Richard I. Markowitz, MD, FACR
Areas of expertise: General pediatric radiology, Chest/ abdomen/GI, Muscle/skeleton Ultrasound
Locations: Main Building
About Richard I. Markowitz, MD, FACR
Pediatric Radiologist
Emeritus Professor of Radiology, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Diagnostic Radiology – American Board of Radiology
Pediatric Radiology – American Board of Radiology
Awards and Honors
2012, SPR Jack O. Haller Award for Excellence in Teaching
1998, Fellowship, American College of Radiology
1993, Editor's Recognition Award (with Distinction) - Radiology
1993-1996, Editor's Certificate of Recognition - RadioGraphics
1998, Pediatric Faculty Teaching Award, Department of Pediatrics, Yale University School of Medicine
1986, AMA Recognition Award
1986-1989, Editor's Recognition Award for Outstanding Reviewing - Radiology (awarded yearly)
1981, AMA Physician Recognition Award
1981, Best Teacher Award, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Yale University School of Medicine
1965-1969, New York State Regents Scholarship in Medicine
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
1997-present, American College of Radiology
- 2006-present, CT Accreditation Committee
- 1998-present, Fellow
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
1991-present, Reviewer, RadioGraphics
Education & training
Medical Degree
MD - State University of New York, Syracuse, NY
Rotating Intern - Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
Diagnostic Radiology - Graduate Hospital of University of Pennsylvania and Presbyterian-University of Pennsylvania Medical Center (combined program), Philadelphia, PA
Pediatric Radiology - St. Christopher's Hospital for Children, Philadelphia, Pa.
Markowitz RI: Olive without a cause: the story of infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis. Pediatric Radiology 44(2): 202-211, Feb 2014.
Markowitz RI, Cleveland RH: New dogs, old tricks. Radiology 270(3): 642-643, Mar 2014.
Markowitz RI, Cleveland RH: Old dogs and plain radiographs---response. Radiology 272(2): 613-614, Aug 2014.
Henderson AA, Anupindi SA, Servaes S, Markowitz RI, Aronson PL, McLoughlin RJ, Mistry RD: Comparison of 2-view abdominal radiographs with ultrasound in children with suspected intussusception. Pediatric Emergency Care 29(2): 145-150, Feb 2013.
Aronson PL, Henderson AA, Anupindi SA, Servaes S, Markowitz RI, McLoughlin RJ, Woodford AL, Mistry RD: Comparison of clinicians to radiologists in assessment of abdominal radiographs for suspected intussusception. Pediatric Emergency Care 29(5): 584-587, May 2013.
Test M, Shah SS, Monuteaux M, Ambroggio L, Lee EY, Markowitz RI, Bixby S, Diperna S, Servaes S, Hellinger JC, Neuman MI: Impact of clinical history on chest radiograph interpretation. Journal of Hospital Medicine 8(7): 359-364, Jul 2013.
Cohen MD, Markowitz RI, Hill J, Huda W, Babyn P, Apgar B: Quality assurance: A comparison study of radiographic exposure for neonatal chest radiographs at 4 academic hospitals. Pediatric Radiology 42(6): 668-673, Jun 2012.
Wu George, Jaimes Camilo, Gaynor J William, Markowitz Richard I: Radiographic signs of open median sternotomy in neonates and infants. Pediatric radiology 42(6): 674-8, Jun 2012.
Cheng Gang, Servaes Sabah, Zhuang Hongming: Value of FDG PET/CT scan versus diagnostic contrast CT in the initial staging of pediatric lymphoma patients. Leukemia & lymphoma Sep 2012.
Biko David M, Anupindi Sudha A, Hanhan Stephanie B, Blinman Thane, Markowitz Richard I: Assessment of recurrent abdominal symptoms after Ladd procedure: clinical and radiographic correlation. Journal of pediatric surgery 46(9): 1720-5, Sep 2011.
Neuman MI, Lee EY, Bixby S, Diperna S, Hellinger J, Markowitz R, Servaes S, Monuteaux MC, Shah S: Variability in the interpretation of chest radiographs for the diagnosis of pneumonia in children. Journal of Hospital Medicine 7(4): 294-298, Oct 2011.
Victoria T, Kramer SS, Markowitz R, Servaes S, Mong A, Jaramillo D, Adzick, : Esophageal obstruction and intracardiac "mass" in association with omphalocele closure Pediatric Surgery 44(2): 448-450, Feb 2009.
