Hannah L. Joseph, PhD
Areas of expertise: Integrated primary care, Trauma, Depression, Anxiety
Locations: Center for Advanced Behavioral Healthcare, Karabots Pediatric Primary Care Center, West Philadelphia
About Hannah L. Joseph, PhD
Awards and Honors
2022, Outstanding Research Paper Award for the Psychology Internship Class of 2021-2022, Medical College of Georgia and the Charlie Norwood Veteran Affairs Medical Center Clinical Psychology Internship
2020, Barbara Bailey Swann Scholarship, Philanthropic Educational Organization
2020, Early Career Preventionist Network Poster Award, Society for Prevention Research
2020, Shaun Duggins Peer Award for Outstanding Service, Georgia State University Graduate Association of Student Psychologists
2015, Employee Recognition for Extraordinary Contribution in 2015, NORC at the University of Chicago
Leadership and Memberships
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
Association for Contextual Behavior Science
Education & training
Undergraduate Degree
BA - Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH
Graduate Degree
PhD in Clinical and Community Psychology - Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA
MA in Clinical and Community Psychology - Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA
Pre-doctoral Internship, Child & Family Psychology - Medical College of Georgia & Charlie Norwood Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Augusta, GA
Post-doctoral Fellowship, Child Clinical and Pediatric Psychology - Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA
Joseph, H., Zhang, L. F., Best, C., Bancroft, C., James, M., Kapoor, S., ... & Davis, C. L. (2024). Child mental health treatment access and retention in integrated primary care and traditional outpatient services. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, jsae057.
Joseph, H., Fernandes, M., Goyer, M., Arce, M.A., Lewis, C., Delbasso, C., Lawry, S., Sampson, M., Amole, O., Walker, C., & Tone, E. (2022). Student training equity project: Upstream recruitment to diversify the doctoral student body in clinical psychology. Georgia Educational Researcher Journal 19(2), 3. https://doi.org/10.20429/ger.2022.190203.
Joseph, H., & Kuperminc, G. P. (2022). A brief report on peer influence in group mentoring: A source of peer contagion or prosocial behavior change? Journal of Community Psychology, 50(2), 1224-1237.
Joseph, H., Martinez de Andino, A., & Wood, K. (2021). Group cognitive-behavioral therapy via telebehavioral health for patients with psychotic spectrum disorders a case series. Cognitive Behavioral Practice. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpra.2021.06.007
Whitaker, D.J., Self-Brown, S., Weeks, E.A., O’Connor, M.H., Lyons, M., Willging, C., Lee, N.H., Kumar. J.L., Joseph, H., Reidy, D.E., Rivers, D., Rao, N. (2021). Adaptation and implementation of a parenting curriculum in a refugee/immigrant community using a task-shifting approach: a study protocol. BMC Public Health 21, 1084. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-021-11148-2
Joseph, H., & Kuperminc, G. (2020). Bridging the siloed fields to address shared risk for violence: Building an integrated intervention model to prevent bullying and teen dating violence. Aggression and Violent Behavior 55, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.avb.2020.101506.
Arce, M.A., Snook, D., Joseph, H., Halmos, M., & Kuperminc, G. (2020). From theory to practice: Forging a collaborative evaluation strategy for a culturally informed domestic violence initiative. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, 11(3).
Kuperminc, G.P., Seitz, S., Joseph, H., Khatib, N., Wilson, C., Collins, K., & Guessous, O. (2019). Enhancing program quality in a national sample of after-school settings: The role of youth-staff interactions and staff/organizational functioning. American Journal of Community Psychology. DOI 10.1002/ajcp.12329.
Holditch Niolon, P., Vivolo-Kantor, A. M., Tracy, A. J., Latzman, N., Little, T. D., DeGue, S., Lang K. M., Estefan, L. F., Ghazarian, S., McIntosh, W., Tharp, A. T., Taylor, B., Johnson, L., Kuoh, H., Burton, T., Fortson, B., Mumford, E., Nelson, S., Joseph, H., & Valle, L. A. (2019). An RCT of Dating Matters: Effects on teen dating violence and relationship behaviors. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 57(1), 13-23.
Kuperminc, G., Chan, W., Hale, K. Joseph, H., & Delbasso, C. (2019). The role of school-based group mentoring in promoting resilience among vulnerable high school students. American Journal of Community Psychology, 65.1-2 (2020): 136-148.