Eugene Khandros, MD, PhD
Locations: Main Building
About Eugene Khandros, MD, PhD
Attending Physician
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Pediatrics – American Board of Pediatrics
Awards and Honors
2022, Distinguished Teaching Award for Hematology, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
2012, Alpha Omega Alpha
2012, Adolph J. Creskoff Prize, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
2009-2012, NHLBI Medical Scientist Training Program Competitive Grant
2008-2009, Predoctoral Training Grant in Genetics, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
2008, Emily and Francis Botelho Prize for Excellence in Basic Science, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Education & training
Graduate Degree
PhD in Cell and Molecular Biology - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Medical Degree
MD - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatrics - Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of New York, Columbia University, New York, NY
Pediatric Hematology/Oncology - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Vermunt MW, Luan J, Zhang Z, Thrasher AJ, Huang A, Saari MS, Khandros E, Beagrie RA, Zhang S, Vemulamada P, Brilleman M, Lee K, Yano JA, Giardine BM, Keller CA, Hardison RC, Blobel GA. Gene silencing dynamics are modulated by transiently active regulatory elements. Molecular Cell. 2023 Mar;83(5): 715-730.PMID 36868189.
Qin K, Lan X, Huang P, Saari MS, Khandros E, Keller CA, Giardine BM, Abdulmalik O, Shi J, Hardison RC, Blobel GA. Molecular basis of polycomb group protein-mediated fetal hemoglobin repression. Blood 2023 Mar..PMID 36893455.
Huang P, Peslak SA, Ren R, Khandros E, Qin K, Keller CA, Giardine B, Bell HW, Lan X, Sharma M, Horton JR, Abdulmalik O, Chou ST, Shi J, Crossley M, Hardison RC, Cheng X, Blobel GA. HIC2 controls developmental hemoglobin switching by repressing BCL11A transcription. Nature Genetics. 2022 Sept; 54(9):1417-1426. PMID 35941187.
Wakabayashi A, Kihiu M, Sharma M, Thrasher AJ, Saari MS, Quesnel-Vallières M, Abdulmalik O, Peslak SA, Khandros E, Keller CA, Giardine BM, Barash Y, Hardison RC, Shi J, Blobel GA. Identification and characterization of RBM12 as a novel regulator of fetal hemoglobin expression..Blood Adv. 2022 Dec 13;6(23):5956-5968. PMID 35622975.
Braun TW, Kuoch MK, Khandros E, Li H. FACS and immunomagnetic isolation of early erythroid progenitor cells from mouse fetal liver. STAR Protocols. 2021 Dec 29;3(1):101070. PMID: 35024628.
Huang P, Peslak SA, Lan X, Khandros E, Yano JA, Sharma M, Keller CA, Giardine BM, Qin K, Abdulmalik O, Hardison R, Shi J, Blobel GA. HRI-regulated transcription factor ATF4 activates BCL11A transcription to silence fetal hemoglobin expression. Blood 2020 epub Apr 16. PMID: 32299090.
Khandros E, Huang P, Peslak SA, Sharma M, Abdulmalik O, Giardine B, Zhang Z, Keller CA, Hardison RC, Blobel GA. Understanding heterogeneity of fetal hemoglobin induction through comparative analysis of F- and A-erythroblasts.Blood. 2020 May 28;135(22):1957-1968. PMID: 32268371.
Peslak SA, Khandros E, Huang P, Lan X, Geronimo CL, Grevet JD, Abdulmalik O, Zhang Z, Giardine BM, Keller CA, Shi J, Hardison RC, Blobel GA. HRI depletion cooperates with pharmacologic inducers to elevate fetal hemoglobin and reduce sickle cell formation. Blood Adv. 2020 Sep 22;4(18):4560-4572. PMID: 32956454.
Lechauve C, Keith J, Khandros E, Fowler S, Mayberry K, Freiwan A, Thom CS, Delbini P, Romero EB, Zhang J, Motta I, Tillman H, Cappellini MD, Kundu M, Weiss MJ. The autophagy-activating kinase ULK1 mediates clearance of free α-globin in β-thalassemia. Science Translational Medicine 2019 11(506). PMID: 31434755.
