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Kristin Maletsky, MD, MSEd

Kristin Maletsky, MD, MSEd

Kristin Maletsky, MD, MSEd, is a pediatric hospitalist, an attending physician dedicated to caring for hospitalized children, and medical educator at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Locations: Main Building

About Kristin Maletsky, MD, MSEd


Associate Director, CHOP Pediatric Fellowship Education

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania


Pediatric Hospital Medicine – American Board of Pediatrics

Pediatrics – American Board of Pediatrics

Awards and Honors

CHOP Medical Education Research Grant, Department of Pediatrics, (2024)
Educator Development Grant, Center for Leadership and Innovation in Medical Education, CHOP (2022)
Qualitative Methods Research Affinity Group Mini Grant, CHOP (2022)
Education Scholars’ Pilot Grant, Center for Leadership and Innovation in Medical Education, CHOP (2021)
Advanced Competencies in Medical Education, Global Health, and Advocacy, Nationwide Children’s Hospital (2020)
Nationwide Children’s Hospital International Travel Award (2020)
Resident Conference Travel Award, Central Ohio Pediatric Society (2019)
Magna Cum Laude, Middlebury College (2011)
Psy Chi International Honor Society in Psychology (2010)

Leadership and Memberships

Membership in Professional Organizations

2023-present, Association of Pediatric Program Directors
2020-present, AAP Section on Hospital Medicine
2017-present, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)

Research Interests

Improving communication for patients and families who prefer a language other than English; Patient- and family-centered rounding practices; Core curriculum for fellows

Education & training

Graduate Degree

Master’s of Medical Education (MSEd) - University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, Philadelphia, PA

Medical Degree

MD - Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, NJ


Pediatrics - Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH


Pediatrics - Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH


Pediatric Hospital Medicine - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA

Team affiliations

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Maletsky, KD, Farr, K, Fanny, A, Moher, J, Crouse, H, and Congdon, M. (2024). MIGHTY: a virtual solution to global health education. International Journal of Medical Education, 15:166-168.

Congdon, M, Goldstein, L, Maletsky, KD, Craven, M, Rose, S, and Devon, EP. (2024). Pediatric Intersession: An Upfront Flipped-Classroom Curriculum to Promote Pediatric Clerkship Readiness. Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development, 11.

Bonafide, CP, Maletsky, KD, Kenyon, C, Doupnik, SK, Vasan, A, Rasooly, IR, Goldstein, L, Galligan, M, Hart, J, Ruppel, H, Feudtner, C, and Tenney-Soeiro, R. Writing Retreats to Build Community and Promote Productivity in Academic Medicine. Accepted for publication in the Journal of Hospital Medicine.


Maletsky, K, Worsley, D, Tran Lopez, K, Ortiz, P, Del Valle Mojica, C, Bonafide, C, and Tenney-Soeiro, R. (2023). Communication Experiences of Caregivers Using a Language Other Than English on Inpatient Services. Hospital Pediatrics, 13(6):471-479.

Tran Lopez, K, Pumphrey, K, Hart, J, Simmons, P, Crilly, C, Jones, J, Kurtz, J, Lieberman, S, Kuhn, E, Flynn, E, Abbas, H, Williamson, S, Juca, A, and Maletsky, K. (2023). A Trainee-Led Quality Improvement Project Using Change Management Theory to Improve Bedside Rounding. Hospital Pediatrics, 13(11): 967-975.


Lehman, L, Maletsky, K, Beaute, J, Rakesh, K, Kapur, K, Rivkin, M, and Mrakotsky, C. (2020). Prevalence of Anxiety, Depression and PTSD in Parents and Children Following Pediatric Stroke. Journal of Child Neurology, 35(7):472-479.


Editorials, reviews, chapters


Maletsky, K and Lin, J. Asthma (Chapter) in R. Tenney-Soeiro and E. Pete Devon’s (Ed.) Netter’s Pediatrics, 2nd Edition. Elsevier. March 2022. 


Bonafide CP, Maletsky KD, Coon ER. The Tension Between Pragmatism and Rigor in Choosing Wisely. Hospital Pediatrics. November 2021; 11 (11): e352–e 354.

Maletsky, K. Portal Vein Embolization and Hepatic Hypertrophy (Chapter) in Selected Topics in Interventional Radiology: A Compendium of Student Honors Papers on the Interventional Radiology Elective, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Press. October 2020.


Maletsky, K. Portal Vein Embolization and Hepatic Hypertrophy (Chapter) in Selected Topics in Interventional Radiology: A Compendium of Student Honors Papers on the Interventional Radiology Elective, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Press. October 2020.

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