benson L, Candee M, Chitnis T, Graves J, Greenberg B, Gorman M, Harris Y, Krupp L, Lotze T, Mar S, Ness J, Olsen C, Roalstad S, Rodriguez M, Rose J, Rubin J, Schreiner T, Tillema JM, Kahn I, Waldman A, Barcellos L, Waubant E, Weinstock-Guttman B; US Network of Pediatric MS Centers. Evaluating the association of allergies with multiple sclerosis susceptibility risk and disease activity in a pediatric population. J Neurol Sci. 2017 Apr 15;375:371-375. Epub 2017 Feb 20.
Datta R, Sethi V, Ly S, Waldman AT, Narual S, Dewey BE, Sati P, Reich D, Banwell F. 7T MRI Visualization of Cortical Lesions in Adolescents and Young Adults with Pediatric-Onset Multiple Sclerosis. J Neuroimaging. 2017 Aug 10. doi: 10.1111/jon.12465. [Epub ahead of print]
Chitnis T, Graves J, Weinstock-Guttman B, Belman A, Olsen C, Misra M, Aaen G, Benson L, Candee M, Gorman M, Greenberg B, Krupp L, Lotze T, Mar S, Ness J, Rose J, Rubin J, Schreiner T, Tillema J, Waldman A, Rodriguez M, Casper C, Waubant E; U.S. Network of Pediatric MS Centers. Distinct effects of obesity and puberty on risk and age at onset of pediatric MS. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2016 Nov 4;3(12):897-907.
Pache F, Zimmermann H, Mikolajczak J, Schumacher S, Lacheta A, Oertel FC, Bellmann-Strobl J, Jarius S, Wildemann B, Reindl M, Waldman A, Soelberg K, Asgari N, Ringelstein M, Aktas O, Gross N, Buttmann M, Ach T, Ruprecht K, Paul F, Brandt AU; in cooperation with the Neuromyelitis Optica Study Group (NEMOS). MOG-IgG in NMO and related disorders: a multicenter study of 50 patients. Part 4: Afferent visual system damage after optic neuritis in MOG-IgG-seropositive versus AQP4-IgG-seropositive patients. J Neuroinflammation. 2016 Nov 1;13(1):282.
Yeh EA, Graves JS, Benson LA, Wassmer E, Waldman A. Pediatric optic neuritis. Neurology. 2016 Aug 30;87(9 Suppl 2):S53-8.
Wassmer E, Chitnis T, Pohl D, Amato MP, Banwell B, Ghezzi A, Hintzen RQ, Krupp LB, Makhani N, Rostásy K, Tardieu M, Tenembaum S, Waldman A, Waubant E, Kornberg AJ. International Pediatric MS Study Group Global Members Symposium report. Neurology. 2016 Aug 30;87(9 Suppl 2):S110-6.
Nourbakhsh B, Graves J, Casper TC, Lulu S, Waldman A, Belman A, Greenberg B, Weinstock-Guttman B, Aaen G, Tillema JM, Hart J, Ness J, Rubin J, Krupp L, Gorman M, Benson L, Rodriguez M, Chitnis T, Rose J, Barcellos L, Waubant E; Network of Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis Centers. Dietary salt intake and time to relapse in paediatric multiple sclerosis. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2016 Dec;87(12):1350-1353. Epub 2016 Jun 24.
McDonald J, Graves J, Waldman A, Lotze T, Schreiner T, Belman A, Greenberg B, Weinstock-Guttman B, Aaen G, Tillema JM, Hart J, Lulu S, Ness J, Harris Y, Rubin J, Candee M, Krupp LB, Gorman M, Benson L, Rodriguez M, Chitnis T, Mar S, Barcellos LF, Laraia B, Rose J, Roalstad S, Simmons T, Casper TC, Waubant E. A case-control study of dietary salt intake in pediatric-onset multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler Relat Disord. 2016 Mar;6:87-92. Epub 2016 Feb 12.
