Ian N. Jacobs, MD, MLA, FACS, FAAP
Areas of expertise: General pediatric otolaryngology, Pediatric airway disorders
Locations: Specialty Care & Surgery Center, Voorhees, Main Building, Buerger Center for Advanced Pediatric Care, Specialty Care, Princeton at Plainsboro
About Ian N. Jacobs, MD, MLA, FACS, FAAP
Attending Otolaryngologist
Medical Director, Center for Pediatric Airway Disorders, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Endowed Chair in Pediatric Otolaryngology and Pediatric Airway Disorders, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Professor, Department of Otorhinolaryngology: Head & Neck Surgery, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery – American Board of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
Awards and Honors
2022, Top Docs for Kids, SJ Magazine
2022, Top Physicians for Children, South Jersey Magazine
2021, Top 4 Submission Award. "Can You Hear Me Now?" Lecture co-presented virtually with Kate Hanlon CRNP at the Annual Meeting of SENTAC, Multidisciplinary Abstract Session, Phoenix, AZ (12/3/21)
2021, Chevalier Jackson Award, American Broncho-Esophagological Association (ABEA) (4/7/21)
2020, Inaugural Koltai Award. "Importance of Foreign Body Injury Reporting: Chevalier Jackson's Legacy Carried to Smartphone App" presented by K. Jatana and K. Rhodes at Virtual American Broncho-Esophagological Association (ABEA) Meeting (4/25/20)
2020, Wertz A, Jacobs IN, Piccione J: "Predictors of Success in Pediatric Laryngotracheal Reconstruction" Presented as virtual poster due to COVID-19 pandemic, COSM Clinical Research Virtual Poster Session: May 15-Jun 15, 2020. A. Wertz awarded 1st place.
2018, Broyles Maloney Award, ABEA 2018. Anfang R, Jatana K, Jacobs IN. Manuscript: Protective pH neutralizing esophageal irrigations as a novel mitigation strategy for button battery injury: A cadaveric and live animal model.
2017-2021, FY18 Frontier Grant Award benefiting the Center for Pediatric Airway Disorders, CHOP
2016, South Jersey Magazine's Top Physicians in Pediatric Otolaryngology
2013, "No Kidding...Presenting the best doctors for children in the Philadelphia area" Suburban Life, February 2013 issue.
2013, Best Doctors, South Jersey Magazine - Volume 9, Issue 11
2012, Top Otolaryngologists in Philadelphia - International Association of Healthcare Professionals (IAHCP) publication, "The Leading Physicians of the World"
2012, Fellow, The College of Physicians (Philadelphia)
2012-2013, Triological Society Career Development Award
2011, Top Physicians of South Jersey, 2011, 2012. South Jersey Magazine
2010, Best Children's Physicians, South Jersey Magazine (Volume 6, Issue 11)
2009, Top Physicians of South Jersey. South Jersey Magazine
2009, Honorary Lifetime Member, Israeli Society of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
2007-2010, 2014, 2017-2019, Best Doctors in America
2007, 2009-2011, 2018-2019, 2022, SJ Mag's Top Docs in Otolaryngology
2001, American Broncho-Esophagological Association Mentor for Resident Research Award
2001, American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Honor Award
2001, Top Docs for Kids. Philadelphia
1998-2000, Percy Memorial Research Grant Award. American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
1998, Presidential Citation - Foreign Body Award (Co-Author) American Broncho-Esophagological Association
1997, American Laryngological Association Research Grant Award
1995, Top Pediatric Specialist. Atlanta Magazine
1989, New York Academy of Medicine Otolaryngology Section Paper Presentations; First Place
1989, American Laryngological Association Resident Research Award
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2012-present, European Laryngological Society
Spring 2017, Inducted Member, American Laryngological Association (ALA/COSM 2017)
1995-present, American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery
- 2009-present: Member, Otolaryngology Specialty Society Advisory Council (SSAC) - Swallowing and Airway Committee
1999-present, American Broncho-Esophagological Association (ABEA)
- 2002-present, Chair, Difficult Airway Committee
- 2013-present, BOG PR Representative and Chair, Button Battery Task Force
2000-present, American Academy of Pediatrics, Section of Bronchoesophagology
2000-present, American Academy of Pediatrics, Section of Otolaryngology
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial positions
2006-present, Archives of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
2006-present, Otolaryngology; Head and Neck Surgery
2004-present, The Laryngoscope
2000-present, Committee Member, Office of Orphan Product Development, Grant Application Panel, Food and Drug Administration
1999-present, Pediatrics
Academic committees
2019-Present, Member, CHOP Division of Otolaryngology Research Committee. Review of protocols and IRB submissions.
