Marc S. Keller, MD
About Marc S. Keller, MD
Attending Radiologist
Professor of Clinical Radiology, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Diagnostic Radiology – American Board of Radiology
Pediatric Radiology – American Board of Radiology
Awards and Honors
2011, Editor's Recognition Award for Distinction in Reviewing, Radiology
2010, Linda Strangio Editor's Award, Journal of Radiology Nursing
2009, Top Doctors. Consumers Guide to Top Doctors (Delaware Valley)
2008, Editor's Recognition Award for Distinction in Reviewing, Radiology
2008, Top Docs for Kids. SJ Magazine
2007, Guide to America's Top Radiologists, Consumer Research Council of America
2007, Outstanding Physicians in Delaware Valley, Consumers Checkbook
2006, Guide to America's Top Radiologists, Consumers Research Council of America
2004, Editor's Recognition Award for Reviewing with Distinction, Radiology Journal
2003, Delaware Today Magazine - 2003 Top Doctors
2003-2006, Editorial Board of the Pediatric Radiology Journal
2001, Radiological Society of North America Award Winning Paper for Clinical Research by a Trainee, Annual Meeting of RSNA
1999, 2002-2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011-2017, Best Doctors in America
1992, 1995, 1998, 2000, Editor's Recognition Award with Distinction in Reviewing, Radiology Journal
1993-1999, Editor's Certificate of Recognition, Radiographics Journal
1985-1986, Radiology Residents' Annual Teaching Award (Residents Award for Didactic Service) Hahnemann University Hospital
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2008-present, Sociedad Latinamericana de Radiologia Pediatrica, Honorary Member
1991-present, Chilean Radiological Society, Corresponding Member
1991-present, Chilean Pediatric Society, Corresponding Member
2009-present, American College of Radiology Appropriateness Criteria Expert Panel on Pediatric Imaging
2006-present, American College of Radiology Pediatric Commission
- 2008-present, Head, Research Subcommittee
- 2006-present, Economics Subcommittee
1992-present, American Academy of Pediatrics
- 1992-present, Program Chairman, Section on Radiology
1987-present, Society for Pediatric Radiology
- 2004-present, Program Committee
1985-present, American Roentgen Ray Society
1981-present, Radiological Society of North America
Editorial and Academic Positions
Academic and Institutional Committees
2009-present, IV Infiltrate Reduction Task Force
2008-present, Medical Director, Vascular Access
2007-present, Board of Directors, Radiology Associates of Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2007-present, Billing Compliance Committee
Education & training
Medical Degree
MD - George Washington University, Washington, DC
Pediatrics (Medical & Surgical) - Children's Hospital National Medical Center, Washington, DC
Diagnostic Radiology - George Washington University Medical Center, Washington, DC
Pediatric Radiology - pGeorge Washington University Medical Center, Washington, DC
Acord M, Cahill AM, Krishnamurthy G, Vatsky S, Keller MS, Srinivasan A: Venous port in infants. Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology January 2018 Notes: Epub ahead of print. PMCID: 29352697
Shellikeri S, Setser RM, Vatsky S, Srinivasan A, Krishnamurthy G, Zhu X, Keller MS, Cahill AM: Prospective evaluation of MR overlay on real-time fluoroscopy for percutaneous extremity biopsies of bone lesions visible on MRI but not on CT in children in the interventional radiology suite. Pediatric Radiology 48(2): 270-278, February 2018. PMCID: 29128920
Fogel MA, Li C, Elci OU, Pawlowski T, Schwab PJ, Wilson F, Nicolson SC, Motenegro LM, Diaz L, Spray TL, Gaynor JW, Fuller S, Mascio C, Keller MS, Harris MA, Whitehead KK, Bethel J, Vossough A, Licht DJ: Neurological injury and cerebral blood flow in single ventricles throughout staged surgical reconstruction. Circulation 135(7): 671-682, February 2017. PMCID: PMC5309199
Anwar S, Harris MA, Whitehead KK, Keller MS, Goldmuntz E, Fogel MA, Mercer-Rosa L: The impact of the right ventricular outflow tract patch on right ventricular strain in Tetralogy of Fallot: A comparison with valvar pulmonary stenosis utilizing cardiac magnetic resonance. Pediatric Cardiology 38(3): 617-623, March 2017 Notes: Epub ahead of print 2017 January 31.
