Arastoo Vossough, MD, PhD
Locations: Main Building
About Arastoo Vossough, MD, PhD
Adult and Pediatric Neuroradiologist
Associate Professor of Radiology, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Diagnostic Radiology – American Board of Radiology
Imaging Informatics
Neuroradiology – American Board of Radiology
Awards and Honors
2021, Editor's Recognition Award for Reviewing with Distinction, Radiology: Artificial Intelligence
2021, Elected to Fellowship, American Society of Functional Neuroradiology (FASFNR)
2021, Larissa T. Bilaniuk Endowed Chair in Pediatric Neuroradiology Research, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2021, Endowed Chair in Pediatric Neuroradiology Research, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)
2021, Certificate of Merit for Educational Exhibit, 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology
2020, Cum Laude Award for Scientific Poster, American Society of Pediatric Neuroradiology
2020, Magna Cum Laude Award for Educational Exhibit, 58th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology
2020, Best Scientific Poster Award, American Society of Pediatric Neuroradiology
2019, Editor's Annual Choice Award for Paper, Journal of Neurosurgery
2019, Teacher of the Year Award, Department of Radiology, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)
2019, Certificate of Merit Award, American Society of Neuroradiology Annual Meeting
2018, First prize, ASPNR Challenging Case Competition, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology
2018, Caffey Award for Best Educational Poster, Society for Pediatric Radiology
2017, Teacher of the Year Award (1st Neuroradiology awardee), Department of Radiology, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)
2015, Certificate of Merit, Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting
2014, Certificate of Merit Award, Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting
2014, Research Day Poster Winner (for trainee), Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)
2013, Research Day Poster Winner (for trainee), Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)
2013, Silver Ribbon Award, American Society of Neuroradiology Annual Meeting
2012, Certificate of Merit, Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting
2011, Cum Laude Award, Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting
2011, American Society of Pediatric Neuroradiology Annual Award in Pediatric Neuroradiology Research
2007, Physician Recognition Award, American Medical Association
2003, Selected Paper Award, American Society of Spine Radiology
2003, First prize, National Radiology Resident Paper Writer Contest, Applied Radiology Journal
2001, Introduction to Research Award Grant, Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)/Association of University Radiologists (AUR)/American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS)
2000, Outstanding Resident Award, Yale New Haven Hospital St. Raphael
2000, First prize, Resident Research Competition, American College of Physicians (CT Chapter)
2000, First prize, American College of Physicians/American Society of Internal Medicine Medical Jeopardy (CT Chapter)
2000, Winner, National Resident Medical Poster Competition, American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine
1994, University Award for Outstanding MD Dissertation, IUMS
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2021-present, European Society of Neuroradiology
2019-present, International Pediatric Stroke Organization
- 2021-present, Hemorrhagic Stroke Committee
- 2019-present, Education Committee
2017-present, European Imaging Biomarkers
2008-present, International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
2008-present, European Society of Radiology
2007-present, American Society of Pediatric Neuroradiology
- 2021-present, Board of Directors
- 2021-present, Abstracts and Awards Committee
- 2019-present, Gold Medal Committee
- 2017-present, Program/Education Committee
2000-present, Radiological Society of North America
2019-present, Society for Pediatric Radiology
- 2021-2022, Representative to ACR-ASNR-SPR Practice Parameter Committees
- 2019-2022, ASPNR Representative, Neuroradiology Committee
2007-present, American Society of Functional Neuroradiology
- 2020-present, Research Committee
- 2019-present, Program and Education Committee
2004-present, American Society of Neuroradiology
- 2018-present, Research Committee and Grant Reviewer
- 2006-present, Senior Member
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial positions
2021-present, Reviewer, British Journal of Radiology
2019-present, Reviewer, Radiology: Artificial Intelligence
2018-present, Ad-hoc Reviewer, Pediatric Radiology
2016-present, Ad-hoc Reviewer, Journal of Neuroradiology
2015-present, Reviewer, The Neuroradiology Journal
2015-present, Reviewer, Neuroradiology
2011-present, Ad Hoc Reviewer, American Journal of Roentgenology
2008-present, Editorial Board, American Journal of Neuroradiology
2007-present, Reviewer, Radiographics
2007-present, Reviewer, Radiology
2006-present, Reviewer, American Journal of Neuroradiology
Academic and Institutional Committees
2021-present, Research Committee
2021-present, Acute Flaccid Myelitis Clinical Pathway Group
2021-present, Brain Imaging Improvement Group, Lead
2021-present, Translational Imaging Research Unit, The Center for Data Driven Discovery in Biomedicine (D3b), Neuroradiologist
2018-present, Scientific Review Committee, Department of Radiology, Vice Chair
2017-present, Leukodystrophy Center Program
2015-present, Pediatric Stroke Clinical Pathway Group
2015-present, Pediatric Regional Epilepsy Program
2014-present, Radiology Informatics Committee
2013-present, Fetal Neuroprotection and Neuroplasticity Program
2012-present, CT and Radiation Safety Committee
2011-present, Pediatric Stroke Program
2007-present, Computed Tomography, Department of Radiology, Neuroradiology Lead
2007-present, Pediatric Neuroradiology Fellowship Selection Committee
Research Interests
Applications of advanced MRI techniques to pediatric and adult neuroimaging Image processing and 3D applications in neuroradiology Perfusion imaging Diffusion tensor imaging CT angiography Temporal bone imaging Fetal MRI
Education & training
Graduate Degree
PhD in Applied Linguistics - Azad University, Tehran, Iran
MA in English Language Teaching - Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Medical Degree
MD - Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Internal Medicine - Yale University School of Medicine, Hospital of St. Raphael, New Haven, CT
Radiology - Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA (Chief Resident)
Neuroradiology - Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Vu, G. H., Xu, W., Go, B. C., Humphries, L. S., Kalmar, C. L., Taylor, J. A., Bartlett, S. P., Vossough, A., Nah-Cederquist, H. D., & Swanson, J. W: Physiologic Timeline of Cranial-Base Suture and Synchondrosis Closure. Plastic and reconstructive surgery Dec 2021 Notes: Advance online publication as of November 2021, DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000008570.