2012-Present, Faculty Member, CHOP Research Institute Summer Scholars Program (CRISSP)
2007, Interviewer, University of Pennsylvania Alumni Secondary School Committee (Burlington Co., NJ)
1998-Present, Member, CHOP Fellowship Selection Committee (1 weekend per year)
1998-present, Operating Room Laser Committee, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
1998-present, Institution Animal Care and Use Committee, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Education & training
Graduate Degree
Master of Liberal Arts - University of Pennsylvania College of Arts & Sciences, Philadelphia, PA
Medical Degree
MD - Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY
General Surgery - Mt. Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY
General Surgery - Mt. Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY
Pediatric Otolaryngology - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Chao S, Gibbs H, Rhoades K, Mehrer C, Jacobs IN, Jatana KR: Button battery taping and disposal: Risk reduction strategies for the household setting. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 153: 111008, Feb 2022.
Chorney SR, Stow J, Javia LR, Zur KB, Jacobs IN, Sobol SE: Tracheocutaneous fistula after pediatric open airway reconstruction. Annals of Laryngology, Rhinology & Laryngology Jan 2021. Notes: 2021 Jan 8;3489420987426. doi: 10.1177/0003489420987426. Online ahead of print.
Lerner DG, Brumbaugh D, Lightdale JR, Jatana KR, Jacobs IN, Mamula P: Mitigating risks of swallowed button batteries: New strategies before and after removal. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition (JPGN) 70(5): 542-546, May 2020.
Wertz A, Piccione J, Ryan M, Jacobs IN: Impact of pre-operative multidisciplinary evaluation on laryngotracheal reconstruction outcomes. Laryngoscope 2020-21. Notes: Accepted for publication 12/8/20.
Wertz A, Fuller S, Jacobs IN, Javia LR, Mascio C, Sobol SE: Slide tracheoplasty: Predictors of outcomes and literature review. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 2019 Dec 13;130:109814. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2019.109814. [Epub ahead of print]
Di Gesù R, Acharya AP, Jacobs I, Gottardi R: 3D printing for tissue engineering in Otolaryngology. Connective Tissue Research 16: 1-20, Sept 2019.
Jatana KR, Barron CL, Jacobs IN: Initial clinical application of tissue pH neutralization after esophageal button battery removal in children. Laryngoscope 129(8): 1772-76, August 2019. Cover article.
Anfang RR, Jatana KR, Linn RL, Rhoades K, Fry J, Jacobs IN: pH neutralizing esophageal irrigations as a novel mitigation strategy for button battery injury. Laryngoscope 129(1): 49-57, Jan 2019 Notes: Early view/First published: 11 June 2018.
Jatana KR, Chao S, Jacobs IN, Litovitz T: Button battery safety: Industry and academic partnerships to drive change. Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America 52(1): 149-161, February 2019 Notes: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.otc.2018.08.009.
Anfang RR, Jatana KR, Linn RL, Rhoades K, Fry J, Jacobs IN. In response to letter to the editor regarding: pH-neutralizing esophageal irrigations as a novel mitigation strategy for button battery injury. Laryngoscope. 2019 Jan 7. doi: 10.1002/lary.27729. [Epub ahead of print]
Prickett K, Javia L. Fetal Evaluation and Airway Management. Clin Perinatol. 2018 Dec;45(4):609-628. doi: 10.1016/j.clp.2018.07.003.
