Jason D. Jones, PhD
About Jason D. Jones, PhD
Research Scientist
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Awards and Honors
2018, Featured Alumnus, Department of Psychology, University of Maryland
2011, Janet W. Johnson Fund Conference Travel Award, University of Maryland
2008, Faculty-selected Graduation Marshal, Department of Psychology, The Pennsylvania State University
2008, Evan Pugh Scholar Award – senior (top 0.5% of class), The Pennsylvania State University
2007, Mona Shibley Bird Memorial Scholarship in Psychology, The Pennsylvania State University
2007, Evan Pugh Scholar Award – junior (top 0.5% of class), The Pennsylvania State University
2007, Raymond and Roberta Lombra Enrichment Fund, The Pennsylvania State University
2007, Esther A. Shultz Undergraduate Enrichment Fund, The Pennsylvania State University
2007, Costello Family Scholarship in Psychology, The Pennsylvania State University
2006, President Sparks Award (4.0 GPA), The Pennsylvania State University
2006-present, Psi Chi National Honor Society, Chair of the Penn State Psi Chi Research Committee in 2007
2006-present, Golden Key International Honour Society
2005, President’s Freshman Award, The Pennsylvania State University
2004-2008, Dean’s List Scholar, The Pennsylvania State University
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
Society for Research on Adolescence
Society for Research in Child Development
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2022-present, International Advisory Board, Attachment & Human Development
Ad Hoc Reviewer
Addictive Behaviors
American Journal of Preventive Medicine
Attachment & Human Development
Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Child Development
Child Psychiatry and Human Development
Clinical Psychology Review
Cognitive Therapy and Research
Development and Psychopathology
Developmental Psychology
Family Relations
Frontiers in Psychology
JAMA Psychiatry
Journal of Adolescent Health
Journal of Child and Family Studies
Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
Journal of Early Adolescence
Journal of Pediatric Psychology
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
Parenting: Science and Practice
Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment
Substance Use & Misuse
Research Interests
Adolescence Interpersonal relationships Depression Suicide Prevention
Education & training
Undergraduate Degree
BA in Psychology - The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Graduate Degree
PhD in Developmental Psychology - University of Maryland, College Park, MD
MS in Developmental Psychology - University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Neuropsychiatry - University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA
National Research Service Award (NRSA) Postdoctoral Fellowship - National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, MD
National Research Service Award (NRSA) Predoctoral Fellowship - National Institute on Drug Abuse, North Bethesda, MD
Flagship Fellowship - University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Dean’s Fellowship - University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Jones, J. D., Hankin, B. L., Gallop, R., Haraden, D., Sbrilli, M. Garber, J., & Young, J. F. (2022). Effects of personalized depression prevention on anxiety through 18-
month follow-up: A randomized controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 156, Article 104156.
Davis, M., Jones, J. D., So, A., Benton, T. D., Boyd, R. C., Melhem, N., Ryan, N. D., Brent, D. A., & Young, J. F. (2022). Adolescent depression screening in primary care: Who is screened and who is at risk? Journal of Affective Disorders, 299, 318-325.
Stern, J. A., Jones, J. D., Nortey, B., Lejuez, C. W., & Cassidy, J. (2022). Pathways linking attachment and depressive symptoms for Black and White adolescents: Do race and neighborhood racism matter? Attachment & Human Development, 24, 304-321.
Jones, J. D., Stern, J. A., Fitter, M., Mikulincer, M., Shaver, P. R., & Cassidy, J. (2022). Attachment and attitudes toward children: Effects of security priming in parents and non-parents. Attachment & Human Development 24, 147-168.
Jones, J. D., Boyd, R. C., Calkins, M. E., Moore, T. M., Ahmed, A., Barzilay, R., Benton, T. D., Gur, R. E., & Gur, R. C. (2021). Association between family history of suicide attempt and neurocognitive functioning in community youth. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 62, 58-65.
Barzilay, R., Moore, T. M., Calkins, M. E., Maliackel, L., Jones, J. D., Boyd, R. C., Warrier, V., Benton, T. D., Oquendo, M. A, Gur, R. C., & Gur, R. E. (2021). Deconstructing the role of the exposome in youth suicidal ideation: Trauma, neighborhood environment, developmental and gender effects. Neurobiology of Stress, 14, 100314.
Young, J. F., Jones, J. D., Gallop, R., Benas, J. S., Schueler, C. M., Garber, J., & Hankin, B. L. (2021). Personalized depression prevention: A randomized controlled trial to optimize effects through risk-informed personalization. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 60, 1116-1126.