Zhang, M., Wong, S. W., Wright, J. N., Toescu, S., Mohammadzadeh, M., Han, M., Lummus, S., Wagner, M. W., Yecies, D., Lai, H., Eghbal, A., Radmanesh, A., Nemelka, J., Harward, S., Malinzak, M., Laughlin, S., Perreault, S., Braun, K., Vossough, A., Poussaint, T., Yeom, K. W: Machine Assist for Pediatric Posterior Fossa Tumor Diagnosis: A Multinational Study. Neurosurgery 89(5): 892-900, Oct 2021 Notes: DOI: 10.1093/neuros/nyab311.
Weidman, E. K., Zandifar, A., Vossough, A: Benign longitudinal T2-hyperintense signal in the lateral cord in infancy: a cross-sectional study of spinal cord white matter maturation on magnetic resonance imaging. Pediatric radiology 51(11): 2069-2076, Oct 2021 Notes: DOI: 10.1007/s00247-021-05115-7.
Lang, S. S., Tucker, A. M., Schreiber, C., Storm, P. B., Liu, H., Li, Y., Ichord, R., Beslow, L. A., Sedora-Roman, N. I., Cox, M., Nasser, H., Vossough, A., Fisher, M. J., Kilbaugh, T. J., & Huh, J. W: Arterial spin labeling as an ancillary assessment to postoperative conventional angiogram in pediatric moyamoya disease. Journal of neurosurgery. Pediatrics Page: 1-8, Oct 2021 Notes: DOI: 10.3171/2021.7.PEDS21302, Advance online publication.
Fadda, G., Alves, C. A., O'Mahony, J., Castro, D. A., Yeh, E. A., Marrie, R. A., Arnold, D. L., Waters, P., Bar-Or, A., Vossough, A., Banwell, B., & Canadian Pediatric Demyelinating Disease Study Group: Comparison of Spinal Cord Magnetic Resonance Imaging Features Among Children With Acquired Demyelinating Syndromes. JAMA Network Open 4(10): e2128871, Oct 2021 Notes: DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.28871.
Shboul, Z. A., Diawara, N., Vossough, A., Chen, J. Y., & Iftekharuddin, K. M: Joint Modeling of RNAseq and Radiomics Data for Glioma Molecular Characterization and Prediction. Frontiers in medicine 8, Aug 2021 Notes: eCollection 2021, DOI: 10.3389/fmed.2021.705071.
Feygin, T., Goldman-Yassen, A. E., Licht, D. J., Schmitt, J. E., Mian, A., Vossough, A., Castelo-Soccio, L., Treat, J. R., Bhatia, A., & Pollock, A. N.: Neuroaxial Infantile Hemangiomas: Imaging Manifestations and Association with Hemangioma Syndromes. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology 42(8): 1520-1527, Aug 2021 Notes: DOI: 10.3174/ajnr.A7204.
Beslow, LA, Vossough, A, Ichord, RI, Slavova, N, Yau, ML, Gajera, J, Stojanovski, B, Adil, MM, Breimann, J, Kimmel, A, Mackay, MT: Association of Pediatric ASPECTS and NIH Stroke Scale, Hemorrhagic Transformation, and 12-Month Outcome in Children with Acute Ischemic Stroke. Neurology Aug 2021 Notes: Online ahead of print as of November 2021.
Tierradentro-García LO, Saade-Lemus S, Freeman C, Kirschen M, Huang H, Vossough A, Hwang M.: Cerebral Blood Flow of the Neonatal Brain after Hypoxic-Ischemic Injury. American journal of perinatology Jul 2021 Notes: Online ahead of print as of November 2021.
Martin-Saavedra JSB, Teixeira SR, Alves CAPF, Gonçalves FG, Tierradentro-García LO, Kidd M, Muraresku C, Goldstein A, Vossough A.: Genetic and Clinical Predictors of Ataxia in Pediatric Primary Mitochondrial Disorders. Cerebellum May 2021 Notes: DOI: 10.1007/s12311-021-01276-1.
Alves, C., Löbel, U., Martin-Saavedra, J. S., Toescu, S., Tsunemi, M. H., Teixeira, S. R., Mankad, K., Hargrave, D., Jacques, T. S., da Costa Leite, C., Gonçalves, F. G., Vossough, A., & D'Arco, F.: A Diagnostic Algorithm for Posterior Fossa Tumors in Children: A Validation Study. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology 42(5): 961-968, May 2021 Notes: DOI: 10.3174/ajnr.A7057.
Zimmerman CE, Khandelwal P, Xie L, Lee H, Song HK, Yushkevich PA, Vossough A, Bartlett SP, Wehrli FW: Automatic Segmentation of Bone Selective MR Images for Visualization and Craniometry of the Cranial Vault. Academic radiology S1076-6332(21): 00130-6, Apr 2021 Notes: Advance online publication as of November 2021.
Wisnowski, J. L., Bluml, S., Panigrahy, A., Mathur, A. M., Berman, J., Chen, P. K., Dix, J., Flynn, T., Fricke, S., Friedman, S. D., Head, H. W., Ho, C. Y., Kline-Fath, B., Oveson, M., Patterson, R., Pruthi, S., Rollins, N., Ramos, Y. M., Rampton, J., Rusin, J., HEAL Study Group: Integrating neuroimaging biomarkers into the multicentre, high-dose erythropoietin for asphyxia and encephalopathy (HEAL) trial: rationale, protocol and harmonisation. BMJ open 11(4): e043852, Apr 2021 Notes: DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-043852.
Kirschen, M. P., Myers, S. R., Neuman, M. I., Grubenhoff, J. A., Mannix, R., Stence, N., Yang, E., Woodford, A. L., Rogers, T., Nordell, A., Vossough, A., & Zonfrillo, M. R.: Intracranial Traumatic Hematoma Detection in Children Using a Portable Near-infrared Spectroscopy Device. The western journal of emergency medicine 22(3): 789-791, Mar 2021 Notes: DOI: 10.5811/westjem.2020.11.47251.
Piccoli, C., Bronner, N., Gavazzi, F., Dubbs, H., De Simone, M., De Giorgis, V., Orcesi, S., Fazzi, E., Galli, J., Masnada, S., Tonduti, D., Varesio, C., Vanderver, A., Vossough, A., & Adang, L.: Late-Onset Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome: A Characterization of Presenting Clinical Features. Pediatric neurology 115: 1-6, Feb 2021.
