Julia Parish-Morris, PhD
Locations: Main Building
About Julia Parish-Morris, PhD
Dr. Morris is a Research Assistant Professor of Psychology with the Perelman School of Medicine and Scientist with the Center for Autism Research at CHOP. Her primary research interests are language development, social attention, and the interactive effects of language and social motivation on higher social cognition (e.g., Theory of Mind). Recent projects include assessing social motivation and language development using infrared eye tracking, studying growth trajectories of receptive and expressive language in preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), examining the moderating effects of language on intervention outcomes in 3- to 5-year-olds with ASD, and applying computational linguistics methods to pinpoint a "linguistic signature" of autism. She is the recipient of numerous awards and honors, including a Presidential Fellowship, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, Autism Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, American Psychological Association Dissertation Award, Alavi Dabiri Award, and an Award of Excellence from the Center for Autism Research. Her long-term research goals are to identify the mechanisms that underlie pragmatic language impairment and social communication difficulty in neurodevelopmental disorders across the lifespan, chart relationships between these domains and functional impairment, inform individualized treatments, and contribute to early identification efforts. Dr. Morris is a member of DBHi and CHOP's Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. She received her BA in Psychology from Smith College and her PhD in Developmental Psychology from Temple University. Dr. Morris was a Penn-PORT Fellow with the University of Pennsylvania and a post-doctoral fellow with the Center for Autism Research.
Scientist, Center for Autism Research
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Awards and Honors
2022, Keynote Address, 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Marseille, France
2021, Meritorious Poster Award, American Speech-Language Hearing Association
2016, McMorris Travel Award, North American Association for Computational Linguistics
2014-2015, Autism Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship Award
2014, Award of Excellence, Center for Autism Research
2014, Autism Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship Award
2013, Alavi-Dabiri Postdoctoral Fellowship Award
2011, International Meeting for Autism Research Diversity Travel Award
2010, Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders Travel Award
2008, International Conference on Infant Studies Travel Grant
2008, Boston University Conference on Language Development Travel Award
2007, Dissertation Award, American Psychological Association
2006-2009, Temple University College of Liberal Arts Travel Award
2003, Magna Cum Laude, Smith College
2003, Inducted to Psi Chi
2003, Inducted to Phi Beta Kappa
2002, Tlingit and Haida Alumnae Association Scholarship
1999-2003, Tlingit and Haida Regional Council Academic Scholarship
1999-2003, Dunn Scholarship, Smith College
1999-2003, Sealaska Scholarship
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2016-present, Association for Computational Linguistics
2009-present, International Society for Autism Research
2004-present, Society for Research in Child Development
2004-present, International Society for Infant Studies
2016-present, American Speech-Language Hearing Association
2009-present, Association for Psychological Science
2006-present, Jean Piaget Society
2005-present, Society for Language Development
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2020-present, Editorial Board Member, Children's Health Care
Ad hoc reviewer
2019-present, Lancet: Psychiatry
2018-present, Parenting: Science and Practice
2018-present, Cognition
2018-present, Handbook of Language Development
2017-present, American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A
2016-present, Child Development Perspectives
2016-present, Biological Psychiatry
2016-present, International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction
2016-present, Journal of Child Language
2015-present, Molecular Autism
2015-present, Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice
2015-present, American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
2015-present, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
2013-present, Frontiers in Developmental Psychology
2012-present, Clinical Psychology Review
2011-present, Journal of Communication Disorders
2009-present, Child Development
2008-present, Autism Research
2008-present, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Academic and Institutional Committees
2022-present, Association of Minority Physicians - Psychology
2022-present, Review Committee, CHOP Bridge-to-Faculty Award
2021-present, Review Committee, CHOP Diversity Fellowship
2020-present, Faculty Search Committee, DCAPBS Associate-level CE or Tenure track professor
2018-present, Scientific Review Committee of the CHOP Health and Behavior Research Affinity Group
2017-present, Deputy Chair, CHOP Workforce Committee for iSTEM (Inclusion in STEM-Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) Employee Resource Group
Research Interests
Dr. Parish-Morris' long-term research goals are to identify the mechanisms that underlie pragmatic language impairment and social communication difficulty in neurodevelopmental disorders across the lifespan, chart relationships between these domains and functional impairment, inform individualized treatments, and contribute to early identification efforts.
Education & training
Undergraduate Degree
BA in Psychology - Smith College, Northampton, MA
Graduate Degree
PhD in Developmental Psychology - Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
Postdoctoral Fellow - Center for Autism Research, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Penn-PORT Fellow, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Dillon, E., Kanne, S., Landa, R., Annett, R., Bernier, R., Bradley, C.C., Carpenter, L.A., Kim, S., Parish-Morris, J. & Wodka, E.: Sex differences in autism: Examining intrinsic and extrinsic factors in children and adolescents enrolled in a national ASD cohort. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 53(4): 1305-1318, April 2023 Notes: doi: 10.1007/s10803-021-05385-y. Epub 2021 Dec 2.
