Virginia A. Stallings, MD
Areas of expertise: Clinical nutrition, Nutrition and child health policy
Locations: Main Building
About Virginia A. Stallings, MD
Jean A. Cortner Endowed Chair in Pediatric Gastroenterology
Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics (Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition), Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Pediatrics – American Board of Pediatrics
Physician Nutrition Specialist (PNS) – National Board of Physician Nutrition Specialists (NBPNS)
Awards and Honors
2020, Honorary Membership, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
2020, Robert Suskind and Leslie Lewinter-Suskind Pediatric Nutrition Lifetime Achievement Award, American Society for Nutrition
2017, Branham Nutrition Lecture, Department of Pediatrics, University of California, San Francisco
2016, American Society of Nutrition Fellow
2013, Anna dePlanter Bowes Award, Pennsylvania Dietetic Association
2013, Reeves Distinguished Visiting Professor in Nutrition, University of Tennessee Health Science Center Department of Preventive Medicine
2012, Doershuk Lectureship in Cystic Fibrosis, Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
2011, David Rall Medal, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences
2008, Samuel Foman Nutrition Award, American Academy of Pediatrics
2006, Circulation 2005 Best Paper Award in Population Science
2006, E.V. McCollum Award for Clinical Research, American Society for Nutrition
2005, Institute of Medicine, The National Academies
2003, Patrick J.V. and Margaret Corcoran Lectureship, Indiana University School of Medicine
2003, American Pediatric Society
2003, Recipient, Jean A. Cortner Endowed Chair in Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2001, Top Doc for Kids, Philadelphia Magazine
1998, American Society for Clinical Nutrition National Award for Excellence in Medical Education
1997, Best Doctors in America
1996, Best Doctors in America: Northeast Region
1994, Society for Pediatric Research
1993, Commendation for Outstanding Teaching, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
1993, Outstanding Human Sciences Alumna, School of Human Sciences, Auburn University, Auburn, AL
1992, Top Doc for Kids, Philadelphia Magazine
1991, Research Achievement Award, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
1989, Ethel Brown Foerderer Fund Fellow: In recognition for excellence in the field of pediatric nutrition sciences
1978, Omicron Nu Honor Society
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2020-present, Pincus Fund for Hunger Relief Board of Directors
- 2023-present, Vice President
- 2023-present, Governance Committee
2005-present, American Pediatric Society
1997-present, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Medicine/Institute of Medicine
- 2023-present, The Role of Seafood Consumption in Child Growth and Development, Chair
1989-present, American Society for Nutrition
1987-present, American Academy of Pediatrics
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial positions
1999-present, Ad Hoc Reviewer: Pediatrics, Journal of Pediatrics, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Pediatric Research, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, Medical and Pediatric Oncology, New England Journal of Medicine, BMC Hematology, Journal of Cystic Fibrosis
Academic and Institutional Committees
2010-present, Conflict of Interest Committee
2007-present, Conflict of Interest Standing Committee, University of Pennsylvaniafpu
Research Interests
Nutrition, growth, body composition and chronic disease Cystic fibrosis Sickle cell disease HIV/AIDS Congenital heart disease Cerebral palsy Childhood obesity Childhood osteoporosis
Education & training
Graduate Degree
MS in Human Nutrition and Biochemistry - Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Medical Degree
MD - University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine, Birmingham, AL
General Pediatrics - University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
General Pediatrics - University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Clinical and Research Nutrition - Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Additional Training
NIH Research Traineeship - Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Abdullahi S, Gambo S, Murtala HA, Kabir H, Shamsu KA, Gwarzo GD, Acra S, Stallings VA,Rodeghier M, DeBaun MR, Klein LJ: Feasibility trial for the management of severe acutemalnutrition in older children with sickle cell anemia in Nigeria. Blood Adv 2023 (in Press).
Bass R, Tanes C, Bittinger K, Li Y, Li H, Friedman ES, Koo I, Patterson A, Wu GD, Stallings V: Changes in Fecal Lipidome After Treatment with Ivacaftor Without Changes in Microbiome or Bile Acids. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 2023 (in Press).
Dedhia K, Li Y, Stallings VA, Germiller J, Giordano T, Dailey J, Kong M, Durkin A, Legg-Jack I,Nessen S, Schapira M: Association of Diet Patterns and Post-operative Tympanostomy Tube Otorrhea: A Pilot Study. The Laryngoscope 2023 (in Press).
Menella JA, Smethers AD, Delahanty MT, Stallings VA, Trabulsi JC: Glutamic Acid Intake by Formula-Fed Infants: Are Acceptable Daily Intakes Appropriate? European Journal of Pediatrics May 2023 (in Press).
Smethers AD, Trabulsi JC, Stallings VA, Papas MA, Mennella JA: Factors Affecting BMI Changes in Mothers during the First Year Postpartum. Nutrients 15(6): 1364, March 2023.
Putman MS, Norris AW, Hull RL, Rickels MR, Sussel L, Blackman SM, Chan CL, Ode KL, Daley T, Stecenko A, Moran A, Jelmick MJ, Cray S, Alvarez JA, Stallings VA, Tuggle KL, Clancy JP, Eggerman TL, Engelhardt JF, Kelly A: Cystic Fibrosis-Related Diabetes Workshop- Research Priorities Spanning Disease Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Outcomes. Perspectives in Diabetes 72(6): 677-689, May 2023.
Klein LJ, Abdullahi S, Gambo S, Stallings VA, Acra S, Rodeghier M, DeBaun MR: Underweight children over 5 years with sickle cell anemia are at risk for early mortality in a low-resource setting. Blood Advances 7, June 2023.
Tindall A, Bass R, Maqbool A, Stallings VA: Changes in Nutrition and Growth Status in Young Children in the First 12 Weeks of Ivacaftor Therapy. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis July 2023
Ford JL, Green MH, Brownell JN, Green JB, Oxley A, Lietz G, Schall JI, Stallings VA : Use of Compartmental Modeling and Retinol Isotope Dilution to Determine Vitamin A Stores in Young People with Sickle Cell Disease Before and After Vitamin A Supplementation. J Nutr 153(9): 2762-2771, September 2023
Tindall A, Mascarenhas M, Maqbool A, Stallings VA: Lysophosphatidylcholine-Rich NutritionTherapy Increased Gut Absorption of Coingested Dietary Fat: a Randomized Controlled Trial. Current Developments in Nutrition 7(9): 2475-2991, September 2023
Gabel ME, Fox CK, Grimes RA, Lowman, J. D., McDonald, C. M., Stallings, V. A., Michel, S. H.: Overweight and cystic fibrosis: An unexpected challenge. Pediatr Pulmonol 57: Suppl 1:S40-S49, Feb 2022.
Baer, D. J., Althouse, A., Hermann, M., Johnson, J., Maki, K. C., Marklund, M., Vogt, L., Wesson, D., Stallings, V. A.: Targeting the Dietary Na:K Ratio-Considerations for Design of an Intervention Study to Impact Blood Pressure. Advances in Nutrition Feb 2022.
Irving SY, Ravishankar C, Miller M, Chittams J, Stallings V, Medoff-Cooper B. : Anthropometry Based Growth and Body Composition in Infants with Complex Congenital Heart Disease. Clinical Nursing Research. 13(1): 225-233, Feb 2022.
Bass, R. M., Zemel, B. S., Stallings, V. A., Leonard, M. B., Tsao J., Kelly, A. : Bone Accrual and Structural Changes Over One Year in Youth with Cystic Fibrosis. Journal of Clinical Translational Endocrinology 28(100297): doi: 10.1016, Mar 2022.