Matthews PM, Roncaroli F, Waldman A, Sormani MP, De Stefano N, Giovannoni G, Reynolds R. A practical review of the neuropathology and neuroimaging of multiple sclerosis. Pract Neurol. 2016 Aug;16(4):279-87. Epub 2016 Mar 23.
Waldman AT, Chahin S, Lavery AM, Liu G, Banwell BL, Liu GT, Balcer LJ. Binocular low-contrast letter acuity and the symbol digit modalities test improve the ability of the Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite to predict disease in pediatric multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler Relat Disord. 2016 Nov;10:73-78. Epub 2016 Aug 26.
Lavery AM, Banwell BL, Liu G, Waldman AT. Hospital admission rates for pediatric multiple sclerosis in the United States using the Pediatric Health Information System (PHIS). Mult Scler Relat Disord. 2016 Sep;9:5-10. doi: Epub 2016 Jun 8.
Pineles SL, Liu GT, Waldman AT, Lazar E, Kupersmith MJ, Repka MX; Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group and the Neuro-Ophthalmology Research Disease Investigator Consortium. Pediatric Optic Neuritis Prospective Outcomes Study. J Neuroophthalmol. 2016 Jun;36(2):115-7.
Nosadini M, Alper G, Riney CJ, Benson LA, Mohammad SS, Ramanathan S, Nolan M, Appleton R, Leventer RJ, Deiva K, Brilot F, Gorman MP, Waldman AT, Banwell B, Dale RC. Rituximab monitoring and redosing in pediatric neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2016 Jan 21;3(1):e188. eCollection 2016 Feb.
Bennett JL, de Seze J, Lana-Peixoto M, Palace J, Waldman A, Schippling S, Tenembaum S, Banwell B, Greenberg B, Levy M, Fujihara K, Chan KH, Kim HJ, Asgari N, Sato DK, Saiz A, Wuerfel J, Zimmermann H, Green A, Villoslada P, Paul F; GJCF-ICC&BR. Neuromyelitis optica and multiple sclerosis: Seeing differences through optical coherence tomography. Mult Scler. 2015 May;21(6):678-88. Epub 2015 Feb 6.
Avery RA, Rajjoub RD, Trimboli-Heidler C, Waldman AT. Applications of optical coherence tomography in pediatric clinical neuroscience. Neuropediatrics. 2015 Apr;46(2):88-97. Epub 2015 Mar 24.
Narula S, Liu GT, Avery RA, Banwell B, Waldman AT. Elevated cerebrospinal fluid opening pressure in a pediatric demyelinating disease cohort. Pediatr Neurol. 2015 Apr;52(4):446-9. Epub 2015 Jan 13.
Lavery AM, Verhey LH, Waldman AT. Outcome measures in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: capturing disability and disease progression in clinical trials. Mult Scler Int. 2014;2014:262350. Epub 2014 May 4.
Bermel R, Waldman A, Mowry EM. Outcome measures in multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler Int. 2014;2014:439375. Epub 2014 May 5.
Vanderver Adeline, Tonduti Davide, Kahn Ilana, Schmidt Johanna, Medne Livija, Vento Jodie, Chapman Kimberly A, Lanpher Brendan, Pearl Phillip, Gropman Andrea, Lourenco Charles, Bamforth John-Steven, Sharpe Cynthia, Pineda Mercédes, Schallner Jens, Bodamer Olaf, Orcesi Simona, Oberstein Saskia A J Lesnik, Sistermans Erik A, Yntema Helger G, Bonnemann Carsten, Waldman Amy T, van der Knaap Marjo S: Characteristic brain magnetic resonance imaging pattern in patients with macrocephaly and PTEN mutations. American journal of medical genetics. Part A 164A(3): 627-33, 2014.
