Thomas E. Hamilton, MD
Areas of expertise: Esophageal surgery, Airway surgery
Locations: Main Building, Buerger Center for Advanced Pediatric Care
About Thomas E. Hamilton, MD
Thomas E. Hamilton, MD, is a an attending pediatric surgeon in the Division of Pediatric General, Thoracic and Fetal Surgery, and Co-Director of the Esophageal and Airway Treatment (EAT) Program at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). He also holds the Esophageal Airway and Treatment (EAT) Endowed Chair in Pediatric General Surgery.
Dr. Hamilton specializes in the surgical treatment of children with esophageal atresia, esophageal strictures/stenosis of all etiologies, tracheomalacia and other types of complex airway narrowing or compression. He is working closely with other CHOP specialists, including gastroenterology, cardiology, neurosurgery, nephrology, urology, colorectal surgery, orthopedics, and more, to further advance the comprehensive, collaborative care offered to patients with these complex conditions through the EAT Program.
Attending Pediatric Surgeon
General Surgery – American Board of Surgery
Pediatric Surgery – American Board of Surgery
Awards and Honors
2017, Co-Second Place Resident Teaching Award, Department of Surgery Boston Children’s Hospital
2016, Second Place Resident Teaching Award, Department of Surgery Boston Children’s Hospital
2000, Sidney Farber House Staff Award, Boston Children’s Hospital
1998, Leonard D. Miller Award, Chief Resident in General Surgery Medical Student Teaching Award, University of Pennsylvania
1996, National Research Award, The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons
1991, Jay Lawrence Award, Clinical Proficiency in Infectious Disease, Cornell University Medical College
1986, James H. Watson Medical Fellowship, Chi Psi Educational Trust
1986, Cum Laude, Bowdoin College
1983, Orren Chalmer Hormel Cup, Student Athlete, Bowdoin College
1983-1985, James Bowdoin Scholar for Academic Distinction, Bowdoin College
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2010-present, American College of Surgeons
2010-present, National Cancer Institute
- 2010-present, Physicians Data Query of the National Cancer Institute Pediatric Treatment Editorial Advisory Board
2004-present, American Academy of Pediatrics, Section on Surgery, Fellow
2002-present, American Pediatric Surgical Association
2002-present, American College of Surgeons, Fellow
2000-present, Children’s Oncology Group
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2015-present, Cancer, Ad hoc Reviewer
2014-present, The Lancet, Ad hoc Reviewer
2013-present, Journal of Urology, Ad hoc Reviewer
2013-present, Journal of the American College of Surgeons, Ad hoc Reviewer
2013-present, Journal of Parental and Enteral Nutrition, Ad hoc Reviewer
2012-present, Annals of Surgery, Ad hoc Reviewer
2007-present, Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, Ad hoc Reviewer
2007-present, Journal of Pediatric Surgery, Ad hoc Reviewer
Education & training
Medical Degree
MD - Cornell University Medical College, New York, NY
General Surgery - Hospital of University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
General Surgery - Hospital of University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Research Fellow - Hospital of University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatric Surgery - Children’s Hospital Boston, Boston, MA
Ehrlich PF, Tornwall B, Chintagumpala MM, Chi YY, Hoffer FA, Perlman EJ, Kalapurakal JA, Warwick A, Shamberger RC, Khanna G, Hamilton TE, Gow KW, Paulino AC, Gratias EJ, Mullen EA, Geller JI, Fernandez CV, Dome JS. Kidney Preservation and Wilms Tumor Development in Children with Diffuse Hyperplastic Perilobar Nephroblastomatosis: A Report from the Children's Oncology Group Study AREN0534. Ann Surg Oncol. 2022 May;29(5):3252-3261. doi: 10.1245/s10434-021-11266-6. Epub 2022 Jan 24.
Foust AM, Zendejas B, Mohammed S, Meisner J, Zurakowski D, Staffa SJ, Jennings RW, Hamilton TE*, Callahan MJ. Radiographic assessment of traction-induced esophageal growth and traction-related complications of the Foker process for treatment of long gap esophageal atresia. Pediatr Radiol 2022 Mar;52(3):468-476.