258.Sainath, N. N., Bales, C., Brownell, J. N., Pickett-Blakely, O., Sattar, A., Stallings, V: Impact of Pancreatic Enzymes on Enteral Fat and Nitrogen Absorption in Short Bowel Syndrome. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 75(1): 36-41, May 2022.
Chin HB, Baird DD, Kaplan SL, Darge K, Adgent MA, Ford EG, Rogan WJ, Stallings VA, Umbach DM.: Characterization of ovarian development in girls from birth to 9 months. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 35(1): 75-82, Jan 2021.
Shah R, Alshaikh B, Schall JI, Kelly A, Forde E, Zemel BS, Umbach DM, Adgent M, Stallings VA: Endocrine-Sensitive Physical Endpoints in Newborns: Ranges and Predictors. Pediatr Res 89(3): 660-666, Feb 2021.
Bass R, Brownell JN, Stallings VA: The impact of CFTR modulators on growth and nutrition status. Nutrients 13(9): 2907, Aug 2021
Chin HB, Kelly A, Adgent MA, Patchel SA, James K, Vesper HW, Botelho JC, Chandler DW, Zemel BS, Schall JI, Ford EG, Darge K, Stallings VA, Baird DD, Walter J, Umbach, DM: Reproductive Hormone Concentrations and Associated Anatomical Responses: Does Soy Formula Affect Minipuberty in Boys? The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 106(9), September 2021 Notes: [Accepted Manuscript]
Tindall AM & Stallings VA: Sex differences in cardiovascular risk may be related to sex differences in diet patterns. Annals of Human Biology 48(6): 517-524, 2021
Oberle MM, Freese R, Shults J, Stallings VA, Virudachalam S.: Impact of the 2009 WIC Food Package Changes on Maternal Dietary Quality. J Hunger Environ Nutr. Feb 2020 Notes: DOI: 10.1080/19320248.2020.1724227. [Epub ahead of print]
Brownell JN, Schall JI, Mcanlis CR, Smith-Whitley K, Norris CF, Stallings VA.: Effect of High-dose Vitamin A Supplementation in Children with Sickle Cell Disease: A Randomized, Double-blind, Dose-finding Pilot Study. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 42(2): 83-91, Mar 2020.
Shah R, Alshaikh B, Schall JI, Kelly A, Forde E, Zemel BS, Umbach DM, Adgent M, Stallings VA.: Endocrine-Sensitive Physical Endpoints in Newborns: Ranges and Predictors. Pediatr Res. May 2020 Notes: doi: 10.1038/s41390-020-0950-2. [Epub ahead of print]
Stallings VA, Tindall AM, Mascarenhas MR, Maqbool A, Schall JI.: Improved residual fat malabsorption and growth in children with cystic fibrosis treated with a novel oral structured lipid supplement: A randomized controlled trial. PLoS One. 15(5): e0232685, May 2020.
Bashaw H, Brownell JN, Schall JI, Stallings VA.: Measures of Dietary Fat and Energy Absorption in Healthy Adults. Pancreas. 49(6): 845-854, Jul 2020.
Tindall AM, Schall JI, Seme B, Ratshaa B, Tolle M, Nnyepi MS, Mazhani L, Rutstein RM, Steenhoff AP, Stallings VA.: Vitamin D status, nutrition and growth in HIV-infected mothers and HIV-exposed infants and children in Botswana. PLoS One. 15(8): e0236510, Aug 2020.
Brownell JN, Haupt M, Orlova E, Schall JI, Stallings VA.: Genetic Variants, fat malabsorption, and ancestral background in a small chronic pancreatitis cohort. Pancreas. 49(8): e76-e78, Sep 2020.
Dougherty KA, Schall JI, Bertolaso C, Smith-Whitley K, Stallings VA. : Vitamin D Supplementation Improves Health Related Quality of Life and Physical Performance in Children with Sickle Cell Disease and in Healthy Children. J Pediatr Health Care. 34(5): 424-434, Sep 2020.
Mennella JA, Reiter AR, Brewer Bm Pohlig R, Stallings VA, Trabulsi JC. : Early Weight Gain Forecasts Accelerated Eruption of Deciduous Teeth and Later Overweight Status during the First Year. J Pediatr. 225: 174-181.e2, Oct 2020.
Trabulsi JC, Smethers AD, Eosso J, Papas MA, Stallings VA, Menella JA. : Impact of early rapid weight gain on odds for overweight at one year differs between breastfed and formula-fed infants. Pediatr Obes. 15(10): e12688, Oct 2020.
Kelly A, Shults J, Mostoufi-Moab S, McCormack SE, Stallings VA, Schall JI, Kalkwarf HJ, Lappe JM, Gilsanz V, Oberfield SE, Shepherd JA, Winer KK, Leonard MB, Zemel BS: Pediatric Bone Mineral Accrual Z-Score Calculation Equations and Their Application in Childhood Disease. J Bone Miner Res. 34(1): 195-203, Jan 2019.
Mennella JA, Papas MA, Reiter AR, Stallings VA, Trabulsi JC: Early rapid weight gain among formula-fed infants: Impact of formula type and maternal feeding styles. Pediatr Obes. 10:e12503 (Epub), Jan 2019.
Sainath N, Schall J, Bertolaso C, McAnlis C, Stallings V.: Italian and North American dietary intake after ivacaftor treatment for cystic fibrosis gating mutations. J Cyst Fibros 18(1): 135-143, Jan 2019.
Hommel KA, Rausch J, Towner EK, Schall J, Maqbool A, Mascarenhas M, Stallings V. : Adherence to Nutritional Supplementation in Cystic Fibrosis. J Pediatr Nurs. 47: 18-22, Jul 2019.
Oberle, M, Whiteman ED, Lipman T, White-Welchen T, Cannuscio C, Hillier A, Stallings V: Dietary Intake and Appetite Hormone Patterns among Mothers Participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: A Pilot Study. J Hunger Environ Nutr. Jul 2019.
Brownell JN, Schall JI, Stallings VA.: Pancreatic Function in Chronic Pancreatitis: A Cohort Study Comparing Three Methods of Detecting Fat Malabsorption and the Impact of Short-Term Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy. Pancreas 48(8): 1068-1078, Sep 2019.
Calle-Toro JS, Kelly A, Ford EJ, Zemel B, Schall JI, Adgent MA, Umbach DM, Rogan WJ, Stallings VA, Darge K, Kaplan SL.: Incidental findings during ultrasound of thyroid, breast, testis, uterus and ovary in healthy term neonates. J Ultrasound 22(3): 395-400, Sep 2019.
Brownell JN, Bashaw H, Stallings VA.: Growth and Nutrition in Cystic Fibrosis. Semin Respir Crit Care Med. 40(6): 775-791, Dec 2019.
Hitt T, Ginsburg KR, Cousounis P, Lipman TH, Cucchiara AJ, Stallings VA, Grimberg A.: Concerns and Expectations of Parents Seeking Subspecialist Care for Their Child's Short Stature. Horm Res Paediatr. 92(5): 311-318, 2019.
Kelley JC, Stettler-Davis N, Leonard MB, Hill D, Wrotniak BH, Shults J, Stallings VA, Berkowitz R, Xanthopoulos MS, Prout-Parks E, Klieger SB, Zemel BS., Effects of a randomized weight loss intervention trial in obese adolescents on tibia and radius bone geometry and volumetric density. J Bone Miner Res. 33(1):42-53, 2018. PMID: 28884881
Adgent MA, Umbach DM, Zemel BS, Kelly A, Schall JI, Ford EG, James K, Darge K, Botelho JC, Vesper HW, Chandler DW, Nakamoto JM, Rogan WJ, Stallings VA. A longitudinal study of estrogen-responsive tissues and hormone concentrations in infants fed soy formula. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 103(5):1899-1909, 2018. PMID: 29506126
Mennella JA, Inamdar L, Pressman, N, Schall, J, Papas MA, Schoeller D, Stallings VA, Trabulsi JC. Type of infant formula increases early weight gain and impacts energy balance: A RCT. Am J Clin Nutr. 108(5):1015-1025, 2018. PMID: 30295700. PMCID: PMCC6250982.