Cho, S., Cola, M., Knox, A., Pelella, M.R., Russell, A., Hauptmann, A., Covello, M., Cieri, C., Liberman, M., Schultz, R., & Parish-Morris, J.: Sex differences in the temporal dynamics of natural conversations with autistic children. Molecular Autism 14(1): 1-14, 2023.
Libster, N., Knox, A., Engin, S., Geschwind, D., Parish-Morris, J., & Kasari, C.: Sex differences in friendships and loneliness in autistic and non-autistic children across development. Molecular Autism 14(1): 1-12, 2023.
Mattern, H., Cola, M., Tena, K.G., Knox, A., Russell, A., Pelella, M.R., Hauptmann, A., Covello, M., Parish-Morris, J., & McCleery, J.: Sex differences in social and emotional insight in youth with and without autism. Molecular Autism 14(1): 10, 2023.
Cho, S., Fusaroli, R., Pelella, M.R., Tena, K., Knox, A., Hauptmann, A., Covello, M., Russell, A., Miller, J., Hulick, A., Uzokwe, J., Walker, K., Fiumara, J., Pandey, J., Chatham, C., Cieri, C., Schultz, R.T., Liberman., M. & Parish-Morris, J.: Identifying stable speech-language markers of autism in children: Preliminary evidence from a longitudinal telephony-based study. Proc N Am Assoc Computational Linguistics, Comp Ling and Clin Psych Page: 40-46, July 2022.
Ravi, S., Bradshaw A., Abdi, H., Meera, S.S., Parish-Morris, J., Yankowitz, L., Paterson, S., Dager, S., Burrows, C.A., Chappell, C., St. John, T., Estes, A.M., Piven, J., & Swanson, M.R., for the IBIS Network : Are early social communication skills a harbinger for language development in infants later diagnosed autistic? A longitudinal study using a standardized social communication assessment. Frontiers in Communication 7(977724): 170-185, October 2022.
Waller, R., Kornfield, S.L., White, L.W., Chaiyachati, B.H., Barzilay, R., Njoroge, W.F., Parish-Morris, J., Duncan, A., Himes, M.H., Rodrigues, Y., Seidlitz, J., Riis, V., Burris, H.H., Gur, R.E., & Elovitz, M.A.: Clinician-reported childbirth outcomes, patient-reported childbirth trauma, and risk for postpartum depression. Archives of Women's Mental Health 25(5): 985-993, October 2022 Notes: doi: 10.1007/s00737-022-01263-3. Epub 2022 Aug 28.
Burrows, C., Grzadzinski, R.L., Donovan, K., Stallworthy, I.C., Rutsohn, J., St. John, T., Marrus, N., Parish-Morris, J., MacIntyre, L., Hampton, J., Pandey, J., Shen, M., Botteron, K.N., Estes, A.E., Dager, S.R., Hazlett, H.C., Pruett, J.R., Schultz, R.T., Zwaigenbaum, L., Truong, K.N., Piven, J., Elison, J.T., & the IBIS Network: A data driven approach in an unbiased sample reveals equivalent sex ratio of ASD-associated impairment in early childhood. Biological Psychiatry 92(8): 654-662, 2022.
Cola, M., Yankowitz, L.D., Tena, K., Russell, A., Bateman, L., Knox, A., Plate, S., Cubit, L.S., Zampella, C.J., Pandey, J., Schultz, R.T. & Parish-Morris, J.: Friend matters: Sex differences in social language during autism diagnostic interviews. Molecular Autism 13(1): 1-16, 2022.
Cola, M., Zampella, C. J., Yankowitz, L. D., Plate, S., Petrulla, V., Tena, K., Russell, A., Pandey, J., Schultz, R.T., & Parish-Morris, J.: Conversational adaptation in children and teens with autism: Differences in talkativeness across contexts. Autism Research 15(6): 1090-1108, 2022.
Dutta, S., Sridhar, K., Bastani, O., Weimer, J., Dobriban, E., Lee, I., & Parish-Morris, J.: Exploring with Sticky Mittens: Reinforcement Learning with Expert Interventions via Option Templates. Proc 6th Annual Conference on Robot Learning 205: 1499-1509, December 2022 Notes: arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.12967.
Libster, N., Knox, A., Engin, S., Geschwind, D., Parish-Morris, J., & Kasari, C.: Personal Victimization Experiences of Autistic and Neurotypical Children. Molecular Autism 13(1): 51, 2022.