Lan X, Khandros E, Huang P, Peslak SA, Bhardwaj SK, Grevet JD, Abdulmalik O, Wang H, Keller CA, Giardine B, Baeza J, Duffner ER, El Demerdash O, Wu XS, Vakoc CR, Garcia BA, Hardison RC, Shi J, Blobel GA. The E3 ligase adaptor molecule SPOP regulates fetal hemoglobin levels in adult erythroid cells. Blood Advances 2019 3(10):1586-1597. PMID: 31126914.
Khandros E and Kwiatkowski J. Beta thalassemia: Monitoring and new treatment approaches. Hematology Oncology Clinics of North America 2019 33(3): 339-353. PMID 31030806.
Thom CS, Traxler EA, Khandros E, Nickas JM, Zhou OY, Lazarus JE, Silva AP, Prabhu D, Yao Y, Aribeana C, Fuchs SY, Mackay JP, Holzbaur EL, Weiss MJ. Trim58 degrades dynein and regulates terminal erythropoiesis. Developmental Cell 2014 30(6):688-700. PMID 25241935.
Zou Z, Enis DR, Bui H, Khandros E, Kumar V, Jakus Z, Thom C, Yang Y, Dhillon V, Chen M, Lu M, Weiss MJ, Kahn ML. The secreted lymphangiogenic factor CCBE1 is essential for fetal liver erythropoiesis. Blood 2013 121(16):3228-3236. PMID 23426945.
Khandros E, Thom CS, D'Souza J, Weiss MJ. Integrated protein quality control pathways regulate free α globin in murine β-thalassemia. Blood 2012 119(22):5265-75. PMID 22427201.
Mollan TL, Khandros E, Weiss MJ, Olson JS. The kinetics of alpha-globin binding to alpha hemoglobin stabilizing protein (AHSP) indicate preferential stabilization of a hemichrome folding intermediate. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2012 287(14):11338-11352. PMID 22298770.
Khandros E, Mollan TL, Yu X, Wang X, Yao Y, D'Souza J, Gell DA, Olson JS, Weiss MJ. Insights into hemoglobin assembly through in vivo mutagenesis of alpha-hemoglobin stabilizing protein. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2012 287(14):11325-11337. PMID 22287545.
Kirino Y, Vourekas A, Khandros E, Mourelatos Z. Immunoprecipitation of piRNPs and directional, next generation sequencing of piRNAs. Methods in Molecular Biology 2011 725:281-293. PMID 21528460.
Nasimuzzaman M*, Khandros E*, Wang X, Kong Y, Zhao H, Weiss D, Rivella S, Weiss MJ, Persons DA. Analysis of alpha hemoglobin stabilizing protein overexpression in murine -thalassemia. American Journal of Hematology 2010 85(10):820-822. PMID 20815047.
Yu D, dos Santos CO, Zhao G, Jiang J, Amigo JD, Khandros E, Dore LC, Yao Y, D'Souza J, Zhang Z, Ghaffari S, Choi J, Friend S, Tong W, Orange JS, Paw BH, Weiss MJ. miR-451 protects against erythroid oxidant stress by repressing 14-3-3zeta. Genes and Development 2010 24(15):1620-33. PMID 20679398.
Chou ST, Khandros E, Bailey C, Nichols KE, Vakoc C, Yao Y, Huang Z, Crispino JD, Hardison RC, Blobel GA, Weiss MJ. Graded repression of PU.1/Sfpi1 gene transcription by GATA factors regulates hematopoietic cell fate. Blood 2009 114(5):983-94. PMID 19491391.
Kirino Y, Kim N, de Planell-Saguer M, Khandros E, Chlorean S, Klein PS, Rigoutsos I, Jongens TA, Mourelatos Z. Arginine methylation of Piwi proteins catalysed by dPRMT5 is required for Ago3 and Aub stability. Nature Cell Biology 2009 11(5), 652-658. PMID 19377467.
Puthanveettil SV, Monje FJ, Miniaci MC, Choi YB, Karl KA, Khandros E, Gawinowicz MA, Sheetz MP, Kandel ER. A new component in synaptic plasticity: upregulation of kinesin in the neurons of the gill-withdrawal reflex. Cell 2008 135(5): 960-73. PMID 19041756.
Jacob T, Ascher E, Hingorani A, Khandros Y, Tsemekhin B, Zeien L, Gunduz Y. Differential proteolytic activity and induction of apoptosis in fibrous versus atheromatous plaques in carotid atherosclerotic disease. Journal of Vascular Surgery 2001 33(3): 614-20. PMID 11241135.