Stallings VA, Sainath N, Oberle M, Bertolaso C, Schall J. Energy balance and weight gain with ivacaftor treatment of cystic fibrosis gating mutations. J Pediatr. 201:229-237.e4, 2018. PMID: 30029855.
Dougherty KA, Bertolaso C, Schall JI, Smith-Whitley K, Norris C, Stallings VA. Muscle strength, power and torque deficits in children with type SS sickle cell disease. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 40(5):348-354, 2018. PMID: 29621064 PMCID: PMC6019164
Stallings VA. Feeding Infants and Toddlers Study (FITS) 2016: Findings and Thoughts on the Third Data Cycle. J Nutr. 148(suppl 3):1513S-1515S, 2018. PMID 30247581. PMCID: PMC6126629
Rovner AJ. Stallings VA, Rutstein R, Schall JI, Leonard MB, Zemel BS. Effect of high-dose cholecalciferol on bone and body composition in children and young adults with HIV infection: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Osteoporos Int. (1):201-209, 2017. PMID: 27837268
Weber D, Stark L, Ittenbach R, Stallings VA, Zemel BS. Building better bones in childhood: a randomized controlled study to test the efficacy of a dietary intervention program to increase calcium intake, Eur J Clin Nutr, 71(6):788-794, 2017. PMID: 28225052. PMCID: PMC5462896
Kelley JC, Stettler-Davis N, Leonard MB, Hill D, Wrotniak BH, Shults J, Stallings VA, Berkowitz R, Xanthopoulos MS, Prout-Parks E, Klieger SB, Zemel BS., Effects of a randomized weight loss intervention trial in obese adolescents on tibia and radius bone geometry and volumetric density. J Bone Miner Res. 2017 Sep 8. doi: 10.1002/jbmr.3288. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 28884881
Schall JI, Hediger ML, Zemel BS, Rutstein RM Stallings VA. Comprehensive safety monitoring of 12-month daily 7000 IU vitamin D3 supplementation in HIV-infected children and young adults. J Parenteral Enteral Nutr 40(7):1057-63, 2016. PMID: 26160254.
Harlid S, Adgent MA, Jefferson WN, Panduri V, Umbach DM, Xu Z, Stallings VA, Williams CJ, Rogan WJ, Taylor JA. Soy formula and epigenetic modifications: analysis of vaginal epithelial cells from infant girls in the IFED study. Environ Health Persp 125(3):447-452, 2016 PMID: 27539829. PMCID: PMC5209267
Kaplan SL, Edgar JC, Ford EG, Adgent MA, Schall JI, Kelly A, Umbach DM, Stallings VA, Darge K. Size of testis, ovary, uterus, and breast buds by ultrasound in healthy full-term neonates aged 0-3 days. Pediatr Radiol 46(13):1837-1847, 2016. PMID: 27580909.
DeBrosse C, Reddy Nanga RP, Wilson N, D’Aquilla K, Elliott M, Hariharan H, Yan F, Wade K, Nguyen S, Worsley D, Parris-Skeete C, McCormick E, Xiao4 R, Zolkipli Cunningham Z, Fishbein L, Nathanson KL, Lynch DR, Stallings VA, Yudkoff M, Marni Falk J, Reddy R, McCormack SE. Muscle oxidative phosphorylation quantitation using creatine chemical exchange saturation transfer (CrCEST) MRI in mitochondrial disorders. J Clin Invest 1(18):e88207, 2016. PMID: 27812541. PMCID: PMC5085612.
Stallings VA, Schall JI, Maqbool A, Mascarenhas MR, Alshaikh BN, Dougherty KA, Ryan J, Elci UE, Shaw WA.: Effect of oral lipid matrix supplement on fat absorption in cystic fibrosis: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr Page: epub ahead of print, 2016.
Zinkel SRJ, Berkowitz RI, Stunkard AJ, Stallings VA, Faith M, Thomas D, Schoeller DA: High energy expenditure is not protective against increased adiposity in children. Pedr Obesity Page: epub ahead of print, 2016.
Wendel D, Magge SN, Kelly A, Stallings VA, Pipan M, Leonard MB, Stettler N, Zemel BS: Body composition estimation using skinfolds in children with and without health conditions affecting growth and body composition. Ann Human Biol Page: epub ahead of print, 2016.
Schall JI, Mascarenhas MR, Maqbool A, Dougherty KA, Elci OU, Wang DJ, Altes TA, Hommel KA, Shaw W, Moore J, Chaney N, Stallings VA: Choline supplementation with a structured lipid in children with cystic fibrosis: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 62(4): 618-26, 2016.
Ludmir J, Mazhani L, Cary MS, Chakalisa UA, Pettifor JM, Molefi M, Redwood A, Stallings VA, Gross R, Steenhoff AP: Vitamin D status in Batswana children under 2 years old with and without active tuberculosis. Am J Trop Med Hyg 94(5): 971-4, 2016
Kelly A, Schall J, Stallings VA, Zemel BS: Trabecular and cortical bone deficits are present in children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis. Bone 90: 7-14, 2016.
Gerber JS, Bryan M, Ross RK, Daymont C, Parks EP, Localio AR, Grundmeier RW, Stallings VA, Zaoutis TE: Antibiotic exposure during the first 6 months of life and weight gain during childhood. JAMA 315(12): 1258-65, 2016.
Alshaikh, B, Schall, JI, Maqbool A, Mascarenhas M, Bennett MJ, Stallings VA: Choline supplementation alters some amino acid concentrations with no change in homocysteine in children with cystic fibrosis and pancreatic insufficiency. Nutr Res 36(5): 418-29, 2016.
Zemel BS, Pipan M, Stallings VA, Hall W, Schadt K, Freedman DS, Thorpe P: Growth charts for children with Down Syndrome in the United States. Pediatrics 136(5): e1204-11, 2015.
Trabulsi JC, Irving SY, Papas MA, Hollowell C, Ravishankar C, Marino BS, Medoff-Cooper B, Stallings VA: Total energy expenditure of infants with congenital heart disease after surgical intervention. Pediatr Cardiol 36(8): 1670-9, 2015.
Steenhoff AP, Schall JI, Samuel J, Seme B, Marape M, Ratshaa B, Goercke I, Tolle M, Nnyepi MS, Mazhani L, Zemel BS, Rutstein RM, Stallings VA: Vitamin D3 supplementation in Batswana children and adults with HIV. PloS One 10((2)): e0117123. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0117123, 2015.
Schall JI, Hediger ML, Zemel BS, Rutstein RM, Stallings VA: Comprehensive safety monitoring of 12-month daily 7000 IU vitamin D3 supplementation in HIV-infected children and young adults. J Parenter Enter Nutr Page: epub ahead of print, 2015.
Roizen JD, Danzig J, Groleau V, McCormack S, Casella A, Harrington J, Sochett E, Tershakovec A, Zemel BS, Stallings VA, Levine MA: Resting energy expenditure is decreased in pseudohypoparathyroidism type 1A. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 101(3): 880-8, 2015.
Powers SW, Stark LJ, Chamberlin LA, Filino SS, Sullivan SM, Lemanek KL, Butcher JL, Driscoll KA, Daines CL, Brody AS, Schindler T, Konstan MW, McCoy KS, Nasr SZ, Castile RG, Acton JD, Wooldridge JL, Ksenich RA, Szczesniak RD, Rausch JR, Stallings VA, Zemel BS, Clancy JP: Behavioral and nutrition treatment for preschoolers with cystic fibrosis: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Pediatr 169(5): e150636, 2015.
