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Howard Panitch, MD

Howard Panitch, MD

Howard Panitch, MD

Howard Panitch, MD, is an Attending Pulmonologist and Director of the Technology Dependence Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. He holds the Distinguished Endowed Chair in the Department of Pediatrics.

Areas of expertise: Bronchopulmonary dysplasia, Central airway abnormalities, Cystic fibrosis, Home mechanical ventilation, Infant lung mechanics, Long term ventilation management, Sequelae of neonatal lung disease, Pulmonary complications, Neurodisability

Locations: Buerger Center for Advanced Pediatric Care


About Howard Panitch, MD

Dr. Howard Panitch has long had an interest in the care of children with complex respiratory problems and those requiring technology assistance. He is the medical director of the Technology Dependence Center. His research has focused on airway smooth muscle, dynamic airway collapsibility, RSV bronchiolitis pathogenesis and prevention and barriers to transitioning technology dependent children to adult care.

He is the 2002 recipient of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Dean's Award for Excellence in Clinical Teaching at an Affiliated Hospital.


Attending Pulmonologist

Professor of Pediatrics, Emeritus, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania


Pediatric Pulmonology – American Board of Pediatrics

Pediatrics – American Board of Pediatrics

Awards and Honors

2009, Faculty Teacher of the Year Award, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2008, Master Clinician Award, Department of Pediatrics, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2002, Dean's Award for Excellence in Clinical Teaching (at an Affiliated Hospital), University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
2001-2014, Faculty Honor Roll (Annually), Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
1998, 2002, 2011-2014, Named to Best Doctors in America
1996, Named to Best Doctors in America: Northeast Division
1992, 2001, 2008, 2011, 2022, Philadelphia Magazine's Top Doctors in Pediatric Pulmonology
e1986-1987, Clinical Fellowship from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
1985-1986, Clinical Fellowship from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
1978, Graduated Magna cum Laude from the University of Pennsylvania

Leadership and Memberships

Memberships in Professional Organizations

2000-present, Fellow, American College of Chest Physicians
- 2012-2014, Home Care NetWork

1985-present, American Thoracic Society
- 2011-2013, Chair, Pediatric Assembly 
- 2013-2015, Member, Executive Committee of the Pediatric Assembly
- 2010-present, Member, International Relations Committee
- 2014, Chair, Nominating Committee Pediatric Assembly
- 2014, Vice-Chair, Patient and Family Education Committee

1991-present, American Physiological Society


2008-2013, American Board of Pediatrics, Sub-board of Pediatric Pulmonology

- 2009-2013, Chair, Credentials Committee 2009-2013

Editorial and Academic Positions

Editorial Positions

2014 - present, Reviewer, Journal of Critical Care
2005 - present, Reviewer, Respiratory Care Journal
1999 - present, Reviewer, Pediatric Emergency Medicine
1997 - present, Reviewer, Pediatrics
1996 - present, Reviewer, Journal of Applied Physiology
1994 - present, Reviewer, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
1993 - present, Reviewer, Chest
1992 - present, Reviewer, Pediatric Pulmonology
1989 - present, Reviewer, Journal of Pediatrics

Academic Positions

The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2002 - present, Member, Search Committee for Chairman of Neonatology
2001 - present, Member, Fellowship Committee
2001 - present, Member, ED Patient/Family Satisfaction Survey Committee
2001 - present, Member, Inpatient Family Satisfaction Survey Committee
2000 - present, Member, Complex Medical Care Consultation Subcommittee

Education & training

Medical Degree

MD - University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA


Pediatrics - Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA


Pediatrics - Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA


Pediatric Pulmonology - St. Christopher's Hospital for Children / Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA




Jensen EA, Panitch H, Feng R, Moore PE, Schmidt B. Inter-observer reliability of the respiratory physical examination in premature infants: A multi-center study. J Pediatr. 2016;178-87-92. 


Panitch HB, Weiner DJ, Feng R, Perez MR, Healy F, McDonough JM, Rintoul N, Hedrick HL. Lung function over the first 3 years of life in children with congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2015 Sep;50(9):896-907.

Healy F, Lin W, Feng R, Hanna BD, Hedrick H, Panitch HB. An association between pulmonary hypertension and impaired lung function in infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2015 Jul;50(7):672-82.


Partridge EA, Hanna BD, Panitch HB, Rintoul NE, Peranteau WH, Flake AW, Adzick NS, Hedrick HL. Pulmonary hypertension in giant omphalocele infants. J Pediatr Surg. 2014 Dec;49(12):1767-70.