Njoroge, W., White, L.K., Forkpa, M., Himes, M., Morgan, K., Seidlitz, J., Chaiyachati, B., Barzilay, R., Kornfield, S., Waller, R., Parish-Morris, J., Rodriguez, Y., Riis, V., Burris, H., Elovitz, M., & Gur, R.: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Endemic Systemic Racism on the Mental Health and Well-being of Black Birthing Women. JAMA Psychiatry 79(6): 600-609, 2022.
Plate, S., Yankowitz, L., Rescorla, L., Swanson, M.R., Meera, S.S., Estes, A., Marrus, N., Cola, M., Faggen, A., Pandey, J., Paterson, S., Pruett, J.R., Hazlett, H., Dager, S., St. John, T., Botteron, K., Zwaigenbaum, L., Piven, J., Schultz, R.T., & Parish-Morris, J., for the IBIS Network: Infant Vocalizing and Phenotypic Outcomes in Autism: Evidence from the First Two Years. Child Development 93(2): 468-483, 2022.
Schuchard, J., Kaplan-Kahn, E.A., Carle, A.C., Holmes, L.G., Law, K., Miller, J.S., Parish-Morris, J., & Forrest, C.B.: Using Percentiles in the Interpretation of PROMIS Patient-reported Outcome Scores: Guidelines for Autism. Autism Research 15(12): 2336-2345, December 2022 Notes: Epub 2022, doi: 10.1002/aur.2833.
Wodka, E., Parish-Morris, J., Annett, R., Carpenter, L., Dillon, E., Michaelson, J., Kim, S., Landa, R., The SPARK Consortium, & Kanne, S. : Co-occurring attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and anxiety disorders differentially affect males and females with autism. The Clinical Neuropsychologist 36(5): 1069-1093, 2022.
Yankowitz, L.D., Tunc, B., Petrulla, V., Plate, S., Pandey, J., Swanson, M., Pruett Jr., J., Cola, M., Russell, A., Guthrie, W, Marrus, N., Meera, S.S, Hazlett, H.C., Botteron, K., Constantino, J.N., Dager, S.R., Estes, A., Zwaigenbaum, L., Piven, J., Schultz, R. T., Parish-Morris, J., and the IBIS Network: Infants later diagnosed with autism have lower canonical babbling ratios in the first year of life. Molecular Autism 13(1): 1-16, 2022.
Putnam, O., Sasson, N., Parish-Morris, J., & Harrop, C.: Effects of Social Complexity and Gender on Social and Non-Social Attention in Male and Female Autistic Children: A Comparison of Four Eye-Tracking Paradigms. Autism Research 16(2): 315-326, February 2023 Notes: doi: 10.1002/aur.2851. Epub 2022 Nov 21.
Wenger, T., Perkins, J.A., Parish-Morris, J., Hing, A.V., Chen, M., Cielo, C.M., Li, D., Bhoj, E.J., Hakonarson, H., Zackai, E.H., McDonald-McGinn, D.M., Taylor, J.A., Jackson, O., Sie, K., Bly, R.A., Dahl, J., Evans, K.N.: Cleft palate morphology, genetic etiology and risk of mortality in infants with Robin sequence. American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A 185(12): 3694-3700, July 2021.
Song, A., Cola, M., Plate, S., Petrulla, V., Yankowitz, L., Pandey, J., Schultz, R.T. & Parish-Morris, J.: Natural language markers of social phenotype in girls with autism. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 62(8): 949-960, August 2021.
Greene, R.K., Parish-Morris, J., Sullivan, M., Kinard, J.L., Mosner, M.G., Turner-Brown, L.M., Penn, D.L., Wiesen, C.A., Pallathra, A.A., Brodkin, E.S. & Schultz, R.T.: Dynamic Eye Tracking as a Predictor and Outcome Measure of Social Skills Intervention in Adolescents and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 51(4): 1173-1187, 2021.
Cola, M. L., Plate, S., Yankowitz, L., Petrulla, V., Bateman, L., Zampella, C. J., de Marchena, A., Pandey, J., Schultz, R.T. & Parish-Morris, J.: Sex differences in the first impressions made by girls and boys with autism. Molecular Autism 11(49): 1-12, June 2020.
Crow, A.J.D., Janssen, J.M., Vickers, K.L., Parish-Morris, J., Moberg, P.J., & Roalf, D.R.: Olfactory Dysfunction in Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Meta-Analytic Review of Autism Spectrum Disorders, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 50(8): 2685-2697, August 2020.
Gur, R.E., White, L.K., Waller, R., Barzilay, R., Moore, T.M., Kornfield, S., Njoroge, W.F., Duncan, A.F., Chaiyachati, B.H., Parish-Morris, J. & Maayan, L.: The disproportionate burden of the COVID-19 pandemic among pregnant black women. Psychiatry Research 293: 113475, November 2020.