Malik A, Hellinger JC, Servaes S, Schwartz MC, Keller MS, Epelman M: Prevalence of non-cardiovascular findings on CT angiography in children with congenital heart disease. Pediatric Radiology 47(3): 267-279, March 2017.
Shellikeri S, Setser RM, Hwang TJ, Srinivasan A, Krishnamurthy G, Vatsky S, Girard E, Zhu X, Keller MS, Cahill AM: Real-time fluoroscopic needle guidance in the interventional radiology suite using navigational software for percutaneous bone biopsies in children. Pediatric Radiology 47(8): 963-973, July 2017.
Biko DM, Collins RT 2nd, Partington SL, Harris M, Whitehead KK, Keller MS, Fogel MA: Magnetic resonance myocardial perfusion imaging: Safety in pediatrics and young adults. Pediatric Cardiology October 2017 Notes: Oct 24 Epub ahead of print.
Shellikeri S, Setser RM, Vatsky S, Srinivasan A, Krishnamurthy G, Zhu X, Keller MS, Cahill AM: Prospective evaluation of MR overlay on real-time fluoroscopy for percutaneous extremity biopsies of bone lesions visible on MRI but not on CT in children in the interventional radiology suite. Pediatric Radiology November 2017 Notes: Nov 12 Epub ahead of print.
Acord M, Shellikeri S, Vatsky S, Srinivasan A, Krishnamurthy G, Keller MS, Cahill AM: Reduced-dose C-arm computed tomography applications at a pediatric institution. Pediatric Radiology 47: 1817-1824, December 2017.
Dori Y, Keller MS, Rome JJ, Gillespie MJ, Glatz AC, Dodds K, Goldberg DJ, Goldfarb S, Rychik J, Itkin M: Percutaneous lymphatic embolization of abnormal pulmonary lymphatic flow as treatment of plastic bronchitis in patients with congenital heart disease. Circulation 133(12): 1160-1170, March 2016.
Guzman AK, Zahra M, Terotola SO, Raffini LJ, Itkin M, Keller MS, Cahill AM: IVC filter retrieval in adolescents: experience in a tertiary pediatric center. Pediatric Radiology 46(4): 534-540, April 2016.
Avitabile CM, Fu GL, Kim DW, Kim TS, Gillespie MJ, Keller MS, Fogel MA, Whitehead KK: Accuracy and internal consistency of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in measuring branch pulmonary artery flows in patients with conotruncal anomalies and branch pulmonary artery stents. American Journal of Cardiology 117(7): 1160-1166, April 2016.
Avitabile CM, Whitehead KK, Fogel MA, Kim DW, Kim TS, Rose JD, Keller MS, Fu GL, Harris MA: Holodiastolic flow reversal at the descending aorta on cardiac magnetic resonance is neither sensitive nor specific for significant aortic regurgitation in patients with congenital heart disease. Pediatric Cardiology June 2016 Notes: Epub ahead of print.
Fogel MA, Li CJ, Elci OU, Pawlowski T, Schwab PJ, Wilson FB, Nicolson SC, Montenegro LM, Diaz L, Spray TL, Gaynor JW, Fuller S, Mascio CE, Keller MS, Harris MA, Whitehead KK, Bethel J, Vossough A, Licht DJ: Neurologic injury and cerebral blood flow in single ventricles throughout staged surgical reconstruction. Circulation December 2016 Notes: Epub ahead of print Dec 28.
Malik A, Hellinger JC, Servaes S, Schwartz MC, Keller MS, Epelman M: Prevalence of non-cardiovascular findings on CT angiography in children with congenital heart disease. Pediatric Radiology December 2016 Notes: Epub ahead of print Dec 6.
Borofsky SE, Obi C, Cahill AM, McIntosh A, Gaballah M, Keller MS: Transiliopsoas approach: An alternative route to drain pelvic abscesses in children. Pediatr Radiol 45(1): 94-98, January 2015 Notes: Epub 2014 July 10.
