Irit R. Rasooly, MD, MSCE
Areas of expertise: Complex care
Locations: Main Building
About Irit R. Rasooly, MD, MSCE
Attending Physician
Clinical Instructor, Department of Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Pediatric Hospital Medicine – American Board of Pediatrics
Pediatrics – American Board of Pediatrics
Awards and Honors
2020, BI&T Best Article of 2020 for “Protocol for a new method to measure physiologic monitor alarm responsiveness”
2014, Walter Freeman Research Award, The George Washington University School of Medicine
2012, Lazarus Family Scholar, The George Washington University of Medicine
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2021-present, AMIA
2019-present, Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine
2017-present, Academic Pediatric Association
2014-present, American Academy of Pediatrics
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2020-present, Diagnosis, peer-reviewer
2019-present, Pediatrics, peer-reviewer
Academic and Institutional Committees
2020-present, Clinical Physician Lead, Improving diagnosis of non-accidental trauma in pediatric primary care workgroup, Department of Patient Safety, Center for Healthcare Quality and Analytics
2020-present, Clinical Physician Lead, Quality Improvement for Diagnostic Error Workgroup, Dept of Patient Safety, Center for Healthcare Quality and Analytics
2019-present, Cognitive Bias Thinktank
Research Interests
Clinical informatics
Diagnostic decision making
Education & training
Graduate Degree
Masters in Clinical Epidemiology - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Medical Degree
MD, Certificate, Health Policy - The George Washington University School of Medicine, Washington, DC
Pediatrics - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatrics - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Fulbright Foundation U.S./Canada Fellow - Toronto ON
Academic General Pediatrics - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatric Hospital Epidemiology and Outcomes Research Training Program - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Diagnostic Excellence - Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine
Kern-Goldberger AS, Rasooly IR, Luo B, Craig S, Ferro DF, Ruppel H, Parthasarathy P, Sergay N, Solomon CM, Lucey KE, Muthu N, Bonafide CP, for the Pediatric Research in Inpatient Settings (PRIS) Network. EHR integrated monitor data to measure pulse oximetry use in bronchiolitis. Hospital Pediatrics 11(10):1073-1082, Oct 2021.
Rasooly IR, Kern-Goldberger AS, Xiao R, Ponnala S, Ruppel H, Luo BT, Craig S, Khan A, McLoone M, Ferro D, Won JC, Bonafide CP. Physiologic monitor alarm burden and nurses' subjective workload in a children's hospital. Hospital Pediatrics. 11(7): 703-710, July 2021.
Luo B, McLoone M, Rasooly IR, Craig S, Muthu N, Won J, Ruppel H, Bonafide CP. Protocol for a new method to measure physiologic monitor alarm responsiveness. Biomed Instrum Technol. 54(6):389-396, 2020.
Rasooly IR, Shults J, Guevara JP, Feudtner C. State variation in posthospital home nursing for commercially insured medically complex children. Pediatrics. 146(2), Aug 2020.
Rasooly IR, Beidas RS, et al. Measuring overuse of continuous pulse oximetry in bronchiolitis and developing strategies for large-scaled implementation: study protocol for a feasibility trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 2019;5(1). doi:10.1186/s40814-019-0453-2
Rasooly IR, Orenstein E, Grundmeier R, Muthu N. Measuring resident performance in an EHR based Simulation using the situation awareness global assessment technique. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. 8(1):92-95, 2019.
Orenstein EW,* Rasooly IR,* Mai MV, Dziorny AC, Phillips W, Utidjian L, Luberti A, Posner J, Tenney-Soeiro R, Bonafide CP. The Influence of Simulation on Electronic Health Record Use Patterns among Pediatric Residents Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 25(11):1501-1506, 2018.
Kilberg MJ,* Rasooly IR,* LaFranchi SH, Bauer AJ, Hawkes CP. Newborn Screening in the US May Miss Mild Persistent Hypothyroidism. Journal of Pediatrics. 192(1):204-208, 2018
Mazer-Amirshahi M, Rasooly I, Brooks G, Pines J, May L, van den Anker J. The impact of pediatric labeling changes on prescribing patterns of cough and cold medications. Journal of Pediatrics. 165(5):1024-1028.e1, 2014.
