Kathy N. Shaw, MD, MSCE
Areas of expertise: Clinical epidemiology, Healthcare quality and patient safety
Locations: Main Building
About Kathy N. Shaw, MD, MSCE
Dr. Shaw is an emergency physician and the Nicholas Crognale Endowed Chair of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. She is Professor and Associate Chair for Patient Safety and Quality Improvement in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine. Dr. Shaw is a national leader in the fields of pediatric emergency medicine and quality and patient safety. She is an Associate Editor for Annals of Emergency Medicine and a senior epidemiologist for the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network.
She earned her MD at Mount Sinai School of Medicine and then completed an internship and residency in Pediatrics at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. After residency training, Dr. Shaw completed a Fellowship in Pediatric Emergency Medicine at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and earned an MS in Clinical Epidemiology as an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellow within the Clinical Epidemiology Unit at the University of Pennsylvania.
Dr. Shaw is a Fellow of the American Board of Pediatrics and the American College of Emergency Medicine and subspecialty boarded in Pediatric Emergency Medicine. She serves on the Editorial Boards for Pediatric Emergency Care and Academic Emergency Medicine. Dr. Shaw has devoted much of her career to the education and academic development of trainees and faculty in pediatric EM and improving the quality of care for children nationally in our emergency departments. She was named the 2015 ED Director of the Year by ACEP/EMF for her interdisciplinary work to improve operational and clinical standards for evidence based emergency care during her 19 years of Chief of the Division of Emergency Medicine at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. In 2017, she received the Jim Seidel Distinguished Service Award from the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Section on Emergency Medicine.
As the Department of Pediatrics’ Associate Chair for Quality and Patient Safety, she is a leader and mentor to many faculty and fellows across multiple specialties and areas of research. At the Universtiy of Pennsylvania, she is the Co-Director of the Center for Healthcare Improvement and Patient Safety, which offers a master’s degree and certificate training programs in this field. She co-directs a multidisciplinary course on Systems Thinking and Patient Safety with a joint appointment as a Professor n the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Nursing. Currently, Dr. Shaw is a Co-PI on an AHRQ grant to define and evaluate diagnostic error in Pediatric Emergency Medicine.
Dr. Shaw is involved nationally and internationally in educating practicing physicians and is a prolific writer and researcher. She is senior editor of The Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine. Her areas of interest include the diagnosis and management of acute pediatric illness and injuries, most notably UTI and bronchiolitis, and in safety and QI initiatives in pediatrics. Learn more about Dr. Shaw's research.
Attending Physician
Professor of Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Professor of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing
Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS)
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
Pediatric Emergency Medicine – American Board of Pediatrics
Pediatrics – American Board of Pediatrics
Awards and Honors
2017, Jim Seidel Distinguished Service Award, American Academy of Pediatrics Section of Emergency Medicine, Chicago, IL, September
2015, AAP Annual Leadership Forum Educational Excellence Award for Maintenance of Certification Part 4 Project on ED Handoffs
2015, Emergency Department Director of the Year Emergency Medicine Foundation, American College of Emergency Physicians
2012, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Mentor Award
2011, First Prize, CHOP Patient Safety Day for "Improving Patient Safety Culture Through Unit-based Patient Safety Walk-rounds Patient Safety & Quality Day, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2011, FOCUS Award for the Advancement of Women in Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
2007, Department of Pediatrics Teaching Honor Roll, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2006, The Robert Dunning Dripps Memorial Award for Excellence in Graduate Medical Education
2006-2007, The Jean A. Cortner Divisional Teaching Award for Excellence in and Commitment to Resident Education (Emergency Medicine)
2004, Friend of Nurse Practitioners Award, PA Delaware Valley Chapter, National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners
1999-2002, Department of Pediatrics Teaching Honor Roll, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
1996, Best Pediatric Emergency and Critical Care Presentation for the 1996 Annual Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Meeting
1988, Ambulatory Pediatrics Association Excellence in Teaching Award (Program in Emergency Pediatrics)