Kirschen, M. P., Licht, D. J., Faerber, J., Mondal, A., Graham, K., Winters, M., Balu, R., Diaz-Arrastia, R., Berg, R. A., Topjian, A., & Vossough, A.: Association of MRI Brain Injury With Outcome After Pediatric Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. Neurology 96(5): e719-e731, Feb 2021.
Mamlouk, M. D., Vossough, A., Caschera, L., Maheshwari, M., & Hess, C. P.: Arterial Spin-Labeling Perfusion for PHACE Syndrome. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology 42(1): 173-177, Jan 2021.
Alves, C., Goldstein, A., Teixeira, S. R., Martin-Saavedra, J. S., de Barcelos, I. P., Fadda, G., Caschera, L., Kidd, M., Gonçalves, F. G., McCormick, E. M., Falk, M. J., Zolkipli-Cunningham, Z., Vossough, A., & Zuccoli, G.: Involvement of the Spinal Cord in Primary Mitochondrial Disorders: A Neuroimaging Mimicker of Inflammation and Ischemia in Children. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology 42(2): 389-396, Jan 2021.
Cortese, M. M., Kambhampati, A. K., Schuster, J. E., Alhinai, Z., Nelson, G. R., Guzman Perez-Carrillo, G. J., Vossough, A., Smit, M. A., McKinstry, R. C., Zinkus, T., Moore, K. R., Rogg, J. M., Candee, M. S., Sejvar, J. J., & Hopkins, S. E: A ten-year retrospective evaluation of acute flaccid myelitis at 5 pediatric centers in the United States, 2005-2014. PLoS One 15(2): e0228671, Feb 2020.
Parasher, A. K., Lerner, D. K., Glicksman, J. T., Storm, P. B., Lee, J., Vossough, A., Brooks, S., Palmer, J. N., & Adappa, N. D.: The impact of expanded endonasal skull base surgery on midfacial growth in pediatric patients. The Laryngoscope 130(2): 338-342, Feb 2020.
McGovern, P. E., Lawrence, K., Baumgarten, H., Rossidis, A. C., Mejaddam, A. Y., Licht, D. J., Grinspan, J., Schupper, A., Rychik, J., Didier, R. A., Vossough, A., Spray, T. L., Peranteau, W. H., Davey, M. G., Flake, A. W., & Gaynor, J. W.: Ex Utero Extracorporeal Support as a Model for Fetal Hypoxia and Brain Dysmaturity. The Annals of thoracic surgery 109(3): 810-819, Mar 2020.
Gonçalves, F. G., Hill, B., Guo, Y., Muraresku, C. C., McCormick, E., Alves, C., Teixeira, S. R., Martin-Saavedra, J. S., Zolkipli-Cunningham, Z., Falk, M. J., Vossough, A., Goldstein, A., & Zuccoli, G.: The Perirolandic Sign: A Unique Imaging Finding Observed in Association with Polymerase γ-Related Disorders. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology 41(5): 917-922, May 2020.
Adang LA, Pizzino A, Malhotra A, Dubbs H, Williams C, Sherbini O, Anttonen AK, Lesca G, Linnankivi T, Laurencin C, Milh M, Perrine C, Schaaf CP, Poulat AL, Ville D, Hagelstrom T, Perry DL, Taft RJ, Goldstein A, Vossough A, Helbig I, Vanderver A.: Phenotypic and Imaging Spectrum Associated With WDR45. Pediatric neurology 109: 56-62, Aug 2020.
Alves, C., Teixeira, S. R., Martin-Saavedra, J. S., Guimarães Gonçalves, F., Lo Russo, F., Muraresku, C., McCormick, E. M., Falk, M. J., Zolkipli-Cunningham, Z., Ganetzky, R., Vossough, A., Goldstein, A., & Zuccoli, G.: Pediatric Leigh Syndrome: Neuroimaging Features and Genetic Correlations. Annals of neurology 88(2): 218-232, Aug 2020.
Pisapia JM, Akbari H, Rozycki M, Thawani JP, Storm PB, Avery RA, Vossough A, Fisher MJ, Heuer GG, Davatzikos C.: Predicting pediatric optic pathway glioma progression using advanced magnetic resonance image analysis and machine learning. Neuro-oncology advances 2(1): vdaa090, Aug 2020 Notes: DOI: 10.1093/noajnl/vdaa090.
Beslow LA, Breimann J, Licht DJ, Waldman J, Fallacaro S, Pyeritz RE, Goldmuntz E, Vossough A.: Cerebrovascular Malformations in a Pediatric Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia Cohort. Pediatric neurology 110: 49-54, Sep 2020 Notes: DOI: 10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2020.05.008.
Zheng, Q., Martin-Saavedra, J. S., Saade-Lemus, S., Vossough, A., Zuccoli, G., Gonçalves, F. G., Freeman, C. W., Ouyang, M., Singh, V., Padula, M. A., Demauro, S. B., Flibotte, J., Eichenwald, E. C., Detre, J. A., Sze, R. W., Huang, H., & Hwang, M: Cerebral Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion Weighted Imaging Predicts Language and Motor Outcomes in Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy. Frontiers in pediatrics 8: 576489, Sep 2020 Notes: DOI: 10.3389/fped.2020.576489.
McGovern PE, Hornick MA, Mejaddam AY, Lawrence K, Schupper AJ, Rossidis AC, Baumgarten H, Vossough A, Didier RA, Kim A, Partridge EA, Hwang G, Young K, Peranteau WH, Davey MG, Flake AW.: Neurologic outcomes of the premature lamb in an extrauterine environment for neonatal development. Journal of pediatric surgery 55(10): 2115-2123, Oct 2020.
Zhang, R., Lee, H., Zhao, X., Song, H. K., Vossough, A., Wehrli, F. W., & Bartlett, S. P.: Bone-Selective MRI as a Nonradiative Alternative to CT for Craniofacial Imaging. Academic radiology 27(11): 1515-1522, Nov 2020.
Lawrence KM, McGovern PE, Mejaddam A, Rossidis AC, Baumgarten H, Kim A, Grinspan JB, Licht DJ, Didier RA, Vossough A, Radaelli E, Rychik J, Song L, Peranteau WH, Davey MG, Flake AW, Gaynor JW.: Chronic intrauterine hypoxia alters neurodevelopment in fetal sheep. The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 157(5): 1982-1991, May 2019.