Ehrlich PF, Tornwall B, Chintagumpala MM, Chi YY, Hoffer FA, Perlman EJ, Kalapurakal JA, Warwick A, Shamberger RC, Khanna G, Hamilton TE, Gow KW, Paulino AC, Gratias EJ, Mullen EA, Geller JI, Fernandez CV, Dome JS. ASO Video Abstract: Kidney Preservation and Wilms Tumor Development in Children with Diffuse Hyperplastic Perilobar Nephroblastomatosis-A Report from the Children's Oncology Group Study AREN0534. Ann Surg Oncol. 2022 May; 29(5):3262-3263
Ehrlich PF, Tornwall B, Chintagumpala MM, Chi YY, Hoffer FA, Perlman EJ, Kalapurakal JA, Warwick A, Shamberger RC, Khanna G, Hamilton TE, Gow KW, Paulino AC, Gratias EJ, Mullen EA, Geller JI, Fernandez CV, Dome JS. Kidney Preservation and Wilms Tumor Development in Children with Diffuse Hyperplastic Perilobar Nephroblastomatosis: A Report from the Children's Oncology Group Study AREN0534. Ann Surg Oncol. 2022 May; 29(5):3252-3261.
Kidney Preservation and Wilms Tumor Development in Children with Diffuse Hyperplastic Perilobar Nephroblastomatosis: A Report from the Children's Oncology Group Study AREN0534.
Ehrlich PF, Tornwall B, Chintagumpala MM, Chi YY, Hoffer FA, Perlman EJ, Kalapurakal JA, Warwick A, Shamberger RC, Khanna G, Hamilton TE, Gow KW, Paulino AC, Gratias EJ, Mullen EA, Geller JI, Fernandez CV, Dome JS. Ann Surg Oncol. 2022 May;29(5):3252-3261. doi: 10.1245/s10434-021-11266-6. Epub 2022 Jan 24. PMID: 35072864
Thompson K, Zendejas B, Svetanoff WJ, Labow B, Taghinia, Ganor O, Manfredi M, Ngo P, Smithers CJ, Hamilton TE*, Jennings RW. Evolution, Lessons Learned and Contemporary Outcomes of Esophageal Replacement with Jejunum for Children. Accepted for publication SURGERY 2020.
Yasuda JL, Ngo PD, Staffa SJ, Zendejas B, Hamilton TE, Jennings RW, Manfredi MA. Commentary on "Break the Rule of Three: Critical Thoughts from a Tertiary care Experience with Bougie Dilators". J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2021 Jan 1;72(1):e29
Kamran A, Zendejas B, Meisner J, Choi SS, Munoz-San Julian C, Ngo P, Manfredi M, Yasuda J, Smithers CJ ,Hamilton TE*, Jennings RW. Effect of Posterior Tracheopexy on Risk of Recurrence in Children After Recurrent Tracheo-Esophageal Fistula Repair. J Am Coll Surg. 2021 Feb 5:S1072-7515(21)00099-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2021.01.011
Svetanoff WJ, Zendejas B, Hernandez K, Davidson K, Ngo P, Manfredi M, Hamilton TE, Jennings R, Smithers CJ. Contemporary outcomes of the Foker process and evolution of treatment alogrithims for long-gap esophageal atresia. J Pediatr Surg. 2021 Feb 26: S0022-3468(21)001883-3.
Yasuda JL, Svetanoff WJ, Staffa SJ, Zendejas B, Hamilton TE, Jennings RW, Ngo PD, Jason Smithers C, Manfredi MA. Prophylactic negative vacuum therapy of high-risk esophageal anastomoses in pediatric patients. J Pediatr Surg. 2021 May;56(5):944-950
Harrington AW, Riebold J, Hernandez K, Staffa SJ, Svetanoff WJ, Zurakowski D, Hamilton T, Jennings R, Mehta NM, Zendejas B. Nutritional delivery and growth outcomes in infants with long-gap esophageal atresia who undergo the Foker process. J Pediatr Surg. 2021 Jul 24:S0022-3468(21)00524-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2021.07.014. Online ahead of print.
Thompson K, Zendejas B, Kamran A, Svetanoff WJ, Meisner J, Zurakowski D, Staffa SJ, Ngo P, Manfredi M, Yasuda JL, Jennings RW, Smithers CJ, Hamilton TE. Predictors of anti-reflux procedure failure in complex esophageal atresia patients. J Pediatr Surg. 2021 Aug 14:S0022-3468(21)00546-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2021.08.005.