Healy F, Lin W, Feng R, Hanna BD, Hedrick H, Panitch HB.: An Association Between Pulmonary Hypertension and Impaired Lung Function in Infants with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. Pediatric Pulmonology 2014 Notes: Mar 13. doi: 10.1002/ppul.23035. [Epub ahead of print]

Finkel RS, Weiner DJ, Mayer OH, McDonough JM and Panitch HB.: Respiratory Muscle Function in Infants with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type I. Pediatric Pulmonology 2014 Notes: Apr 29. doi: 10.1002/ppul.22997. [Epub ahead of print]


Miske LJ, McDonough J, Weiner DJ, and Panitch HB: Changes in Gastric Pressure and Volume during Mechanical In-Exsufflation. Pediatric Pulmonology 48(8): 824-829, August 2013.


Panitch H.  Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia.  In:  Guidelines for Pediatric Home Health Care.  McConnell MS, ed.  American Academy of Pediatrics, Elk Grove Village, IL.  pp. 323-342; 2002.

Allen JL, Panitch HB.  Lung function testing:  Chronic Lung Disease of Infancy.  In Pediatr Pulmonol 23:138S-140S; 2001.

Panitch HB.  Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia.  In:  Primary Pediatric Pulmonology.  Dozor AJ, ed.  Futura Publishing Co., Inc.  Armonk, NY.  pp. 163-186; 2001.

Panitch HB, Shaffer TH.  Developmental Airway Structure and Function in Health and Chronic Lung Injury.  In:  Chronic Lung Disease of Early Infancy:  Lung Biology in Health and Diseases Series.  Bland RD and Coalson JJ, eds.  Marcel-Dekker, Inc.  New York, NY, 1999.

Shaffer TH, Wolfson MR, Panitch HB.  Airway Mechanics in Health and Disease.  In:  Pediatric Respiratory Failure.  Goldstein B and Arnold J, eds.  New Horizons, 7:276-286;1999.

Panitch HB, Papastamelos C, Schidlow DV.  Abnormalities of the Pleural Space.  In:  Pediatric Respiratory Medicine, Taussig LM and Landau LI, eds.  Mosby-Year Book, Inc.  pp. 1178-1196.

Panitch HB, Callahan CW, Schidlow DV. Bronchiolitis in Children.  In:  Clinics in Chest Medicine, King TE, Jr., ed.  W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia.  Vol 14(4):715-731;1993.

Panitch HB and Kolb SM.  Home Care of Ventilator-Assisted Children.  In:  A Practical Guide to Pediatric Respiratory Diseases.  Schidlow DV and Smith DS, ed.  Hanley & Belfus, Philadelphia.  pp. 301-306.

Panitch HB.  Wheezing and Lower Airway Obstruction.  In:  A Practical Guide to Pediatric Respiratory Diseases.  Schidlow DV and Smith DS, ed.  Hanley & Belfus, Philadelphia.  pp. 39-43.

Panitch HB.  Hemoptysis in Children.  In:  A Practical Guide to Pediatric Respiratory Diseases.  Schidlow DV and Smith DS, ed.  Hanley & Belfus, Philadelphia.  pp. 45-48.

Schidlow DV, Panitch HB, Katz S: The immotile cilia syndrome.  In:  Pediatric Respiratory Disease:  Diagnosis and Treatment. Hillman BC., ed. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1993.  pp.550-562.

Patient experience rating

(based on 45 submissions)

  • Clear Explanation
    4.9 of 5
  • Showed Concern
    4.9 of 5
  • Would recommend
    5 of 5
  • Discussion of Proposed Treatment
    4.9 of 5
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  • Dr Panitch is the absolute best. He's gone above and beyond for us for years! We absolutely adore him and everything he has done for our family

    5 of 5
    Oct 04, 2024
  • Can't say enough great things about Dr. Panitch.

    5 of 5
    Sep 28, 2024
  • Dr. Panitch is amazing and wonderful. His communication with our son and understanding of his concerns has always been excellent.

    5 of 5
    Jun 20, 2024
  • Dr. Panitch took the time to understand our son's history and explain his diagnosis and treatment plan thoroughly.

    5 of 5
    Jan 24, 2024
  • Always refer people to Dr. Panitch

    5 of 5
    Nov 20, 2023
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The Patient Experience Rating is an average of all responses to the care provider related questions shown above from our nationally-recognized Press Ganey Patient Satisfaction Survey. Patients that are treated in outpatient or hospital environments may receive different surveys, and the volume of responses will vary by question. Responses are measured on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score. We are committed to true transparency. However, to ensure the comments are fair and correctly attributed, we review each one before posting to the website. We exclude entire comments that disclose patient’s protected health information, are off-topic, or include other confidential or inappropriate content. Comments will appear on provider bios only if providers have a minimum number of comments. Comments are shared internally for education purposes to ensure that we are doing our very best for the patients and families for whom we are privileged to care. The comments are submitted by patients and families and reflect their views and opinions. The comments are not endorsed by and do not reflect the views of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

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