Anfang RR, Jatana KR, Linn RL, Rhoades K, Fry J, Jacobs IN. pH-neutralizing esophageal irrigations as a novel mitigation strategy for button battery injury. Laryngoscope. 2018 Jun 11. doi: 10.1002/lary.27312. [Epub ahead of print]
Jatana KR, Rhoades K, Milkovich S, Jacobs IN: Basic mechanism of button battery ingestion injuries and novel mitigation strategies after diagnosis and removal. The Laryngoscope 127(6): 1276-1282, June 2017 Notes: Epub 2016 Nov 9.
Carter J, Rahbar R, Brigger M, Chan K, Cheng A, Daniel SJ, De Alarcon A, Garabedian N, Hart C, Hartnick C, Jacobs I, Liming B, Nicollas R, Pransky S, Richter G, Russell J, Rutter MJ, Schilder A, Smith RJ, Strychowsky J, Ward R, Watters K, Wyatt M, Zalzal G, Zur K, Thompson D: International Pediatric ORL 2 Group (IPOG) laryngomalacia consensus recommendations. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 86: 256-61, July 2016 Notes: doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2016.04.007. Epub 2016 Apr 7.
Strychowsky JE, Albert D, Chan, K, Cheng A, Daniel S, DeAlarcon A, Garabedian N, Hart C, Hartnick C, Inglis A, Jacobs I, Kleinman M, Mehta N, Nicollas R, Nuss, R, Pransky S, Russell J, Rutter M, Schilder A, Thompson D, Triglia JM, Volk M, Ward B, Watters K, Wyatt M, Zalzal G, Zur K, Rahbar R.: International Pediatric Otolaryngology Group (IPOG) consensus recommendations: Routine peri-operative pediatric tracheotomy care. Routine peri-operative pediatric tracheostomy care: Consensus recommendations. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. (eds.). 86: 250-5, July 2016.
Jacobs IN, Redden RS, Goldberg R, Hast M, Salowe R, Mauck RL, Doolin EJ: Pediatric laryngotracheal reconstruction with tissue-engineered cartilage in a rabbit model. Laryngoscope. 2016 Jan;126 Suppl 1:S5-S21.
Berg EE, Sobol SE, Jacobs, IN. Laryngeal obstruction by cervical and endolaryngeal lymphatic malformations in children: A proposed staging system and review of treatment. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2013 Sep;122(9):575-81.
Jatana KR, Litovitz T, Reilly JS, Koltai PJ, Rider G, Jacobs IN. Pediatric button battery injuries: 2013 task force update. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2013 Sep;77(9):1392-9.
Cheng J, Jacobs IN. Postcricoid infantile hemangioma: Management of a case in the propranolol era. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology Extra 2014. Notes: Ms. No. IJPORL-D-13-00356 accepted July 2, 2013. Online-only companion journal.
Merati AL, Brandt C, Brown C, Hartnick C, Dawson CJ, Deakins K, Setzen G, Jacobs IN, Nussenbaum B, Mitchell R. Clinical consensus statement: Tracheostomy care. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2013 Jan;148(1):6-20.
Cheng J, Jacobs IN. Thyroid ala cartilage graft laryngotracheoplasty for closure of large pediatric tracheocutaneous fistula. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2013 Jan;77(1):147-9.
Ishman SL, Benke JR, Johnson KE, Jacobs IN, et al. Blinded evaluation of interrater reliability of an operative competency assessment tool for direct laryngoscopy and rigid bronchoscopy. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2012 Sep 17:1-7. [Epub ahead of print]
Cheng J, Jacobs IN. An Interesting Case: Airway Foreign Body with Magnetic Properties. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Broncho-Esophagological Association, San Diego, CA. April 20-22 2012.
Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)
Panel Moderator and Speaker: "From Bad to Worse: Button Battery Ingestion" Panelists: Alessandro de Alarcon, MD MPH, Romaine F. Johnson, MD MPH, and Dana M. Thompson, MD FACS (1/27/23) Presented at the 2023 Combined Sections Meeting of The Triological Section Meeting, Coronado, CA
Guest Faculty: "Open and Endoscopic Airway Surgery in Children" Children's National Hospital Airway Course, Washington, DC (2/1/23)
Smith B: "Redesigning Care during Capacity Crisis: Decannulation Trials outside of the ICU" CHOP Physician Affairs Feb 22 2023. Notes: Ian Jacobs MD, Terri Giordano DNP and Allison Eberly CRNP are mentioned in this web article. https://physicianwellbeing.us.newsweaver.com/1srmj2069h/1sx1bo0ptx9emtiykx1fp7?email=true&lang=en&a=2&p=18380048&t=6934703.