Harrington AW, Riebold J, Hernandez K, Staffa SJ, Meisner JW, Zurakowski D, Jennings R, Hamilton T*, Zendejas B. Feeding and growth outcomes in infants with Type C esophageal aresia who undergo early primary repair. J Pediatr [in press].
Shieh HF, Jennings RW, Manfredi MA, Ngo PD, Zendejas B, Hamilton TE. Cautionary tales in the use of magnets for the treatment of long gap esophageal atresia. J Pediatr Surg. 2021 Nov 14:S0022-3468(21)00778-8.
Ngo PD, Kamran A, Clark SJ, Jennings RW, Hamilton TE, Smithers CJ, Zendejas B, Yasuda JL, Zurakowski D, Manfredi MA. Intralesional steroid injection therapy for esophageal anastomotic stricture following esophageal atresia repair. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2020;70:462-467.
Yasuda JL, Staffa SJ, Clark SJ, Ngo PD, Zendejas B, Hamilton TE, Jennings RW, Manfredi MA. Endoscopic incisional therapy and other novel strategies for effective treatment of congenital esophageal stenosis. J Pediatr Surg. 2020 Jan 29;55:2342-2347.
Clark SJ, Staffa SJ, Ngo PD, Yasuda JL, Zendejas B, Hamilton TE, Jennings RW, Manfredi MA. Rules are meant to be broken: Examining the "Rule of 3" for esophageal dilations in pediatric stricture patients. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2020;71:e1-e5.
Ehrlich PF, Chi YY, Chintagumpala MM, Hoffer FA, Perlman EJ, Kalapurakal JA, Tornwall B, Warwick A, Shamberger RC, Khanna G, Hamilton TE, Gow KW, Paulino AC, Gratias EJ, Mullen EA, Geller JI, Grundy PE, Fernandez CV, Dome JS. Results of treatment for patients with multicentric or bilaterally predisposed unilateral Wilms tumor (AREN0534): A report from the Children's Oncology Group. Cancer. 2020;126:3516-3525.
Yasuda JL, Taslitsky GN, Staffa SJ, Clark SJ, Ngo PD, Hamilton TE, Zendejas B, Jennings RW, Manfredi MA. Utility of repeated therapeutic endoscopies for pediatric esophageal anastomotic strictures. Dis Esophagus. 2020 May 28:doaa031.
Svetanoff WJ, Zendejas B, Frain L, Visner G, Smithers CJ, Baird CW, Prabhu SP, Jennings RW, Hamilton TE*. When to consider a posterolateral descending aortopexy in addition to a posterior tracheopexy for the surgical treatment of symptomatic tracheobronchomalacia. J Pediatr Surg. 2020;55:2682-2689.
Svetanoff WJ, Zendejas B, Smithers CJ, Prabhu SP, Baird CW, Jennings RW, Hamilton TE*. Great vessel anomalies and their impact on the surgical treatment of tracheobronchomalacia. J Pediatr Surg. 2020 Jul;55(7):1302-1308.
Svetanoff WJ, Zendejas B, Ngo P, Manfredi M, Hamilton TE, Jennings RW, Smithers CJ. The left-sided repair: An alternative approach for difficult esophageal atresia repair. J Pediatr Surg. 2020 Nov 13:S0022-3468(20)30832-0.
Thompson K, Zendejas B, Svetanoff WJ, Labow B, Taghinia, Ganor O, Manfredi M, Ngo P, Smithers CJ, Hamilton TE*, Jennings RW. Evolution, Lessons Learned and Contemporary Outcomes of Esophageal Replacement with Jejunum for Children. Accepted for publication SURGERY 2020.
Yasuda JL, Ngo PD, Staffa SJ, Zendejas B, Hamilton TE, Jennings RW, Manfredi MA. Commentary on "Break the Rule of Three: Critical Thoughts from a Tertiary care Experience with Bougie Dilators". J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2021 Jan 1;72(1):e29
Kamran A, Zendejas B, Meisner J, Choi SS, Munoz-San Julian C, Ngo P, Manfredi M, Yasuda J, Smithers CJ ,Hamilton TE*, Jennings RW. Effect of Posterior Tracheopexy on Risk of Recurrence in Children After Recurrent Tracheo-Esophageal Fistula Repair. J Am Coll Surg. 2021 Feb 5:S1072-7515(21)00099-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2021.01.011
Svetanoff WJ, Zendejas B, Hernandez K, Davidson K, Ngo P, Manfredi M, Hamilton TE, Jennings R, Smithers CJ. Contemporary outcomes of the Foker process and evolution of treatment alogrithims for long-gap esophageal atresia. J Pediatr Surg. 2021 Feb 26: S0022-3468(21)001883-3.
