Trusha Patel, MD
Areas of expertise: Pediatric gastroenterology, Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Very early onset inflammatory bowel disease (VEO-IBD)
Locations: Buerger Center for Advanced Pediatric Care, Main Building
About Trusha Patel, MD
Attending Physician
Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics (Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition), Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Pediatric Gastroenterology – American Board of Pediatrics
Pediatrics – American Board of Pediatrics
Awards and Honors
2022, GI Fellows' Young Faculty Teaching Honor Roll, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2021, GI Fellows' Young Faculty Teaching Award, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2019, First Place - Clinical Research, Komarov Research Prize Competition
2018, GI Fellow Citizenship Award, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2012, Southeastern Regional Genetics Group Trainee Travel Award
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2019-present, ImproveCareNow
- 2021-present, Clinical Committee Member
2016-present, North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
- 2020-present, IBD Committee
2013-present, American Academy of Pediatrics
Editorial and Academic Positions
Academic and Institutional Committees
2018-present, Quality Improvement Group, Center for Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Education & training
Medical Degree
MD - Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC
Pediatrics - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Gastroenterology - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Kelsen J, Dawany N, Conrad M, Patel T, Devoto M, Maurer K, Sullivan KE: Clinical and Laboratory Predictors of Monogenic Very Early Onset Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Clinical Immunology July 2022.
Rudra S, Shaul E, Conrad M, Patel T, Moore A, Dawany N, Canavan M, Sullivan K, Behrens E, Kelsen J: Ruxolitinib: Targeted Approach for Treatment of Autoinflammatory Very Early Onset-Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology Page: doi: 10.1016, 2022 Notes: epub.
Patel T, Henrickson SE, Moser EK, Field NS, Maurer K, Dawany N, Conrad M, Bunin N, Freedman JL, Heimall J, Arnold DE, Wang J, Markowitz JE, Payne-Poff SB, Williams KW, Russo PA, Wherry EJ, Devoto M, Oliver P, Sullivan KE, Kelsen JR: Immune dysregulation in human ITCH deficiency successfully treatment with hematopoietic cell transplantation. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice 9(7): 2885-2893, Jul 2021.
Dou Y, Maurer K, Conrad M, Patel T, Shraim R, Sullivan KE, Kelsen J: Mucosal Invariant T cells are Diminished in Very Early-Onset Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition 73(4): 529-536, Oct 2021.
Dou Y, Maurer K, Conrad M, Patel T, Shraim R, Sullivan KE and Kelsen J: Mucosal Invariant T cells are Diminished in Very Early-Onset Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2021.
Holbein CE, Plevinsky J, Patel T, Conrad MC and Kelsen JR: Pediatric Global Health in Children with Very Early-Onset Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 2021.
Kelsen JR, Conrad MA, Dawany N, Patel T, Shraim R, Merz A, Maurer K, Sullivan KE and Devoto M: The Unique Disease Course of Children with Very Early Onset-Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 26(6): 909-918, June 2020.
Kelsen JR, Conrad MA, Dawany N, Patel T, Shraim R, Merz A, Maurer K, Sullivan KE and Devoto M. The Unique Disease Course of Children with Very Early Onset-Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. Published online September 27, 2019. DOI: 10.1093/ibd/izz214.
Sun B, Banugaria SG, Prater SN, Patel TT, Fredrickson K, Ringler DJ, de Fougerolles A, Rosenberg AS, Waldmann H, Kishnani PS. Non-depleting anti-CD4 monoclonal antibody induces immune tolerance to ERT in a murine model of Pompe disease. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Reports. 1(2014):446-450.
Banugaria SG, Prater SN, Patel TT, Dearmey SM, Milleson C, Sheets KB, Bali DS, Rehder CW, Raiman JA, Wang RA, Labarthe F, Charrow J, Harmatz P, Chakraborty P, Rosenbergy AS, Kishnani PS. Algorithm for the early diagnosis and treatment of patients with cross reactive immunologic maternal-negative classic infantile pompe disease: a step towards improving the efficacy of ERT. PLoS One. 8(2013): e67052.
Prater SN*, Patel TT*, Buckley AF, Mandel H, Vladovski E, Banugaria SG, Feeney EJ, Raben N, Kishnani PS. Skeletal muscle pathology of infantile Pompe disease during long-term enzyme replacement therapy. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases. 8(2013): 90.]
Lectures by Invitation
Patel T. "Very Early Onset Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Practical Approach." University of Miami Pediatric Gastroenterology Fellows Conference. Virtual. Fevb 2022.
Patel T, "Standardizing the Approach to VEO-IBD," ImproveCareNow, Live Online Community Conference. Virtual. Oct 2021.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Sun JK and Patel T: Inflammatory bowel disease. Netter's Pediatrics, Second Edition Page: in press, 2021.
Patel T, Stoner NL, Grossman AB: Nutritional Management in Patients Hospitalized with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Management of Inpatient IBD: A Comprehensive Handbook. Feuerstein J and Cheifetz A (eds.). Springer, 2020.
Patel T, Kelsen JR. Gastrointestinal Differential Diagnosis of Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome. In: Food-Protein Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome – Diagnosis and Management, Brown-Whitehorn T, Cianferoni A, editors, Springer, 2019.