Dumas A, Gehret P, Ali-Akbari Ghavimi S, Jacobs I, Gottardi R: "Decellularized Meniscus Scaffolds for Pediatric Laryngotracheal Reconstruction in a Porcine Model" Poster presentation at the Society For Biomaterials 2023 Annual Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, CA, Apr 19-22 2023.
Aronson M, Mehta A, Friedman R, Ghaderi D, Borek R, Hoang N, McDaid K, Mirza N, Jacobs I, Gottardi R: "Antimicrobial Peptide Eluting Endotracheal Tubes Prevent Subglottic Stenosis in a Mouse Model" Poster presentation at the Society For Biomaterials 2023 Annual Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, CA, Apr 19-22 2023.
"A Multicenter Study Analyzing the Impact of Pre-existing Comorbidities and (Demographics) on Outcome for Laryngotracheal Reconstruction (LTR)" Accepted via abstract for podium presentation, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology (ASPO), Boston, MA. May, 2023.
Panelist: "Building on Dr. Chevalier Jackson’s Legacy: A Multidisciplinary Update on National Button Battery Safety Initiatives" Annual Meeting of the American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology (ASPO), Boston, MA. May, 2023.
CHOP Quality & Patient Safety Day poster presentation: "Care Model Transformation for Pediatric Decannulation Trials" Eberly A, Jacobs I, Scanlon K, Smith B, Allen-Napoli L, Cieplinski-Robertson J, Davis D, Dinsick L, Glenn W, Kent M, Kerrigan M, Kueny L, Lavin N, Resweber B, Stow J, Tarafdar S, Giordano T. CHOP Center for Healthcare Quality & Analytics (5/16/23).
"Multilevel Airway Management in the Syndromic Child" Symposium presentation at the 16th Congress of the European Society of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology (ESPO), Liverpool, UK (5/23/23)
Jacobs IN, Gottardi R. "Tissue-Engineering and Controlled Drug Delivery Applications in Otolaryngology" Virtual presentation at the VI International Course of the Pan-American Association of ENT and Head and Neck Surgery 2023, Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 2023.
Jacobs IN. "Mitigation of Button Battery Injuries" Virtual presentation at the VI International Course of the Pan-American Association of ENT and Head and Neck Surgery 2023, Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 2023.
Gehret P, Borek R, Ali Akbari Ghavimi S, Dumas A, Jacobs IN, Gottardi R: "An Engineered Cartilage Approach to Laryngotracheal Reconstruction for Subglottic Stenosis in a Rabbit Model" Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Pediatric Otolaryngology, Dallas, TX Apr 2022.
Gehret P, Ali Akbari Ghavimi S, Dumas A, Borek RC, Jacobs IN, Gottardi R: "A Decellularized Cartilage Biomaterials Approach to Pediatric Laryngotracheal Reconstruction" Oral presentation at the Society for Biomaterials 2022 Annual Meeting, Baltimore MD Apr 2022. Notes: P. Gehret presented 4/29/22
Jacobs IN, Preciado DA, Sobol SE. "Endoscopic Surgery of the Pediatric Airway Using 3 D Simulation Models" Lecture (Part 1) and Simulation (Part 2) presentations at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery Foundation, Philadelphia, PA (9/13/22, accepted via abstract)
Jacobs IN, Gottardi R: "Translational Applications of Tissue-Engineering and Controlled Drug Delivery in Otolaryngology" Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery Foundation, Philadelphia, PA (9/13/22, accepted via abstract)
Jacobs IN. "Innovations in Airway Simulation" Oral presentation at the European Laryngological Society Congress 2018, London, UK., May 2018.
Jatana KR, Jacobs IN: “Initial Clinical Application of Tissue ph Neutralization After Esophageal Button Battery Removal in Children” Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of ASPO, Austin, TX. (Accepted via abstract, Jatana speaker.) 5/21/17).