Brothers JA, Whitehead KK, Keller MS, Fogel MA, Paridon SM, Weinberg PM, Harris MA: Cardiac MRI and CT: differentiation of normal ostium and intraseptal course from slitlike ostium and interarterial course in anomalous left coronary artery in children. Am J Roentgenol 204(1): W104-109, January 2015.
Whitehead KK, Harris MA, Glatz AC, Gillespie MJ, DiMaria MV, Harrison NE, Dory Y, Keller MS, Rome JJ, Fogel MA: Status of systemic to pulmonary arterial collateral flow after the fontan procedure. Am J Cardiol 115(12): 1739-1745, June 2015 Notes: Epub 2015 March 24.
Harris MA, Whitehead KK, Shin DC, Keller MS, Weinberg PM, Fogel MA: Identifying abnormal ostial morphology in anomalous aortic origin of a coronary artery. Ann Thorac Surg 100(1): 174-179, July 2015 Notes: Epub 2015 May 12.
Domzalski ME, Keller MS, Grzelak P, Gabos P: MRI evaluation of the development of intercondylar notch width in children. Surg Radiol Anat 37(6): 609-615, August 2015.
Fogel MA, Li C, Wilson F, Pawlowski T, Nicolson SC, Montenegro LM, Diaz Berenstein L, Spray TL, Gaynor JW, Fuller S, Keller MS, Harris MA, Whitehead KK, Clancy R, Elci O, Bethel J, Vossough A, Licht DJ: Relationship of cerebral blood flow to aortic-to-pulmonary collateral/shunt flow in single ventricles. Heart 101(16): 1325-1331, August 2015 Notes: Epub 2015 June 5.
Fogel MA, Pawlowski T, Keller MS, Cohen MS, Goldmuntz E, Diaz L, Li C, Whitehead KK, Harris MA: The cardiovascular effects of obesity on ventricular function and mass in patients after tetralogy of fallot repair. J Pediatr 167(2): 325-330, August 2015 Notes: Epub 2015 May 12.
Chan SS, Whitehead KK, Kim TS, Fu GL, Keller MS, Fogel MA, Harris MA: Repaired tetralogy of fallot with coexisting unrepaired partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection is associated with diminished right ventricular ejection fraction and more severe right ventricular dilation. Pediatr Radiol 45(10): 1465-1471, September 2015 Notes: Epub 2015 May 3.
Gaballah M, Krishnamurthy G, Berman JI, Edgar JC, Adeb M, Keller MS, McIntosh A, Nazario M, Cahill AM: Lower extremity vascular access in neonates and infants: A single institutional experience. J Vasc Interv Radiol 26(11): 1660-1668, November 2015.
Gaballah M, Storm PB, Rabinowitz D, Ichord RN, Hurst RW, Krishnamurthy G, Keller MS, McIntosh AD, Cahill AM: Intra-operative cerebral angiography in AVM resection in children: A single institutional experience. J Neurosurg Pediatr 13(2): 222-228, February 2014.
Gaballah M, Krishnamurthy G, Keller MS, McIntosh AD, Cahill AM: Single-incision technique for placement of tunneled internal jugular vein vascular access in children. Pediatr Radiol March 2014 Notes: Epub ahead of print Mar 11.
Gaballah M, Krishnamurthy G, Keller MS, McIntosh AD, Munson DA, Cahill AM: US-guided placement and tip position confirmation for lower-extremity central venous access in neonates and infants with comparison versus conventional insertion. J Vasc Interv Radiol 25(4): 548-555, April 2014.
Dori Y, Keller MS, Fogel MA, Rome JJ, Whitehead KK, Harris MA, Itkin M: MRI of lymphatic abnormalities after functional single-ventricle palliation surgery. Am J Roentgenol 203(2): 426-431, August 2014 Notes: Epub ahead of print May 21.
Dori Y, Keller MS, Rychik J, Itkin M: Successful treatment of plastic bronchitis by selective lymphatic embolization in a Fontan patient. Pediatrics 134(2): e590-595, August 2014 Notes: Epub 2014 Jul 7.
Gray M, Kovatis KZ, Stuart T, Enlow E, Itkin M, Keller MS, French HM: Treatment of congenital pulmonary lymphangiectasia using ethiodized oil lymphangiography. J Perinatol 34(9): 720-722, September 2014.