Yasuda JL, Svetanoff WJ, Staffa SJ, Zendejas B, Hamilton TE, Jennings RW, Ngo PD, Jason Smithers C, Manfredi MA. Prophylactic negative vacuum therapy of high-risk esophageal anastomoses in pediatric patients. J Pediatr Surg. 2021 May;56(5):944-950
Harrington AW, Riebold J, Hernandez K, Staffa SJ, Svetanoff WJ, Zurakowski D, Hamilton T, Jennings R, Mehta NM, Zendejas B. Nutritional delivery and growth outcomes in infants with long-gap esophageal atresia who undergo the Foker process. J Pediatr Surg. 2021 Jul 24:S0022-3468(21)00524-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2021.07.014. Online ahead of print.
Thompson K, Zendejas B, Kamran A, Svetanoff WJ, Meisner J, Zurakowski D, Staffa SJ, Ngo P, Manfredi M, Yasuda JL, Jennings RW, Smithers CJ, Hamilton TE. Predictors of anti-reflux procedure failure in complex esophageal atresia patients. J Pediatr Surg. 2021 Aug 14:S0022-3468(21)00546-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2021.08.005.
Harrington AW, Riebold J, Hernandez K, Staffa SJ, Meisner JW, Zurakowski D, Jennings R, Hamilton T*, Zendejas B. Feeding and growth outcomes in infants with Type C esophageal aresia who undergo early primary repair. J Pediatr [in press].
Shieh HF, Jennings RW, Manfredi MA, Ngo PD, Zendejas B, Hamilton TE. Cautionary tales in the use of magnets for the treatment of long gap esophageal atresia. J Pediatr Surg. 2021 Nov 14:S0022-3468(21)00778-8.
Ehrlich PF, Tornwall B, Chintagumpala MM, Chi YY, Hoffer FA, Perlman EJ, Kalapurakal JA, Warwick A, Shamberger RC, Khanna G, Hamilton TE, Gow KW, Paulino AC, Gratias EJ, Mullen EA, Geller JI, Fernandez CV, Dome JS. ASO Video Abstract: Kidney Preservation and Wilms Tumor Development in Children with Diffuse Hyperplastic Perilobar Nephroblastomatosis-A Report from the Children's Oncology Group Study AREN0534. Ann Surg Oncol. 2022 Jan 25.
Foust AM, Zendejas B, Mohammed S, Meisner J, Zurakowski D, Staffa SJ, Jennings RW, Hamilton TE*, Callahan MJ. Radiographic assessment of traction-induced esophageal growth and traction-related complications of the Foker process for treatment of long gap esophageal atresia. Pediatr Radiol 2022 Mar;52(3):468-476.
Ehrlich PF, Tornwall B, Chintagumpala MM, Chi YY, Hoffer FA, Perlman EJ, Kalapurakal JA, Warwick A, Shamberger RC, Khanna G, Hamilton TE, Gow KW, Paulino AC, Gratias EJ, Mullen EA, Geller JI, Fernandez CV, Dome JS. ASO Video Abstract: Kidney Preservation and Wilms Tumor Development in Children with Diffuse Hyperplastic Perilobar Nephroblastomatosis-A Report from the Children's Oncology Group Study AREN0534. Ann Surg Oncol. 2022 May; 29(5):3262-3263
Ehrlich PF, Tornwall B, Chintagumpala MM, Chi YY, Hoffer FA, Perlman EJ, Kalapurakal JA, Warwick A, Shamberger RC, Khanna G, Hamilton TE, Gow KW, Paulino AC, Gratias EJ, Mullen EA, Geller JI, Fernandez CV, Dome JS. Kidney Preservation and Wilms Tumor Development in Children with Diffuse Hyperplastic Perilobar Nephroblastomatosis: A Report from the Children's Oncology Group Study AREN0534. Ann Surg Oncol. 2022 May; 29(5):3252-3261.