Medoff-Cooper B, Irving SY, Hanlon AL, Golfenshtein N, Chitams J, Radcliffe J, Stallings VA, Ravishankar C, Marino BS: Association among feeding mode, growth, and developmental outcomes in infants with complex congenital heart disease at 6 and 12 months of age. J Pediatr 169: 154-159, 2015.
Mascarenhas MR, Mondick J, Barrett JS, Wilson M, Stallings VA, Schall JI: Malabsorption Blood Test: Assessing Fat Absorption in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis and Pancreatic Insufficiency. J Clin Pharmacol 55(8): 854-65, 2015
Lipman TH, Cousounis P, Grundmeier R, O'Hara R, Massey J, Cucchiara AJ, Stallings VA, Grimberg A: Electronic health record mid-parental height auto-calculator growth assessment in primary care. Clin Pediatr Page: epub ahead of print, 2015.
Leonard MB, Zemel BS, Wrotniak BH, Klieger SB, Shults J, Stallings VA, Stettler N: Bone geometry and volumetric density in obese compared to non-obese adolescents. Bone 73: 69-76, 2015.
Grimberg, A, Huerta-Saenz L, Grundmeier R, Ramos MJ, Pati S, Cucchiara AJ, Stallings VA: Gender bias in U.S. pediatric growth hormone treatment. Sci Rep 5: 11099. doi: 10.1038/srep11099, 2015.
Dougherty KA, Bertolaso C, Schall JI, Smith-Whitley K, Stallings VA: Safety and efficacy of high-dose daily vitamin D3 supplementation in children and young adults with sickle cell disease. J Pediatr Hematol Onc 37(5): e308-15, 2015.
Chun RF, Liu NQ, Lee T, Schall JI, Denburg MR, Rutstein RM, Adams JS, Zemel BS: Vitamin D supplementation and antibacterial immune responses in adolescents and young adults with HIV/AIDS. J Steroid Biochem 149: 290-297, 2015.
Brown JC, Schall JI, Rutstein RM, Leonard MB, Zemel BS, Stallings VA: The impact of vitamin D3 supplementation on muscle function among HIV-infected children and young adults. J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact 15(2): 145-53, 2015.
Wrotniak B, Schall JI, Brault ME, Balmer D, Stallings VA: Health-related quality of life in children with sickle cell disease using the child health questionnaire. J Pediatr Health Care 28(1): 14-22, 2014.
Stallings VA, Schall JI, Hediger ML, Zemel BS, Tuluc F, Rutstein RM, : High-dose vitamin D3 supplementation in children and young adults with HIV: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Pediatr Infect Dis J 34(2): e32-e40, 2014.
Sheikh S, Zemel BS, Stallings VA, Rubenstein RC, Kelly A: Body composition and pulmonary function in cystic fibrosis. Front Pediatr 2(e-collection): 33, 2014.
Maqbool A, Schall JI, Mascarenhas, MR, Dougherty KA, Stallings VA: Vitamin B12 status in children with cystic fibrosis and pancreatic insufficiency. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 58(6): 733-738, 2014.
Groleau V, Schall JI, Stallings VA, Bergqvist CA: Long term impact of ketogenic diet on growth and resting energy expenditure in children with intractable epilepsy: A 15-month prospective study. Dev Med Child Neurol 56(9): 898-904, 2014.
Groleau V, Schall JI, Dougherty KA, Latham NE, Maqbool A, Mascarenhas M, Stallings VA: Effect of dietary intervention on growth and resting energy expenditure in children with cystic fibrosis. J Cyst Fibros 13(5): 572-578, 2014.
Frank LB, Schall JI, Samuel JL, Zemel BS, Dougherty KA, Tuluc F, Rutstein RM, Stallings VA: Dietary and Supplement Intake of HIV-infected children and young adults. Infant Child Adol Nutr 6(4): 221-232, 2014.
Dougherty KA, Schall JI, Zemel BS, Tuluc F, Hou X, Rutstein RM, Stallings VA: Safety and efficacy of high dose daily vitamin D3 supplementation in children and young adults infected with human immunodeficiency virus. J Ped Infect Dis Soc 3(4): 294-303, 2014.
Bertolaso C, Groleau V, Schall JI, Maqbool A, Mascarenhas MR, Latham NE, Dougherty KA, Stallings VA: Fat Soluble Vitamin Status in Children with Cystic Fibrosis and Pancreatic Insufficiency on a Nutrition Intervention. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 58(4): 443-48, 2014.
Izumi K, Housam R, Kapadia C, Stallings VA, Medne L, Shaikh TA, Kublaoui BM, Zackai EH, Grimberg A: Endocrine phenotype of 6q16.1-q21 deletion involving SIMI and Prader-Willi-syndrome-like features. Am J Med Genet 161A(12): 3137-43, 2013.
Stallings VA, Mondick JT, Schall JI, Barrett JS, Wilson M, Mascarenhas MR: Diagnosing malabsorption with systemic lipid profiling: pharmacokinetics of pentadecanoic acid and triheptadecanoic acid following oral administration in healthy subjects and subjects with cystic fibrosis. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther 51(4): 263-73, 2013.
Irving SY, Medoff-Cooper B, Stouffer NO, Schall JI, Ravishankar C, Compher CW, Stallings VA: Resting energy expenditure at 3-months of age following neonatal surgery for congenital heart disease. Congenit Heart Dis Jan 2013 Notes: epub ahead of print.
Adgent MA, Flake GP, Umbach DM, Stallings VA,Bernbaum JC, Rogan, WJ: A simple cytological method to assess estrogen exposure in young infants. J Clin Endocr Metab (submitted) 2013 Notes: (submitted).
Bertolaso C, Groleau V, Schall JI, Maqbool A, Mascarenhas MR, Latham NE, Dougherty KA, Stallings VA: Fat Soluble Vitamin Status in Children with Cystic Fibrosis and Pancreatic Insufficiency on a Nutrition Intervention. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr (submitted) 2013 Notes: (submitted).
Dougherty KA, Schall JI, Zemel BS, Tuluc F, Hou X, Rutstein RM, Stallings VA: Safety and efficacy of high dose daily vitamin D3 supplementation in children and young adults with HIV/AIDS: a randomized double blind study. J Amer Med Assoc (submitted) 2013 Notes: (submitted).
Grimberg A, Huert-Saenz L, Ramos, M, Grundmeier R, Pati S, Cuccihiara AJ, Stallings VA: Disparities between who is short and who is treated with growth hormone. Pediatrics (submitted) 2013 Notes: (submitted).
Groleau V, Herold RA, Schall JI, Wagner JL, Dougherty KA, Zemel BS, Rutstein RM, Stallings VA: Lead level not altered by high dose vitamin D supplementation in children and young adults with HIV. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 56(3): 316-9, 2013.
Groleau V, Schall JI, Stallings VA, Bergqvist CA: Ketogenic Diet Impact on Resting Energy Expenditure in Children with Intractable Epilepsy: A 15-month prospective study. Dev Med Child Neurol (submitted) 2013 Notes: (submitted).
Hill DL, Parks EP, Zemel BS, Shults J, Stallings VA, Stettler N: Resting energy expenditure and adiposity among children with Down syndrome: a three year prospective study. Eur J Clin Nutr (in press) 2013 Notes: (in press).
Ince EE, Pipan ME, Hall WC, Stallings VA, Zemel, BS: Neuromotor development and associations with feeding and growth in children with Down syndrome. J Pediatr (submitted) 2013 Notes: (submitted).