1987-2004, The Jean A. Cortner Divisional Teaching Award for Excellence in and Commitment to Resident Education (Emergency Medicine)
1982, Bela Schick Pediatrics Prize, Mount Sinai School of Medicine
1981, Alpha Omega Alpha
1978, Sigma Xi
1977, Phi Beta Kappa
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2002-present, Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN)
- 2002-present, Protocol Review and Development Committee
2000-present, Society for Pediatric Research
1989-present, Society for Medical Decision Making
1989-present, American Public Health Association
1987-present, American College of Emergency Physicians
1987-present, Ambulatory Pediatric Association
1987-present, American Medical Association
1987-present, Association of Women Faculty and Administrators
1985-present, American Academy of Pediatrics
- 2016-2017, Committee on Quality Transformation
- 2012-present, Committee on Quality Transformation, Patient Safety Task Force, Co-Chair
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2015-present, Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, 7th edition, Editor
2002-present, Annals of Emergency Medicine, Associate Editor
1999-present, Ambulatory Pediatrics, Reviewer
1998-present, Pediatric Emergency Care, Editorial Board
1988-present, Pediatrics, Reviewer
1988-present, Clinical Pediatrics, Reviewer
1986-present, Pediatric Emergency Care, Reviewer
Academic and Institutional Committees
2018-present, Clinical Practice and Quality Subcommittee of the Mount Sinai/CHOP Steering Committee
2015-present, Intern Selection Committee
2015-present, Co-Director, Center for Healthcare Improvement and Patient Safety (CHIPS), Perelman School of Medicine
2012-present, Department of Pediatrics Quality and Patient Safety Champions, Physician Lead
2011-present, Chair's Initiatives QI/Innovation Projects, Physician Lead
2011-present, Safe Keeping Advisory Committee
2010-present, ECMS Clinical Care Committee
2010-present, ECMS Quality Committee
2009-present, Patient Safety Officer, Department of Pediatrics
2008-present, Associate Chair for Quality and Patient Safety
2008-present, Executive Committee, Dept. of Pediatrics
2002-present, Committee on Appointments and Promotions - Department of Pediatrics
Education & training
Graduate Degree
MS in Clinical Epidemiology - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Medical Degree
MD - Mt Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY
Pediatrics - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatrics - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatric Emergency Medicine - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Clinical Epidemiology - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Additional Training
Certificate in Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety – Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Executive Training Program in Patient Safety – Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Schinasi DA, Kolaitis IN, Nadel FM, An-Grogan Y, Burns R, Berman L, Quinn AM, Shaw KN: : Using Immersive Simulation to Engage Pediatric Residents in Difficult Conversations and the Disclosure of Patient Safety Events. Cureus e3095. doi:10.7759/cureus.3095 10(8), August 2018.
O'Connell K, Shaw K, Ruddy RM, Mahajan PV, Lichenstein R, Olsen CS, Funai T, Blumberg S, Chamberlain JM for the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network: Incident Reporting to Improve Patient Safety: The Effects of Process Variance on Pediatric Patient Safety in the Emergency Department. Pediatric Emergency Care. (eds.). 34(4): 237-242, April 2018 Notes: doi: 10.1097/PEC.0000000000001464.
Heneghan M, Hart J, Dewan M, Wu K, Hope K, Taylor A, Shaw K, Bamat T, : No Cause for Alarm: Decreasing Inappropriate Pulse Oximetry Use in Bronchiolitis Hospital Pediatrics 8: 109-111, February 2018 Notes: DOI: 10.1542/hpeds.2017-0126 originally published online January 30, 2018.
Samuels-Kalow, ME; Peltz; Rodean,J; Hall, M; Alpern, E; Aronson, P; Berry, J; Shaw, KN; Morse RB, Freedman SB, Cohen E, Simon HK, Shah SS, Katsogridakis Y, Neuman MI. : Predicting low resource intensity emergency department visits in children. Academic Pediatrics(10), January 2018 Notes: Acad Pediatr. 2018 Jan 10. pii: S1876-2859(18)30005-6. doi: 10.1016/j.acap.2017.12.012. [Epub ahead of print]PMID: 29331346 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Webster J, Shaw K, Shea J, Taylor A, Verma R : Understanding the Variation in Use of Screening DXA Scans in Pediatric Patients with Celiac Disease. International Journal of Celiac Disease 5(4): 155-158, December 2017 Notes: doi: 10.12691/ijcd-5-4-7.
Johnson, TJ, Ellison AM, Dalembert G, Fowler J, Dhingra M, Shaw KN,Ibrahim S: Implicit Bias in Pediatric Academic Medicine. Journal of the National Medical Association 109(3): 156-163, October 2017.
Peltz, A; Samuels-Kalow, M; Rodean, J; Hall, M; Alpern, E; Aronson, P; Berry, J; Shaw, K; Morse, R; Freedman, S; Cohen, E; Simon, H; Shah, S; Katsogridakis, Y;Neuman, M : Characteristics of Medicaid Insured Children with High Frequency of Emergency Department Use. Pediatrics 140(3), August 2017.
Shaw KN, Tanzer L, Deren, R, Taylor A, ReRusso P, St Geme, JW : Maintenance of Certification Part 4: From Trial to Tribute. Journal of Pediatrics 185: 4-5, June 2017.