Ferguson, E., Nahmias, A.S., Crabbe, S., Liu, T., Mandell, D.S., & Parish-Morris, J.: Social Language Opportunities for Preschoolers with Autism: Insights from Audio Recordings in Urban Classrooms. Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice 24(5): 1232-1245, 2020.
Graham Holmes, L., Zampella, C. J., Clements, C., McCleery, J. P., Maddox, B. B., Parishâ€Morris, J., Udhnani, M.D., Schultz, R.T., & Miller, J. S.: A Lifespan Approach to Patientâ€Reported Outcomes and Quality of Life for People on the Autism Spectrum. Autism Research 13(6): 970-987, 2020.
Harrop, C., Jones, D., Sasson, N., Zheng, S., Nowell, S., & Parish-Morris, J.: Social and Object Attention is Influenced by Biological Sex and Toy Gender-Congruence in Children with and without Autism. Autism Research 13(5): 763-776, 2020.
Hocking, M.C., Parish-Morris, J., Schultz, R.T., Minturn, J.E., Brodsky, C., Shabason, E.K., & Herrington, J.D.: Diminished social attention in pediatric brain tumor survivors: Using eye tracking technology during naturalistic social perception. Neuropsychology 34(3): 350-358, 2020.
McCleery, J. P., Zitter, A., Solórzano, R., Turnacioglu, S., Miller, J. S., Ravindran, V., & Parishâ€Morris, J.: Safety and Feasibility of an Immersive Virtual Reality Intervention Program for Teaching Police Interaction Skills to Adolescents and Adults with Autism. Autism Research 13(8): 1418-1424, 2020.
de Marchena, A., Kim, E.S., Bagdasarov, A., Parish-Morris, J., Maddox, B., Brodkin, E.S., Schultz, R.T.: Atypicalities of gesture form and function in autistic adults. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 49(4): 1438-1454, April 2019 Notes: doi: 10.1007/s10803-018-3829-x.
Hauser, M., Sariyanidi, V., Tunc, B., Zampella, C., Brodkin, E.S., Schultz, R.T. & Parish-Morris, J.: Using natural conversations to classify autism with limited data: Age matters. Proc N Am Assoc Computational Linguistics, Comp Ling and Clin Psych Page: 45-54, June 2019.
Parish-Morris, J.: Computational Linguistics for Enhancing Scientific Reproducibility and Reducing Healthcare Inequities. Proc N Am Assoc Computational Linguistics, Comp Ling and Clin Psych Page: 94-102, June 2019.
Cho, S., Liberman, M., Ryant, N., Cola, M., Schultz, R.T., & Parish-Morris, J.: Automatic detection of ASD in children using acoustic and text features from brief natural conversations. Proc of Interspeech. International Speech Communication Association, Page: 2513-2517, September 2019.
Boorse, J., Cola, M., Plate, S., Yankowitz, L., Pandey, J., Schultz, R.T. and Parish-Morris, J. : Linguistic Markers of Autism in Girls: Evidence of a "Blended Phenotype" During Storytelling. Molecular Autism 10(14): 1-12, 2019.
Harrop, C., Jones, D., Zheng, S., Nowell, S., Schultz, R.T. & Parish-Morris, J.: Visual Attention to Faces: Sex Differences in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Molecular Autism 1(10): 1-10, 2019.
Parish-Morris, J., Pallathra, A.A., Ferguson, E., Maddox, B.B., Pomykacz, A., Perez, L.S., Bateman, L., Pandey, J., Schultz, R.T., & Brodkin, E.S. : Adaptation to Different Communicative Contexts: An Eye Tracking Study of Autistic Adults. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 11(1): 1-10, 2019.
Swanson, M.R. Donovan K, Paterson S, Wolff JJ, Parish-Morris J, Meera SS, Watson LR, Estes AM, Marrus N, Elison JT, Shen MD, McNeilly HB, MacIntyre L, Zwaigenbaum L, St John T, Botteron K, Dager S, Piven J; & the IBIS Network. : Early Language Exposure Supports Later Language Skills in Infants with and without Autism. Autism Research 12(12): 1784-1795, 2019.
13. Cavazzana, A., Wesarg, C., Parish-Morris, J., Lundström, J.N., Parma, V.: When preschoolers follow their eyes and older children follow their noses: visuo-olfactory social affective matching in childhood. Developmental Science 21(1): 1-12, January 2018.
Pallathra, A.A., Calkins, M.E., Parish-Morris, J., Maddox B.B., Perez L.S., Miller J., Gur R.C., Mandell D.S., Schultz R.T., Brodkin, E.S.: Defining behavioral components of social functioning in adults with autism spectrum disorder as targets for treatment. Autism Research 11(3): 488-502, March 2018.