Dale RC, Brilot F, Duffy LV, Twilt M, Waldman AT, Narula S, Muscal E, Deiva K, Andersen E, Eyre MR, Eleftheriou D, Brogan PA, Kneen R, Alper G, Anlar B, Wassmer E, Heineman K, Hemingway C, Riney CJ, Kornberg A, Tardieu M, Stocco A, Banwell B, Gorman MP, Benseler SM, Lim M. Utility and safety of rituximab in pediatric autoimmune and inflammatory CNS disease. Neurology. 2014;83(2):142-150.
Waldman A, Ghezzi A, Bar-Or A, Mikaeloff Y, Tardieu M, Banwell B. Multiple sclerosis in children: an update on clinical diagnosis, therapeutic strategies, and research. Lancet Neurol. 2014;13(9):936-948.
Waldman AT, Hiremath G, Avery RA, Conger A, Pineles SL, Loguidice MJ, Talman LS, Galetta KM, Shumski MJ, Wilson J, Ford E, Lavery AM, Conger D, Greenberg BM, Ellenberg JH, Frohman EM, Balcer LJ, Calabresi PA: Monocular and binocular low-contrast visual acuity and optical coherence tomography in pediatric multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 2013.
Waldman AT, Shumski MJ, Jerrehian M, Liu GT. Parent and medical professional willingness to enroll children in a hypothetical pediatric optic neuritis treatment trial. Front Neurol. 2011 Nov 29;2:75. eCollection 2011.
Waldman AT, Stull LB, Galetta SL, Balcer LJ, Liu GT. Pediatric optic neuritis and risk of multiple sclerosis: meta-analysis of observational studies. J AAPOS. 2011 Oct;15(5):441-6.
Waldman AT, Banwell BL. Acquiring new insights: incidence of acquired demyelination and MS in US children. Neurology. 2011 Sep 20;77(12):1112-3. Epub 2011 Aug 24.
Waldman AT, Gorman MP, Rensel MR, Austin TE, Hertz DP, Kuntz NL; Network of Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis Centers of Excellence of National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Management of pediatric central nervous system demyelinating disorders: consensus of United States neurologists. J Child Neurol. 2011 Jun;26(6):675-82. Epub 2011 Apr 25.
Bonhomme GR, Waldman AT, Balcer LJ, Daniels AB, Tennekoon GI, Forman S, Galetta SL, Liu GT. Pediatric optic neuritis: brain MRI abnormalities and risk of multiple sclerosis. Neurology. 2009 Mar 10;72(10):881-5.
Waldman A, O'Connor E, Tennekoon G. Childhood multiple sclerosis: a review. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev. 2006;12(2):147-56.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Jeanine Ronan and Amy T. Waldman: Abnormal gait, including refusal to walk. Symptom-based diagnosis in Pediatrics Samir S. Shah and Stephen Ludwig (eds.). McGraw Hill Education, 2014. Notes: 2nd edition.
Amy T. Waldman, Matthew Test, Samir S. Shah, Rebecca Tenney-Soeiro, Pratichi K. Goenka: Seizures. Symptom-based diagnosis in Pediatrics Samir S. Shah and Stephen Ludwig (eds.). McGraw Hill Education, 2014. Notes: 2nd edition.
Stull, L.B., Waldman, A.T.: Pediatric multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders: Clinical Guide to Diagnosis, Medical Management, and Rehabilitation Rae-Grant, A., Fox, R.J., Bethoux, F. (eds.). Demos Medical, Page: 250-263, 2013.
Waldman AT, Tardieu M: Treatment of Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis. Demyelinating Disorders of the Central Nervous System in Childhood. D. Chabas and E. Waubant (eds.). Cambridge University Press, 2011 Notes: In press.
Waldman AT, Balcer LJ: Acute Optic Neuritis in Children. Demyelinating Disorders of the Central Nervous System in Childhood. D. Chabas and E. Waubant (eds.). Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Waldman AT: Demyelinating diseases. Netter's Pediatrics. T. Florin and S. Ludwig (eds.). Elsevier, Inc. 2011.