Izumi K, Housam R, Kapadia C, Stallings VA, Medne L, Shaikh TA, Kublaoui BM, Zackai EH, Grimberg A: Endocrine phenotype of 6q16.1-q21 deletion involving SIMI and Prader-Willi-syndrome-like features. Am J Med Genet (in press) 2013 Notes: (in press).
Maqbool A, Schall JI, Mascarenhas, MR, Dougherty KA, Stallings VA: Vitamin B12 Status in Children with Cystic Fibrosis and Pancreatic Insufficiency. J Pediatr (submitted) 2013 Notes: (submitted).
Stallings VA, Mondick JT, Schall JI, Barrett JS, Wilson M, Mascarenhas MR. Diagnosing malabsorption with systemic lipid profiling: pharmacokinetics of pentadecanoic acid and triheptadecanoic acid following oral administration in healthy subjects and subjects with cystic fibrosis. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2013 Apr;51(4):263-73. doi: 10.5414/CP201793.
Groleau V, Herold RA, Schall JI, Wagner JL, Dougherty KA, Zemel BS, et al. Blood lead concentration is not altered by high dose vitamin D supplementation in children and young adults with HIV. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2013 Mar;56(3):316-9. doi: 10.1097/MPG.0b013e3182758c4a.
Irving SY, Medoff-Cooper B, Stouffer NO, Schall JI, Ravishankar C, Compher CW, et al. Resting energy expenditure at 3 months of age following neonatal surgery for congenital heart disease. Congenit Heart Dis. Epub 2013 Jan 30. doi: 10.1111/chd.12035. Cited in PubMed; PMID23360096.
Wrotniak BH, Schall JI, Brault ME, Balmer DF, Stallings VA. Health-related quality of life in children with sickle cell disease using the child health questionnaire. J Pediatr Health Care. Epub 2012 Nov 7. doi:pii: S0891-5245(12)00190-3. 10.1016/j.pedhc.2012.09.004. Cited in PubMed; PMID 23140759.
Dougherty KA, Schall JI, Kawchak DA, Green MH, Ohene-Frempong K, Zemel BS, et al. No improvement in suboptimal vitamin A status with a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of vitamin A supplementation in children with sickle cell disease. Am J Clin Nutr. 2012 Oct;96(4):932-40. Epub 2012 Sep 5. Cited in PubMed; PMID 22952182.
Kral TV, Allison DB, Birch LL, Stallings VA, Moore RH, Faith MS. Caloric compensation and eating in the absence of hunger in 5- to 12-y-old weight-discordant siblings. Am J Clin Nutr. 2012 Sep;96(3):574-83. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.112.037952. Epub 2012 Aug 1. Cited in PubMed; PMID 22854400.
Maqbool A, Schall JI, Gallagher PR, Zemel BS, Strandvik B, Stallings VA. Relation between dietary fat intake type and serum fatty acid status in children with cystic fibrosis. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2012 Nov;55(5):605-11. doi: 10.1097/MPG.0b013e3182618f33. Cited in PubMed; PMID 22699835.
Leibowitz KL, Moore RH, Ahima RS, Stunkard AJ, Stallings VA, Berkowitz RI, et al. Maternal obesity associated with inflammation in their children. World J Pediatr. 2012 Feb;8(1):76-9. doi: 10.1007/s12519-011-0292-6. Epub 2011 Aug 27. Cited in PubMed: PMID 21874618.
Huang SH, Parks EP, Kumanyika SK, Grier SA, Shults J, Stallings VA, et al. Child-feeding practices among Chinese American and non-Hispanic white caregivers. Appetite. 2012 Jun;58(3):922-7. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2012.02.008. Epub 2012 Feb 15. Cited in PubMed: PMID 22343192.
Adelekan T, Magge S, Shults J, Stallings VA, Stettler N. Lipid profiles of children with down syndrome compared to their siblings. Pediatrics. 2012 Jun;129(6):e1382-7. doi: 10.1542/peds.2011-1262. Epub 2012 May 14. Cited in PubMed: PMID 22585868.
Kral TVE, Allison DB, Birch LL, Stallings VA, Moore RH, Faith MS. Caloric compensation and eating in the absence of hunger in 5 to 12-year-old-weight-discordant siblings. Am J Clin Nutr. 2012 Sep;96(3):574-83. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.112.037952. Epub 2012 Aug 1. Cited in PubMed: PMID 22854400.
Rutstein R, Marx A, Zemel BS, Schall JI, Stallings VA. Vitamin D status in children and young adults with perinatally acquired HIV infection. Clin Nutr. 2011 Oct;30(5):624-8. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2011.02.005. Epub 2011 Jun 8.Cited in PubMed; PMID21641097.
Anderson JB, Marino BS, Irving SY, Garcia Espana JF, Ravishankar C, Stallings VA, et al. Poor post-operative growth in infants with two-ventricle physiology. Cardiol Young. 2011 Aug;21(4):421-9. Epub 2011 Mar 9. Cited in PubMed: PMID 21422085.
Grimberg A, Feemster KA, Pati S, Ramos M, Grundmeier R, Cucchiara AJ, Stallings VA. Medically underserved girls receive less evaluation of short stature. Pediatrics. 2011 Apr;127(4):696-702. Epub 2011 Mar 21. Cited in PubMed: PMID 21422085.
Hoffman JA, Thompson DR, Franko DL, Power TJ, Leff SS, Stallings VA. Decaying behavioral effects in a randomized, multi-year fruit and vegetable intake intervention. Prev Med. 2011 May 1;52(5):370-5. Epub 2011 Mar 1. Cited in PubMed: PMID 21371499.
Dougherty KA, Schall JI, Rovner AJ, Stallings VA, Zemel BS. Attenuated maximal muscle strength and peak power in children with sickle cell disease. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2011 Mar;33(2):93-7. Cited in PubMed: PMID 21228717.
Maqbool A, Strandvik B, Stallings VA. The skinny on tuna fat: health implications. Public Health Nutr. 2011 Nov;14(11):2049-54. doi: 10.1017/S1368980010003757. Epub 2011 Feb 16. Cited in PubMed; PMID21324226.
Field MB, Barg FK, Stallings VA. Life after promotion: self-reported professional development needs and career satisfaction of associate professors. J Pediatr. 2011 Feb;158(2):175-7.e1-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2010.10.029. Cited in PubMed: PMID 21238692. No abstract available.
Fabricatore AN, Wadden TA, Ebbeling CB, Thomas JG, Stallings VA, Schwartz S, et al. Targeting dietary fat or glycemic load in the treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2011 Apr;92(1):37-45. Epub 2011 Jan 3. Cited in PubMed: PMID 21208675.
Medoff-Cooper B, Irving SY, Marino BS, Garcia-Espana JF, Ravishankar C, Bird GL, Stallings VA. Weight change in infants with a functionally univentricular heart: from surgical intervention to hospital discharge. Cardiol Young 21(2):136-44, 2011. PMID: 21111097, PMCID: PMC3005329.
Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)
Chin HB, Krall JR, Goldberg M, Stanczyk FZ, Darge K, Stallings VA, Rogan WJ, Umbach DM,Baird DD.: Early life Anti-Mullerian Hormone Trajectories in Infant Girls. Epidemiology 34(4): 568-575, July 2023.
Tindall AM, Mascarenhas MR, Maqbool A, Stallings VA: Unanticipated increase in commonly consumed dietary fat when consumed with a new lysophosphatidylcholine-rich nutritional therapy. 45th European Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands. June 2022.
Bass R, Tanes C, Friedman E, Bittinger K, Wu G, Stallings VA. : CFTR potentiator(ivacaftor) has minimal effects on gut microbiome composition in patients with Cystic Fibrosis and gating mutations. North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Philadelphia, PA. November 2022.