Kidney Preservation and Wilms Tumor Development in Children with Diffuse Hyperplastic Perilobar Nephroblastomatosis: A Report from the Children's Oncology Group Study AREN0534.
Ehrlich PF, Tornwall B, Chintagumpala MM, Chi YY, Hoffer FA, Perlman EJ, Kalapurakal JA, Warwick A, Shamberger RC, Khanna G, Hamilton TE, Gow KW, Paulino AC, Gratias EJ, Mullen EA, Geller JI, Fernandez CV, Dome JS.
Ann Surg Oncol. 2022 May;29(5):3252-3261. doi: 10.1245/s10434-021-11266-6. Epub 2022 Jan 24. PMID: 35072864
Yasuda JL, Clark SJ, Staffa SJ, Blansky B, Ngo PD, Hamilton TE, Smithers CJ, Jennings R, Manfredi MA. Esophagitis in pediatric esophageal atresia: Acid may not always be the issue. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2019;69:163-170.
Firriolo JM, Nuzzi LC, Ganske IM, Hamilton TE, Smithers CJ, Ganor O, Upton J 3rd, Taghinia AH, Jennings RW, Labow BI. Supercharged jejunal interposition: A reliable esophageal replacement in pediatric patients. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2019;143:1266e-1276e.
Shieh HF, Smithers CJ, Hamilton TE, Zurakowski D, Visner GA, Manfredi MA, Jennings RW, Baird CW. Descending aortopexy and posterior tracheopexy for severe tracheomalacia and left mainstem bronchomalacia. Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2019;31:479-485.
Manfredi MA, Clark SJ, Medford S, Staffa SJ, Ngo P, Hamilton TE, Smithers CJ, Jennings RW. Endoscopic electrocautery incisional therapy as a treatment for refractory benign pediatric esophageal strictures. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2018; 67:464-468
Ganske IM, Firriolo JM, Nuzzi LC, Ganor O, Hamilton TE, Smithers CJ, Jennings RW, Upton J 3rd, Labow BI, Taghinia AH. Double supercharged jejunal interposition for late salvage of long-gap esophageal atresia. Ann Plast Surg. 2018; 81:553-559.
Manfredi MA, Clark SJ, Staffa SJ, Ngo PD, Smithers CJ, Hamilton TE, Jennings RW. Endoscopic esophageal vacuum therapy: A novel therapy for esophageal perforations in pediatric patients. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2018; 67:706-712.
Dao DT, Anez-Bustillos L, Ourieff J, Pan A, Mitchell PD, Kishikawa H, Fell GL, Baker MA, Watnick RS, Chen H, Hamilton TE, Rogers MS, Bielenberg DR, Puder M. Heparin impairs angiogenic signaling and compensatory lung growth after left pneumonectomy. Angiogenesis. 2018 11;21:837-848.
Kamran A, Hamilton TE, Zendejas B, Nath B, Jennings RW, Smithers CJ. Minimally invasive surgical approach for posterior tracheopexy to treat severe tracheomalacia: Lessons learned from initial case series. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2018;28:1525-1530.
Fernandez CV, Perlman EJ, Mullen EA, Chi YY, Hamilton TE, Gow KW, Ferrer FA, Barnhart DC, Ehrlich PF, Khanna G, Kalapurakal JA, Bocking T, Huff V, Tian J, Geller JI, Grundy PE, Anderson JR, Dome JS, Shamberger RC. Clinical outcome and biological predictors of relapse after nephrectomy only for very low-risk Wilms Tumor: A Report from Children's Oncology Group AREN0532. Ann Surg. 2017;265:835-840.
Shieh HF, Smithers CJ, Hamilton TE, Zurakowski D, Rhein LM, Manfredi MA, Baird CW, Jennings RW. Posterior tracheopexy for severe tracheomalacia. J Pediatr Surg. 2017;52:951-955. Epub 2017 Mar 18.
Ehrlich P, Chi YY, Chintagumpala MM, Hoffer FA, Perlman EJ, Kalapurakal JA, Warwick A, Shamberger RC, Khanna G, Hamilton TE, Gow KW, Paulino AC, Gratias EJ, Mullen EA, Geller JI, Grundy PE, Fernandez CV, Ritchey ML, Dome JS. Results of the first prospective multi-institutional treatment study in children with bilateral Wilms tumor (AREN0534): A report from the Children's Oncology Group. Ann Surg. 2017;266:470-478.