Markowitz Richard I, Altes Talissa A, Jaramillo Diego: What causes the "wet diaper" artifact? computed tomography and magnetic resonance observations. Clinical imaging 33(3): 226-30, May-Jun 2009.
Markowitz Richard I: Pediatric radiology in the Philadelphia region: a history of pedigrees and legacies. Pediatric radiology 39(9): 969-81, Sep 2009.
Markowitz Richard I, Meyer James S, Tomlinson Christopher, Flynn John, Ecker Malcolm: CR/PACS for scoliosis: a turn for the better? Radiology management 31(5): 22-7; quiz 28-9, Sep-Oct 2009.
Morowitz MJ, Markowitz RI, Kamath B, von Allmen D: Dieulafoy's lesion and segmental dilatation of the small bowel: An uncommon cause of gastrointestinal bleeding Pediatric Surgery 39(11): 1726-1728, Nov 2004.
Sentongo TA, Markowitz RI, Russo P, vonAllman D, Piccoli DA: Pathological case of the month. Type IV sacrococcygeal teratoma with yolk sac (endodermal sinus) tumor, presenting with failure to thrive and perianal pa. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 156(4): 405-406, Apr 2002.
Selbst SM, Lavelle JM, Soyupak SK, Markowitz RI: Back pain in children who present to the emergency department. Clinical Pediatrics 38(7): 401-406, Jul 1999.
Long FR, Kramer SS, Markowitz RI, Liacouras CA: Duodenitis in children: correlation of radiologic findings with endoscopic and pathologic findings. Radiology 206(1): 103-108, Jan 1998.
Markowitz RI, Meyer JS, Hegman JA, Fellows KE: The impact of extended radiology attending coverage in a children's hospital. Pediatric Radiology 28(3): 167-170, Mar 1998 Notes: Pediatric Radiology 27:699, 1998 (abstract).
Markowitz RI: Growth and development of the child's cardiopulmonary system. Seminars in Roentgenology 33(2): 97, Apr 1998.
Gripp KW, Stolle CA, McDonald-McGinn DM, Markowitz RI, Bartlett SP, Katowitz JA, Muenke M, Zachai EH: Phenotype of the fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 ser351cys mutation: Pfeiffer syndrome type III. American Journal of Medical Genetics 78(4): 356-360, Jul 1998.
Muenke M, Gripp KW, McDonald-McGinn DM, Gaudenz K, Whitaker LA, Bartlett SP, Markowitz RI, Robin NH, Nwokoro N, Mulvihill JJ, Losken HW, Mulliken JB, Guttmacher AE, Wilroy RS, Clarke LA, Hollway G, Ades LC, Haan EA, Mulley JC, Cohen MM Jr., Bellus GA, Francomano CA, Moloney DM, Wall SA, Wilkie AOM, Zackai EH: A unique point mutation in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 gene (FGFR3) defines a new craniosynostosis syndrome. American Journal of Human Genetics 60(3): 555-564, Mar 1997.
Pellegrino JE, McDonald-McGinn DM, Schneider A, Markowitz RI, Zachai EH: Further clinical delineation and increased morbidity in males with osteopathia striata with cranial sclerosis: an X-linked disorder? American Journal of Medical Genetics 70(2): 159-165, May 1997.
Ming JE, McDonald-McGinn DM, Megerian TE, Driscoll DA, Elias ER, Russell BM, Irons M, Emanuel BS, Markowitz RI, Zackai EH: Skeletal anomalies and deformities in patients with deletions of 22q11. American Journal of Medical Genetics 72(2): 210-215, Oct 1997.
McDonald-McGinn DM, LaRossa D, Goldmuntz E, Sullivan K, Eicher P, Gerdes M, Moss E, Wang, P, Solot C, Schultz P, Lynch D, Bingham P, Keenan G, Weinzimer S, Ming JE, Driscoll D, Clark III BJ, Markowitz R, Cohen A, Moshang T, Pasquariello P, Randall P, Emanuel BS, Zachai EH: The 22q11.2 deletion: screening, diagnostic workup, and outcome of results; Report on 181 patients. Genetic Testing 1: 99-108, 1997.
Ming JE, McDonald-McGinn DM, Markowitz RI, Ruchelli E, Zachai EH: Heterotaxia in a fetus with campomelia, cervical lymphocele, polysplenia, and multicystic dysplastic kidneys: expanding the phenotype of Cumming syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics 73(4): 419-424, Dec 1997.