Samuels-Kalow, ME; Bryan, MW and Shaw,KN: Predicting subsequent high-frequency, low-acuity utilization of the pediatric emergency department. Academic Pediatrics 17(3): 256-260, November 2016.
Lavelle JM, Blackstone MM, Funari MK, Roper C, Lopez P, Schast A, Taylor AM, Voorhis CB, Henien M, Shaw KN: Two-Step Process for ED UTI Screening in Febrile Young Children: Reducing Catheterization Rates Pediatrics 138(1), June 2016 Notes: doi: 10.1542/peds.2015-3023. Epub 2016 Jun 2.pii: e20153023.
Blumberg SM, Mahajan PV, O'Connell KJ, Chamberlain JM, Shaw KN, Ruddy RM, Lichenstein R, Funai T, Lillis KA; Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network: Radiologic Safety Events Within a Pediatric Emergency Medicine Network. Pediatr Emerg Care 33(20): 92-96, April 2016 Notes: doi: 10.1097/PEC.0000000000000684.
Ruddy R, Chamberlain J, Mahajan P, Funai T, O'Connell K, Blumberg S, Lichenstein R, Gramse H, Shaw KN for the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network: : Near Misses & Unsafe Conditions Reported in a Pediatric Emergency Research Network. BMJ Open Journal September 2015 Notes: doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-007541.
Clark SL, Taylor A, Shaw KN, Lawrence Copelovitch L: Making Every Drop Count for Pediatric Kidney Transplant Patients. Hospital Pediatrics 5: 287-289, May 2015.
Lichenstein R, O'Connell K, Funai T, Blumberg S, Shaw K, Ruddy R, Mahajan PV,Chamberlain JM: Laboratory Errors in a Pediatric Emergency Department Network: An Analysis of Incident Reports. Pediatr Emerg Care 32(10): 653-657, April 2015.
Florin T, Shaw K, Kittick M, Yackscoe S, Zorc J: Nebulized Hypertonic Saline for Bronchiolitis in the Emergency Department: A Randomized Trial. JAMA Pediatrics 168(7): 664-70, July 2014.
Chamberlain J, Krug S, Shaw K: The Emergency Care of Children in the United States. Health Affairs 32(12): 2109-15, December 2013.
Shaw KN, Lillis KA, Ruddy RM, Mahajan PV, Lichenstein R, Olsen CS, Chamberlain JM, for the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network: : Reported medication events in a paediatric emergency research network: sharing to improve patient safety Emergency Medicine Journal 30: 815-19, October 2013.
Taylor AM, Chuo J, Figueroa-Altmann A, DiTaranto S, Shaw KN: Using Four-Phased Unit-Based Patient Safety Walkrounds to Uncover Correctable System Flaws. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 39(9), September 2013.
Shaw,KN: Call for a Rational Approach for Testing for Urinary Tract Infection as a Source of Fever in Infants. Annals of Emergency Medicine 61: 566-568, April 2013.
Chamberlain J, Shaw K, Lillis K, Mahajan P, Ruddy R, Lichenstein R, Olsen C, Dean M: Creating an infrastructure for safety event reporting and analysis in a multi-center pediatric emergency department network. Pediatric Emergency Care 29(2): 125-130, February 2013.
Mittal MK, Zorc JJ, Garcia-Espana JF, Shaw KN.: Assessment of Clinical Performance Measures For Pediatric Emergency Physicians Am J Med Qual 28(1): 33-9, January 2013.
Osterhoudt, KC, Peranteau WH, Shaw, KN, Flake: A 2-year-old girl with abdominal pain after an action sure to attract attention. Pediatric Emergency Care. Kevin C. Osterhoudt, MD (eds.). 28(12): 1406-1408, December 2012.
Alison Marx, MBA, Kathy Shaw, MD, MSCE, April Taylor, MHA, and Alan Cohen, MD: Department of Pediatrics Chair's Initiatives: Promoting Innovation and Improvement through Collaboration, Accountability,and Faculty Development. International Journal of Clinical Medicine Page: 377-378, September 2012.
Alessandrini, E.; Varadarajan, K.; Alpern, E.; Gorelick, M.; Shaw, K: Emergency Department Quality: an Analysis of Existing Pediatric Measures. Academic Emergency Medicine, Article ID: ACEM 18(5): 519-526, May 2011.
Nadel F, Aronson S, Giardino A, Rivers H, Requa A, Shaw K: Results of an observational study of child care centers in Pennsylvania: varying approaches to health and safety. The Open Pediatric Medicine Journal 4 8: 14-22, 2010.