Kamran A, Smithers CJ, Manfredi MA, Hamilton TE, Ngo PD, Zurakowski D, Jennings RW. Slide esophagoplasty vs end-to-end anastomosis for recalcitrant esophageal stricture after esophageal atresia repair. J Am Coll Surg. 2018; 226:1045-1050.
Shieh HF, Smithers CJ, Hamilton TE, Zurakowski D, Visner GA, Manfredi MA, Baird CW, Jennings, RW. Posterior tracheopexy for severe tracheomalacia associated with esophageal atresia (EA): Primary treatment at the time of initial EA repair versus secondary treatment. Front Surg. 201815;4:80. eCollection 2017.
Fernandez CV, Mullen EA, Chi YY, Ehrlich PF, Perlman EJ, Kalapurakal JA, Khanna G, Paulino AC, Hamilton TE, Gow KW, Tochner Z, Hoffer FA, Withycombe JS, Shamberger RC, Kim Y, Geller JI, Anderson JR,
Grundy PE, Dome JS. Outcome and prognostic factors in stage III favorable-histology Wilms tumor: A report from the Children’s Oncology Group Study AREN0532. J Clin Oncol. 2018;36:254-261.Epub 2017 Dec 6.
Ehrlich PF, Hamilton TE, Gow K, Barnhart D, Ferrer F, Kandel J, Glick R, Dasgupta R, Naranjo A, He Y, Perlman EJ, Kalapurakal JA, Khanna G, Dome JS, Geller J, Mullen E. Surgical protocol violations in children with renal tumors provides an opportunity to improve pediatric cancer care: A report from the Children’s Oncology Group. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2016;63:1905-10. Epub 2016 May 27.
Bairdain S, Foker JE, Smithers CJ, Hamilton TE, Labow BI, Baird CW, Taghinia AH, Feins N, Manfredi M, Jennings RW. Jejunal interposition after failed esophageal atresia repair. J Am Coll Surg. 2016;222:1001-8. Epub2016 May 27.
Manfredi MA, Hall AM, Ngo P, Smithers CJ, Hamilton TE, Jennings R. The utility of volumetric laser endomicroscopy in the evaluation of esophageal wall layers in patients with esophageal atresia. Gastrointest Endosc. 2016 May;83(5).
Smithers CJ, Hamilton TE, Manfredi MA, Rhein L, Ngo P, Gallagher D, Foker JE, Jennings FW. Categorization and repair of recurrent and acquired tracheoesophageal fistulae occurring after esophageal atresia repair. J Pediatr Surg. 2017;52:424-430. Epub 2016 Aug 31.
Bairdain S, Smithers CJ, Hamilton TE, Zurakowski D, Rhein L, Foker JE, Baird C, Jennings RW. Direct tracheobronchopexy to correct airway collapse due to severe tracheobronchomalacia: Short-term outcomes in a series of 20 patients. J Pediatr Surg. 2015 50:972-977.
Bairdain S*, Hamilton TE*, Smithers CJ, Manfredi M, Ngo P, Gallagher D, Zurakowski D, Foker JE, Jennings RW. Foker process for the correction of long gap esophageal atresia: Primary treatment versus secondary treatment after prior esophageal surgery. J Pediatr Surg. 2015; 50:933-937.
Hamilton TE, Barnhart D, Gow KW, Ferrer F, Kandel J, Glick R, Dasgupta R, Naranjo A, Gratias E, Geller J, Mullen E, Ehrlich P. Inter-rater reliability of surgical reviews for AREN03B2: A Children’s Oncology Group Renal Tumor Committee Study. J Pediatr Surg. 2014;49:154-8.
Jennings RW, Hamilton TE, Smithers CJ, Ngerncham M, Foker JE. Surgical approaches to aortopexy for severe tracheomalacia. J Pediatr Surg. 2014;49:66-70.
Manfredi MA, Jennings RW, Anjum MW, Hamilton TE, Smithers CJ, Lightdale JR. Externally removable stents in the treatment of benign recalcitrant strictures and esophageal perforations in pediatric patients with esophageal atresia. Gastrointest Endosc. 2014;80:246-52. Epub 2014 Mar 18.