Madsen PJ, Buch VP, Douglas JE, Parasher AK, Lerner DK, Alexander E, Workman AD, Palmer JN, Lang SS, Kennedy BC, Vossough A, Adappa ND, Storm PB.: Endoscopic endonasal resection versus open surgery for pediatric craniopharyngioma: comparison of outcomes and complications. Journal of neurosurgery. Pediatrics 7: 1-10, Jun 2019.
Chawla S, Lee SC, Mohan S, Wang S, Nasrallah M, Vossough A, Krejza J, Melhem ER, Nabavizadeh SA.: Lack of choline elevation on proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in grade I-III gliomas. The neuroradiology journal 32(4): 250-258, Aug 2019.
Kohli AA, Vossough A, Mallery RM, Woo JH, Sheldon CA, Paley GL, Digre KB, Friedman DI, Farrar JT, McCormack SE, Liu GT, Szperka CL.: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in Pediatric Pseudotumor Cerebri Syndrome. Pediatric neurology 99: 31-39, Oct 2019.
Victoria T, Johnson AM, Edgar JC, Zarnow DM, Vossough A, Jaramillo D. Comparison Between 1.5-T and 3-T MRI for Fetal Imaging: Is There an Advantage to Imaging With a Higher Field Strength? AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2016 Jan;206(1):195-201. doi: 10.2214/AJR.14.14205.
Vossough A, Ziai P, Chatzkel JA. Red nucleus degeneration in hypertrophic olivary degeneration after pediatric posterior fossa tumor resection: use of susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI). Pediatr Radiol. Epub 2012 Jan 5. Cited in PubMed; PMID 22218736.
Wusthoff CJ, Kessler SK, Vossough A, Ichord R, Zelonis S, Halperin A, et al. Risk of later seizure after perinatal arterial ischemic stroke: a prospective cohort study. Pediatrics. 2011 Jun;127(6):e1550-7. Epub 2011 May 16. Cited in PubMed; PMID 21576305.
Abend NS, Beslow LA, Smith SE, Kessler SK, Vossough A, Mason S, et al. J Pediatr. Seizures as a presenting symptom of acute arterial ischemic stroke in childhood. 2011 Sep;159(3):479-83. Epub 2011 Mar 22. Cited in PubMed; PMID 21429519.
Beslow LA, Smith SE, Vossough A, Licht DJ, Kasner SE, Favilla CG, et al. Hemorrhagic transformation of childhood arterial ischemic stroke. Stroke. 2011 Apr;42(4):941-6. Epub 2011 Feb 24. Cited in PubMed; PMID 21350202.
Wang S, Kim S, Chawla S, Wolf RL, Knipp DE, Vossough A, et al. Differentiation between glioblastomas, solitary brain metastases, and primary cerebral 21lymphomas using diffusion tensor and dynamic susceptibility contrast-enhanced MR imaging. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2011 Mar;32(3):507-14. Epub 2011 Feb 17. Cited in PubMed; PMID 21330399.
Ahmed S, Iftekharuddin KM, Vossough A. Efficacy of texture, shape, and intensity feature fusion for posterior-fossa tumor segmentation in MRI. IEEE Trans Inf Technol Biomed. 2011 Mar;15(2):206-13. Epub 2011 Jan 6. Cited in PubMed; PMID 21216716.
Chawla S, Zhang Y, Wang S, Chaudhary S, Chou C, O'Rourke DM, et al. Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in differentiating glioblastomas from primary cerebral lymphomas and brain metastases. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2010 Nov-Dec;34(6):836-41. Cited in PubMed; PMID 21084897.
Bilello M, Suri N, Krejza J, Woo JH, Bagley LJ, Mamourian AC, Vossough A, Chen JY, Millian BR, Mulderink T, Markowitz CE, Melhem ER. An approach to comparing accuracies of two FLAIR MR sequences in the detection of multiple sclerosis lesions in the brain in the absence of gold standard. Acad Radiol. 2010 Jun;17(6):686-95. Cited in PubMed; PMID 20457413.
Chatzkel JA, Vossough A. Metronidazole-induced cerebellar toxicity. Pediatr Radiol. 2010 Aug;40(8):1453. Epub 2009 Nov 14. Cited in PubMed; PMID: 19915830. No abstract available.
Nabavizadeh SA, Vossough A. Malignant pediatric intracerebral nerve sheath tumor in neurofibromatosis type 1. Childs Nerv Syst. 2009 May;25(5):517; author reply 519. Epub 2009 Mar 7. Cited in PubMed; PMID: 19271223. No abstract available.
Licht DJ, Shera DM, Clancy RR, Wernovsky G, Montenegro LM, Nicolson SC, et al. Brain maturation is delayed in infants with complex congenital heart defects. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2009 Mar;137(3):529-36; discussion 536-7.Cited in PubMed; PMID 19258059.
Vossough, A., Zimmerman, R.A., Bilaniuk, L.T., Schwartz, E.M.: Imaging findings of neonatal herpes simplex virus type 2 encephalitis. Neuroradiology 50(4): 355-66, Apr 2008.
Hoffman, T.L., Vossough, A., Ficicioglu, C., Visootsak, J.: Brain magnetic resonance imaging findings in 49,XXXXY syndrome. Pediatric neurology 38(6): 450-3, Jun 2008 Notes: This publication is not a case report as listed in PubMed.
Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)
Kirschen, M., Berman, J.I., Winters, M., Levow, C., Graham, K., Balu, R., Diaz-Arrastia, R., Berg, R.A., Vossough, A., Topjian, A.: Diffusion tensor MR imaging is associated with outcome after pediatric cardiac arrest. Society of Critical Care Medicine's (SCCM) Critical Care Congress, San Juan, Puerto Rico Feb 2021 Notes: Poster presentation, virtual due to COVID-19.
Vu, GH, Xu, W, Go, B, Humphries, LS, Kalmar, CL, Nah, H, Vossough A, Bartlett, SP, Taylor, JA, Swanson JW.: Physiologic Timeline of Cranial-Base Suture and Synchondrosis Closure: A Primary Investigation. The American Society of Craniofacial Surgeons (ASCFS) Annual Meeting, Portland, OR Apr 2021 Notes: Oral presentation, virtual due to COVID-19.