Nadel F, Aronson S, Giardino A, Rivers H, Requa A, Shaw K : Hand Hygiene, Sleep Position and Safety in Child Care Centers in Pennsylvania. International Journal of Pediatrics IJPED/892351, 2009.
Zorc, J; Chew, A; Allen, J.; Shaw, K.: Beliefs and Barriers to Primary Care Follow-up after a Pediatric Emergency Department Visit for Asthma: A Randomized Trial. Pediatrics 124: 1135-1142, October 2009.
Shaw KN, Ruddy RM, Olsen CS, Lillis KA, Mahajan PV, Dean JM, and Chamberlain JM: Pediatric Patient Safety in Emergency Departments: Emergency Department Characteristics and Staff Perceptions. Pediatrics 124(2): 485-94, August 2009.
Calello, D.P. Alpern, E.R., McDaniel Yakscoe, N., Shaw, K., Osterhoudt, K.C: Observation Unit Experience for Pediatric Poison Exposures. Journal of Medical Toxicology 5: 15-19, March 2009.
Alpern, E., Calello, D., Windreich, R., Osterhoudt, K., Shaw, K.: Utilization and Unexpected Hospitalization Rates of Pediatric Emergency Department 23-Hour Observation Unit. Pediatric Emergency Care 24(9): 589-94, September 2008.
Ruddy RM, Mace SE, Shaw, K, Percelay, J: Pediatric Emergency Care in Community Hospitals With Non-Pediatric Emergency Medicine Providers. Ped Emerg Care 24(8): 582-5, August 2008.
Farah M, Thomas C, Shaw K: Evidence-Based Guidelines for Family Presence in the Resuscitation Room. Pediatric Emerg Care 23(8): 1-5, August 2007.
Corneli, HM, Zorc JJ, Prashant, M, Shaw, KN et al: A Multicenter, Randomized, Controlled Trial of Dexamethasone for Bronchiolitis. New England Journal of Medicine 357(4): 331-404, July 2007.
Shaw, K.N., Lavelle, J., Crescenzo, K., Noll, J., Bonalumi, N., Baren, J. : Creating unit-based patient safety Walk-Rounds in a pediatric emergency department. Clin Ped Emerg Med 7: 231-237, 2006.
Zorc, J.J, Levine, D.A., Platt, S.L., Dayan, P.S., Macias, C.G., Krief, W., Schor, J., Bank, D., Fefferman, N., Shaw, K.N., Kuppermann, N. for the Multicenter RSV-SBI Study Group of the Pediatric Emergency Medicine Collaborative Research Committee of the American Academy of Pediatrics. : Clinical and demographic factors associated with urinary tract infection in young febrile infants. Pediatrics 116: 644-648, 2005.
Jacobstein, C.R., Alessandrini, E.A., Lavelle, J.M., Shaw, K.N.: Unscheduled revisits to a pediatric emergency department: risk factors for children with fever or infection-related complaints. Pediatr Emerg Care 21(12): 816-821, December 2005.
Spandorfer, P.R., Alessandrini, E., Joffe, M., Localio, R., Shaw, K.N: Oral vs. intravenous rehydration of moderately dehydrated children: a randomized controlled trial. Pediatrics 115: 295-301, February 2005.
Levine, D.A., Platt, S.L, Dayan, P.S., Macias, C.G., Zorc, J.J., Krief, W., Schor, J., Bank, D., Fefferman, N., Shaw, K.H., Kuppermann, N.Multicenter RSV-SBI Study Group of the Pediatric Emergency Medicine Collaborative Research Committee of the American Academy of Pediatrics.: Risk of serious bacterial infection in young febrile infants with respiratory syncytial virus infection. Pediatrics 113(6): 1728-1734, June 2004.
Alessandrini, E.A., Lavelle, J.M., Grenfell, S., Jacobstein, C.R., Shaw, K.N.: Return Visits within 48 Hours to a Pediatric Emergency Department. Pediatric Emergency Care 20(3): 166-171, March 2004.
Shaw, K.N., Ruddy, R.M., Gorelick, M.H.: Pediatric Emergency Department Directors' Benchmarking Survey-Fiscal Year 2001. Pediatric Emergency Care(19), 143-147, 2003.
Gorelick, M.H., Hoberman, A., Kearney, D., Wald, E., Shaw, K.N.: Validation of a Decisions Rule Identifying Febriel Young Girls at High Risk for Urinary Tract Infection. Pediatric Emergency Care(19), 162-164, 2003.
Spandorfer, P.R., Alessandrini, E.A., Shaw, K.N., Ludwig, S.: Pediatric Emergency Medicine Research: a critical evaluation. Pediatric Emergency Care 19(5): 293-301, October 2003.