Swanson, M.R., Boyd, B., Shen, M.D., Clements, M., Rehg, J., Elison, J., Paterson, S., Parish-Morris, J., Chappell, J.C., Hazlett, H., Emerson, R., Botteron, K., Pandey, J., Schultz, R., Dager, S., Zwaigenbaum, L., Estes, A., Piven, J. for the IBIS Network: Naturalistic language recordings reveal "Hypervocal" infants at high familial risk for autism. Child Development 89(2): e60-e73, March 2018.
Parish-Morris, J., Sariyanidi, E., Zampella, C., Bartley, G.K., Ferguson, E., Pallathra, A.A., Bateman, L., Plate, S., Cola, M., Pandey, J., Brodkin, E.S., Schultz, R.T. Tunc, B: Oral-motor and lexical diversity during naturalistic conversations in adults with autism spectrum disorder. Proc N Am Assoc Computational Linguistics, Comp Ling and Clin Psych Page: 147-157, June 2018.
Marrus, N., Hall, L.P., Paterson, S.J., Elison, J.T., Wolff, J.J., Swanson, M.R., Parish-Morris, J., Eggebrecht, A.T., Pruett, J.R. Jr., Hazlett, H.C., Zwaigenbaum, L., Dager, S., Estes, A.M., Schultz, R.T., Botteron, K.N., Piven, J., Constantino, J.N., the IBIS Network: Language delay aggregates in toddler siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 10(1): 1-16, October 2018 Notes: doi: 10.1186/s11689-018-9247-8.
Parish-Morris, J., Solórzano, R., Ravindran, V., Sazawal, V., Turnacioglu, S., Zitter, A., Miller, J.S., McCleery, J.: Immersive virtual reality to improve police interaction skills in adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorder: Preliminary results of a feasibility and safety trial. Annual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine 16(1): 50-56, 2018.
Parish-Morris, J., Liberman, M.Y., Cieri, C., Herrington, J., Yerys, B.E., Donaher, J., Bateman, L., Ferguson, E., Pandey, J., Schultz, R.T.: Linguistic camouflage in girls with autism spectrum disorder. Molecular Autism 8(1): 48, 2017.
Parish-Morris, J., Cieri, C., Liberman, M., Bateman, L., Ferguson, E., Schultz, R.T. : Building language resources for exploring autism spectrum disorders. Proc Eur Language Resources Assoc, Lang Resources and Eval 2016: 2100-2107, May 2016.
Parish-Morris, J., Liberman, M., Ryant, N., Cieri, C., Bateman, L., Ferguson, E., Schultz, R.T.: Exploring autism spectrum disorders using HLT. Proc N Am Assoc Computational Linguistics, Comp Ling and Clin Psych Page: 74-84, June 2016.
Cavazzana, A., Wesarg, C., Parish-Morris, J., Lundstrom, J.N., & Parma, V.: Visuo-olfactory Social Affective Matching in Childhood. Chemical Senses 41(7): E95-E96, 2016.
Paterson, S., Parish-Morris, J., Golinkoff, R.M., Hirsh-Pasek, K. : Considering development in developmental disorders. Journal of Cognition and Development 17 (4): 568-583, 2016 Notes: doi:10.1080/15248372.2016.1200047.
Chevallier, C., Parish-Morris, J., McVey, A., Rump, K., Sasson, N., Herrington, J., & Schultz, R.T. (2015). Measuring social attention and motivation in Autism Spectrum Disorder using eye tracking: Stimulus type matters. Autism Research, e-pub ahead of print.
Chevallier*, C., Parish-Morris*, J., Tonge, N., Le, L., Miller, J., & Schultz, R.T. (2014). Susceptibility to the audience effect explains performance gap between children with and without autism in a Theory of Mind task. Journal of Experimental Psychology – General, 143(3), 972-979. *These authors contributed equally.
Parish-Morris, J.*, Mahajan, N.*, Hirsh-Pasek, K., Golinkoff, R.M., Collins, M.: Once upon a time: preschoolers and storybook reading in the electronic era. Mind, Brain & Education 7(3): 200-211, September 2013 Notes: *These authors contributed equally.
Maxwell, C.R., Parish-Morris, J., Hsin, O., Bush, J.C., Schultz, R.T.: The broad autism phenotype predicts child functioning in autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 5(25): 1-7, 2013.
Parish-Morris, J., Chevallier, C., Tonge, N., Letzen, J., Pandey, J., Schultz, R.T.: Visual attention to dynamic faces and objects is linked to face processing skills: A combined study of children with autism and controls. Frontiers in Developmental Psychology 4(185): 1-7, 2013.
Roseberry, S., Hirsh-Pasek, K., Parish-Morris, J., Golinkoff, R.M.: Live action: can young children learn verbs from video? Child Development 80(5): 1360-1375, 2009.
Parish-Morris, J., Hennon, E., Hirsh-Pasek, K., Golinkoff, R.M., Tager-Flusberg, H.: Children with autism illuminate the role of social intention in word learning. Child Development 78(4): 1265-1287, 2007.
Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)
Cho, S., Fusaroli, R., Tena, K. G, Knox, A., Pelella, M. R., Miller, J.S., Russell, A. S., Hulick, A., Leuzzi, M., Nenkova, A., Lai, W., Uzokwe, J., Walker, K., Fiumara, J., Pandey, J., Chatham, C., Cieri, C., Schultz, R. T., Liberman, M., Parish-Morris, J.: Children with ASD describe pictures differently than matched non-autistic peers. Poster presentation at the International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. May 2022.
Cola, M., Yankowitz, L., Plate, S., Russell, A., Knox, A., Pelella, M. R., Leuzzi. M., Tena, K., Zampella, C. J., Cubit, L., Pandey, J., Schultz, R. T., & Parish-Morris, J.: Identifying homogeneous subgroups of autistic youth based on "talkativeness" Poster presentation at the International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. May 2022.
Knox, A., Tena, K. G, Russell, A. S., Pelella, M. R., Leuzzi, M., Zampella, C. J., Cola, M. L., Cubit, L. S., Pandey, J., Schultz, R. T., Parish-Morris, J.: Social Motivation Predicts Behavioral Compensation in Autistic Adolescents. Poster presentation and the International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. May 2022.
Lai, W., Cho, Sunghye, Mark Liberman, Azia Knox, Alison Russel, Maggie Rose Pelella, Meredith Cola, Kimberly G. Tena, Juhi Pandey, Robert T. Schultz, & Parish-Morris, J.: Girls with Autism Speed up More in a Tongue Twister Task. Poster presentation at the International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. May 2022.
LeGrand, K., Parish-Morris, J., & Naigles, L.: Investigating the Relationship between Early Joint Attention and Later Usage of Verb Subcategories in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Poster presentation at the International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. May 2022.
Leuzzi, M., Russell, A., Zitter, A., Pacheco, J.A., Tena, K.G., Pelella, Maggie Rose, Cola, M., Solórzano, R., Turnacioglu, S., Miller, J.S., Ravindran, V., McCleery, J., & Parish-Morris, J.: Parent Perceptions of Autism and Policing: Similarities and Differences by Race. Poster presentation, International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. May 2022.
Libster, N., Knox, A., Lord, C., Geschwind, D., Parish-Morris, J., & Kasari, C.: Sex Differences in Peer Conflict in Autistic and Neurotypical Children. Poster presentation at the International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. May 2022.
Libster, N., Knox, A., Lord, C., Geschwind, D., Parish-Morris, J., & Kasari, C.: Investigating Sex Differences in Friendship Quality and Loneliness in Autistic and Neurotypical Children. Poster presentation at the International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. May 2022.
Mattern, H., Cola, M., Tena, K., Knox, A., Russell, A., Pelella, M. R., Schultz, R. T., Parish-Morris, J. & McCleery, J.: Sex Differences in Social-Emotional Insight in Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Poster presentation at the International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. May 2022.
Russell, A., Zitter, A., Leuzzi, M., Pacheco, J.A., Tena, K.G., Knox, A., Hauptmann, A., Covello, M., Pelella, M.R., Cola, M., Solórzano, R., Turnacioglu, S., Miller, J.S., Ravindran, V., McCleery, J., & Parish-Morris, J.: Feasibility of Implementing a Virtual Reality Police Safety Intervention Via Teletherapy. Poster presentation at the International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. May 2022.
Tena, K. G, Knox, A., Pelella, M. R., Leuzzi, M., Russell, A. S., Cola, M. L., Fusaroli, R., Cho, S., Liberman, M., Cieri, C., Hulick, A., Fiumara, J., Walker, K., Nenkova, A., Uzokwe, J., Chatham, C., Miller, J.S., Pandey, J., Schultz, R. T., Parish-Morris, J.: A Game of Telephone: Longitudinal, telephone-based natural language sampling among neurodiverse school-aged children. Poster presentation at the International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. May 2022.
Baer, M., Parish-Morris, J., Worth, B., Grossman, R.: First Impressions and Perception of Gender Expression in Individuals with ASD. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) November 2022.
Cola, M., Russell, A., Zitter, A., Knox., A., Hauptmann, A., Leuzzi, M., Pacheco, J., Solórzano, R., Turnacioglu, S., Ravindran, V., Miller, J. S., McCleery, J., & Parish-Morris, J.: Virtual Reality Intervention Improves Autistic Participants' Eye Contact During Police Interactions. Poster presentation at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Annual Convention, New York, NY. November 2022.
LeGrand, K., Parish-Morris, J., Naigles, L.: Early Verb Production in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association November 2022.
