Shannon V. Ryan, PhD
About Shannon V. Ryan, PhD
Awards and Honors
2020, Rita M. Wolotkiewicz Award for Outstanding Professional Achievement, College of Education, Temple University
2015-2017, Conference Scholarship Award
2015-2016, Institute on disAbilities Graduate Funding Award
2014, Temple University College of Education Merit Scholarship Award
2010, Highest honors in Psychology, Bryn Mawr College
2010, Magna cum laude, Bryn Mawr College
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2014-present, Association of School Psychologists of Pennsylvania
2014-present, National Association of School Psychologists
2014-present, American Psychological Association
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2022, Reviewer, School Psychology Review
Education & training
Undergraduate Degree
BA in Psychology - Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, PA
Graduate Degree
PhD in School Psychology - Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
MEd in School Psychology - Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
Ryan, S.V., Fleming, P.F., Rushworth, S., Davis, M., Joseph, S., & Pendergast, L. (2022). Universal screening for internalizing symptoms: The influence of stress. Under Review
von der Embse, N., Ryan, S., Gibbs, T., and Mankin, A. (2019). Teacher stress interventions: A systematic review. Psychology in the Schools, 56 (8), 1328-1343.
Mankin, A., Renshaw, T., von der Embse, N., & Ryan, S. (2018). Assessing teacher wellness: Confirmatory factor analysis and measurement invariance of the Teacher Subjective Wellbeing Questionnaire. Journal of Psychometric Assessment, 36(3) 219-232.
Ryan, S., von der Embse, N., Segool, N., Pendergast, L., Saeki, E. & Schwing, S. (2017). Leaving the profession: The role of teacher stress and educational accountability policies on teacher intent to turnover. Teaching and Teacher Education, 66.
Beysolow, D., Ryan, S., & Hudziak, J. (May, 2016). 2016 PPI participants, prepare to be inspired. [Web log post]. Published on the National Association of School Psychologists website.
von der Embse, N., Pendergast, L., Segool, N., Saeki, E., & Ryan, S. (2016). The influence of test-based accountability policies on school climate and teacher stress across four states. Teaching and Teacher Education, 59, 492-502.
Lectures by Invitation
Ryan, S., Rushworth, S., Davis, M., Joseph, S., & Pendergast, L. (2021). The impact of teacher stress on universal screening practices. Presentation to the National Association of School Psychologists virtual convention.