Fogel MA, Pawlowski T, Schwab PJ, Nicolson SC, Montenegro LM, Berenstein LD, Spray TL, Gaynor JW, Fuller S, Keller MS, Harris MA, Whitehead KK, Vossough A, Licht DJ: Brain magnetic resonance immediately before surgery in single ventricles and surgical postponement. Ann Thorac Surg 98(5): 1693-1698, November 2014 Notes: Epub 2014 Aug 19.
Fogel MA, Li C, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Gaynor JW, Fuller S, Keller MS, Harris MA, Yoganathan AP, Whitehead KK: Comparison by magnetic resonance phase contrast imaging of pulse-wave velocity in patients with single ventricle who have reconstructed aortas versus those without. Am J Cardiol 114(12): 1902-1907, December 2014.
Dori Y, Glatz AC, Hanna BD, Gillespie MJ, Harris MA, Keller MS, Fogel MA, Rome JJ, Whitehead KK: Acute effects of embolizing systemic-to-pulmonary arterial collaterals on blood flow in patients with superior cavopulmonary connections: a pilot study. Circ Cardiovasc Interv 6(1): 101-106, February 2013.
Ballah D, Nijs E, Keller MS, Zhu X, Krishnamurthy G, Cahill AM: Percutaneous CT-guided vertebral bone biopsy in children. Pediatr Radiol 43(5): 582-588, March 2013.
Dori Y, Keller MS, Rychik J, Itkin M: Etiology and new therapy for palstic bronchitis in patients with Fontan physiology. The New England Journal of Medicine 2013 Notes: Submitted.
Dori Y, Rychik J, Goldberg DJ, Glatz AC, Gillespie MJ, Harris Ma, Fogel MA, Whitehead KK, Rome JJ, Keller MS, Itkin M: Lymphatic abnormalities in patients with single ventricle physiology, new insight into the etiology and pathogenesis of certain diseases. American Journal of Roentgenology 2013 Notes: In revision.
Gray M, Kovatis KZ, Stuart T, Enlow E, Keller MS, French HM: Treatment of primary pulmonary lymphangiectasis using ethiodized oil lymphangiography. Journal of Perinatology 2013 Notes: Submitted
Harris MA, Keller MS, Brothers J: Virtual angioscopy demonstrates normal ostial morphology in children with anomalous aortic origin of left coronary artery with intraseptal course. Radiology 2013 Notes: Submitted.
Glatz AC, Rome JJ, Small AJ, Gillespie MJ, Dory Y, Harris MA, Keller MS, Fogel MA, Whitehead KK: Systemic-to-pulmonary collateral flow, as measured by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, is associated with acute post-Fontan clinical outcomes. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging 5(2): 218-225, March 2012.
Adeb M, Baskin KM, Keller MS, Krishnamurthy G, Nijs E, Meyers K, Pradhan M, Cahill AM: Radiologically placed tunneled hemodialysis catheters: a single pediatric institutional experience of 120 patients. J Vasc Interv Radiol 23(5): 604-612, May 2012.
Milla SS, Coley BD, Karmazyn B, Dempsey-Robertson ME, Dillman JR, Dory CE, Garber M, Hayes LL, Keller MS, Meyer JS, Paidas C, Radke ME, Rigsby CK, Spottswood S, Strouse PJ, Widmann RF, Wootton-Gortes SL: ACR Appropriateness Criteria ® limping child - ages 0 to 5 years. J Am Coll Radiol 9(8): 543-553, August 2012.
Fogel MA, Pawlowski TW, Whitehead K, Harris MA, Keller MS, Glatz AC, Zhu, W, Shore D, Diaz LK, Rome JJ: Cardiac Magnetic Resonance and the need for routine cardiac catheterizaton in single ventricle patients prior to Fontan: A comparison of 3 groups. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 60(12): 1094-1102, September 2012.
Krishnamurthy G, Keller MS: Vascular access in children. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 34(1): 14-24, February 2011.