Goncalves, F., Wang, D.J., Goldman-Yassen, A., Martin-Saavedra, J., Alves, C.A., Teixeira, S., Andronikou, S., Vossough, A: Quantitative Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Primary Mitochondrial Disorders. Society for Pediatric Radiology (SPR) Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course, Miami, FL May 2021 Notes: Poster presentation accepted, meeting cancelled due to COVID-19.
Guimarães, F.G., Tierradentro-Garcia, L.O., Zandifar, A., Kim, J., Ghosh, A., Bag, A.K., Kashgari, A., Saint-Martin, C., Sharath Kumar, G.G., Alves, C., Teixeira, S., Viaene, A., Andronikou, S., Vossough., A.: What is under the tent? Posterior fossa tumors in children, beyond the "usual suspects" 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology, San Francisco, CA May 2021 Notes: Poster presentation, meeting virtual due to COVID-19.
Teixeira, S., Gaetz, W., Vossough, A., Zarnow, D., Shekdar, K., Roberts, T., Schwartz, E: MEG Language Lateralization Compared with Functional MRI in a Pediatric Population. 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology, San Francisco, CA May 2021 Notes: Poster presentation, meeting virtual due to COVID-19.
Tierradentro-Garcia, L.O., Zandifar, A., Goncalves, F.G., Kim, J., Ghosh, A., Khrichencko, D., Alves, C., Teixeira, S., Andronikou, S., Vossough., A: Application of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Histogram Radiomic Metrics for Differentiation of Posterior Fossa Tumors in Pediatric Patients. 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology, San Francisco, CA May 2021 Notes: Poster presentation, meeting virtual due to COVID-19.
Tierradentro-Garcia, L.O., Zandifar, A., Goncalves, F.G., Kim, J., Ghosh, A., Khrichencko, D., Alves, C., Teixeira, S., Andronikou, S., Vossough., A: Do Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Histogram Radiomic Metrics Differentiate Medulloblastoma Molecular Subgroups in Children. 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology, San Francisco, CA May 2021 Notes: Poster presentation, meeting virtual due to COVID-19.
Tierradentro-Garcia, L.O., Zandifar, A., Kim, J., Beslow, L.A., Vossough, A. : Evaluation of Pediatric Spinal Cord Infarct due to Fibrocartilaginous Embolism. 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology, San Francisco, CA May 2021 Notes: Poster presentation, meeting virtual due to COVID-19.
Lang, S.S., Tucker, A., Schreiber, C., Storm, P.B., Liu, H., Ichord, R., Beslow, L., Sedora-Roman, N., Cox, M., Nasser, H., Vossough, A., Fisher, M., Kilbaugh, T., Hu, J.: Arterial spin labeling as an adjuvant for conventional angiogram in pediatric moyamoya disease. International Pediatric Stroke Organization Conference, Vienna, Austria Jul 2021 Notes: Poster presentation, virtual due to COVID-19.
Zapatero, Z.D., Kalmar, C.L., Kosyk, M.S., Cheung, L., Nilan, K.L., Carlson, A.R., Calabria, A.C., Vossough, A., Lang, S.S., Swanson, J.W., Zhang, H., Taylor, J.A., Bartlett, S.P.: A Novel Phenotype of Calvarial Thickening and Increased Rates of Craniosynostosis in Children with Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons (NESPS) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA Sep 2021 Notes: Oral presentation.
Cheung, L., Villavisanis, D., Blum, J., Kosyk, M., Zapatero, Z., Kalmar, C., Bartlett, S., Taylor, J., Vossough, A., Swanson, J.: Relative Radiation Risk in Pediatric Computed Tomography Evaluating Craniosynostosis. International Society of Craniofacial Surgery (ISCFS) Annual Meeting, Shanghai, China Oct 2021 Notes: Oral presentation, virtual due to COVID-19.
Kim, J., Gonçalves F., Tierradentro-García, L.O., Zandifar, A., Ghosh, A., Khrichencko, D., Viaene, A., Alves, C., Teixeira, S., Andronikou, A., Vossough, A. : Radiologic Characterization of Pediatric Posterior Fossa Ependymomas: The Role of Neuroimaging in Distinguishing Molecular Subtypes. International Pediatric Radiology Congress, Rome, Italy Oct 2021 Notes: Oral presentation, virtual due to COVID-19.
Tierradentro-García, LO , Martin-Saavedra, JSB, Teixeira, SR, Alves, CA, Gonçalves F, Kidd, M, Muraresku, C, Goldstein, A, Vossough, A.: Genetic, Clinical, and Imaging Predictors of Ataxia in Pediatric Primary Mitochondrial Disorders. International Pediatric Radiology Congress, Rome, Italy Oct 2021 Notes: Oral presentation, virtual due to COVID-19.
Velez-Florez, M., Vossough, A., Kaplan, S: Fast-screening magnetic resonance imaging of brain usage in a pediatric emergency department: an analysis of usage for headache. International Pediatric Radiology Congress, Rome, Italy Oct 2021 Notes: Poster presentation, virtual due to COVID-19.
Vu, G., Xu, W., Go, B., Humphries, L., Kalmar, C., Taylor, J., Bartlett, S, Vossough, A., Nah-Cederquist, H.D., Swanson, J.: Physiologic Timeline of Cranial-Base Suture and Synchondrosis Closure. International Society of Craniofacial Surgery (ISCFS) Annual Meeting, Shanghai, China Oct 2021 Notes: Oral presentation, virtual due to COVID-19.
Zandifar, A., Tierradentro-García, L.O., Kim, J., Beslow, L.A., Vossough, A.: Imaging of Pediatric Spinal Cord Infarct Associated with Fibrocartilaginous Embolism. International Pediatric Radiology Congress, Rome, Italy Oct 2021 Notes: Oral presentation, virtual due to COVID-19.
Fogel, MA, Donnelly, E, Crandell, I, Hanlon, A, Raevsky, A, Whitehead, KK, Harris, MA, Partington, SA, Biko, DM, Flynn, T, Nicolson, S, Felix, W, Licht, D, Vossough, A: Inverse Relationship Between Cerebral Blood Flow and Systemic to Pulmonary Collateral Flow in Fontans Adjusting for Brain Injury: What Goes up Must Come Down-and Visa Versa. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Boston, MA Nov 2021 Notes: Poster presentation.