Alternative Media
Pearson C: More Children Are Swallowing Batteries and Landing in the E.R. The New York Times Aug 29 2022 Notes: Dr. Jacobs is quoted.
Stephanie Stahl, CBS Health News: https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/news/injuries-button-batteries-children-study Aug 30, 2022.
Lectures by Invitation
Javia LR, Phinizy P, Jacobs IN: "Complex Tracheal Reconstruction: Slide Tracheoplasty" Goldstein Memorial Lecture, Long Island Jewish Medical Center/System (5/17/22)
Jacobs IN. Invited Panel Moderator: Clinical Congress 2019, American College of Surgeons, San Francisco, CA (10/27-31/19).
Jacobs IN, Preciado DA, Sobol SE, Klein AM. "Endoscopic Management of the Pediatric Airway with Simulation Models Parts I and II" Panel presentation at AAO-HNSF 2019 Annual Meeting & Oto Experience, New Orleans, LA. (9/17/19)
Jacobs IN, Jatana KR. "Emerging Foreign Body Hazards of the Upper Aero-digestive Tract in Children" Instructional course presented at AAO-HNSF 2019 Annual Meeting & Oto Experience, New Orleans, LA. (9/15/19)
Jacobs IN. Invited Panelist/Lab Instructor: "Great Debates in Laryngology" University of Wisconsin Laryngeal Dissection Course (6/1/19).
Jacobs IN. Miniseminar Moderator: "Multidisciplinary Approaches to the Active Larynx before Open Airway Surgery" (ranked #1 of 36 submissions). 2019 Spring Meeting of the American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology (ASPO), Austin, TX, May 2019.
Jacobs IN. Invited Panelist: "Button Battery Ingestion Injuries in Children: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach" World Congress of Pediatric Otolaryngology, Buenos Aires, Argentina (4/9/19)
Jacobs IN. Invited Panelist: Role of Aero-Digestive Centers in the Management of Pediatric Airway Patients" World Congress of Pediatric Otolaryngology, Buenos Aires, Argentina (4/9/19)
Jacobs N. Invited Guest Faculty/Instructor: 5th Annual Pediatric Endoscopic & Open Airway Surgical Course, Children's National Health System - The Sheikh Zayed Institute for Pediatric Surgical Innovation, Washington, DC (2/9/19).
Jacobs N. “Management of Severe Laryngotracheal Stenosis in Children" Mt. Sinai School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics Grand Rounds, New York, NY (jointly with Drs. Luv Javia and Joseph Piccione, 11/29/18)
Jacobs N. Invited Guest Lecturer: "Choanal Atresia" St. Barnabas Medical Center Grand Rounds, Short Hills, NJ (11/27/18) Audience: 30-50 private pediatricians, SBMC/NBIMC subspecialists, hospitalists, Rutgers NJMS and St. George’s medical students and pediatric residents.
Jacobs N. "Decision-Making in Airway Surgery: The Role of Aerodigestive Centers and New Frontiers" Oral presentation/Visiting Professor at Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein School of Medicine, New York, NY (2/16/18)
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Johnson, B., Franklin, S., Jacobs, I.N., Goldfarb, S., Piccione, J. (2022). Bronchoscopy and Airway Disorders. In: Mattei, P. (eds) Fundamentals of Pediatric Surgery. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-07524-7_29
Jacobs IN: Tracheoplasty. Surgical Pediatric Otolaryngology, 2nd ed. Potsic WP, Cotton RT, Handler SD, Zur KB (eds.) Thieme Medical Publishers; New York, NY, Page: 448-455; 478-483, 2016.
Jacobs IN: Harvesting the Costal Cartilage Graft. Surgical Pediatric Otolaryngology, 2nd ed. Potsic WP, Cotton RT, Handler SD, Zur KB (eds.) Thieme Medical Publishers; New York, NY, Page: 448-455; 478-483, 2016.
Jacobs IN: Laser Cordotomy and Arytenoidectomy. Surgical Pediatric Otolaryngology, 2nd ed. Potsic WP, Cotton RT, Handler SD, Zur KB (eds.) Thieme Medical Publishers; New York, NY, Page: 448-455; 478-483, 2016.
