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Pelton A. Phinizy, MD

Pelton A. Phinizy, MD

Pelton A. Phinizy, MD

Pelton A. Phinizy, MD, is an attending physician in the Division of Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.

Areas of expertise: Airway and aerodigestive disorders including noisy breathing, Chronic aspiration, Recurrent croup, Airway stenosis, Tracheomalacia, Bronchomalacia, Laryngomalacia bronchopulmonary dysplasia, Chronic respiratory failure, Advanced diagnostic and interventional bronchoscopy procedures, Foreign body aspiration, Tracheoesophageal fistula

Locations: Buerger Center for Advanced Pediatric Care


About Pelton A. Phinizy, MD

Dr. Pelton Phinizy, MD joined the Division of Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine in 2016, after completing his fellowship at Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of New York-Columbia University. Dr. Phinizy enjoys working closely with specialists in otolaryngology, gastroenterology, surgery, and speech language pathology (among others) to help provide comprehensive care for children with complex medical conditions impacting the airways or gastrointestinal tracts.


Attending Physician

Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania


Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)

Awards and Honors

2023, Faculty Honor Roll-Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2022, Main Line Today Top Docs, Pulmonary
2013-2015, First and Second Year Clinical Fellowship Grant/Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
2006, The Phi Beta Kappa Society
2004, Sophomore Honors Award/University of Michigan
2003, First Year Chemistry Achievement Award/University of Michigan
2002-2005, University Honors/University of Michigan

Leadership and Memberships

Memberships in Professional Organizations and Honorary Societies

2023-present, American Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology
2014-present, American Thoracic Society
2018-present, The Aerodigestive Society

Editorial and Academic Positions

Editorial Positions

2023-present, Peer reviewer, Pediatrics in Review
2022-present, Peer reviewer, Pediatric Pulmonology
2021-present, Reviewer, World Journal of Pediatric Surgery
2021-present, Reviewer, CHEST
2020-present, Reviewer, Paediatric Respiratory Reviews

Academic and Institutional Committees

2021-present, Pulmonary Division Lead, Physician Wellbeing Committee
2018-present, Program Evaluation Committee
2016-present, Fellowship Clinical Competency Committee

Education & training

Medical Degree

MD - Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City, NY


Pediatrics - Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of New York, New York City, NY


Pediatric Pulmonology - Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of New York, New York City, NY




Aoife Corcoran MBBS, Kumaran Senthil MD, Hannah Stinson MD, Pelton A. Phinizy MD, Joseph C. Piccione DO, MS: Endobronchial valve and fibrin sealant placement for successful control of pulmonary hemorrhage in a pediatric patient. Pediatric Pulmonology August 2023.


Katharine Tsukahara, Brandy Johnson, Katelyn Klimowich, Kathleen Chiotos, Erik A Jensen, Paul Planet, Pelton Phinizy, Joseph Piccione: Comparison of tracheal aspirate and bronchoalveolar lavage samples in the microbiological diagnosis of lower respiratory tract infection in pediatric patients. Pediatric Pulmonology 57(10): 2405-2410, Oct 2022.

Stephen D Franklin, Julie Fierro, Erik B Hysinger, Pelton A Phinizy, Joseph Piccione: Hemosiderin-laden macrophages in bronchoalveolar lavage samples of children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia. The Journal of Pediatrics Page: In press, Dec 2022.


Pia Maier; Elizabeth Silvestro; Samuel B. Goldfarb; Joseph Piccione; Pelton A. Phinizy; Savvas Andronikou: 3-D printed realistic pediatric static and dynamic airway models for bronchoscopy and foreign body removal training. Pediatric Pulmonology 56(8): 2654-2659, Aug 2021.

Claudia Mattos DO, Pelton Phinizy MD, Kimberly L. Duffy MA, CCC-SLP, Steven Sobol MD, MSc, Joseph Piccione DO, MS: Clinical predictors of laryngotracheoesophageal clefts and tracheoesophageal fistulae in children with dysphagia. Pediatric Pulmonology 56(12): 3792-3795, Dec 2021.