Meyer JS, Gunderman R, Coley BD, Bulas D, Garber M, Karmazyn B, Keller MS, Kulkarni AV, Milla SS, Myseros JS, Paidas C, Pizzutillo PD, Podberesky DJ, Prince JS: ACR appropriateness criteria on suspected physical abuse-child. J Am Coll Radiol 8(2): 87-94, February 2011.
Fogel MA, Pawlowski TW, Harris MA, Whitehead KK, Keller MS, Wilson J, Tipton D, Harris C: Comparison and usefulness of cardiac magnetic resonance versus computed tomography in infants six months of age or younger with aortic arch anomalies without deep sedation or anesthesia. Am J Cardiol 108(1): 120-125, July 2011.
Beroukhim RS, Prakash A, Buechel ER, Cava JR, Dorfman AL, Festa P, Hlavack AM, Johnson TR, Keller MS, Krishnamurthy R, Misra N, Moniotte S, Parks WJ, Powell AJ, Soriano BD, Srichai MB, Yoo SJ, Zhou J, Geva T: Characterization of cardiac tumors in children by cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging: a multicenter experience. J Am Coll Cardiol 30(58): 1044-1054, August 2011.
Keller MS, Nijs ELF: The role comparative panoramic visualization of radiographs in the diagnosis of developmental dysplasia of the hip: reply to Daza and Osorio. Pediatr Radiol 40(2), February 2010.
Meece RW, Fishlock KF, Bayley EW, Keller MS: Ultrasound-guided botox injections of salivary glands in children with drooling. J Radiol Nurs 29(1): 20-24, March 2010.
Srinivasan A, Krishnamurthy G, Fontalvo-Herazo L, Nijs E, Keller MS, Meyers K, Kaplan B, Cahill AM: Angioplasty for renal artery stenosis in pediatric patients: an 11 year retrospective experience. J Vasc Interv Radiol 21(11): 1672-1680, November 2010.
Keller MS, Nijs EL: The role of radiographs and US in developmental dysplasia of the hip: How good are they? Pediatric Radiology 39(Suppl 2): S211-5, April 2009.
Keller MS: Introduction to the minisymposium on sports imaging in children. Pediatr Radiol 39(12): 1263, December 2009.
Keller MS: Gymnastics injuries and imaging in children. Pediatr Radiol 39(12): 1299-1306, December 2009.
Miller MC, Schmidt RJ, Keller MS, Murphy SG, Reilly JS: Conservative therapy of esophageal perforation with neck abscess in a child. Laryngoscope 117(11): 2013-2016, November 2007.
Cognetti DM, Keller MS, Arch EM, Schmidt R, Deutsch ES, O'Reilly RC: Sensorineural Hearing Loss and Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Deficiency Syndrome: Implications for Cochlear Implantation. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology Extra 1: 60-64, January 2006.
Nguyen TH, Keller MS: The Child Within. Radiographics 26(3): 700, May-June 2006.
Shabshin N, Schweitzer ME, Morrison WB, Carrino JA, Keller MS, Grissom LE: High-signal T2 changes of the bone marrow of the foot and ankle in children: red marrow or traumatic changes? Pediatric Radiology 36(7): 670-6, July 2006.
Sneineh AKA, Gabos PG, Keller MS, Bowen JR: Ultrasonography of the Spine in Neonates and Young Infants with a Sacral Skin Dimple. J Pediatr Orthop 22(6): 761-762, November-December 2002.
Schwartz DS, Reyes-Mugica M, Keller MS: Imaging of Surgical Disease of the Newborn Chest: Intrapleural Mass Lesions. Radiol Clin North Am 37(6): 1067-1078, November 1999.
Schwartz DS, Keller MS, Fields JM, States LJ, Marsh JS: Arterial Waveforms in Normal Neonatal Femoral Heads AJR 170(2): 465-466, February 1998.
Grasso SN, Keller MS: Diagnostic Imaging in Pediatric Trauma. Current Opinion in Pediatrics 10: 299-302, June 1998.
Saluja S, Fields JM, Schwartz DS, DeCou JM, Gosche JR, Touloukian RJ, Seashore JH, Keller MS: Percutaneous Needle Aspiration of Small Interloop Abscesses in Children Pediatric Surgery International 13(7): 528-530, September 1998.