Benton, T. D., Muhrer, E., Jones, J. D., & Lewis, J. (2021). Dysregulation and suicide in children and adolescents. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 30, 389-399.
Jones, J. D., Gallop, R., Gillham, J. E., Mufson, L., McCarthy, A., Kanine, R., & Young, J. F. (2021). The Depression Prevention Initiative: Mediators of Interpersonal Psychotherapy – Adolescent Skills Training. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 50, 202-214.
Benton, T. D., Jones, J. D., Julye, S., Butler, L., & Boyd, R. C. (2021). ‘Web of violence’, depression, and impairment in a clinical sample of adolescents. Journal of Family Violence, 36, 17-26.
Moore, T. M., White, L. K., Barzilay, R., Calkins, M. E., Jones, J. D., Young, J. F., Gur, R. C., & Gur, R. E. (2020). Development of a scale battery for rapid assessment of risk and resilience. Psychiatry Research, 288, Article 112996.
Jones, J. D., Beijers, R., Fraley, R. C., Gross, J. T., Cassidy, J., & de Weerth, C. (2020). Mothers’ attachment style as a predictor of breastfeeding and room-sharing practices. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 45, 654-662.
Jones, J. D., Gallop, R., Gillham, J. E., Mufson, L., McCarthy, A., Kanine, R., & Young, J. F. (in press). The Depression Prevention Initiative: Mediators of Interpersonal Psychotherapy – Adolescent Skills Training. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol. 2019 Aug 20:1-13. doi: 10.1080/15374416.2019.1644648. [Epub ahead of print]
Barzilay, R., Calkins, M. E., Moore, T. M., Boyd, R. C., Jones, J. D., Benton, T. D., Oquendo, M. A., Gur, R. C., & Gur, R. E. (2019). Neurocognitive functioning in community youth with suicidal ideation: Gender and pubertal effects. British Journal of Psychiatry, 215, 552-558.
Jones, J. D., Boyd, R. C., Calkins, M. E., Barzilay, R., Ahmed, A., Moore, T. M., Benton, T. D., & Gur, R. E. (2019). Parent-adolescent agreement about adolescents’ suicidal thoughts. Pediatrics, 143(2):e20181771.
Young, J. F., Jones, J. D., Benas, J. S., Gallop, R., Sbrilli, M., Gillham, J. E., & Mufson, L. (2019). Long-term effects from a school-based trial comparing Interpersonal Psychotherapy – Adolescent Skills Training to Group Counseling. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 48(S1), S362–S370.
Barzilay, R., Calkins, M. E., Moore, T. M., Wolf, D. H., Satterthwaite, T. D., Scott, J. C., Jones, J. D., Benton, T. D., Gur, R. C., & Gur, R. E. (2019). Association between traumatic stress load, psychopathology, and cognition in the Philadelphia Neurodevelopmental Cohort. Psychological Medicine, 49, 325-334.
Scott, J. C., Slomiak, S., Jones, J. D., Moore, T. M., & Gur, R. C. (2018). Association of cannabis with cognitive functioning in adolescents and young adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Psychiatry, 75, 585-595.
Stern, J. A., Fraley, R. C., Jones, J. D., Gross, J. T., Shaver, P. R., & Cassidy, J. (2018). Developmental processes across the first two years of parenthood: Stability and change in adult attachment style. Developmental Psychology, 54, 975-988.
Jones, J. D., Fraley, R. C., Ehrlich, K. B., Stern, J. A., Lejuez, C. W., Shaver, P. R., & Cassidy, J. (2018). Stability of attachment style in adolescence: An empirical test of alternative developmental processes. Child Development, 89, 871-880.
Jones, J. D., Ehrlich, K. B., Brett, B. E., Gross, J. T., Mohr, J. J., Hopper, E. A., Dinh, J. V., Malanchuk, O., Peck, S. C., Brodish, A. B., Adam, E. K., Eccles, J. S., Kemeny, M. E., & Cassidy, J. (2017). Perceptions of parental secure base support in African American adolescents and young adults: A preliminary study of predictive links to adult C-Reactive Protein. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 34, 1168-1185.
Scott, J. C., Wolf, D. H., Calkins, M. E., Bach, E. C., Weidner, J., Ruparel, K., Moore, T. M., Jones, J. D., Jackson, C. T., Gur, R. E., & Gur, R. C. (2017). Cognitive functioning of adolescent and young adult cannabis users in the Philadelphia Neurodevelopmental Cohort. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 31, 423-434.
