Karen E. Revere, MD
Areas of expertise: Functional and cosmetic oculoplastic surgery, Ptosis, Eyelid and ocular surface tumors, Post-Mohs reconstructive surgery, Management of microphthalmia and the anophthalmic socket, Orbital tumors, fractures and inflammatory conditions, Lacrimal (tearing) disorders, Lacrimal (tearing) disorders, Complex oculoplastic and orbital diseases, including thyroid eye disease and congenital fibrosis syndromes
Locations: Specialty Care, Virtua, Specialty Care, Abington, Main Building
About Karen E. Revere, MD
Karen E. Revere, MD, is an attending oculoplastic and reconstructive surgeon in the Division of Ophthalmology. She is also a member of the Department of Ophthalmology at the Scheie Eye Institute as assistant professor at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. She sees both children and adults.
Dr. Revere received her MD from the Perelman School of Medicine, where she was recognized as the most outstanding medical student entering ophthalmology. After earning “Intern of the Year,” in Miami, FL, and completing a residency in Ophthalmology at Penn, she completed a two-year fellowship at CHOP, which included training at the Scheie Eye Institute, the Center for Human Appearance and the Philadelphia Veterans Affairs Medical Center.
Dr. Revere’s practice includes functional and cosmetic oculoplastic surgery in children and adults. Her clinical interests include ptosis; eyelid and ocular surface tumors; post-Mohs reconstructive surgery; management of microphthalmia and the anophthalmic socket; orbital tumors, fractures and inflammatory conditions; lacrimal (tearing) disorders; and complex oculoplastic and orbital diseases, including thyroid eye disease and congenital fibrosis syndromes.
Dr. Revere sees patients at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s Main Campus; the CHOP Care Network Specialty Care Center, Princeton at Plainsboro; the CHOP Care Network Specialty Care& Surgery Center, Voorhees; and the Scheie Eye Institute in Philadelphia.
Attending Physician
Awards and Honors
2014, ORBIS Associate Ophthalmologist Fellowship, Davao, Philippines
2012, Intern of the Year, Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Miami Beach, FL
2011, National Medical Fellowship for Minority Medical Students, Mbarara, Uganda
2011, Byron S. Hurwitz, MD, M'66 Memorial Prize for most outstanding medical student entering a residency in ophthalmology
2010, Fellowship at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics for Medical Students, Germany and Poland
2009, Year-Long Howard Hughes Medical Institute Fellowship, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
2007, Agnew Surgical Society Scholarship, Department of Traumatology and Critical Care, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
1997-2004, National Institutes of Health Funded Annual Summer Fellowships, Minority Access to Research Careers/Physician Scientist Training Program, Temple University School of Medicine
Education & training
Medical Degree
MD - University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA
Intern in Medicine - Mount Sinai Medical Center, Miami Beach, FL
Ophthalmology - Scheie Eye Institute, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
ASOPRS Fellow in Oculoplastic and Orbital Surgery - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, and The Center for Human Appearance, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Revere KE, Binenbaum G, Li J, Mills MD, Katowitz WR, Katowitz JA. Simultaneous versus sequential ptosis and strabismus surgery in children. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg. 2018;34(3):280-283.
Khatib L, Nazemzadeh M, Revere K, Katowitz WR, Katowitz JA. Use of the Masterka for complex nasolacrimal duct obstruction in children. J AAPOS. 2017;21(5):380-383.
Revere KE, Binenbaum G, Katowitz WR, Li J, Mills M, Katowitz JA. Simultaneous versus sequential ptosis and strabismus surgery in children. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. 2017 Jun 28. doi: 10.1097/IOP.0000000000000949. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 28661930
Gurwin J, Revere KE, Niepold S, Bassett B, Mitchell R, DeLisser H, Davidson SM, Binenbaum G. A Randomized Controlled Trial of Art Observation Training to Improve Medical Student Ophthalmology Skills. Ophthalmology, 2017.
Revere KE, Katowitz WR, Katowitz JA, Rorke-Adams L, Fisher MJ, Liu GT. Childhood optic nerve glioma: vision loss due to biopsy. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. 2017 May/Jun;33(3S Suppl 1):S107-S109. doi: 10.1097/IOP.0000000000000687. PMID: 27046034
Li J, Orlin SE, Revere KE, Kempen JH. Acute onset anterior uveitis after darbepoetin alfa infusion. Journal of Ophthalmic Inflamm Infect. 5(1):31, 2015.
Revere KE and Davidson S. Update on management of herpes keratitis in children. Curr Opin Ophthalmol. 24:343-47, 2013.
Revere KE, Shindler KS, Dutt M, Ying GS, Chung DC. In vivo detection of experimental optic neuritis by pupillometry. Exp Eye Res. 100:1-6, 2012.
Revere KE, Chung DC. Recent breakthroughs in gene therapy for inherited retinal degeneration. Discovery Medicine. 42(8):125-29, 2009.
Revere KE, Katowitz JA, Nazemzadeh M, Katowitz WR. Management of the Microphthalmic Orbit. In: Katowitz JA, Katowitz WR, editors. Pediatric Oculoplastic Surgery. 2nd ed. Springer; 2017.
Revere KE, Foster JA, Katowitz WR, Katowitz JA: Developmental Eyelid Abnormalities. In: Katowitz JA, Katowitz WR, editors. Pediatric Oculoplastic Surgery. 2nd ed.. Springer; 2017.
Revere KE, Forbes B, Katowitz WR, Katowitz JA:Congenital Craniofacial Deformities: Ophthalmic Considerations. In: Katowitz JA, Katowitz WR, editors. Pediatric Oculoplastic Surgery. 2nd ed. Springer; 2017.
Revere KE, Katowitz W, Nazemzadeh M, Katowitz J: Eyelid Developmental Disorders. Diseases and Disorders of the Orbit and Adnexa, 1" Edition. Fay A & Dolman P (eds.). Elsevier, 2016.