Schwartz DS, Keller MS: Deep Venous Thrombosis as a Cause of Pelvic Pain in Children. J Ultrasound Med 16(4): 281-283, April 1997.
Shelfo SW, Keller MS, Weiss RM: Ipsilateral Pyeloureterostomy for Managing Lower Pole Reflux with Associated Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction in Duplex Systems J Urol 157(4): 1420-1422, April 1997.
Schwartz DS, Keller MS: Maturational Descent of the Epiglottis. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 123(6): 627-628, June 1997.
Fields JM, Schwartz DS, Keller MS, Gosche JR: Idiopathic Bilateral Anterior Mediastinal Abscesses. Pediatr Radiol 27(7): 596-597, July 1997.
Lobo E, Daneman A, Fields JM, Keller MS, Alton DJ, Shandling B: The Diagnosis of Malrotation during Air Enema Procedure. Pediatr Radiol 27(7): 606-608, July 1997.
Garcia-Pena BM, Keller MS, Schwartz DS, Korsvik HE, Weiss RM: The Ultrasonographic Differentiation of Obstructive vs. Nonobstructive Hydronephrosis in Children: A Multivariate Scoring System. J Urol 158(2): 560-565, August 1997.
Fields JM, Saluja S, Schwartz DS, Touloukian RJ, Keller MS: Hemophilia Presenting In an Infant as a Radial Artery Pseudoaneurysm Following Arterial Puncture. Pediatr Radiol 27(9): 763-764, September 1997.
Kalyanpur A, Schwartz DS, Fields JM, Reyes-Mugica M, Keller MS, Gosche J: Renal Medullary Carcinoma in a Caucasian Adolescent. AJR 169(4): 1037-1038, October 1997.
Schwartz DS, Gettner PA, Konstantino MM, Bartley CL, Keller MS, Ehrenkranz RA, Jacobs HC: Umbilical Venous Catheterization and the Risk of Portal Vein Thrombosis. J Peds 131(5): 760-762, November 1997.
Carpenter TO, Keller MS, Schwartz DS, Mitnick M, Smith C, Ellison A, Carey D, Comite F, Horst R, Travers R, Glorieux FH, Gunderberg CM, Poole AR, Insogna KL: 24.25 Dihydroxyvitamin D Supplementation Corrects Hyperparathyroidism and Improves Skeletal Abnormalities in X-linked Hypophosphatemic Rickets J Clin Endocrinol Metab 81(6): 2381-2387, June 1996.
Keller MS: Sonographic Detection of Femoral Head Vascularity in Neonates Radiology 200(1): 28-29, July 1996.
Gill JR, Reyes-Mugica M, Iyengar S, Kidd KK, Touloukian RJ, Smith C, Keller MS, Genel M: Early Presentation of Metastatic Medullary Carcinoma in Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (MEN 2A): Implications for Therapy. J Pediatr 129(3): 459-464, September 1996.
O'Brien JA, Van Why SK, Keller MS, Gaudio KM, Kennedy TL, Siegel NJ: Altered Renovascular Resistance After Spontaneous Recovery From Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome. Yale J Biol Med 67(1-2): 1-14, January-April 1994.
Lawson JP, Keller MS, Rattner Z: Recent Advances in Pediatric Musculoskeletal Radiology. Radiol Clin N Am 32(2): 353-375, March 1994.
Keller MS, Weiss RM, Rosenfield NS: Sonographic Evaluation of Ureterectasis in Children: The Significance of Peristalsis. J Urol 149(3): 553-555, March 1993.
Korsvik H, Keller MS: Sonography of Suspected Occult Dysraphism in Neonates and Infants with MRI Correlation. RadioGraphics 12(2): 297-308, March 1992.
Paltiel HJ, Patriquin HB, Keller MS, Babcock DS, Leithiser RE: Doppler US of Infantile Hepatic Hemangiomas. Radiology 182(3): 735-742, March 1992.
Rosenfield NS, Keller MS, Markowitz RI, Touloukian RJ, Seashore JH: CT Differentiation of Benign and Malignant Lung Nodules in Children. J Ped Surg 27(4): 459-461, April 1992.