Jones, J. D., Calkins, M. E., Scott, J. C., Bach, E. C., & Gur, R. E. (2017). Cannabis use, polysubstance use, and psychosis spectrum symptoms in a community-based sample of US youth. Journal of Adolescent Health, 60, 653-659.
Jones, J. D., Scott, J. C., Calkins, M. E., Ruparel, K., Moore, T. M., Gur, R. C., & Gur, R. E. (2017). Correspondence between adolescent and informant reports of substance use: Findings from the Philadelphia Neurodevelopmental Cohort. Addictive Behaviors, 65, 13-18.
Jones, J. D., Ehrlich, K. B., Lejuez, C. W., & Cassidy, J. (2015). Parental knowledge of adolescent activities: Links with parental attachment style and adolescent substance use. Journal of Family Psychology, 29, 191-200.
Ruscio, A. M., Gentes, E. L., Jones, J. D., Hallion, L. S., Coleman, E. S., & Swendsen, J. (2015). Rumination predicts heightened reactivity to stressful life events in major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 124, 17-26.
Jones, J. D., Cassidy, J., & Shaver, P. R. (2015). Parents’ self-reported attachment styles: A review of links with parenting behaviors, emotions, and cognitions. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 19, 44-76.
Jones, J. D., Brett, B. E., Ehrlich, K. B., Lejuez, C. W., & Cassidy, J. (2014). Maternal attachment style and responses to adolescents’ negative emotions: The mediating role of maternal emotion regulation. Parenting: Science and Practice, 14, 235-257.
Dykas, M. J., Woodhouse, S. S., Jones, J. D., & Cassidy, J. (2014). Attachment-related biases in adolescents’ memory. Child Development, 85, 2185-2201.
Jones, J. D., & Cassidy, J. (2014). Parental attachment style: Examination of links with parent secure base provision and adolescent secure base use. Attachment & Human Development, 16, 437-461.
Cassidy, J., Jones, J. D., & Shaver, P. R. (2013). Contributions of attachment theory and research: A framework for future research, translation, and policy. Development and Psychopathology, 25, 1415-1434.
Cassidy, J., Sherman, L. J., & Jones, J. D. (2012). What’s in a word? Linguistic characteristics of Adult Attachment Interviews. Attachment & Human Development, 14, 11-32.
Ruscio, A. M., Seitchik, A., Gentes, E. L., Jones, J. D., & Hallion, L. S. (2011). Perseverative thought: A robust predictor of response to emotional challenge in generalized anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 49, 867-874.
Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)
Román, L. H., Jones, J. D., Benton, T. D., & Boyd, R. C. (2022, August). Parental stress among parents of youth presenting at a mood disorder clinic. Poster presented at the annual CHOP Research Institute Summer Scholars Program poster day, Philadelphia, PA.
Long, E. E., Young, J. F., Jones, J. D., Gallop, R., & Hankin, B. (2022, March). Personalized depression prevention programs reduce interpersonal stress among adolescents over 1.5 years. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, New Orleans, LA.
Jones, J. D., Hankin, B. L., Gallop, R., Garber, J., & Young J. F. (2022, March). Effects of personalized depression prevention through 3-year follow-up. In J. F. Young (chair), Novel approaches to the risk, identification, and prevention of adolescent depression. Symposium presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, New Orleans, LA.
Davis, M., So, A. Jones, J. D., & Young, J. F. (2022, March). Scaling up screening: Who is screened, who is missed, and who is at risk when adolescent depression screening is expanded in primary care? In J. F. Young (chair), Novel approaches to the risk, identification, and prevention of adolescent depression. Symposium presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, New Orleans, LA.
Stern, J. A., Jones, J. D., Nortey, B., Lejuez, C. W., & Cassidy, J. (2022, March). Attachment and depressive symptoms in adolescence: Do race and neighborhood racism matter? In J. F. Young (chair), Novel approaches to the risk, identification, and prevention of adolescent depression. Symposium presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, New Orleans, LA.
Kanine, R. M., Busch, M. L., Davis, M., Jones, J. D., Sbrilli, M. D., & Young, J. F. (2022, March). Depression prevention in pediatric primary care: Implementation and outcomes of Interpersonal Psychotherapy – Adolescent Skills Training. In J. F. Young (chair), Novel approaches to the risk, identification, and prevention of adolescent depression. Symposium presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, New Orleans, LA.