Gow KW, Barnhart DC, Hamilton TE, Kandel JJ, Chen MKS, Ferrer FA, Price MR, Mullen EA, Geller JI, Gratias EJ, Rosen N, Khanna G, Naranjo A, Ritchey ML, Grundy PE, Dome JS, Ehrlich PF. Primary nephrectomy and intraoperative tumor spill: Report from the Children’s Oncology Group Renal Tumors Committee. J Pediatr Surg. 2013;48:34-8.
Hamilton TE, Ritchey ML, Haase GM, Argani P, Peterson SM, Anderson JR, Green DM, Shamberger RC. The management of synchronous bilateral Wilms Tumor: A report from the National Wilms Tumor Study Group. Ann Surg 2011;253:5;1004–1010.
Ritchey M, Daley S, Shamberger RC, Ehrlich P, Hamilton T, Haase G, Sawin R. Ureteral extension in Wilms Tumor: A report from the National Wilms Tumor Study Group (NWTSG). J Pediatr Surg 2008;9:1625-1629.
Hamilton T, Ritchey M, Argani P, Beckwith JB, Perlman EJ, Cotton CA, Shamberger RC. Synchronous bilateral Wilms’ tumor with complete radiographic response managed without surgical resection: A report from the National Wilms’ Tumor Study-4. J Pediatr Surg 2008;43:1982-1984.
Ehrlich P, Hamilton TE, Grundy P, Ritchey ML, Haase GM, Shamberger RC. The value of surgery in directing therapy for patients with Wilms’ tumor with pulmonary disease. A report from the National Group (National Wilms’ Tumor Study 5). J Pediatr Surg. 2006; 41:162-7; discussion 162-7.
Hamilton TE, Green DM, Perlman E, Argani P, Grundy P, Ritchey M, Shamberger RC. Bilateral Wilms tumor with anaplasia: Lessons from the National Wilms Tumor Study. J Pediatr Surg. 2006 ;41:1641-4.
Ehrlich PF, Ritchey ML, Hamilton TE, Haase GM, Ou S, Breslow N, Grundy P, Green D, Noorkol P, Becker J, Shamberger RC. Quality assessment for Wilms’ tumor: a report from the National Wilms’ Tumor Study-5. J Pediatr Surg. 2005;40:208-12; discussion 212-3.
Ritchey ML, Shamberger RC, Hamilton TE, Haase G, Argani P, Peterson S. Fate of missed bilateral lesions on preoperative imaging: A report from the National Wilms Tumor Study. J Urol 2005;174:1519-1521.
Hamilton TE, DeMatteo RP, McClane SJ, Burke C, Rombeau JL, Raper SE. Adenoviral- mediated gene transfer to murine small intestine is more efficient in neonates than adults. J Pediatr Surg. 1997 ; 32:373-377.
McClane SJ, Hamilton TE, Burke C, Raper SE. Functional consequences of adenovirus-mediated murine pancreatic gene transfer. Hum Gene Ther. 199710;8:739-46.
Hamilton TE, McClane SJ, Burke C, Rombeau JL, Patel H, Baldwin S, Raper SE. Efficient adenoviral-mediated neonatal small intestinal gene transfer is dependent on alpha(v) integrin expression. J Pediatr Surg. 1997; 32:1695-703.
McClane S, Hamilton TE, Burke C, Raper SE. Effect of adenoviral early genes and the host immune system on in vivo pancreatic gene transfer in the mouse. Pancreas. 1997;15:236-245.
Hamilton TE, Koide S, Zhang W, Rombeau JL, Raper SE. Adenoviral-mediated gene transfer to the small intestinal isograft. Transplant Proc 1996,28:2444.
Lew JI, Hamilton TE, Rombeau JL. The scientific-rationale and clinical utility of enteral nutritional therapy. Akttuelle Ernahrungsmedizin, Sonderheft 2: Band 20 August 1995.
Ko W, Zelano J, Lazenby W, Hamilton TE, Isom O, Krieger K. Optimal storage period for extended heart preservation with the University of Wisconsin solution. J Cardiovasc Surg, 1992;33 :2204-2210.
Ko W, Zelano J, Lazzaro R, Lazenby W, Hamilton TE, Isom 0, Krieger K. Superiority of the University of Wisconsin solution over simple crystalloid for extended heart preservation. J Thorac Cardiovas Surg. 1992;103: 980- 982.