Long FR, Kramer SS, Markowitz RI, Taylor GE: Radiographic patterns of intestinal malrotation in children. Radiographics 16(3): 547-556;discussion 556-560, May 1996.
Meyer JS, Harmon CM, Harty MP, Markowitz RI, Hubbard AM, Bellah RB: Ovarian torsion: clinical and imaging presentation in children. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 30(10): 1433-1436, Oct 1995.
Davidson RS, Markowitz RI, Dormans J, Drummund DS: Ultrasonographic evaluation of the elbow in infants and young children after suspected trauma. Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery 76(12): 1804-1813, Dec 1994.
Markowitz RI, Davidson R, Harty MP, Bellah RD, Hubbard AM, Rosenberg HK: Sonography of the elbow in infants and children: A pictorial essay. American Journal of Roentgenology 159(4): 829-833, Oct 1992 Notes: Abstract: Yearbook of Ultrasound 1993.
Leventhal JM, Thomas SA, Rosenfield NS, Markowitz, RI: Fractures in young children: distinguishing child abuse from unintentional injuries. American Journal of Disease in Children 147(1): 87-92, Jan 1993.
Markowitz, RI: Thymic enlargement due to hyperthyroidism: new insights into an old observation. Kirkpatrick Society July 1993.
Agrons GA, Markowitz RI, Bronson WE: Three-dimensional CT diagnosis of myositis ossificans of the sacrospinous ligament. Pediatric Radiology 23(2): 143-144, 1993.
Hubbard AM, Markowitz RI, Kimmel B, Kroger M, Bartko MB, Farina P: Sedation for pediatric patients undergoing CT and MRI. Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography 16(1): 3-6, Jan-Feb 1992 Notes: Abstract: Yearbook of Radiology 1993, pp 424-425.
Rosenfield NS, Keller MS, Markowitz RI, Touloukian RJ, Seashore JH: CT differentiation of benign and malignant lung nodules in children. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 27(4): 459-461, Apr 1992.
Rosenberg HK, Markowitz RI, Kolberg H, Park C, Hubbard A, Bellah, RD: Normal splenic size in infants and children: sonographic measurements. American Journal of Roentgenology 157(1): 119-121, Jul 1991 Notes: Abstract 1992 Yearbook of Ultrasound.
Thomas SA, Rosenfield NS, Leventhal JM, Markowitz RI: Long bone fractures in young children: distinguishing accidental injuries from child abuse. Pediatrics 88(3): 471-476, Sep 1991 Notes: Abstract American Journal of Roentgenology 158:219-220, 1992, Radiology 1992.
Fellows KE, Hoffer FA, Markowitz RI, O'Neil JA: Multiple collaterals to hepatic infantile hemangioendotheliomas and arteriovenous malformations: effect on embolization. Radiology 181(3): 813-818, Dec 1991.
Czyrko C, Weltz CR, Markowitz RI, O'Neil JA: Blunt abdominal trauma resulting in intestinal obstruction: when to operate? Journal of Trauma 30(12): 1567-1571, Dec 1990.
Havlick R, Touloukian RJ, Markowitz RI, Buckley P: Partial splenectomy for symptomatic splenic hamartoma. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 25(12): 1273-1275, Dec 1990.
Markowitz RI, Mercurio MR, Vahjen GA, Gross I, Touloukian RJ: Congenital lobar emphysema: the roles of CT and V/Q scans. Clinical Pediatrics 28(1): 19-23, Jan 1989.
Graham SM, Seashore JH, Markowitz RI, Hellenbrand WE: Congenital umbilical arteriovenous malformation - A rare cause of congestive heart failure in the newborn. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 24(11): 1144-1145, Nov 1989.
Weber HS, Markowitz RI, Hellenbrand WE, Kleinman CS, Kopf GS: Pulmonary venous collaterals secondary to superior vena cava stenosis: a rare cause of right-to-left shunting following repair of a sinus venosus atrial septal defect. Pediatric Cardiology 10(1): 49-51, 1989.
Ascuitto RJ, Ross-Asciutto NT, Markowitz RI, Kopf GS, Hellenbrand WE, Fahey JT, Kleinman CS: Aneurysms of the right ventricular outflow tract after repair of Tetralogy of Fallot: Role of radiology. Radiology 167(1): 115-119, Apr 1988.
Markowitz RI, Johnson KM, Weinstein EM: Pulmonary hyperinflation in infants with large left-to-right shunts. Investigative Radiology 23(5): 354-358, May 1988 Notes: Abstract 1990 Year Book of Diagnostic Radiology.