Jones, J. D., Hankin, B. L., Gallop, R., Haraden, D., Sbrilli, M. D., Rohde, P., Garber, J, & Young, J. F. (2021, April). Reducing depression and anxiety during adolescence: Prevention effects compared to a natural history control group. In J. F. Young (chair), Adolescent depression: Integrating research on risk and prevention to advance the field. Symposium presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, virtual.
Jones, J. D., Fraley, R. C., Stern, J. A., Lejuez, C. W., & Cassidy, J. (2021, April). Longitudinal examination of bidirectional links between parent emotion socialization and youth internalizing symptoms. In Flash Talk Session: Diverse mechanisms in the development of internalized distress and self-harm. Oral paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, virtual.
Boyd, R. C., Boyd, S., Moore, T. M., Lewis, J., Jones, J. D., & Benton, T. D. (2020, December). Emergence of discrimination and general stressors factors among a clinical sample of adolescents. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development Special Topic Meeting: Construction of the 'Other', San Juan, Puerto Rico. (canceled due to COVID-19).
Young, J. F., Davis, M., Rio, V. T., Bush, M. L., Kanine, R. M., Jones, J. D., & Farley, A. M. (2020, November). Adolescent depression in primary care: Opportunities for early identification and prevention. In J. F. Young (chair), Increasing access to evidence-based services in pediatric primary care. Symposium presented at the annual meeting for the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, virtual.
Barzilay, R., Moore, T. M., Calkins, M. E., Maliackel, L., Jones. J. D., Boyd, R. C., Benton, T. D., Gur, R. C., Gur, R. E. (2020, October). The exposome in child and adolescent psychiatry: Using environmental data to understand variability in teen suicidal ideation. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Virtual Meeting due to COVID-19.
Boyd, R. C., Jones, J. D., Julye, S., Butler, L., & Benton, T. D. (2020, August). Exposure to maltreatment and peer violence and associated psychological symptoms in a clinical sample of adolescents. In D. Espelage (chair), Adverse childhood experiences and poly-victimization: Transmission of violence across contexts. Symposium to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. (canceled due to COVID-19).
Rio, V. T., Kanine, R., Bush, M. L., Jones, J. D., & Young, J. F. (2020, May). Feasibility and acceptability of adolescent depression prevention in primary care. Poster presented at the Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. (canceled due to COVID-19).
Jones, J. D., Hankin, B. L, Sbrilli, M., & Young, J. F. (2020, May). Bending adolescent depression trajectories through personalized prevention. In J. F. Young (chair), Novel approaches to the identification and prevention of adolescent depression. Symposium to be presented at the Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. (canceled due to COVID-19).
Kanine, R., Jones, J. D., Bush, M. L., Rio, V., & Young, J. F. (2020, May). Preliminary efficacy of adolescent depression prevention in primary care. In J. F. Young (chair), Novel approaches to the identification and prevention of adolescent depression. Symposium to be presented at the Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. (canceled due to COVID-19).
Barzilay, R., Moore, T. M., Calkins, M. E., Maliackel, L., Jones. J. D., Boyd, R. C., Benton, T. D., Oquendo, M. A., Gur, R. C., & Gur, R. E. (2020, April). Deconstructing the association of early life exposome with teen suicidal ideation: Evidence for stress inoculation effect. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, Virtual Meeting due to COVID-19.
Scott, J. C., Rosen, A. F. G., Jones, J. D., Roalf, D. R., Moore, T. M., Satterthwaite, T. D., Calkins, M. E., Wolf, D. H., Barzilay, R., Ruparel, K., Gur, R. E., & Gur, R. C. (2020, February). Cannabis, psychosis symptoms, and cognitive functioning: Findings from a large, community-based sample. Oral paper presented at the International Neuropsychological Society Annual Conference, Denver, CO.
Barzilay, R., Calkins, M. E., Moore, T. M., Maliackel, L., Jones, J. D., Boyd, R. C., Benton, T. D., Gur, R. C., & Gur, R. E. (2019, December). Interplay among trauma, socioeconomic status, and suicidal ideation throughout adolescence. Poster presented at the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
Young, J. F., Davis, M., Farley, A. M., Bush, M. L., Rio, V. T., Kanine, R. M., & Jones, J. D. (2019, September). The identification and prevention of adolescent depression in primary care. In L. Mufson, J. Young, G. Maslow, & S. Compton (co-Chairs), From identification to implementation: Prevention and treatment models of care for adolescent depression in primary care. Symposium presented at the Nemours Developing and Researching Advanced Models of Integrated Primary Care Conference, Wilmington, DE.