Psoner, J.C., Liao, E., Winston, F.K., Cnaan, A., Shaw, K.N., Durbin, D.R.: Exposure to Traffic Among Urban Children Injured as Pedestrians. Injury Prevention(8), 231-235, 2002.
Lowe, R.A., Chhaya, S., Nasci, K., Gavin, L.J., Shaw, K., Zwanger, M.L, et al,: Effect of Ethnicity on Denial of Authorization for Emergency Department Care by Managed Care Gatekeepers. Academy of Emergency Medicine(8), 259-266, 2001.
Durbin, D.R., Bhatia, E., Homes, J.H., Shaw, K.N., Werner, J.V., Sorenson, W., Winston, F.K.: Partners For Child Passenger Safety: A Unique Child-Specific Crash Surveillance System. Accid Anal Prev(33), 407-412, 2001.
Alpern, E.R., Alessandrini, E.A., McGowan, K.L., Bell, L.M., Shaw, K.N. : Serotype Prevalence of Occult Pneumococcal Bacteremia. Pediatrics 2(108), 2001 Notes: http://www.pediatrics.org/cgi/content/full/108/2/e23/
Alessandrini, E.A., Shaw, K.N., Schwarz, D.F., Bilker, W.B., Bell, L.M.: Effects of Medicaid Managed Care on Quality: Childhood Immunizations. Pediatrics 6(107), 2001.
Alessandrini, E.A., Shaw, K.N., Baker, M.D., Bilker, W.B., Schwarz, D.F.: Effects of Medicaid Managed Care on Health Care Access: Infant Emergency Department Use. Pediatrics 1(108): 103-110, 2001.
Shaw, K.N., Gorelick, M.H.: Fever As A Sign Of Urinary Tract Infection. Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine 2(1): 117-123, 2000.
Scibano, P.V., Baker, M.D., Holmes, J., Shaw, K.: Use of Out-of-Hospital Interventions For the Pediatric Patient In An Urban Emergency Medical Services System. Academy Emergency Medicine(7), 745-750, 2000.
Gorelick, M.H., Shaw, K.N.: Clinical Decision Rule To Identify Young Febrile Girls at Risk for UTI. Arch Pediatric Adolescent Med(154), 386-390, 2000.
Alpern, E.R., Alessandrini, E.A., Bell, L.B., Shaw, K.N., McGowan, K.L.: Occult Bacteremia From A Pediatric Emergency Department: Current Prevalence, Time To Detection, and Outcome. Pediatrics 3(106): 505-511, 2000.
Winston, F.K., Posner, J., Alpern, E., Gallagher, P., Vivarelli, C., Shaw, K., Cnaan, A: Who can give a pediatric trauma history for children injured in bicycle crashes? Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine Scientific Proceedings Page: 459-469, October 2000.
Gorelick, M.H., Shaw, K.N: Screening tests for UTI in children: a meta-analysis. Pediatrics 104(5), 1999 1999.
Winston, F.K., Shaw, K.N., Kreshak, A.A., Schwarz, D.F., Gallagher, P.R., Cnaan, A: Hidden spears: handlebars as injury hazards to children. Pediatrics 102(3):596-601, 1998 1998.
Tsarouhas, N., Shaw, K.N., Hodinka, RL., Bell, L.M: Effectiveness of I.M. penicillin vs. P.O. amoxicillin in the early treatment of outpatient pediatric pneumonia. Pediatr Emerg Care 14(5):338-341, 1998 1998.
Shaw, K.N., McGowan, K.L., Gorelick, M.H., Schwartz, J.S: Screening for urinary tract infection in infants in the emergency department: which test is best? Pediatrics 101(6), 1998 1998.
Shaw, K.N., Gorelick, M.H., McGowan, K.L., McDaniel-Yakscoe, N., Schwartz, J.S: Prevalence of urinary tract infection in febrile young children in the emergency department. Pediatrics 102(2):1998 1998.
Shaw, K.N., Schunk, J., Ledwith, C., Lockhart, G: Pediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM) Fellowship: Essentials of a three year academic curriculum. Pediatr Emerg Care 13:77-81, 1997 1997.
Shaw, K.N., McGowan, K.L: Evaluation of a rapid screening filter test for urinary tract infection in children. Pediatr Infect Dis J 16:283-287, 1997 1997.
Gorelick, M.H., Shaw, K.N., Murphy, K.O., Baker, M.D: Effect of fever on capillary refill time. Pediatr Emerg Care 13(5):305-307, 1997 1997.
Gorelick, M.H., Shaw, K.N., Murphy, K.O: Validity and reliability of clinical signs in the diagnosis of dehydration in children. Pediatrics 99(5):1-6, 1997 1997.