Geanacopoulos AT1, Savla JJ2, Pogoriler J3, Piccione J1, Phinizy P1, DeWitt AG4, Blinder JJ4, Pinto E2, Itkin M5, Dori Y2, Goldfarb SB1: Bronchoscopic and histologic findings during lymphatic intervention for plastic bronchitis. Pediatric Pulmonology 53(11): 1574-1581, Nov 2018.


Phinizy, PA, Lovinsky-Desir S. 3 Practical Tests of Pulmonary Function in Preschool Children. Chest Physician 11 (4) April, 2016: 12-13.

Lectures by Invitation


Pelton Phinizy. "Advanced Diagnostic and Interventional Bronchoscopy", University of Connecticut Children's Pediatric Pulmonology Conference. Hartford, CT. Apr 2023.

Pelton Phinizy. "Flexible Bronchoscopy: What Can Pulm Do For You?" Pediatrics Grand Rounds at Dwaine and Cynthia Willett Children's Hospital in  Savannah, Georgia. Jan 2023.


Pelton Phinizy. "Vascular Compression: Diagnostic Evaluation & Indications for Surgical Intervention", Quad Conference/Aerodigestive Conference, Cincinnati, OH. Oct 2022.

Pelton Phinizy. "Endobronchial ultrasound & Navigational Bronchoscopy in Children", Quad Conference/Aerodigestive Conference, Cincinnati, OH. Oct 2022.

Pelton Phinizy. "The Role of Medical Subspecialists in Optimization for Airway Surgery and Tracheostomy Decannulation in Children", Division of Pediatric Otolaryngology at Cohen Children's Medical Center and Department of Otolaryngology at Northwell Health Grand Rounds, Virtual, Long Island, NY. May 2022.

Pelton Phinizy. "Foreign Body Aspiration for the Pediatric Pulmonologist", American Austrian Foundation, Salzburg, Austria. Apr 2022.

Pelton Phinizy. "Not All That Wheezes is Asthma: Airway Masqueraders", American Austrian Foundation, Salzburg, Austria. Apr 2022.

Pelton Phinizy. "Dysphagia and Aspiration", American Austrian Foundation, Salzburg, Austria. Apr 2022.


Pelton Phinizy. Pediatric Grand Rounds titled "Pediatric Flexible Bronchoscopy: What Can Pulm Do For You?", Inspira Health Network, Vineland, NJ. Jun 2021.

Editorials, Reviews, Chapters


Pelton Phinizy, MD: Foreign Body Aspiration: The Role of the Pediatric Pulmonologist. Diagnostic and Interventional Bronchoscopy in Children. Humana Press, Springer Nature AG, Page: 317-331, 2021 Notes: Chapter.

Pelton Phinizy, MD, Joseph Bolton, RRT, John F. Tamasitis, RRT-NPS: Invasive Ventilation: A Discussion of Equipment and Troubleshooting  Emergency Management of the Hi-Tech Patient in Acute and Critical Care Page: 327-333, 2021 Notes: Chapter 27.

Patient experience rating

(based on 35 submissions)

  • Clear Explanation
    4.7 of 5
  • Showed Concern
    4.8 of 5
  • Would recommend
    4.7 of 5
  • Discussion of Proposed Treatment
    4.7 of 5
Learn about the patient experience rating system

About the Patient Experience Rating System

The Patient Experience Rating is an average of all responses to the care provider related questions shown above from our nationally-recognized Press Ganey Patient Satisfaction Survey. Patients that are treated in outpatient or hospital environments may receive different surveys, and the volume of responses will vary by question. Responses are measured on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score. We are committed to true transparency. However, to ensure the comments are fair and correctly attributed, we review each one before posting to the website. We exclude entire comments that disclose patient’s protected health information, are off-topic, or include other confidential or inappropriate content. Comments will appear on provider bios only if providers have a minimum number of comments. Comments are shared internally for education purposes to ensure that we are doing our very best for the patients and families for whom we are privileged to care. The comments are submitted by patients and families and reflect their views and opinions. The comments are not endorsed by and do not reflect the views of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

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