Jill Posner, MD, MSCE
Areas of expertise: Medical student education, Resident and fellow education, Interprofessional education (IPE)
Locations: Main Building
About Jill Posner, MD, MSCE
Co-director, Fellowship Program
Pediatric Emergency Medicine – American Board of Pediatrics
Pediatrics – American Board of Pediatrics
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2005 - Guest Reviewer, Ambulatory Pediatrics
2004 - Guest Reviewer, Academic Emergency Medicine
2001 - Guest Reviewer, Injury Prevention, BMJ Publishing Group, London
Education & training
Graduate Degree
MS in Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Medical Degree
MD - Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, VA
Pediatrics - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatrics - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatric Emergency Medicine - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Posner, J.C. Neck Pain / Stiffness. (Chapter 57) In: Clinical Handbook of Pediatrics, 3rd Ed. Schwartz MW, Brown L, Clark BJ, Manno CS, Schulman SJ, Zorc JJ (Eds). Baltimore: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2003, pp 538-46, updated and republished in 4th edition, (2012.)
Leff, S, Simeral C, Posner J.C. Aggression, Violence, and Delinquency (Chapter X) In: Textbook of Developmental Pediatrics, Carey W. (Ed). 2009.
Schwab, S.H., Posner J.C. Menstrual Disorders. (Chapter 92) In: Pediatric Emergency Medicine Baren JM, Brennan JA, Brown L, and Rothrock SG (Eds.), Philadelphia, Saunder Elsevier, 2008.
Posner, J.C. Replacing a Tracheostomy Tube (Chapter 164) In: Pediatric Emergency Medicine Baren JM, Brennan JA, Brown L, and Rothrock SG (Eds.), Philadelphia, Saunder Elsevier, 2008.
Cho C.C., Posner J.C. Cerebrospinal Fluid Shunt Assessment (Chapter 213) and Phlebotomy (Chapter 206), In: Comprehensive Pediatric Hospital Medicine, Zaoutis, L and Chiang, V, (Eds.) Philadelphia, Mosby Elsevier, 2007.
Posner, J.C. "Hair tourniquet" (pp10-12), "Lyme disease" (pp 34-37), Chapters In: Emergency Medicine Pearls. Alpern ER, Baren J Eds. Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus, Inc, 2004.
Posner, J.C. “Abdominal Pain (Chapter 5)” in Selbst, S. M., Cronan, K. (Eds.) Pediatric Emergency Medicine Secrets, Hanley and Belfus, Inc., Philadelphia, 25-30, 2001.
Fein, J.F., Cronan K., Posner, J.C.: “Approach to the care of the technology dependent child (Chapter 127)” in Fleisher, G.R., Ludwig, S. (Eds.) Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine (4th edition), Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 1645-1665, 2000.
Posner, J.C.: “Apnea (Chapter 10)”, “Approach to the Care of the Technology-Dependent Child (Chapter 27)”, “Neck Stiffness (Chapter 46)” in Sharma, S., Wang, V.J. (Eds.). Review for Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine (4th edition), Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 2000.
Posner, J.C.: “Intussusception” in Altschuler, S.M., Ludwig, S. (Eds.). Pediatrics at a Glance, Current Medicine, Philadelphia, 178-179, 1998.