Durbin, D.R., Giardino, A.P., Shaw, K.N., Harris, M.C., Silber, J.H: The effect of insurance status on likelihood of neonatal interhospital transfer. Pediatrics electronic pages 100(3):381-382, 1997 1997.
Lavelle, J.M., Shaw, K.N., Seidl, T., Ludwig, S: Ten year review of pediatric bathtub near-drownings: evaluation for child abuse and neglect. Ann Emerg Med 25:344-348, 1995. 1995.
Cohen, M., Kelley, K., Shaw, K.N: Chest pain and cardiomegaly without pulmonary involvement: an atypical presentation of pediatric TB. Pediatr Emerg Care 11:35-36, 1995 1995.
McAneney, C.M., Shaw, K.N: Violence in the pediatric emergency department. Ann Emerg Med 23:1248-1251, 1994. 1994.
Lavelle, J.M., Shaw, K.N: Near-drowning: Is emergency department cardiopulmonary resuscitation and ICU cerebral resuscitation necessary? Crit Care Med 21:368-373, 1993 1993.
Gorelick, M.H., Shaw, K.N., Baker, M.D: Effect of temperature on capillary refill in normal children. Pediatrics 92:699-702, 1993. 1993.
Shaw, K.N., Hexter D., McGowan, K.L., Schwartz, J.S: Clinical evaluation of a rapid screening test for urinary tract infection in children. J Pediatr 118:733-736, 1991 1991.
Shaw, K.N., Bell, L.M., Sherman, N.H: Outpatient evaluation of infants with bronchiolitis. Am J Dis Child 145:151-155, 1991. 1991.
Shaw, K.N., Selbst, S.M., Gill, F.M: Indigent children who are denied care in the emergency department. Ann Emerg Med 19:59-62, 1990 1990.
Lapidus, C.S., Shaw, K.N., Pasquariello, P.S: Limp associated with a peripheral neuropathy secondary to car seat misuse. Am J Dis Child 144:617, 1990 1990.
Avner, J.R., Shaw, K.N., Chin, A.J: Atypical presentation of Kawasaki disease with early development of giant coronary artery aneurysms. J Pediatr 114:605-606, 1989 1989.
Shaw, K.N., McCormick, M., Kustra, S., et al: Correlates of reported smoke detector usage in an inner-city population: participants in a smoke detector give-away program. Am J Pub Health 78:650-653, 1988. 1988.
Shaw, K.N., Kovacs, S.J., Marshall, G.S., Tom, L.W.C: Ludwig's angina caused by Haemophilus influenzae type B. Pediatr Inf Dis J 7:203-205, 1988. 1988.
Shaw, K.N., Fleisher, G.R., Schwartz, J.S: Serum theophylline testing in a pediatric emergency setting: potential benefit of rapid assays. Pediatr Emerg Care 4:237-240, 1988 1988.
Shaw, K.N., Fleisher, G.R., Schwartz, J.S: Comparison of two methods of rapid theophylline testing in clinical practice. J Pediatr 112:131-134, 1988 1988.
Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)
Presenting Author: Mahajan P, Alpern E, Baird-Cox K, Boothman R, Chamberlain J, Cosby K, Duffy E, Epstein H, Gegenheimer-Holmes J, Sittig DF, Gerardi M, Giardina T, Mathias E, Mollen C, Patel V, Radecki R, Ruddy R, Saleem J, Shaw K, Vydiswaran V, Singh H: Opportunities to Improve Diagnosis in Acute Care - Findings from a Multi-Disciplinary Expert Panel. Diagnostic Error in Medicine 10th International Conference in Boston, MA October 2017.
Johnson TJ, Mohan S, Passarella M, Lorch S, Ibrahim S, Lavelle J, Shaw K, M'Farrej M: Racial Differences in the Evaluation of Chest Pain in a Pediatric Emergency Department. Academy Health Annual Research Meeting, New Orleans, LA Platform presentation. June 2017.
Presenting Author: Samuels-Kalow, M; Peltz,A; Rodean, J; Hall,M; Alpern,ER; Aronson, PL; Berry, J; Shaw, KN; Morse, R; Freedman, S; Cohen, E; Simon, HK; Shah, SS; Katsogridakis, Y; Neuman, M: Longitudinal Trends in Emergency Department Utilization Among Medicaid Insured Children: Who Remains a High Utilizer? Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) 2017 Meeting, San Francisco, CA May 2017.
