John Flibotte, MD
Areas of expertise: Infant brain injury, Neonatal neurocritical care, Medical education
Locations: CHOP at Penn Medicine Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Main Building
About John Flibotte, MD
Dr. John Flibotte is the Associate Program Director of the Neonatal Fellowship and Associate Program Director of the Pediatric Residency Program. His specific interest within medical education includes mentoring and career development. He has won numerous awards for teaching and mentoring including: Early Career Honor Roll for teaching of pediatric residents, Istvan Seri Teaching Award for teaching neonatology fellows, and the Schmidt-Kirpalani Mentoring Award for mentoring of neonatology fellows and junior faculty.
In addition to his education work, he serves as co-medical director of the Neonatal Neurocritical Care Program in the Neonatal/ Infant Intensive Care unit. He has a longstanding interest in the neurosciences and has been engaged in both basic science research and clinical research in the areas of neurodevelopment and hypoxic brain injury with prior and ongoing work evaluating neuroprotective therapies for infants with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy and hydrocephalus.
His clinical work is in the N/IICU at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and includes care of infants with both medical and surgical conditions. He has strong clinical collaborations with members of the Neurology, Neurosurgery and Radiology Departments. He is involved in the Special Delivery Unit for both prenatal consults and supervision of resuscitation of infants with high risk conditions.
Dr. Flibotte graduated from Harvard College and Harvard Medical School and completed his residency and fellowship training at CHOP.
Co-Medical Director, Neonatal Neurocritical Care Program
Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine – American Board of Pediatrics
Pediatrics – American Board of Pediatrics
Editorial and Academic Positions
Academic and institutional committees
Resident Lecture Committee
Neonatology-Perinatology Fellowship Improvement Committee
Improving Rates of Developmental Follow-Up for Preterm Infants, Quality Improvement Committee
Member, Neonatal Fellowship Clinical Competency Committee
Neonatology Divisional Quality Improvement Committee on Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infections (CLABSI)
Neonatology Fellowship Selection Committee
Neonatology MRI Safety Committee
Management of Post-Hemorrhagic Hydrocephalus, Quality Improvement Committee
Sedation Committee
Minimizing Sedation for Neonatal Brain MRI Acquisition
Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics, University of Pennsylvania
Data Safety Monitoring Board, Fluid Filled Lung Oxygenation Trial for Severe Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
Data Safety Monitoring Board, Janus Kinase inhibitor (Baricitinib) for Aicardi Goutières Syndrome
Physician Partner, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Neonatology Scholarship Oversight Committee for Fellows' Research
Editorial Positions
Ad hoc reviewer, Bentham Science Publishing
Ad hoc reviewer, Pediatric Emergency Care
Ad hoc reviewer, Journal of Perinatal Medicine
Ad hoc reviewer, Journal of Pediatrics
Ad hoc reviewer, Pediatric Neurology
Ad hoc reviewer, Scientific Reports
Ad hoc reviewer, Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal & Neonatal
Research Interests
Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy Neonatal hydrocephalus Neonatal neurology Communication/patient perspective
Education & training
Medical Degree
MD - Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Pediatrics - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatrics - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Neonatology - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Additional Training
Neonatology Research Fellow - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Callahan KP, Flibotte J, Skraban C, Wild KT, Joffe S, Munson D, Feudtner C. How neonatologists use genetic testing: findings from a national survey. J Perinatol. 2022 Feb;42(2):260-261. doi: 10.1038/s41372-021-01283-4. Epub 2021 Nov 30. PMID: 34848850; PMCID: PMC8825701.
Wild KT, Mathew L, Hedrick HL, Rintoul NE, Ades A, Soorikian L, Matthews K, Posencheg MA, Kesler E, Van Hoose KT, Panitch HB, Flibotte J, Foglia EE. Respiratory function after birth in infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernia. hernia. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2022 Nov 18:fetalneonatal-2022-324415. doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2022-324415. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36400455.