Alves, C., D'Arco, F., Martin-Saavedra, J.S., Löbel, U., Teixeira, S.R., Toescu, S.M., Gonçalves, F., Mankad, K., Vossough, A.: Validating a decision flowchart for primary cerebellar tumors in a pediatric population: a study from two tertiary pediatric hospitals. American Society of Pediatric Neuroradiology (ASPNR) Annual Meeting, Miami, FL Jan 2020 Notes: Poster presentation.
Gonçalves, F.G., Saavedra, J.S., Alves, C., Teixeira, S.R., Andronikou, S., Vossough, A.: Evaluation of MRI Features for Differentiating Primary Choroid Plexus Tumors in Children. American Society of Pediatric Neuroradiology (ASPNR) Annual Meeting, Miami, FL Jan 2020 Notes: Poster presentation.
Teixeira, S.R., Lynch, J.M., Heye, K., Licht, D.J., Vossough, A.: Association of Susceptibility Weighted Imaging of Cerebral Veins with Postoperative White Matter Injury in Neonates with Complex Congenital Heart Disease. American Society of Pediatric Neuroradiology (ASPNR) Annual Meeting, Miami, FL Jan 2020 Notes: Oral presentation.
Weidman, E.K., Vossough, A. : Myelination Timeline of the Pediatric Spinal Cord. American Society of Pediatric Neuroradiology (ASPNR) Annual Meeting, Miami, FL Jan 2020 Notes: Poster presentation.
Becker, A., Teixeira, S., Fitzgerald, J., Lunig, N., Schramm, S., Murphy, M., Traynor, D., Kubis, S., Weiss, S., Topjian, A., Vossough, A., Kirschen, M: Prevalence of Brain MRI Abnormalities in Pediatric Sepsis Patients. Society of Critical Care Medicine's (SCCM) Critical Care Congress, Orlando, FL Feb 2020 Notes: Poster presentation.
Goncalves, F., Alves, C.A., Teixeira, S., Vossough, A. : Mitochondrial CNS disorders in Children: A pictorial review of MR imaging features. International Congress of the European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Neuropediatrics, Marseille, France Feb 2020 Notes: Poster presentation.
Goncalves, F., Alves, C.A., Teixeira, S., Vossough, A. : Normative values of brain MRS metabolites in early childhood. International Congress of the European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Neuropediatrics, Marseille, France Feb 2020 Notes: Poster presentation.
Kirschen, M., Vossough, A., Licht, D., Faerber, J., Mondal, A., Winters, M., Balu, R., Berg, R., Topjian, Alexis: Diffusion MRI Abnormalities Are Associated with Neurologic Outcome after Pediatric Cardiac Arrest. Society of Critical Care Medicine's (SCCM) Critical Care Congress, Orlando, FL Feb 2020 Notes: Oral presentation.
Yousefi, B. Vossough, A.: Weighted Dice-Binary Cross-Entropy Loss Function for U-Net-Built Automated Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Volume Measurement in Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging. SPIE Medical Imaging Conference, Houston, TX Mar 2020 Notes: Poster presentation accepted, meeting cancelled due to COVID-19.
Alves, C., Teixeira, S., Martin-Saavedra, J., Goncalves, F., Goldstein, A., Andronikou, S., Ganetzky, R., Vossough A: Imaging Phenotype of Primary Mitochondrial Disorders in Neonates. Society for Pediatric Radiology (SPR) Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course, Miami, FL May 2020 Notes: Poster presentation accepted, meeting cancelled due to COVID-19.
Francavilla, M., Mpoti, M, Vossough, A.: Factors Associated with Sonographic Non-visualization of the Appendix in 11,320 Consecutive Pediatric Patients Suspected of Appendicitis. Society for Pediatric Radiology (SPR) Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course, Miami, FL May 2020 Notes: Oral presentation accepted, meeting cancelled due to COVID-19.
Goncalves, F., Khrichenko, D., Martin-Saavedra, J., Alves, C.A., Teixeira, S., Andronikou, S., Vossough, A.: Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Histogram Radiomic Metrics for Classification of Intraventricular Pediatric Brain Tumors. Society for Pediatric Radiology (SPR) Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course, Miami, FL May 2020 Notes: Poster presentation accepted, meeting cancelled due to COVID-19.
Goncalves, F., Pinelli, Lorenzo., Mankad, Kshitij., Alves, C.A., Teixeira, S., Andronikou, S., Vossough, A.: Intracranial Calcification: Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance. Society for Pediatric Radiology (SPR) Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course, Miami, FL May 2020 Notes: Poster presentation accepted, meeting cancelled due to COVID-19.
Mamlouk MD, Caschera L, Vossough A, Maheshwari M, Hess CP: Arterial Spin-Labeled Perfusion for PHACE Syndrome. International Society for Study of Vascular Anomalies. International Society for Study of Vascular Anomalies World Congress, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada May 2020 Notes: Poster presentation, virtual due to COVID-19.
Goncalves, A., Goldman-Yassen, A., Alves, C., Martin-Saavedra, J., Teixeira, S., Andronikou, S., Vossough, A.: Quantitative Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Primary Mitochondrial Disorders. 58th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology, Las Vegas, NV Jun 2020 Notes: Poster presentation accepted, meeting cancelled due to COVID-19.
Goncalves, A., Goldman-Yassen, A., Alves, C., Teixeira, S., Andronikou, S., Vossough, A.: Normative Values of Brain MRS Metabolites in Early Childhood. 58th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology, Las Vegas, NV Jun 2020 Notes: Abstracts accepted, meeting cancelled due to COVID-19.
Goncalves, F., Alves, C., Teixeira, S., Martin-Saavedra, J., Vossough, A., Zuccoli: Perirolandic sign, a new diagnostic marker in the early onset of polymerase gamma related disorders. 58th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology, Las Vegas, NV Jun 2020 Notes: Poster presentation accepted, meeting cancelled due to COVID-19.