Tindall AM, Bass R, Stallings VA: Increases in Weight-For-Age is Associated with Vegetable Intake in Young Children with Cystic Fibrosis Treated with Lumacaftor/Ivacaftor for 24 Weeks North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Philadelphia, PA. November 2022.
Decker JE, Menella JA, Brewer BC, Millen AE, Robson SM, Smethers A, Delahanty MT, Stallings VA, Trabulsi JC. : Posteriori diet patterns of formula-fed infants during first 1.5 years. American Society for Nutrition, Nutrition Live Online 2021 Jun 2021.
Tindall AM, Stallings VA, Maqbool A, Bass R, Brownell JN, Croom M, Pollick K. : Favorable changes in growth following 24 weeks of Orkambi may be related to reduced systemic inflammation in young children with CF. North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, San Antonio, TX. Oct 2021.
Tindall AM, Stallings VA, Mascarenhas MR, Maqbool A.: Additional dietary fat absorption characteristics of the lysophosphatidylcholine rich nutritional product in people with CF and PI. North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, San Antonio, TX. Oct 2021.
Lectures by Invitation
Stallings VA. "Programming Bone Health". 8th Congreso Argentino de Nutricion, Sociedad Argentina de Pediatria, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Apr 2023.
Stallings VA. "Nutritional Impacts of Treatment with Modulators in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis". 8th Congreso Argentino de Nutricion, Sociedad Argentina de Pediatria, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Apr 2023.
Stallings VA. "AAP Clinical Practice Guideline: Evaluation and Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Obesity". 8th Congreso Argentino de Nutricion, Sociedad Argentina de Pediatria, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Apr 2023.
Stallings VA. "Nutrition in Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis". 8th Congreso Argentino de Nutricion, Sociedad Argentina de Pediatria, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Apr 2023.
Stallings VA. "The State of Weight for CF in an Era of CFTR Modulators". Grand Rounds, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY. Apr 2023.
Stallings VA. "State of Weight for CF with CFTR Modulators". Kit Taylor Memorial Lecture, University of Rochester, NY. Apr 2023.
Stallings VA. "10th International Conference on Nutrition and Growth" London, United Kingdom. Apr 2023.
Stallings VA. The state of weight for CF in an era of CFTR modulators. North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Philadelphia, PA. Nov 2022.
Stallings VA. Increases in weight-for-age is associated with vegetable intake in young children with cystic fibrosis treated with lumacaftor/ivacaftor for 24 weeks. North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Philadelphia, PA. Nov 2022.
Stallings VA. "CDRR values: case study of the recent sodium and potassium DRI review". Folate, Vitamin B12 and One-Carbon Metabolism FASAB Conference, Ashville, NC. Aug 2022.
Stallings VA. Unanticipated increase in commonly consumed dietary fat when consumed with a new lysophosphatidylcholine-rich nutritional therapy. 45th European Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Rotterdam, Netherland. Jun 2022.
Stallings VA. "CF Nutritional Status: Impact of CFTR and Nutrition Treatments" PancreasFest 2021, Pittsburgh, PA, Virtual. Jul 2021.
Stallings VA. "CFTR Modulators and the Exocrine Pancreas and Bile Acids" Cystic Fibrosis-Related Diabetes Scientific Workshop, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Virtual. Jun 2021.
Stallings VA. "Nutrition and Developmental Disabilities in Children with Cerebral Palsy" LEND Lecture Series, Virtual, Philadelphia, PA. May 2021.
Stallings VA. "Nutritional Outcomes with A New Lipid Medical Food for Fat Malabsorption and Other Causes of Weight Loss or Growth Faltering" ResearchCON 2021 Breakout Session, Virtual, National. Apr 2021.
Stallings VA. "Malabsorption Blood Test Research Experience" Chronic Pancreatitis Working Group, Consortium for the Study of Chronic Pancreatitis, Diabetes, and Pancreatic Cancer, Virtual. Apr 2021.
Stallings VA. "CF and Nutrition: A Weighty Topic" ResearchCON 2021, Virtual, National. Apr 2021.
Stallings VA. "Intersections Between Nutrition Research and Nutrition Science Policy: Real World Experiences Past and Present" American Society for Nutrition Committee on Advocacy and Science Policy Webinar, Virtual, International. Apr 2021.
Stallings VA. "Choline and Cystic Fibrosis Nutrition" Cystic Fibrosis RD Nutrition Forum, Virtual, International. Mar 2021.
Stallings VA. "Nutritional Outcomes with A New Structured Lipid Product for Fat Malabsorption and Other Causes of Weight Loss or Growth Faltering" American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 2021 Breakout Session, Virtual, International. Mar 2021.
Stallings VA. "Nutrition in Early Adolescence: Guidance for Clinical Practice" Abbott Nutrition Health Institute Adolescent Webinar Event, Virtual, National. Feb 2021.
Stallings VA. "Individualized Nutrition Therapy for People with Cystic Fibrosis: Gaining or Losing Weight" Cystic Fibrosis Research Institute Podcast, Virtual, National. Feb 2021.
Stallings VA. "A New Structured Lipid Product for Treatment of Fat Malabsorption and Other Causes of Weight Loss or Growth Faltering" University of California, San Francisco Pediatric Nutrition Support Service Seminar, Virtual. Feb 2021.
Stallings VA. "Nutritional Outcomes with a New Structured Lipid Product for Patients with Fat Malabsorption or Growth Faltering" Clinical Nutrition Support Service, Penn Med, Philadelphia, PA. Jan 2021.
Stallings VA. "Nutritional Outcomes with a New Structured Lipid Product for Patients with Fat Malabsorption or Growth Faltering" Department of Clinical Nutrition Meeting, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. Jan 2021.
Marriot BP, Yates A, Birt DF, Stallings VA, (Editors): Present Knowledge in Nutrition. Present Knowledge in Nutrition. Marriot BP, Yates A, Birt DF, Stallings VA, (Editors) (eds.). Elsevier Press, Philadelphia PA, 11th Edition, 2020.
Maqbool A, Parks EP, Shaikhkhalil A, Panganiban J, Mitchell J, Stallings VA. Nutritional requirements. In: Kliegman RM, Stanton BF (eds). Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (21st Edition). Philadelphia: Elsevier: 2019.
Parks EP, Shaikhkhalil A, Mitchell J, Sainath N, Brownell JN, Stallings VA. Feeding Healthy Infants, Children and Adolescents. In: Kliegman RM, Stanton BF (eds). Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (21st Edition). Philadelphia: Elsevier: 2019.
Stallings VA, Oria M, (Editors). Finding a Path to Safety in Food Allergy. Assessment of the Global Burden, Causes, Prevention, Management and Public Policy. (Chair, National Academy of Medicine Committee) National Academy Press, Washington, DC 2016
Child and Adult Care Food Program: Aligning Dietary Guidance for All. (Member, Institute of Medicine Committee). National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 2011.
Stallings VA, Taylor CL, (Editors). Nutrition Standards for National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs: School Meals Building Blocks for Healthy Children. (Chair, Institute of Medicine Committee) National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 2010.
Stallings VA, Taylor CL, (Editors). Nutrition Standards and Meal Requirements for National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs: Phase I. Proposed Approach for Recommending Revisions (Chair, Institute of Medicine Committee). National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 2008.
Stallings VA, Yaktine AL, (Editors). Nutrition Standards for Foods in Schools: Leading the Way Toward Healthier Youth (Chair, Institute of Medicine Committee). National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 2007.
WIC Food Packages: Time for a Change (Member, Institute of Medicine Committee). National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 2005.
Proposed Criteria for Selecting the WIC Food Packages, (Member, Institute of Medicine Committee). National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 2004.
Dietary Risk Assessment in the WIC Program (Chair, Institute of Medicine Committee). National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 2002.