Guttmann K, Flibotte J, Seitz H, Huber M, andDeMauro SB: Goals of Care Discussions and Moral Distress AmongNeonatal Intensive Care Unit Staff. J Pain Symptom Manage January 2021 Notes: [published online ahead of print]
Pouppirt NR, Martin V, Pagnotto-Hammitt L, Spittle AJ, Flibotte J, DeMauro S: The general movements assessment in neonates with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy. Journal of Child Neurology January 2021 Notes: [published online ahead of print]
Weiss EM, Olszewski AE, Guttmann KF, Magnus BE, Li S, Shah AN, Juul SE, Wu YW, Ahmad KA, Bendel-Stenzel E, Isaza NA, Lampland AL, Mathur AM, Rao R, Riley D, Russell DG, Salih ZNI, Torr CB, Weitkamp JH, Anani UE, Chang T, Dudley J, Flibotte J, Havrilla EM, Kathen CM, O'Kane AC, Perez K, Stanley BJ, Wilfond BS, Shah SK.: Parental Factors Associated with the Decision to Participate in a Neonatal Clinical Trial. JAMA Network Open 4(1): e2032106, January 2021.
Eric S. Peeples, Rakesh Rao, Maria L.V. Dizon, Yvette R. Johnson, Priscilla Joe, John Flibotte, Tanzeema Hossain, Danielle Smith, Shannon Hamrick, Robert DiGeronimo, Girija Natarajan, Kyong-Soon Lee, Toby D. Yanowitz, Ulrike Mietzsch, Tai-Wei Wu, Nathalie L. Maitre, Eugenia K. Pallotto, Mark Speziale, Amit M. Mathur, Isabella Zaniletti, An Massaro, on behalf of the Children's Hospitals Neonatal Consortium Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy Focus Group: Predictive models of neurodevelopmental outcomes after neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. Pediatrics February 2021.
Kirschen MP, Smith KA, Snyder M, Zhang B, Flibotte J, Heimall L, Budzynski K, DeLeo R, Cona J,Bocage C, Hur L, Winters M, Hanna R, Mensinger JL, Huh J, Lang S, Barg FK, Shea JA, Ichord R, Berg RA, Levine JM, Nadkarni V, Topjian A: Serial Neurologic Assessment in Pediatrics (SNAP): A new tool for bedside neurological assessment of critically ill children. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 22(5), May 2021.
Flanders TM, Lang SS, Ko TS, Andersen KN, Jahnavi J, Flibotte JJ, Licht DJ, Tasian GE, Sotardi ST, Yodh AG, Lynch JM, Kennedy BC, Storm PB, White, BR, Heur GG, Baker WB: Optical detection of intracranial pressure and perfusion changes in neonates with hydrocephalus. Journal of Pediatrics 2021 Notes: [in press]
Guttmann K, Flibotte J, DeMauro SB, Seitz H: A mixed methods analysis of parental perspectives on diagnosis and prognosis of neonatal intensive care unit graduates with cerebral palsy. Journal of Child Neurology 35(5): 336-43, April 2020.
DeMauro SB, Bann C, Flibotte J, Adams-Chapman I, Hintz SR: Cranial Ultrasound and Minor Motor Abnormalities at 2 Years in Extremely LowGestational Age Infants. J Dev Behav Pediatr 41(4): 308-315, May 2020.
Flanders TM, Kimmel AC, Lang SS, Bellah R, Chuo J, Wellons JC, Flibotte JJ, Heuer GG.: Standardizing treatment of preterm infants with post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus at a single institution with a multidisciplinary team. Childs Nerv Syst. 36(8): 1737-1744, August 2020.