Pacheco, J.A., A., Russell, Solórzano, R., Turnacioglu, S., Ravindran, V., Miller, J. S., McCleery, J., & Parish-Morris, J.: Engaging Stakeholders to Improve a Virtual Reality Cognitive-Behavioral Police Safety Intervention for Autistic People of Color Living in Urban Areas. Poster presentation at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Annual Convention, New York, NY. November 2022.
Himes, M.M., White, L.K., Kornfield, S., Chaiyachati, B.H., Barzilay, R., Waller, B., Njoroge, W.F.M., Duncan, A.F., Parish-Morris, J., Laney, N., Simonette, K., Riis, V., Elovitz, M.A., & Gur, R.E.: The Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Prenatal and Postnatal Distress during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Poster Presentation, Society for Research in Child Development (virtual conference) April 2021.
Plate, S., Petrulla, V., Yankowitz, L., Cola, M., Yacoub, N., Ede, N., Ya, C., Bennett, A., Guthrie, W., Tunç, B., Pandey, J., Swanson, M., Meera, S. S., Estes, A., Marrus, N., Patterson, S., Pruett, J. R., Hazlett, H., Dager, S., St. John, T., Botteron, K., Zwaigenbaum, L., Piven, J., Schultz, R., Parish-Morris, J.: Early Vocalization Trajectories are Associated With ASD Diagnosis in High-Risk Infants. Poster Presentation, Society for Research in Child Development (virtual conference) April 2021.
Burrows, C.A., R. Grzadzinski, K. Donovan, I. C. Stallworthy, T. St. John, N. Marrus, J. Parish-Morris, S. Torres-Gomez, L. MacIntyre, J. M. Hampton, K. Botteron, A. M. Estes, H. C. Hazlett, J. R. Pruett, R. T. Schultz, L. Zwaigenbaum, J. Piven, K. Truong, J. T. Elison, & The IBIS Network: Sex Differences in Social Competence from 6 to 36 Months in a Sample at High Familial Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder. Poster Presentation, Annual Meeting of the International Society for Autism Research, Seattle, WA May 2021.
Russell, A., Zitter, A., Cordero, L., Tena, K. G., Cola, M., Udhnani, M., Solórzano, R., Turnacioglu, S., Miller, J. S., Ravindran, V., McCleery, J., & Parish-Morris, J.: The Floreo Police Safety Module: Results of a Randomized Control Trial. Poster Presentation, International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting (virtual conference) May 2021.
Tena, K. G., Cola, M., Russell, A., Petrulla, V., & Parish-Morris, J. : The Bamboo Ceiling: A Preliminary Exploration of Autism Spectrum Condition in AAPI Girls. Poster Presentation, International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting (virtual conference) May 2021.
Zampella, C. J., Parish-Morris, J., Foy, J., Cola, M., Riiff, A., Haley, M., Hutchinson, A., Leuzzi, M., Cubit, L. S., Hulick, A., Bartley, G. K., Pandey, J., Schultz, R. T., & Herrington, J. D. : Autistic girls smile more than autistic boys: Insights from computer vision. Poster Presentation, International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting (virtual conference) May 2021.
Leuzzi, M., Pacheco, J.A., Russell, A., Zitter, A., Cordero, L., Tena, K.G., Cola, M., Udhnani, M., Solorzano, R., Turnacioglu, S., Miller, J.S., Ravindran, V., McCleery, J., & Parish-Morris, J. : Engaging Diverse Stakeholders to Inform Virtual Reality-Based Autism Training. Poster Presentation, American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference, Philadelphia, PA October 2021.
Russell, A., Zitter, A., Cordero, L., Tena, K.G., Cola, M., Udhnani, M., Solorzano, R., Turnacioglu, S., Miller, J.S., Ravindran, V., McCleery, J., & Parish-Morris, J.: The Floreo Police Safety Module: Results of a Randomized Control Trial. Poster Presentation, American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference, Philadelphia, PA October 2021.
Cola, M., Russell, A., Zitter, A., Tena, K. G., Udhnani, M., Cordero, L., Solórzano, R., Turnacioglu, S., Ravindran, V., Miller, J. S., McCleery, J., & Parish-Morris, J.: Combining a Virtual Reality Intervention with CBT Strategies to Improve Police Interaction Skills in Autistic Individuals. Poster Presentation, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Annual Meeting (virtual) November 2021.
Kinard, J., Greene, R.K., Cernasov, P., Kan, D., Parish-Morris, J., & Dichter, G.: Bilingualism Predicts Theory of Mind in Adults with Autism. Poster Presentation, Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Washington, DC. November 2021 Notes: Meritorious Poster Award.
Lectures by Invitation
Parish-Morris J. "Pursuing Your Passion as a Woman in STEM," World Science Day Conference: Women in STEM (virtual conference), Republic of Singapore. Nov 2022.