Markowitz RI: The anterior junction line: a sign of bilateral pneumothorax in infants. Radiology 167(3): 717-719, Jun 1988.
Bick D, Markowitz RI, Horwich A: Trisomy 18 associated with ectopia cordis and occipital meningocele. American Journal of Medical Genetics 30(3): 805-810, Jul 1988.
Kresch MJ, Markowitz RI, Walker-Smith GJ: Respiratory distress and cyanosis in a term newborn infant. Journal of Pediatrics 113(5): 937-943, Nov 1988.
Markowitz RI, Malat J, Keller MS, Wolfson BJ: Gallbladder opacification in infants following high dose angiocardiography. Pediatric Radiology 18(4): 319-322, 1988.
Markowitz RI, Rosenfield NS, Ablow RC: Use of a multi-image camera in pediatric fluoroscopy: preliminary clinical experience. Applied Radiology 17: 35-36, 1988.
Garcia C, Markowitz RI, Brill PW, Winchester P: Pneumoperitoneum and pneumoscrotum caused by gastric perforation. American Journal of Perinatology 4(1): 75-77, Jan 1987.
Garcia C, Schulbe K, Markowitz RI: Perforated gastric ulcer in a rock-eater. American Journal of Disease in Children 141(2): 213-214, Feb 1987.
Touloukian RJ, O'Connell JB, Markowitz RI, Rosenfield N, Seashore JH, Ablow RC: Analgesic premedication in the management of ileo-colic intussusception. Pediatrics 79(3): 432-434, Mar 1987.
Alario AJ, McCarthy PL, Markowitz RI, Kornguth P, Rosenfield NS, Leventhal JM: Usefulness of chest radiographs in children with acute lower respiratory tract disease. Journal of Pediatrics 111(2): 187-193, Aug 1987 Notes: Abstract American Journal of Roentgenology 149:1075, 1987.
Seashore JH, Collins FS, Markowitz RI, Seashore MR: Familial apple peel jejunal atresia: surgical, genetic and radiographic aspects. Pediatrics 80(4): 540-544, Oct 1987 Notes: Abstract Radiology 168:296, 1988.
Amodio J, Abramson S, Berdon W, Stolar C, Markowitz RI, Kasznica J: Iatrogenic causes of large pleural fluid collections in the premature infant: ultrasonic and radiographic findings. Pediatric Radiology 17(2): 104-108, 1987.
Garcia C, Rosenfield NS, Markowitz RI, Seashore JH, Touloukian RJ, Cicchetti DV: Appendicitis in children: accuracy of the barium enema. American Journal of Disease in Children 141(12): 1309-1312, Dec 1987 Notes: Abstract Radiology 168:296, 1988.
Markowitz RI, Frederick W, Rosenfield NS, Seashore JH, Duray PH: Single, mediastinal unilobar lung - a rare form of subtotal pulmonary agenesis. Pediatric Radiology 17(4): 269-272, 1987.
Markowitz RI: "Pulmonary nodule" in a 14-year-old following left thoracotomy. Journal of Thoracic Imaging 1(4): 57-58, Oct 1986.
Markowitz RI, Fahey JT, Hellenbrand WE, Kopf GS, Rothstein P: Bronchial compression by a patent ductus arteriosus associated with pulmonary atresia. American Journal of Roentgenology 144(3): 535-540, Mar 1985.
Rosenfield NS, Ablow RC, Markowitz RI, DiPietro M, Seashore JH, Touloukian RJ, Cicchetti DV: Hirschsprung disease: accuracy of the barium enema examination. Radiology 150(2): 393-400, Feb 1984.
Touloukian RJ, Markowitz RI: A pre-operative x-ray scoring system for risk assessment of newborns with congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 19(3): 252-257, Jun 1984 Notes: Abstract Radiology 154:561, 1985; referred to in 1986 Yearbook of Diagnostic Radiology.
Markowitz RI, Kleinman CS, Hellenbrand WE, Kopf G, Ment LR: Communicating hydrocephalus secondary to superior vena caval obstruction: occurrence after Mustard's operation for transposition of the great arteries. American Journal of Disease in Children 138(7): 638-641, Jul 1984.
Plonsky L, Virapongse C, Markowitz RI: Congenital orbital teratoma. Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography 7(2): 367-369, Apr 1983.
Ablow RC, Jaffe CC, Orphanoudakis SC, Markowitz RI, Rosenfield NS: Fluoroscopic dose reduction using a digital television noise reduction device. Radiology 148(1): 313-315, Jul 1983.