Framework for Dietary Risk Assessment in the WIC Program. An Interim Report from the Food and Nutrition Board (Chair, Institute of Medicine Committee). National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 2000.
The Role of Nutrition in Maintaining Health in the Nation's Elderly. Evaluating Coverage of Nutrition Services for the Medical Population (Chair, Institute of Medicine Committee). National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 2000.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Maqbool A, Parks EP, Shaikhkhalil A, Panganiban J, Mitchell J, Stallings VA.: Chapter 55 Nutritional Requirements. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (21st Edition). Robert M. Kliegman, MD and Joseph St. Geme, MD (eds.). Philadelphia: Elsevier, Page: 303-321, Apr 2019.
Parks EP, Shaikhkhalil A, Sainath N, Mitchell J, Brownell JN, Stallings VA.: Chapter 56 Feeding Healthy Infants, Children, And Adolescents. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (21st Edition). Robert M. Kliegman, MD and Joseph St. Geme, MD (eds.). Philadelphia: Elsevier, Page: 321-331, Apr 2019.
Meyers RC, Bachrach S, Stallings VA. : Cerebral Palsy. Pediatric and Adult Nutrition in Chronic Diseases, Developmental Disabilities, and Hereditary Metabolic Ekvall, S, Ekvall VK (eds.). Oxford University Press, New York, NY, Page: 85-90, Mar 2017.
Stallings VA, Zemel BS: Use of Technical Measurements in Nutritional Assessment. Pediatric Nutrition in Practice. (2nd Edition) World Rev Nutr Diet. Koletzko, B (eds.). Munich, Germany: Karger, 113: 19-22, 2015.
Skaikhkhali AK, Michel S, Stallings VA, Mascarenhas MR: Nutrition interventions. Nutrition in Cystic Fibrosis: A Guide for Clinicians. Yen E, Leonard A. (eds.). Humana Press, Springer International Publishing AG, Switzerland, Page: 129-148, 2015.
Parks EP, Shaikhkhalil A, Groleau V, Wendel D, Stallings VA: Feeding Healthy Infants, Children and Adolescents. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (20th Edition) Kliegman RM, Stanton BF (eds.). Elsevier, Inc., Philadelphia, 1: 286-295, 2015.
Parks EP, Maqbool A, Shaikhkhalil A, Groleau V, Dougherty KA, Stallings VA: Nutritional Requirements. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. (20th Edition). Kliegman RM, Stanton BF (eds.). Elsevier Inc., Philadelphia, 1: 268-286, 2015.
Parks EP, Shaikhkhalil A, Groleau V, Wendel D, Stallings VA: Feeding Healthy Infants, Children and Adolescents. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (20th Edition) Kliegman RM, Stanton BF (eds.). Elsevier, Inc. in press Notes: Philadelphia.
Parks EP, Maqbool A, Shaikhkhalil A, Groleau V, Dougherty KA, Stallings VA: Nutritional Requirements. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. (20th Edition). Kliegman RM, Stanton BF (eds.). Elsevier Inc. in press Notes: Philadelphia.
Dougherty KA, Stallings VA: Growth and body composition in children with chronic disease. Nutrition in Infancy, Nutrition and Health Series. Watson RR, Preedy VR, Grimble G, Zibadi S (eds.). Springer, Page: 3-12, 2013.
Maqbool A, Dougherty KA, Prout E, Stallings VA: Adolescence. Present Knowledge in Nutrition (10th Edition). Erdman J, Macdonald I, Zeisel S (eds.). ILSI Press, Page: 637-653, 2012 Notes: Washington, DC.
Stettler N, Bhatia J, Parish A, Stallings VA: Feeding healthy infants, children and adolescents. Nelson's Textbook of Pediatrics (19th Edition). Kliegman RM, Stanton BF, St. Geme III JW, Schor NF, Behrman RE (eds.). Elsevier, Inc. Page: 160-170, 2011 Notes: Philadelphia.
Maqbool A, Stettler N, Stallings VA: Nutritional requirements. Nelson's Textbook of Pediatrics (19th Edition). Kliegman RM, Stanton BF, ST. Geme III JW, Schor NF, Behrman RE (eds.). Elsevier, Inc. Page: 160, 2011 Notes: Philadelphia.
Maqbool A, Dougherty K, Michel S, Rovner AJ, Stallings VA: Gastrointestinal complications of cystic fibrosis. Lung Biology in Health and Disease Series: Cystic Fibrosis, Inc. Allen J, Panitch H, Rubenstein R (eds.). Informa Healthcare USA, Page: 266-284, 2010 Notes: New York.
Maqbool A, Stallings VA: Nutrition for children with sickle cell disease. Pediatric Nutrition Handbook (6th Edition). Kleinman RE (eds.). American Academy of Pediatrics, Page: 897-904, 2009 Notes: Elk Grove Village, IL.
Zemel BS, Stallings VA: Development Disabilities. Duggan C, Watkins JB, Walker WA. Nutrition in Pediatrics, Basic Science Clinical Applications (4th Edition) (eds.). BC Decker, Inc. Page: 497-504, 2008 Notes: Lewiston, NY.
Maqbool A, Olsen IE, Stallings VA: Clinical assessment of nutritional status. Nutrition in Pediatrics, Basic Science Clinical Applications (4th Edition). Duggan C, Watkins JB, Walker WA (eds.). BC Decker, Inc. Page: 5-14, 2008 Notes: Lewiston, NY.
Burdette H, Zemel BS, Stallings VA: Use of technical measurements in nutritional assessment. Child Nutrition - A Practical Reference Guide. Koletzko B (eds.). S. Karger AG, Page: 17-20, 2008.
Stallings VA: Dietary reference intakes in pediatric care. Pediatric Nutrition Support. Baker SS, Baker RD, Davis AM (eds.). Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Page: 97-122, 2006 Notes: Sudbury, MA.
Stallings VA: Adolescent nutrition. Present Knowledge in Nutrition (9th Edition). Russel RM, Bowman, B (eds.). ILSI Press, Page: 557-572, 2006 Notes: Washington, DC.
Huang S, Stallings VA: Normal infant feeding. Conn's Current Therapy 2006 (57th Edition). Rakel RE, Bope ED (eds.). Elsevier Inc. Page: 1267-70, 2006 Notes: Philadelphia.
Stallings VA: Pediatric rehabilitation and the pediatrician. Journal of Pediatrics "50 Years Ago Section" Elsevier Inc. Page: 442, 2005 Notes: New York.
Bandini L, Stallings V, Ekvall S: Nutrition and cerebral palsy. Pediatric Nutrition in Chronic Disease and Developmental Disorders: Prevention, Assessment and Treatment (2nd Edition). Ekvall SW, Ekvall VK (eds.). Oxford University Press, Page: 93-98, 2005 Notes: New York.
Stallings VA: Nutrition for children with sickle cell disease. Pediatric Nutrition Handbook (5th Edition0. Kleinman RE (eds.). American Academy of Pediatrics, Page: 689-692, 2004 Notes: Elk Grove Village, IL.
Stallings VA: Human growth: assessment and interpretation (Book Review). Journal of the American Dietetic Association. Roche A, Shumei S (eds.). 62(4): 160-175, 2004.
Mascarenhas MR, Bradshaw D, Stallings VA: Special dietary therapy. Pediatric Gastrointestinal Disease: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Management (4th Edition). Walker WA, Durie PR, Hamilton JR, Walker-Smith J, Watkins JB (eds.). BC Decker, Inc. Page: 1995-2005, 2004 Notes: Philadelphia.
Zemel BS, Stallings VA: Developmental disabilities. Nutrition in Pediatrics, Basic Science and Clinical Applications (3rd Edition). Walker WA, Watkins JB, Duggan C (eds.). BC Decker, Inc, Page: 580-590, 2003 Notes: Philadelphia.