Presenting Author: Samuels-Kalow, M; Peltz,A; Rodean, J; Hall,M; Alpern,ER; Aronson, PL; Berry, J; Shaw, KN; Morse, R; Freedman, S; Cohen, E; Simon, HK; Shah, SS; Katsogridakis, Y; Neuman, M: Identifying Children at Risk for Frequent Low Resource Intensity Emergency Department Visits. Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) 2017 Meeting, San Francisco, CA May 2017.
Presenting Author: Peltz,A; Samuels-Kalow, M; Rodean, J; Hall,M; Alpern,ER; Aronson, PL; Berry, JG; Shaw, KN; Morse, RB; Freedman, SB; Cohen, E; Simon, HK; Shah, SS; Katsogridakis, Y; Neuman, MI: Characteristics of Medicaid Insured Children with High Frequency of Emergency Department Use. Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) 2017 Meeting, San Francisco, CA May 2017.
Presenting Author: Johnson TJ, Ellison AM, Shaw KN, Ibraham S, Wright J: Racial/Ethnic Diversity in the Pediatric Emergency Medicine Physician Workforce. Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) 2017 Meeting, San Francisco, CA May 2017.
Lectures by Invitation
Shaw KN. "Quality in Pediatric Emergency Medicine: Definition, Metrics, and Methods", "Careers in PEM" AAP's PREP - EM, Philadelphia, PA. Jul, 2018.
Shaw KN. "To Err is Human, but Our Errors Affect Children", "The Bag Urine Revisited", "High Risk Handoffs", ACEP Advanced Pediatric Emergency Medicine Assembly. Orlando, FL. Mar, 2018.
Shaw KN. "Worrisome Chief Complaints", "Medical Decision Making: Cognitive Errors", "Approach to the Febrile Child", "Building a Culture of Safety in PEM". Austrian American Foundation Pediatric Emergency Medicine Seminar. Salzburg Austria. Jan, 2018.
Shaw KN. "MOC Past, Present and Future: Aligning Incentives for Participation", Lehigh Valley Children's Hospital, Allentown, PA. Oct, 2016.
Shaw KN. "Approach to Evaluation of Febrile Infants in the ED", Leah Davis Memorial Conference on Pediatric Emergency Medicine, University of Illinois, IL. Apr, 2016.
Shaw KN. "Medical Decision Making in Pediatric Emergency Care: How you reason reduces errors". Leah Davis Memorial Conference on Pediatric Emergency Medicine. University of Illinois, IL. Apr, 2016.
Shaw KN. "Difficult Conversations in the Emergency Department: Delivering Bad News". National PEM Fellow's Conference in Ann Arbor, MI. Feb, 2016.
Editors: Shaw, KN; Bachur, R: Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine - 7th Edition, Wolters Kluwer Philadelphia, PA 2016.
Editors: Gary R. Fleisher; Stephen Ludwig Associate Editors: Bachur, RG; Gorelick, M; Ruddy, RM; Shaw, KN: Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine. Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine - 6th Edition, Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA 2010.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Shaw, KN; Bachur, R : High Quality Emergency Care for Children. Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine - 7th Edition, Wolters Kluwer Philadelphia 7th Edition: 27-32, 2016.
Shaw K, Blackstone M, Lopez P, Roper C: Febrile UTI Pathway. Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine - 7th Edition Wolters Kluwer Page: 611-615, December 2015.
Ellison, A, Shaw, K.N.: Management of Vaso-Occlusive Pain Events in Sickle Cell Disease, Pediatric Emergency Care, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Nov 2007
Shaw, K.N., Spandorfer, P.: Dehydration (revised chapter) in Fleisher, G.R., Ludwig, S. (eds). Textbook of Pediatric Medicine, 5th edition, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 2006, pp 233-8.
Christensen, A.M., Shaw, K.N.: Urinary Tract Infection in Childhood (Chapter 40) in Kaplan, B., Meyers, K. (eds). Requisite in Pediatrics: Nephrology/Urology, Elsevier Health Sciences, Mosby, 2004, pp 317-325.
Puchalski, A., Shaw, K.N.: An 18-Month-Old Girl Presents with Vomiting, Intermittent Shaking, and Refusal to Walk in Baren, J.M., Alpern, E.R. (eds). Emergency Medicine Pearls, Hanley & Belfus, Inc., Philadelphia, PA, 2003, pp 217-219.
Friedlaender, E., Shaw, K.N.: A 2-Year-Old Girl with Fever and Rash in Baren, J.M., Alpern, E.R. (eds). Emergency Medicine Pearls, Hanley & Belfus, Inc, Philadelphia, PA, 2003, pp 194-196.