Buckwalter J, Sasaki C, Kopf G, Hellenbrand W, Kleinman C, Markowitz RI: Aortic wheeze: intermittent tracheal obstruction caused by a rare aortic arch anomaly. Annals of Otology, Rhinology, Laryngology 92(4 Pt 1): 383-386, Jul-Aug 1983.
Markowitz RI, Wolfson BJ, Huff DS, Capitanio MA: Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis - congenital or acquired? Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology 4(1): 39-44, Feb 1982.
Markowitz RI: The radiographic recognition of sternal retraction in infants. Clinical Radiology 33(3): 307-311, May 1982.
Choyke PL, Edmonds PR, Markowitz RI, Kleinman CS, Laks H: Mycotic pulmonary artery aneurysm: complication of aspergillus endocarditis. American Journal of Roentgenology 138(6): 1172-1175, Jun 1982.
Rudolf MCJ, Sherwin RS, Markowitz RI, Bates SE, Genel M, Hochstadt J, Tamborlane WV: Effect of intensive insulin treatment on linear growth in the young diabetic. Journal of Pediatrics 101(3): 333-339, Sep 1982.
Berger RB, Hillemeier AC, Stahl RS, Markowitz RI: Volvulus of the ascending colon: an unusual complication of non-rotation of the midgut. Pediatric Radiology 12: 298-300, 1982.
Markowitz RI, Mendel JB: Retropharyngeal bleeding in hemophilia. British Journal of Radiology 54(642): 21-523, Jun 1981.
Andiman WA, McCarthy P. Markowitz RI, Cormier D, Horstmann DM: Clinical, virologic and serologic evidence of primary Epstein-Barr virus infection in association with childhood pneumonia. Journal of Pediatrics 99(6): 880-886, Dec 1981.
Markowitz RI, Harcke HT, Ritchie WGMR, Huff DS: Focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver in a child with sickle cell anemia. American Journal of Roentgenology 134(3): 594-597, Mar 1980.
Sapire DW, Casta A, Donner RM, Markowitz RI, Capitanio MA: Dilatation of the descending aorta: a radiographic and echocardiographic diagnostic sign in arteriovenous malformations in neonates and young infants. American Journal of Cardiology 44(3): 493-497, Sep 1979.
Markowitz RI, Shashikumar VL, Capitanio MA: Volvulus of the colon in a child with congenital asplenia (Ivemark's Syndrome). Radiology 122(2): 442, Feb 1977 Notes: Abstract 1978 Yearbook of Diagnostic Radiology pp 410-411.
Sapire DW, Markowitz RI, Valdes-Dapena M, Engle S: Thrombosis of the left coronary artery in a newborn infant. Journal of Pediatrics 90(6): 957-959, Jun 1977.
Lee DH, Sapire D, Markowitz RI, Gruskin A: Radiation injury to the abdominal aorta and iliac artery sustained in infancy. South African Medical Journal 50(17): 658-660, Apr 1976.
Markowitz R, Markowitz J: Raindrops on Moses: 54 song parodies for Passover. Private Publication 2017.
Markowitz, RI : Herbie, the Horseradish A vegetable story for Passover. Private Publication 2008.
Markowitz, RI: Radiology Consultant, Pediatric Complaints and Diagnostic Dilemmas: a case-based approach. S.S. Shah & S. Ludwig (eds.). Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA, 2004.
Markowitz RI: Consulting Radiologist. Pediatric Infectious Diseases: Principles and Practice. HB Jenson & RS Baltimore (eds.). Appleton & Lange, Norwalk, CT, 1995.
Topics in Pediatric Critical Care. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, New Haven. Markowitz RI, Baltimore RS (eds.). 1984.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Markowitz RI, Hernanz-Sculman M: The Small Intestine. In Caffey's Pediatric Diagnostic Imaging, 11th Edition T. Slovis (eds.). Mosby/Elsevier, 2008.
Markowitz RI: Diagnostic imaging. Pediatric Infectious Diseases: Principles and Practice. HB Jenson & RS Baltimore (eds.). Saunders, Phila. 2, 2001.
Markowitz RI, Fellows KE : Perioperative radiographic studies. Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care. AC Chang, FL Hanley, G Wernovsky, DL Wessel (eds.). Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore Md. 1998.
Stein GN, Finkelstein AK, Markowitz RI: X-ray diagnosis (of peptic ulcer). Gastroenterology. HL Bockus (eds.). W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, Page: 650-673, 1974.