Stallings VA: Enteral feeding. Encyclopedia of Food Science and Nutrition. Caballero B, Trugo L, Finglas P (eds.). Academic Press, Page: 2115-18, 2003 Notes: London, UK.
Olsen IE, Mascarenhas MR, Stallings VA: Clinical assessment of nutritional status. Nutrition in Pediatrics, Basic Science and Clinical Applications (3rd Edition). Walker WA, Watkins JB, Duggan C (eds.). BC Decker, Inc. Page: 6-16, 2003 Notes: Philadelphia.
Fung EB, Stallings VA: Nutrition. The Encyclopedia of Food and Culture. Katz SH, Weaver WW (eds.). Charles Scribner's Sons, 2: 588-595, 2003 Notes: New York.
Zemel BS, Schall JI, Stallings VA, Leonard MB: Body composition and body compartments in children with chronic diseases. Human Growth from Conception to Maturity. Gilli G, Schell LM, Benso L, Smith-Gordon (eds.). Page: 347-358, 2002.
Tershakovec AM, Stallings VA: Pediatric Nutrition and Nutritional Disorders. Nelson-Essentials of Pediatrics (4th Edition). Behrman RE, Kliegman RM (eds.). W.B. Saunders, Page: 57-92, 2002 Notes: Philadelphia.
Tershakovec AM, Hiralall AS, Stallings VA: Obesity. Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition in Clinical Practice. Lifshitz L (eds.). Marcel Dekker, Inc. Page: 249-274, 2002 Notes: New York.
Institute of Medicine Committee, Chair: Dietary Risk Assessment in the WIC Program. The National Academies Press 2002 Notes: Washington, DC.
Mascarenhas MR, Zemel BS, Tershakovec AT, Stallings VA: Adolescent nutrition. Present Knowledge in Nutrition (8th Edition). Russel RM, Bowman B (eds.). ILSI Press, Page: 426-438, 2001 Notes: Washington, DC.
Cronk CE, Fung E, Stallings VA: Body composition in children with special healthcare needs. Nutrition and the Infant: Problems and Practical Procedures. Grimble GK, Preedy VR, Watson RR (eds.). Greenwich Medical Media Ltd. Page: 31-38, 2001 Notes: London.
Mascarenhas MR, Kerner J, Stallings VA: Parenteral and enteral nutrition. Pediatric Gastrointestinal Disease (3rd Edition). Walker WA, Durie PR, Hamilton JR, Walker-Smith JA, Watkins JB (eds.). B.C. Decker, Inc. Page: 1752-1761, 2000 Notes: Hamilton, Ontario.
Institute of Medicine Committee, Chair : The role of nutrition in maintaining health in the nation's elderly. Evaluating coverage of nutrition services for the medical population. The National Academies Press 2000 Notes: Washington, DC.
Institute of Medicine Committee, Chair: Framework for Dietary Risk Assessment in the WIC Program. An Interim Report from the Food and Nutrition Board. The National Academies Press 2000 Notes: Washington, DC.
Stallings VA, Fung EB: Nutrition assessment of infants and children. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease. Shils ME, Olson JA, Shike M, Ross AC (eds.). Williams & Wilkins, Page: 885-893, 1999 Notes: Philadelphia.
Stallings VA: Normal nutrition. Gellis and Kagan's Current Pediatric Therapy. Burg FD, Inglefinger JR, Polin RA, Wald ER (eds.). W.B. Saunders, Page: 1-5, 1999 Notes: Philadelphia.
Mascarenhas MR, Tershakovec AM, Stallings VA: Parenteral and enteral nutrition. Pediatric Gastrointestinal Disease. Wylie R, Hyams JS (eds.). W.B. Saunders, Page: 741-757, 1999 Notes: Philadelphia.
Mascarenhas MR, Stallings VA: Vitamin deficiencies and excesses. Gellis and Kagan's Current Pediatric Therapy (16th edition). Burg FD, Inglefinger JR, Polin RA, Wald ER (eds.). W.B. Saunders, Page: 17-21, 1999 Notes: Philadelphia.
Zemel BS, Stallings VA: Alternative measure of assessing linear growth. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Growth and Development. Ulijaszek SJ, Johnston FE, Preece MA (eds.). Cambridge University Press, Page: 74-75, 1998 Notes: Cambridge, UK.
Tershakovek AM, Stallings VA: Pediatric nutrition and nutritional disorders. Nelson-Essntials of Pediatrics (3rd Edition). Behrman RE, Kliegman RM (eds.). W.B. Saunders, Page: 56-92, 1998 Notes: Philadelphia.
Stallings VA.: Bone densitometry. Pediatric Gastroenterology. Altschuler SM, Liacouras CA. (eds.). Churchill Livingstone, Page: 613-619, 1998 Notes: London.
Stallings VA.: Resting Energy Expenditure. Pediatric Gastroenterology. Altschuler SM, Liacouras CA. (eds.). Churchill Livingstone, Page: 607-611, 1998 Notes: London.
Stallings VA.: Nutritional needs of the exercising child. Nutrition and Fitness: Evolutionary Aspects, Children's Health, Programs and Policies: World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics. Simopoulos AP. (eds.). Karger, Page: 90-97, 1997 Notes: Basel.
Leonard MB, Kaplan BS, Stallings VA.: Nutrition in children with chronic renal failure: assessment of requirements and effect on progression of renal failure. International Yearbook of Nephrology. Andreucci VE, Fine LG (eds.). Oxford University Press, Page: 95-104, 1997 Notes: London.
Cronk CE, Stallings VA.: Growth in children with cerebral palsy. Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews. Cheney PD, Palmer FB. (eds.). Wiley-Liss, Inc. Page: 129-137, 1997 Notes: New York.
Zemel BS, Stallings VA.: Energy requirements and nutritional assessment in developmental disabilities. Nutrition in Pediatrics, Basic Science and Clinical Applications (2nd Edition). Walker WA, Watkins JB. (eds.). Page: 169-180, 1996.
Stallings VA, Zemel BS.: Nutritional assessment of the disabled child. Clinics in Developmental Medicine, No. 140: Feeding the Disabled Child. Sullivan PB, Rosenbloom L. (eds.). MacKeith Press, Page: 62-76, 1996 Notes: London, England.
Stallings VA, Mascarenhas MR.: Vitamin deficiencies and excesses. Gellis and Kagan's Current Pediatric Therapy (15th Edition). Burg FD, Ingelfinger JR. (eds.). W.B. Saunders, Page: 15-20, 1996 Notes: Philadelphia.
Stallings VA, Hark L.: Nutrition assessment in medical practice. Medical Nutrition and Disease. Morrison G, Hark L. (eds.). Blackwell Science, Page: 62-76, 1996 Notes: Cambridge, MA.
Tershakovec AM, Stallings VA.: Pediatric Nutrition and Nutritional Disorders. Nelson-Essentials of Pediatrics (2nd Edition). Behrman RE, Kliegman RM. (eds.). Page: 55-90, 1994.
Barsky DL, Stallings VA.: Nutritional management in pediatric pulmonary disease. Respiratory Disease in Children: Diagnosis and Management. Eigen H, Loughlin GM. (eds.). Williams and Wilkins, Page: 813-828, 1994.
Stallings VA.: Normal nutrition. Current Pediatric Therapy (14th Edition). Burg FD, Ingelfinger JR, Wald ER. (eds.). W.B. Saunders, Page: 1-3, 1993.
Pencharz PB, Vaisman N, Azcue M, Stallings VA.: Body compartment changes in sick children. Advances in In Vivo Body Composition Studies. Yasumura S. (eds.). Page: 31-38, 1990.
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