Parish-Morris J. "Linguistic Markers of Autism", Keynote Address, 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Marseille, France. Jun 2022.
Parish-Morris J. "Objective linguistic markers of callous-unemotional traits in middle-childhood", Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy (virtual conference). May 2022.
Parish-Morris J. "Vocalization Behavior and Intrinsic Functional Connectivity between Language Regions in Infants at High and Low Risk for Autism", International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. May 2022.
Parish-Morris J. "Dyadic Vocal Contingency in Infants Later Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder", International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. May 2022.
Parish-Morris J. "An audio-visual approach to digital phenotyping in autism", Panel: Establishing a global digital health consortium for children with developmental delays and disabilities, UNICEF (virtual conference). May 2022.
Parish-Morris J. "Digital language markers: Stability and clinical associations", Holloway Summit on Frontotemporal Degeneration, Miami, FL. May 2022.
Parish-Morris J. "Employing Adults with Disabilities: Harnessing the Power of Inclusion", Giant Food Stores for Disability Employment Awareness Month, Philadelphia, PA. Oct 2021.
Parish-Morris J. "Using Mobile Virtual Reality to Prepare for Law Enforcement Encounters", Conference on Developmental and Behavioral Health for the Pediatric Patient: A Focus on Autism Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, CE credit. Sept 2021.
Parish-Morris J. "Investigating Early Sex Differences in Language in Infants at Increased Familial Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorders", International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting (virtual conference). May 2021.
Parish-Morris J. "Friend Matters: Autistic Girls Talk More About Friends During Diagnostic Interviews", International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting (virtual conference), Boston, MA, USA. May 2021.
Parish-Morris J. "Do Social Communication Deficits During Infancy Project Later Language Abilities in Infants who Develop Autism?", Society for Research in Child Development (virtual conference). Apr 2021.
Parish-Morris J. "Effects of Pandemic Worry on Mental Health in Pregnant Women and Implications for Fetal Development", Society for Research in Child Development (virtual conference). Apr 2021.
Parish-Morris J. "Prenatal and Postpartum Factors Impacting Maternal and Infant Mental Health during the Pandemic", Society for Research in Child Development (virtual conference). Apr 2021.
Parish-Morris J. "Using Virtual Reality to Provide Safe Practice for Interacting with Police", PSCP: The Psychology Network Continuing Education Program, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Nov 2020.
Parish-Morris J. "Why Develop Language Resources for Autism?", 3rd International Symposium on Linguistic Diversity, Language Resources and Clinical Research, China (virtual). Nov 2020.
Parish-Morris J. "Sex differences in the social focus of autistic children's spontaneous conversations", Meeting on Language in Autism (MoLA), Durham, NC, USA. Jun 2020.
Parish-Morris J. "Toward a Fully Automated Computer Vision Approach for Measuring Facial Affect in ASD", International Society for Autism Research, Seattle, WA, USA. May 2020.
Parish-Morris J. "Etiology and clinical outcomes in Robin sequence based on presence and morphology of cleft palate", American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association, Portland, Oregon. Apr 2020.
Parish-Morris J. "What do we know about girls with autism?", CORA Services, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Apr 2020.
Parish-Morris J. "Canonical babbling differences in infants at high- and low-risk for ASD at 6 and 12 months", Meeting on Language in Autism, Durham, NC (rescheduled due to COVID-19). Mar 2020.
Parish-Morris J. "Digital phenotyping for computational linguistics in youth with autism spectrum disorder", University of South Carolina Department of Psychology, Columbia, SC, USA. Feb 2020.
Parish-Morris J. "Developing a career in autism research", Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Feb 2020.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Parish-Morris, J., Schultz, R.T., & Herrington, J.D. : Towards the Integration of Social Cognition and Social Motivation in Autism Spectrum Disorder. The Neural Bases of Mentalizing. Ochsner, K. & Gilead, M. (eds.). 2021.
Turnacioglu, S., Sazawal, V., Solórzano, R., Parish-Morris, J., Zitter, A., Miller, J., McCleery, J., Ravindran, V.: The state of virtual and augmented reality therapy for autism spectrum disorder. Virtual and Augmented Reality in Mental Health Treatment. Carletti, L. (eds.). IGI Global, Page: 118-140, 2019.
Parish-Morris, J., Golinkoff, R.M., Hirsh-Pasek, K.: From coo to code: Language acquisition in early childhood. Oxford Handbook of Developmental Psychology. Zelazo P (eds.). Oxford University Press, New York, 1: 867-908, 2013.
Parish-Morris, J., Pruden, S., Ma, W., Hirsh-Pasek, K., Golinkoff, R.M.: A world of relations: Relational words. Words and the Mind: How Words Capture Human Experience. Malt B and Wolff P (eds.). Oxford University Press, New York, Page: 219-232, 2010.