So, A., Jones, J. D., Butler, L., Benton, T. D., & Boyd, R. C. (2019, August). Associations among sleep disturbances, body mass index, and psychological functioning in youths with depression. Poster presented at the annual CHOP Research Institute Summer Scholars Program poster day.
So, A., Jones, J. D., Butler, L., Benton, T. D., & Boyd, R. C. (2019, August). Associations among sleep disturbances, body mass index, and psychological functioning in youths with depression. Poster presented at the annual CHOP Research Institute Summer Scholars Program poster day, Philadelphia, PA.
Rosen, A. F. G., Scott, J. C., Jones, J. D., Moore, T. M., Roalf, D. R., Calkins, M. E., Wolf, D. H., Satterthwaite, T. D., Ruparel, K., Gur, R. E., & Gur, R. C. (2019, April). Cognition and brain structure in the psychosis spectrum: Moderation by cannabis use. Poster presented at the Lifespan Brain Institute Research Symposium: Early Contributors & Modulators of Brain Development, Philadelphia, PA.
Rosen, A. F. G., Scott, J. C., Jones, J. D., Moore, T. M., Roalf, D. R., Calkins, M. E., Wolf, D. H., Satterthwaite, T. D., Ruparel, K., Gur, R. E., & Gur, R. C. (2019, April). Cognition and brain structure in the psychosis spectrum: Moderation by cannabis use. Poster presented at the Lifespan Brain Institute Research Symposium: Early Contributors & Modulators of Brain Development, Philadelphia, PA.
Beijers, R., Jones, J. D., Fraley, R. C., Gross, J. T., Cassidy, J., & de Weerth, C. (2019, March). Breastfeeding and room-sharing practices: Mothers’ attachment style as a predictor. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.
Jones, J. D., Boyd, R. C., Moore, T. M., Ahmed, A., Calkins, M. E., Benton, T. D., Barzilay, R., Gur, R. E., & Gur, R. C. (2019, March). Association between family history of suicidal behavior and neurocognitive functioning in community youth. In R. C. Boyd (Chair), Family history of suicidal behaviors and youth outcomes. Symposium presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.
Beijers, R., Jones, J. D., Fraley, R. C., Gross, J. T., Cassidy, J., & de Weerth, C. (2019, March). Breastfeeding and room-sharing practices: Mothers’ attachment style as a predictor. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.
Boyd, R. C., Jones, J. D., Butler, L., Borreggine, K., & Benton, T. D. (2019, March). Exploring the psychological functioning of clinically referred youth with family history of suicidal behaviors. In R. C. Boyd (Chair), Family history of suicidal behaviors and youth outcomes. Symposium presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.
Stern, J. A., Ehrlich, K. B., Jones, J. D., Kemeny, M., Eccles, J., & Cassidy, J. (2019, March). Close relationships in adolescence and adulthood as predictors of inflammatory markers in midlife. In J. A. Stern (Chair), Close relationships and physical health: A lifespan developmental perspective. Symposium presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.
Lectures by Invitation
Jones JD. “An Interpersonal Perspective on Adolescent Psychopathology,” University of Maryland, College Park, Department of Psychology, Seminar on The Psychology of Adolescents' Close Relationships. 2021.
Jones JD. “Attachment, Relationships, and Depression in Adolescence,” University of Virginia, Department of Psychology, Seminar on Attachment Across the Lifespan. 2021.
Jones JD. “Novel Approaches to Depression Prevention in Adolescence,” University of Georgia, Department of Psychology, Seminar in Psychological Methods.
Jones JD. “CHAMP: Addressing Youth Depression and Suicide in a Clinical Research Program,” Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, PolicyLab Morning Speaker Series. 2019.
Jones JD. “CHAMP Research & Data,” Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Annual Retreat of the Child and Adolescent Mood Program. 2019.
Jones JD. “Preventing Adolescent Depression: IPT-AST and Social Processes,” University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Lifespan Brain Institute, Social Processes Initiative Working Group Meeting. 2019.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Ehrlich, K. B., Miller, G. E, Jones, J. D., & Cassidy, J. (2016). Attachment and psychoneuroimmunology. In J. Cassidy & P. R. Shaver (Eds.). Handbook of attachment: Theory, research, and clinical implications, 3rd edition (pp. 180-201). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Jones, J. D., Cassidy, J., & Shaver, P. R. (2015). Adult attachment style and parenting. In J. A. Simpson & W. S. Rholes (Eds.), Attachment theory and research: New directions and emerging themes (pp. 234-260). New York, NY: Guilford Press.