Rasooly I, Mullins P, Alpern ER, Pines JM. U.S. Emergency Department Utilization by Children, 2001 2010. Pediatric Emergency Care. 30(9):602-607, 2014.
Rasooly IR, Mullins PM, Mazer-Amirshahi M, van den Anker J, Pines JM. The impact of race on analgesia use among pediatric emergency department patients. Journal of Pediatrics. 165(3):618-621, 2014.
Mazer-Amirshahi M, Mullins P, Rasooly I, van den Anker J, Pines JM. Trends in Prescription Opioid Utilization in Pediatric Emergency Department Patients. Pediatric Emergency Care. 30(4):230-235, 2014.
Mazer-Amirshahi M, Mullins P, Rasooly I, van den Anker J, Pines JM. Rising Opioid Prescribing in U.S. Emergency Departments: 2001-2010. Academic Emergency Medicine. 21(3):236-243, 2014.
Rasooly I & Frank J.B. Unusual distress five months after delivery. Psychiatric Annals. 42(7): 247-249, 2012.
Bhattacharyya O, Estey E, Rasooly I, Harris S, Zwarenstein M, Barnsley J. Provider perceptions of barriers to management of Type 2 Diabetes in remote aboriginal settings. International Journal of Circumpolar Health. 70 (5): 552-563, 2011.
Bhattacharyya O, Rasooly I, Naqshbandi M, Estey E, Esler J, Toth E, Macaulay A, Harris S. Challenges to the provision of Diabetes care in First Nations communities: Results from a national survey of healthcare providers in Canada. BMC Health Services Research, 11:283, 2011.
Gittelsohn J, Suratkar S, Song H-J, Sacher S, Rajan R, Rasooly IR, Bednarek E, Sharma S and Anliker JA. Process evaluation of Baltimore Healthy Stores: A pilot health intervention program with supermarkets and corner stores in Baltimore City. Health Promotion Practice. 11(5):723-732, 2010.
Gittelsohn J, Franceschini MC, Rasooly I, Ries AV, Ho LS, Pavlovich W, Santos VT, Jennings S and Frick KD. Understanding the food environment in a low income urban setting: Implications for food store interventions. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition. 2(2/3): 33-50, 2007.
Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)
Congdon M, Rasooly IR, O'Callaghan KP, Linn AR, Neide B, Harris RM, Bell L, Sammons JS, Kitt E, Coffin S. Where the rubber meets the road: interpreting cycle thresholds during the covid-19 pandemic. (Presented at Pediatric Academic Society, Virtually, April 2021).
Rasooly IR, Wood JN. Applying a diagnostic error framework to improving recognition of child abuse. (Presented at the Ray Helfer Society Annual Meeting, Virtually, April 2021).
Congdon M, Carroll B, Costello A, Chua WD, Fairchild V, Fatemi Y, Greenfield M, Herchline D, Howard A, Lamberton CE, McAndrew L, Hart, J, Shaw, KN, Rasooly, IR. Recognition and description of diagnostic error among pediatric readmissions. (Poster Presentation at the Diagnostic Error in Medicine 14th Annual International Conference, Virtually, October 2021).
Kern-Goldberger AS, Rasooly IR, Bonafide CP*, Gerber JS*. Characterizing tolerance of uncertainty among pediatric Hospitalists. (Poster Presentation at the American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference and Exhibition, Virtually, Oct 2021).
Kern-Goldberger AS, Rasooly I, Luo B, Muthu N, Bonafide C. Use of EHR-derived monitoring data to evaluate true extent of pulse oximetry overuse in hospitalized children with bronchiolitis. (Accepted at Academic Pediatric Association Conference: Advancing Quality Improvement Science for Children's Health Care, Conference cancelled due to COVID-19, May 2020).