Melin G, Keller MS: Pericallosal Lipoma Extending Through the Choroid Fissure: Unusual Presentation with US/CT/MR Correlation. Neuroradiology 34(5): 402-403, September 1992.
Rotmensch S, Grannum PA, Nores JA, Hall C, Keller MS, McCarthy S, Hobbins JC: In Utero Diagnosis and Management of Fetal Subdural Hematoma Am J of Obs and Gyn 164: 1246-1248, May 1991.
Haller JD, Kleinman PK, Merten DF, Cohen HL, Cohen MD, Hayden PW, Keller MS, Towbin R, Sane S: Diagnostic Imaging of Child Abuse Pediatrics 87: 262-264, 1991 Notes: Policy Statement by AAP Section on Radiology.
Garcia CJ, Keller MS: Intraspinal Extension of Paraspinal Masses in Infants: Detection by Sonography Pediatr Radiol 20(6): 437-439, July 1990.
Bates S, Keller MS, Ramos IM, Carter D, Taylor KJW: Hepatoblastoma: Detection of Tumor Vascularity by Duplex Doppler US. Radiology 176(2): 505-507, August 1990.
Keller MS, Taylor KJW, Riely CA: Pseudoportal Doppler Signal in the Partially Obstructed IVC. Radiology 170: 475-477, February 1989.
Keller MS: Renal Doppler Sonography in Infants and Children. Radiology 172: 603-604, September 1989.
Barton J, Keller MS: Liver Transplantation for Hepatoblastoma in a Child with Congenital Absence of the Portal Vein. Pediatr Radiol 20: 113-114, November 1989.
Keller MS: Early Recognition of Neonatal Hip Abnormalities by Real time Ultrasonography. Surgical Rounds for Orthopedics 2: 37-45, January-June 1988.
Touloukian RJ, Keller MS: High Proximal Pouch Esophageal Atresia with Vertebral, Rib, and Sternal Anomalies: An Additional Component to the VATER Association. J Ped Surg 23: 76-79, January 1988.
Keller MS, Weiss AA: Sonographic Guidance for Infant Hip Reduction under Anesthesia. Pediatric Radiology 18: 174-175, February 1988.
Strife JL, Ball WS, Towbin R, Keller MS, Dillon T: Arterial Occlusions in Neonates. Use of Fibrinolytic Therapy Radiology 166: 395-400, February 1988.
Keller MS, Buckley PJ: Letter to the Editor: Sonographic Tissue Pattern in Neuroblastoma AJR 150: 693, March 1988.
Markowitz RM, Malat J, Keller MS, Wolfson BJ: Gallbladder Opacification in Infants Following High Dose Angiocardiography. Pediatr Radiol 18: 319-322, May 1988.
Hijazi Z, Keller MS, Gaudio K, Siegel NJ: Acute Transient Renal Dysfunction of the Neonate Pediatrics 82(6): 929-930, December 1988.
Keller MS, Weltin GG, Rattner Z, Taylor KJW, Rosenfield NS: Normal Instability of the Hip in the Neonate: US Standards. Radiology 169: 733-736, December 1988.
Kaplan JM, Keller MS, Troy S: Nasopharyngeal Obstruction Associated with Infectious Mononucleosis: a review and report of a new sign. Am Fam Physician 35: 205-209, January 1987.
Keller MS, DiPietro MA, Teele RL, White SS, Chawla HS, Curtis Cohen M, Blane CE: Periventricular Cavitations in the First Week of Life. AJNR 8: 291-295, March-April 1987 Notes: Abstracted for 1988 Year Book of Diagnostic Radiology, Kirkpatrick, JA (ed).
Brill CB, Peyster RG, Keller MS, Galtman L: Isolation of the Right Subclavian Artery with Subclavian Steal in a Child with Klippel Feil Anomaly: An Example of the Subclavian Artery Disruption Sequence Am J Med Genet 26: 933-940, April 1987.
Quiogue T, Keller MS: Post Asphyxial Total Cerebral Necrosis: Ultrasonographic Diagnosis Am J Dis Child 141(4): 445-446, April 1987.