Goncalves, F., Khrichenko, D., Martin-Saavedra, J., Alves, C., Teixeira, S., Andronikou, S., Vossough, A.: Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Histogram Radiomic Metrics for Classification of Intraventricular Brain Tumors in Children. 58th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology, Las Vegas, NV Jun 2020 Notes: Poster presentation accepted, meeting cancelled due to COVID-19.
Goncalves, F., Martin-Saavedra, J., Alves, C., Teixeira, S., Andronikou, S., Vossough, A.: Evaluation of MRI Features for Differentiating Primary Choroid Plexus Tumors in Children. 58th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology, Las Vegas, NV Jun 2020 Notes: Poster presentation accepted, meeting cancelled due to COVID-19.
Goncalves, F., Pinelli, L., Mankad, K., Alves, C., Teixeira, S., Andronikou, S., Vossough, A.: Intracranial Calcifications in Childhood. 58th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology, Las Vegas, NV Jun 2020 Notes: Poster presentation accepted, meeting cancelled due to COVID-19.
Gonçalves, F.G., Saavedra-Martin, J.G., Alves, C., Teixeira, S., Andronikou, S., Vossough, A.: Evaluation of Imaging Features for Differentiating Primary Choroid Plexus Tumors in Children. Pendergrass Symposium, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Jun 2020 Notes: Poster presentation.
Velez, F.M., Vossough, A., Kaplan, S.L.: Fast-screening magnetic resonance imaging of the brain usage in a pediatric emergency department: an analysis of usage for headache. European Society of Pediatric Radiology (ESPR) Post-Graduate Course and Annual Meeting, Marseilles, France Jun 2020 Notes: Oral presentation accepted, meeting cancelled due to COVID-19.
Velez, M.F., Vossough, A., Kaplan, S.L.: Use of Rapid Brain MR in the Emergency Department. Pendergrass Symposium, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Jun 2020 Notes: Poster presentation.
Weidman, E. and Vossough, A: Normal Myelination of the Spinal Cord in Early Childhood: Imaging Characteristics on MRI. 58th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology, Las Vegas, NV Jun 2020 Notes: Poster presentation accepted, meeting cancelled due to COVID-19.
Yousefi, B., Vossough, A.: Automated Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Volume Measurement by Deep-Learning Based Segmentation of the Ventricular System on Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 58th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology, Las Vegas, NV Jun 2020 Notes: Poster presentation accepted, meeting cancelled due to COVID-19.
Wu, P., Batzdorf, A., Vossough, A., Licht, D.J., Fogel, M.A., Wehrli, F: Effect of sedation on cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) in children with congenital heart disease. International Society for Magnetic Resonance (ISMRM) in Medicine Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Sydney, Australia Aug 2020 Notes: Poster presentation, virtual due to COVID-19.
Zheng, Q., Zhao, C., Ouyang, M., Vossough, A., Zuccoli, G., Sze, R., Huang, H., Hwang, M: Decreased fractional anisotropy in the diffusion tensor imaging of neonatal hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy with normal conventional MRI. International Society for Magnetic Resonance (ISMRM) in Medicine Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Sydney, Australia Aug 2020 Notes: Poster presentation, virtual due to COVID-19.
Latuska, R.F, Hughes, N.T., Lavelle, J., Chadehumbe, M., Vossough, A., Saunders, J., Anto, M.: Evaluation of a Fast-Screening Brain MRI in the Pediatric Emergency Department. American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Virtual National Conference & Exhibition, San Diego, CA Oct 2020 Notes: Poster presentation.
Gonçalves, F.G., Cássia, G., Alves, C., Jawabreh, T., Kashgari, A., Almehdar, A., Teixeira, S.R., Viane, A., Moreno, L.A., Saint-Martin, C., Andronikou, S., Vossough, A: Imaging of Supratentorial Intraventricular Masses in Children - A Pictorial Review. Radiological Society of North America Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL Nov 2020 Notes: Poster presentation.
Brosius, S.N., Vossough, A., Fisher, M.J., Lang, S.S., Beslow, L., Ichord, R: Natural History and Risk Factors for Moyamoya Syndrome in Neurofibromatosis Type 1: A Systematic Review and Single Center Experience. European Neurofibromatosis Meeting, Rotterdam, Netherlands Dec 2020 Notes: Poster presentation, virtual due to COVID-19.
Lectures by Invitation
Vossough A. "New Developments in Advanced Brain Imaging", Society for Pediatric Radiology Symposium (Virtual). Feb 2022.
Vossough A. "Imaging of Pediatric Cranial Nerves", Grand Rounds, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. Jan 2022.
Vossough A. "Temporomandibular Joint Imaging in Children", Society for Pediatric Radiology Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course, Miami Beach, FL. Jan 2022
Vossough A. "Pediatric Arterial Ischemic Stroke" American Society of Pediatric Neuroradiology Education Series. Dec 2021.
Vossough A. "Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion of the Pediatric Brain: Advantages and Pitfalls", International Pediatric Radiology Congress, Rome, Italy. Oct 2021.
Vossough A. "ASL: Advantages and Disadvantages Compared to DSC Perfusion", International Pediatric Radiology Congress, Rome, Italy. Oct 2021.
Vossough A. Pediatric Neuroradiology Case Review, Black Lion Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Virtual). Sept 2021.
Vossough A. "Ask Anything You Want from a Clinical Physicist", Diagnosis in the Neuraxis: Comprehensive Review of Clinical Neuroradiology (Virtual). Aug 2021.
Vossough A. "Pediatric White Matter Disorders", Diagnosis in the Neuraxis: Comprehensive Review of Clinical Neuroradiology (Virtual). Aug 2021.
Vossough A. "Temporal Bone Pathology", Diagnosis in the Neuraxis: Comprehensive Review of Clinical Neuroradiology (Virtual). Aug 2021.
Vossough A. "Phakomatosis: A Survival Guide", Diagnosis in the Neuraxis: Comprehensive Review of Clinical Neuroradiology (Virtual). Aug 2021.
Vossough A. "Perfusion Imaging and Cerebrovascular Reserve Measurement in Children", International Pediatric Stroke Organization Conference, Vienna, Austria (Virtual). July 2021.
Vossough A. "Pediatric Supratentorial Gliomas: An Update", American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (Virtual). May 2021.
Vossough A. "Radiologic Approach to Leukodystrophies", International Conference on Diagnosis and Clinical Management of Leukodystrophies (Virtual). Nov 2020.