Shaw, K.N.: Bronchiolitis in Harwood-Nuss, A., Wolfson, A.B., Linden, C.H., Moore Shepherd, S., Stenklyft, P. (eds). The Clinical Practice of Emergency Medicine, 3rd edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA, 2001, pp 1228-1230. Revised Chapter, 4th edition, 2005, pp 1284-1287.
Shaw, K.N., Gorelick, M.H.: Fever as a Sign of Urinary Tract Infection. Clin Pediatr Emerg Med 1:117-123, 2000.
Shaw, K.N.: Fluids and Electrolytes (Chapter 34) in Selbst, S.M., Cronan, K. (eds), Pediatric Emergency Medicine Secrets, Hanley & Belfus, Philadelphia, PA, 2000, pp 152-155. Revised chapter 34, 2007, pp 243-248.
Shaw, K.N., Gorelick, M.H.: Urinary Tract Infection in the Pediatric Patient in Jaffe D (ed). Pediatr Clin N Am, 1999, 46(6):1111-1124.
Shaw, K.N.: Urinary Tract Infection in Schwartz, W. (ed). The 5 Minute Pediatric Consult, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA, 1997, pp 792-793. Revised chapter (2nd ed) 2000, pp 852-853, revised chapter (3rd ed) 2003, pp 860-861, revised chapter (4th ed) 2005, pp 882-883.
Leonard, M., Shaw, K.N.: Urinary Tract Infection in Schwartz, W. (ed), Pediatric Primary Care, A Problem Oriented Approach, 3rd edition, Yearbook Medical Publishers, Inc., Chicago, 1997, pp 691-699.
Shaw, K.N.: Near Drowning in Schwartz, W. (ed), The 5 Minute Pediatric Consult, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA, 1997, pp 510-511. Revised chapter (2nd ed) 2000, pp 556-557, revised chapter (3rd ed), 2003, pp 556-557, revised chapter (4th ed) 2005, pp 570-571.
Shaw, K.N.: Converting Stable SVT: Converting Stable Supraventricular Tachycardia Using Vagal Maneuvers in Henretig, F.M., King, C. (eds), Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Procedures, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 1997, pp 771-775. Revised chapter, in press, 2005.
Shaw, K.N., Gorelick, M.H.: Burn Management in Henretig, F.M., King, C. (eds), Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Procedures, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 1997, pp 1189-1198. Revised chapter, in press, 2005.
Shaw, K.N.: Prepubertal Vaginal Bleeding in Dieckmann, R.A., Fiser, D.H., Selbst, S.M. (eds), Illustrated Textbook of Pediatric Emergency and Critical Care Procedures, Mosby Year-Book, Inc., St. Louis, MO, 1997, pp 437-438.
Shaw, K.N.: Priapism: Aspiration of the Corpus Cavernosum in Dieckmann, R.A., Fiser, D.H., Selbst S.M. (eds), Illustrated Textbook of Pediatric Emergency and Critical Care Procedures, Mosby Year-Book, Inc., St. Louis, MO, 1997, pp 439-441.
Shaw, K.N.: Prepubertal Genital Exam in Dieckmann, R.A., Fiser, D.H., Selbst, S.M. (eds), Illustrated Textbook of Pediatric Emergency and Critical Care Procedures, Mosby Year-Book, Inc, St. Louis, MO, 1997, pp 427-430.
Shaw, K.N.: Reduction of Paraphimosis in Dieckmann, R.A., Fiser, D.H., Selbst, S.M. (eds), Illustrated Textbook of Pediatric Emergency and Critical Care Procedures, Mosby Year-Book, Inc., St. Louis, MO, 1997, pp 435-436.
Shaw, K.N: Phimosis: Dorsal Slit Procedure in Dieckmann, R.A., Fiser, D.H., Selbst, S.M. (eds), Illustrated Textbook of Pediatric Emergency and Critical Care Procedures, Mosby Year-Book, Inc., St. Louis, MO, 1997, pp 434.
Shaw, K.N., Lavelle, J.M.: The Drowned and Near-Drowned Patient in Paradis, N.A., Halperin, H.R., Nowak, R.M. (eds), Cardiac Arrest: The Science and Practice of Resuscitation Medicine, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 1996, pp 820-829.
Shaw, K.N.: Dehydration in Fleisher, G.R., Ludwig, S. (eds). Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, 3rd edition, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 1993, pp 147-151. (Chapter 18 –revised chapter) 4th edition, 2000, pp 197-201.
Shaw, K.N., Briede, C.B.: Submersion injuries: drowning and near-drowning. Emerg Med Clin of N Amer 7(2):355-370, 1989.
Shaw, K.N.: Burns in Selbst, S.M., Torrey, S.B. (eds), Pediatric Emergency Medicine for the House Officer. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 1988.