Mandell GA, Snyder HM, Heyman S, Keller MS, Kaplan JM, Norman ME: Association of Congenital Megacalycosis and Ipsilateral Segmental Megaureter Pediatri Radiol 17: 28-33, January 1986.
Keller MS, Chawla HS, Weiss AA: Real time Sonography of Infant Hip Dislocation. RadioGraphics 6: 447-456, May 1986.
Keller MS, Lai S, Wagner DK: Percutaneous Gastrostomy in a Child Radiology 160: 261-262, July 1986.
Samn M, Curtis Cohen M, Keller MS, Chawla H: Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Infants of Multiple Gestation. Am J Dis Child 140(9): 937-939, September 1986.
Brill CB, Peyster RG, Hoover ED, Keller MS: Giant Intracranial Aneurysm in a Child with Tuberous Sclerosis. J Comput Assist Tomo 9: 377-380, March-April 1985.
Keller MS, Chawla HS: Neonatal Metrizamide GI Series in Suspected Necrotizing Enterocolitis Am J Dis Child 139: 713-716, July 1985.
Keller MS, Chawla HS: Angiosonography of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Neonates J Can Assoc Radiol 36: 223-225, September 1985.
Keller MS, Chawla HS: Sonographic Delineation of the Neonatal Acetabular Labrum. J Ultrasound Med 4: 501-502, September 1985.
Keller MS, Markle BM, Laffey PA, Chawla HS, Jacir N, Frank JL: Spontaneous Resolution of Cholelithiasis in Infants. Radiology 157: 345-348, November 1985.
Keller MS, Wagner DK, Lee YJ: Evaluation of Neonatal Sacrococcygeal Teratoma by DSA and Direct Sagittal CT. Brit J Radiol 58: 1120-1122, November 1985.
Walker JT, Keller MS, Katz SM: Computed Tomographic and Sonographic Findings in Acute Ethylene Glycol Poisoning. J Ultrasound Med 2: 429-431, September 1983.
Keller MS: Congenital Lobar Emphysema with Tracheal Bronchus. J Can Assoc Radiol 34: 306-307, December 1983.
Keller MS: Letter to the Editor, RE: Sternal Cupping in Sickle Cell Disease. Radiology 145: 854, December 1982.
Keller MS, Jackson DP, Breslow A, St. Andre A, Olmsted WW: Chronic Knee Pain in a 35 year old man. Invest Radiol 16: 1-6, January-February 1981.
Keller MS: CT Demonstration of Intracranial Calcifications in Tuberous Sclerosis Clin. Proc. CHNMC 37: 365-368, 1981.
Keller MS(In) Weiss RM, George NJR, and O'Reilly P (eds): Pediatric Uroradiology. Mosby-Harcourt, London 2000.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Keller MS, Nijs ELF, Applegate KA: Developmental dysplasia of the hip. Evidence Based Imaging in Pediatrics. Applegate KA, Medina LS, Blackmore CC (eds.). Springer,(2nd Edition), 295-309, December 2009
Ment LR, Keller MS, Duncan CC: Intraventricular Hemorrhage of the Preterm Neonate Swaiman KF, Ashwal S (eds), Pediatric Neurology: Principles and Practice. Third edition. Mosby, St. Louis Page: 205-219, September 1999.
Teplick SK, Glick SN, Keller MS, and Brandon JC: The Duodenum Putman CE, Ravin CE (2nd ed), Textbook of Diagnostic Imaging, second edition, Philadelphia, Page: 741-777, January 1994.
Keller MS: Imaging of the Liver and Biliary Tract" in Suchy F(1st ed), Liver Disease in Children, BC Decker January 1994.
Rosenfield NS, Keller MS, Markowitz RI: The Imaging of Childhood Trauma In Touloukian RJ (ed) Pediatric Trauma (second edition) Mosby 1990.
Keller MS: Infant Hip. Babcock DS (ed) Clinics in Diagnostic Ultrasound edition on Neonatal and Pediatric Ultrasonography, Churchill Livingstone, New York 1989.
Teplick SK, Glick SN, Keller MS, Brandon JC: The Duodenum. Textbook of Diagnostic Imaging. (In) Putnam CE, Ravin CE (eds) (eds.). W.B. Saunders Co.(2nd edition), 741-777, January 1988.