Vossough A. "Radiologic Approach to Leukodystrophies", International Conference on Diagnosis and Clinical Management of Leukodystrophies (Virtual). Sep 2020.
Vossough A. "Introduction to Post-processing: Avoiding Software Roulette", Computer Science/Informatics Programming, American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (Virtual). June 2020.
Vossough A. "Updates and Lessons from Pediatric Stroke Trials", American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (Virtual). June 2020.
Vossough A. "Insights into Pediatric Stroke Imaging (Keynote Presentation)", Society for Pediatric Radiology Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course, Miami, FL (Meeting virtual due to COVID-19). May 2020.
Vossough A. "Perfusion Imaging in Pediatric Stroke, International Pediatric Stroke Organization Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria (Meeting cancelled due to COVID-19). May 2020.
Vossough A. "Perfusion Imaging in Pediatric Stroke, International Pediatric Stroke Organization Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria (Meeting cancelled due to COVID-19). Jan 2020.
Eskey CJ, Belden CJ, Pastel DA, Vossough A, Yoo AJ. Neuroradiology cases. (Cases in Radiology series). New York: Oxford University Press; 2012.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Vossough, A., Lopez Rueda, A., Krings, T. : Brain Aneurysms in Children. Pediatric neuroradiology. Rossi, A. (eds.). Springer-Verlag, Nov 2021 Notes: Book Chapter, In press.
Vossough, A. and Zimmerman, R.A.: Childhood Cerebrovascular Disease. Pediatric neuroradiology. Rossi, A. (eds.). Springer-Verlag, Nov 2021 Notes: Book Chapter, In press.
Vossough, A.: Nontraumatic Intracranial Hemorrhage in Infants and Children. Pediatric neuroradiology. Rossi, A. (eds.). Springer-Verlag, Nov 2021 Notes: Book Chapter, In press.
Vossough, A.: Cerebrovascular diseases in infants and children: general imaging principles. Pediatric neuroradiology. Rossi, A. (eds.). Springer-Verlag, Nov 2021 Notes: Book Chapter, In press.
Sotardi, S. and Vossough, A.: Current status of neuroimaging of pediatric neurological disorders. Handbook of Pediatric Brain Imaging. Huang, H. and Roberts, T.P. (eds.). Academic Press, Oct 2021 Notes: Book Chapter.
Johng, S., De Mauro, S., Licht, D., Lorch, S., Vossough, A.: Neuroimaging of perinatal brain disorders. Handbook of Pediatric Brain Imaging. Huang, H. and Roberts, T.P. (eds.). Academic Press, Oct 2021 Notes: Book Chapter.
Vossough, A.: Perfusion Imaging and Magnetoencephalography. Caffey's Pediatric Diagnostic Imaging, 13th edition. Coley, B.D. (eds.). Saunders, May 2018 Notes: Book Chapter, ISBN-13: 978-0323497480.
Vossough, A.: Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Cerebral Palsy. Cerebral Palsy: A Multidisciplinary Approach, 2nd Edition. Panteliades, C.P. (eds.). Springer, Mar 2018 Notes: Book Chapter, ISBN-13: 978-3319678573.
Vossough, A. and Henson, J.W.: Intracranial Metastases. Handbook of Neuro-Oncologic Neuroimaging, 2nd Edition. Newton, H.B. (eds.). Academic Press, Page: 643-653, Jul 2016 Notes: Book Chapter.
Vagal, A., Vossough, A., Lev, M.: Central Nervous System Infarction. Handbook of Neuro-Oncologic Neuroimaging, 2nd Edition. Newton, H.B. (eds.). Academic Press, Page: 89-99, Jul 2016 Notes: Book Chapter.
Nabavizadeh, S.A. and Vossough, A.: Neoplastic Diseases of the Brain. Neuroimaging: The Essentials. Sanelli, P.C., Schaefer, P.W., Loevner, L.A. (eds.). Wolters-Kluwer, Page: 65-88, Oct 2015 Notes: Book Chapter, ISBN-13: 978-1451191356.
Pollock, AN, Dahmoush, H, Vossough, A: Methods of Examination: Radiological Aspects. Bluestone and Stool's Pediatric Otolaryngology, 5th Edition. Bluestone, CD, Simons, JP, Healy, GB (eds.). People's Medical Publishing House, Page: 355-408, May 2014 Notes: Book Chapter, ISBN-13: 9781607950189
Vossough A: Perfusion Imaging and Magnetoencephalography. Caffey's Pediatric Diagnostic Imaging, 12th Edition. Coley, B.D. (eds.). Saunders, Philadelphia, 1: 273-277, Aug 2013 Notes: Book Chapter, ASIN: B019GCXK90.
Levine MS and Vossough A: Morphology of the Esophagus. Dysphagia: Diagnosis and Treatment. Eckberg, O. (eds.). Springer, Page: 281-298, Aug 2012 Notes: Book Chapter, ISBN 978-3-662-50697-4.
Vossough A, Nabavizadeh SA. Functional imaging based diagnostic strategy: intra-axial brain masses. In: Faro S, Mohamed FB, editors. Functional neuroradiology: principles and clinical applications. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 2011.
Vossough A, Darge K. Brain imaging: ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging. In: Panteliades CP, editor. Cerebral palsy: principles and management. Berlin: Dustri-Verlag; 2011.
Roberts TP, Khrichenko D, Vossough A. Permeability imaging in adult brain neoplasia. In: Gillard JH, Waldman A, Barker PB, editors. Clinical MR neuroimaging: physiological and functional techniques. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2009.
Vossough A, Gonzalez RG, Henson J. Imaging neurologic manifestations of oncologic disease. In: Schiff D, Wen P, editors. Cancer neurology in clinical practice.2nd ed. Totowa: Humana Press; 2008.
Vossough A, Lee MH. Cerebral infarction. In: Newton H, Jolesz F, editors. Handbook of neuro-oncologic neuroimaging. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2007.
Vossough A, Gonzalez RG, Henson JW, Schaefer PW. Intracranial metastases. In: Newton H, Jolesz F, editors. Handbook of neuro-oncologic neuroimaging. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2007.
Vossough A, Levine MS. Morphology of the oesophagus. In: Ekberg O, editor. Radiology of the pharynx and oesophagus. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2003.