Schulman C, Dunn M, Waimberg R, Riley J, Rasooly IR, Luo B, Lessen R, Cockerham J, Marvill E, Weic J, Hendricks R, Breenan B, Bennett C, Bell L. Standardizing care for infant malnutrition. (Accepted at Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Conference cancelled due to COVID-19, May 2020).
Kern-Goldberger AS, Rasooly I, Luo B, Muthu N, Bonafide C. Use of central monitoring data to evaluate True extent of pulse oximetry overmonitoring in stable hospitalized children with bronchiolitis. (Accepted at Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Conference cancelled due to COVID-19, May 2020).
Congdon M, Muthu N, Balmer D, Bonafide CP, Rasooly IR. Trainee diagnosis in the age of clinical pathways. (Accepted at, Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Conference cancelled due to COVID-19, May 2020).
Luo B, McLoone M, Rasooly IR, Won J, Craig S, Muthu N, Bonafide CP. A Novel approach to in-situ simulation for the evaluation of a hospital alarm management system. (Presented at International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, Virtually, May 2020).
Congdon M, Muthu N, Balmer D, Bonafide CP, Rasooly IR. Trainee diagnosis in the age of clinical pathways. (Accepted at Pediatric Hospital Medicine, Conference cancelled due to COVID-19, July 2020).
Schulman C, Dunn M, Waimberg R, Riley J, Rasooly IR, Luo B, Lessen R, Cockerham J, Marvill E, Weic J, R, Breenan B, Bennett C, Bell L. Development of a multidisciplinary pathway for infant malnutrition Diagnosis and care (Presented at Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo, Virtually, Oct 2020).
Rasooly IR, Clancy C. Assessment of medical student diagnostic decision-making performance in electronic health record-based simulations (Presented at Diagnostic Error in Medicine 13th Annual International Conference, Virtually, Oct 2020).
Congdon M, Muthu N, Balmer D, Bonafide CP, Rasooly IR. Trainee diagnosis in the age of clinical pathways. (Presented at Diagnostic Error in Medicine 13th Annual International Conference, Virtually, Oct 2020).
Rasooly, IR, Shults J., Guevara J. Feudtner C. State of Residence and Receipt of Post-Hospitalization Home Nursing Care Among Children with Medical Complexity: A National Retrospective Cohort Study (Presented at Pediatric Academic Society, Baltimore MD, 2019).
Rasooly, IR, Muthu N. The Influence of Simulation on Electronic Health Record Use Patterns among Pediatric Residents (Presented at International Meeting of Simulation in Healthcare, San Antonia TX, 2019)
Rasooly, IR, Muthu N. Measuring Resident Performance in an EHR Based Simulation Using the Situation Awareness Global Assessment Technique (Presented at Human Factors and Ergonomic Society Healthcare Symposium, Chicago IL, 2019).
Orenstein E, Rasooly I, Phillips W, Dziorny A, Mai M, Bonafide C, Utidjian L, Posner J, Tenney-Soeiro R. The Impact of Simulation on Electronic Health Record Use Patterns Among Pediatric Residents (presented at Pediatric Hospitalist Medicine, Atlanta, GA, 2018).
Orenstein E, Rasooly I, Phillips W, Dziorny A, Mai M, Bonafide C, Utidjian L, Posner J, Tenney-Soeiro R. The Impact of Simulation on Electronic Health Record Use Patterns Among Pediatric Residents (presented at Pediatric Academic Society, Toronto, ON, 2018).
Lectures by Invitation
Rasooly I. "Diagnostic Error & Cognitive Bias: Problems you don't know you have…and strategies to address them," CHOP Leading Improvement Course, Philadelphia, PA. Oct 2021.
Rasooly I. "Diagnostic Error & Cognitive Bias: Problems you don't know you have…and strategies to address them," Open Medical Institute OMInar in Medical Quality and Safety 2021 (Virtual). Feb 2021.
Rasooly I. "Bridging the GAP Live: Diagnostic Error," Adventist HealthCare Mission in Motion Fall Conference, Rockville MD. Nov 2019.
Rasooly I. "Electronic Health Records as Tools for Cognitive Reasoning?" Cincinnati Children's Hospital, Cincinnati, OH. Mar 2019.