Jacobs IN: Supraglottoplasty. Surgical Pediatric Otolaryngology, 2nd ed. Potsic WP, Cotton RT, Handler SD, Zur KB (eds.) Thieme Medical Publishers; New York, NY, Page: 448-455; 478-483, 2016.
Lando T, Jacobs IN. Congenital Neck Masses. Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. In: Tunkel DE, Licameli GR (Vol. 5 editors). Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Private Limited, India. Chapter 19, November 2012.
Jacobs IN. Introduction to Disorders of the Upper Airway. Pediatric Otolaryngology: Principles and Practice Pathways, 2nd ed. In: Wetmore RF, Muntz HR, McGill TJ , editors. Thieme Medical Publishers, New York, NY, page: 697-707, 2012.
Jacobs IN. Chronic Cough in Children. Pediatric Otolaryngology. In: Schoem SR, Darrow DH, editors. AAP Section on Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Page: 387-400, 2012.
Jacobs IN, Cahill AM. Special Considerations in Vascular Anomalies: Airway Management. Clinics in Plastic Surgery. In: Perlyn C, Greene A, editors. Elsevier Saunders, Philadelphia, PA, 38: 121-131, 2011.
Jacobs IN. Bronchoscopy. Fundamentals of Pediatric Surgery. In: Mattei P, editor. Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. Page: 185-194, July 2011.
Jacobs IN, Pettignano MM, Pettignano R. Airway Management (Chapter 15). Perinatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care, 3rd ed. In: Walsh BK, Czervinske MP, DiBlasi RM, editors. Saunders, St. Louis, MO, Page: 220-245, 2010.
Zur KB, Jacobs IN. Management of chronic upper airway obstruction. In: Wetmore RF, editor. Pediatric otolaryngology: the requisites in pediatrics. Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier; 2007. p. 173-89.
Jacobs IN. Croup and epiglottitis. In: Burg FD, Ingelfinger JR, Polin RA, Gershon AA, editors. Current pediatric therapy. 18th ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co.; 2006.
Jacobs IN, Zalzal GH. Pediatric tracheotomy. In: Josephson GD, Wohl DL, editors. Complications in pediatric otolaryngology. Boca Raton: CRC Press LLS; 2005. p. 393-403.
Jacobs IN, Low DW, Crombleholme TM. Wound healing. In: Josephson GD, Wohl DL, editors. Complications in pediatric otolaryngology. Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC; 2005. p. 393-403.
Rabkin D, Delgaudio J, Jacobs IN. Surgical anatomy of the larynx. In: Skandalakis J, Colborn G, Foster R, Weidman T, Skandalakis L, Skandalakis P, editors. Surgical anatomy: the embryologic and anatomic basis of modern surgery (2 volume set). Athens (Greece): Paschalidis Medical publications; 2004.
Rabkin D, Delgaudio J, Jacobs IN. Surgical anatomy of the pharynx. In: Skandalakis J, Colborn G, Foster R, Weidman T, Skandalakis L, Skandalakis P, editors. Surgical anatomy: the embryologic and anatomic basis of modern surgery (2 volume set). Athens (Greece): Paschalidis Medical publications; 2004.
Jacobs IN. Airway management. In: Czervinske MP, Barnhart SL, editors. Perinatal and pediatric respiratory care. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, Inc.; 2003. p.:207-32.
Jacobs IN. Disorders of the Larynx Current Pediatric Therapy, 17th ed. In: Burg FD, Ingelfinger JR, Polin RA, Gershon AA, editors. W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, PA, Page: 476-482, 2002.
Jacobs IN, Todd NW. Regional and intracranial complications of otitis media. In: Wetmore RF, McGill T, Muntz H, editors. Pediatric otolaryngology: principles and practice pathways. New York: Thieme; 2000. p.:305-26
Hudgins PA, Jacobs IN, Castillo M. Pediatric airway disease. In: Som PM, Curtin HD, editors. Head and neck imaging. Chicago: Mosby-Year Book Inc.;1996. p. 545-611.