Susanne I. Kost, MD, FAAP
Locations: Specialty Care, King of Prussia
About Susanne I. Kost, MD, FAAP
Susanne I. Kost, MD, FAAP, is a pediatric hospitalist, an attending physician dedicated to caring for hospitalized children, at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Dr. Kost has worked for 25 years as a pediatric emergency medicine attending and Medical Director of the Sedation Service at Nemours in Delaware. She achieved the rank of Clinical Professor in the Clinician-Educator track at the Sidney Kimmel School of Medicine of Thomas Jefferson University and has served as a board member and former president of the Society for Pediatric Sedation.
Attending Physician
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
Pediatric Emergency Medicine – American Board of Pediatrics
Pediatrics – American Board of Pediatrics
Awards and Honors
2011-2014, Best Doctors in America
2007, Associate of the Month for October at A.I.duPont Hospital for Children
1999, Emergency Department faculty awarded Divisional Teaching Award by Pediatric Residents
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2007-present, Society for Pediatric Sedation, founding member
- 2018-2020, Past President
2005-present, American College of Emergency Physicians
- 2008, Fellow
1990-present, American Academy of Pediatrics, Fellow
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
1991-present, Pediatric Emergency Care, Reviewer
1991-present, Academic Emergency Medicine, Reviewer
Academic and Institutional Committees
2012-present, Medical Executive Committee
Research Interests
Pediatric sedation Medical education with simulation
Education & training
Medical Degree
MD - University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatrics - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatrics - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatric Emergency Medicine - Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Connors JM, Cravero JP, Kost S, LaViolette D, Lowrie L, Scherrer PD. Great expectations-defining quality in pediatric sedation: outcomes of a multidisciplinary consensus conference. J Healthc Qual. 2015 Mar-Apr;37(2):139-54. doi: 10.1111/jhq.12033.
Hollman GA, Banks DM, Berkenbosch JW, Boswinkel JP, Eickhoff JC, Fagin D, Hagen SA, Hales RL, Houck CS, Kaur T, Kost S, Lowrie L, Nishisaki A, Scherrer PD, Stephenson L, Stormorken A, Cravero JP. Development, implementation, and initial participant feedback of a pediatric sedation provider course. Teach Learn Med. 2013;25(3):249-57.
Cheng A, Hunt EA, Donoghue A, Nelson-McMillan K, Nishisaki A, Leflore J, Eppich W, Moyer M, Brett-Fleegler M, Kleinman M, Anderson J, Adler M, Braga M, Kost S, Stryjewski G, Min S, Podraza J, Lopreiato J, Hamilton MF, Stone K, Reid J, Hopkins J, Manos J, Duff J, Richard M, Nadkarni VM; EXPRESS Investigators. Examining pediatric resuscitation education using simulation and scripted debriefing: a multicenter randomized trial. JAMA Pediatr. 2013 Jun;167(6):528-36.
Mallory MD, Baxter AL, Kost SI; Pediatric Sedation Research Consortium. Propofol vs pentobarbital for sedation of children undergoing magnetic resonance imaging: results from the Pediatric Sedation Research Consortium. Paediatr Anaesth. 2009 Jun;19(6):601-11.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Kost S and Fugok K. Chapter 11 Procedural Considerations. IN: Handbook of Pediatric Sedation, Gooden C, Lowrie L, Jackson B, eds, Oxford University Press, 2019.
White ML, Ades A, Shefrin AE, and Kost S. Chapter 11 Task and Procedural Skills Training IN: Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation: Pediatrics V.J. Grant, A. Cheng (Eds.), Springer, 2016.
Kost S and Thompson A. Limp. IN: Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, 7th ed., Shaw KN and Bachur RG, eds. WoltersKluwer, Philadelphia, 2016.
Kost S. Procedural Sedation and Analgesia. IN: Fleisher & Ludwig’s 5-Minute Pediatric Emergency Medicine Consult, Hoffman RJ, Wang VJ, and Scarfone RJ, eds. Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2012.
Kost S. Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome. IN: Fleisher & Ludwig’s 5-Minute Pediatric Emergency Medicine Consult, Hoffman RJ, Wang VJ, and Scarfone RJ, eds. Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2012.
Kost S. Pinworms. IN: Fleisher & Ludwig’s 5-Minute Pediatric Emergency Medicine Consult, Hoffman RJ, Wang VJ, and Scarfone RJ, eds. Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2012.
Kost SI. Limp. IN: Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, 6th ed. Fleisher GR, Ludwig S, eds. Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2010.
Kost SI. Ultrasound-Assisted Venous Access. IN: Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Procedures, 2nd ed.. Henretig F and King C, eds. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2008.
Patel PB, Kost SI. Management of Epistaxis. IN: Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Procedures, 2nd ed.. Henretig F and King C, eds. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2008.
Kost SI. Dental/Periodontal Emergencies. IN: Pediatric Emergency Medicine Secrets, 2nd ed. Selbst S and Cronan K, eds. Mosby Elsevier, Philadelphia PA, 2008.
Kost SI, Taylor B. Limp. IN: Pediatric Emergency Medicine Secrets, 2nd ed. Selbst S and Cronan K , eds. Mosby Elsevier, Philadelphia PA, 2008.
Kost SI. Stridor. IN: Pediatric Emergency Medicine Secrets, 2nd ed. Selbst S and Cronan K, eds. Mosby Elsevier, Philadelphia PA, 2008.
Kost S. Diffuse Red Rashes. IN: Visual Diagnosis in Pediatrics. Chung EK, ed. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins. Philadelphia PA, 2006.
Kost SI. Limp. IN: Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, 5th ed. Fleisher GR Ludwig S, Henretig F, eds. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia PA, 2006.
Cronan KM, Kost SI. Renal and Electrolyte Emergencies. IN: Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, 5th ed. Fleisher GR, Ludwig S, Henretig F, eds. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia PA, 2006.
Kost S. Emergency Medical Services for Children. IN: Emergency Care for Children. Wertz EM, ed. Delmar/Thomson Learning, Albany NY, 2002.
Kost SI. Dental Emergencies. IN: Pediatric Emergency Medicine Secrets, Selbst S and Cronan K, eds. Hanley and Belfus, Philadelphia PA, 2001.
Kost SI, Taylor B. Limp. IN: Pediatric Emergency Medicine Secrets, Selbst S and Cronan K , eds. Hanley and Belfus, Philadelphia PA, 2001.
Kost SI. Stridor. IN: Pediatric Emergency Medicine Secrets, Selbst S and Cronan K, eds. Hanley and Belfus, Philadelphia PA, 2001.
Kost SI. Limp. IN: Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, 4th ed. Fleisher GR and Ludwig S, eds. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia PA, 1999.
Kost SI, Post JC. Management of Epistaxis. IN: Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Procedures. Henretig F and King C, eds. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore MD, 1997.