Rao R, Mietzsch U, DiGeronimo R, Hamrick SE, Dizon MLV, Lee KS, Natarajan G, Yanowitz TD, Peeples ES, Flibotte J, Wu T, Zaniletti I, Mathur AM, Massaro AN : Utilization of Therapeutic Hypothermia and Neurological Injury in Neonates with Mild Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy: A Report from Children's Hospital Neonatal Consortium. American Journal of Perinatology September 2020 Notes: [published online ahead of print]
Thom CS, Echevarria E, Osborne AD, Carr L, Rubey K, Salazar E, Callaway D, Pawlowski T, Devine M, Kleinman S, Witmer C, Flibotte J, Lambert MP.: Extreme thrombocytosis is associated with critical illness and young age, but not increased thrombotic risk, in hospitalized pediatric patients. J Thromb Haemost Page: Epub ahead of print, September 2020.
Zheng Q, Martin-Saavedra JS, Saade-Lemus S, Vossough A, Zuccoli G, Gonçalves FG, Freeman CW, Ouyang M, Singh V, Padula MA, Demauro SB, Flibotte J, Eichenwald EE, Detre JA, Sze RW, Huang H, Hwang M: Cerebral Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion Weighted Imaging Predicts Language and Motor Outcomes in Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy. Frontiers in Pediatrics 8, September 2020.
Dizon M, Rakesh R, Hamrick S, Zaniletti I, DiGeronimo R, Natarajan G, Kaiser JR, Flibotte J, Lee KS, Smith D, Yanowitz T, Mathur A, Massaro A: Practice Variation in Anti-Epileptic Drug Use for Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy Among Regional NICUs. BMC Pediatrics 19(1): 67, February 2019.
Natarajan G, Mathur A, Zaniletti I, DiGeronimo R, Lee KS, Rao R, Dizon M, Hamrick S, Rudine A, Cook N, Smith D, Flibotte J, Murthy K, Massaro A: Withdrawal of Life-Support in Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy. Pediatric neurology 91(1): 20-26, Feb 2019.
Hwang M, Sridharan A, Darge K, Riggs B, Sehgal C, Flibotte J, Huisman T: Novel Quantitative Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Detection of Hypoxic Ischemic Injury in Neonates and Infants: Pilot Study 1. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 38(8): 2025-2038, August 2019.
Lin N, Flibotte J, Licht DJ. : Neuromonitoring in the neonatal ECMO patient. Semin Perinatol Page: pii: S0146-0005(17)30144-1, February 2018.
Guttmann K, Flibotte J, DeMauro SB: Parental Perspectives on Diagnosis and Prognosis of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Graduates with Cerebral Palsy. The Journal of Pediatrics 203: 156-162, Dec 2018.
Flibotte John J, Jablonski Angela M, Kalb Robert G: Oxygen sensing neurons and neuropeptides regulate survival after anoxia in developing C. elegans. PloS one 9(6): e101102, June 2014.
Flibotte JJ, Lee KE, Koroshetz WJ, Rosand J, McDonald CT: Continuous antibiotic prophylaxis and cerebral spinal fluid infection in patients with intracranial pressure monitors. Neurocrit Care 1(1): 61-68, March 2004.
Flibotte JJ, Hagan N, O'Donnell J, Greenberg SM, Rosand J: Warfarin, hematoma expansion, and outcome of intracerebral hemorrhage. Neurology 63(6): 1059-1064, Sep 2004.
Parga-Belinkie J, Foglia EF, Flibotte J: Caveats of Cooling: Available Evidence and Ongoing Investigations of Therapeutic Hypothermia. Neoreviews 20(9): 513e-519e, September 2019.
Sheppard S, Herrick H, Ahrens-Nicklas R, Cohen J, Flibotte J, Pyle L: Case 2: Severe Hyperammonemia in a Neonate: An Alternate Ending. Neoreviews 20(2): e90-e92, February 2019.
Coughlin K, Flibotte J, Cahill AM, Osterhoudt K, Hedrick H, Vrecenak J: Methemoglobinemia in an Infant After Sclerotherapy With High-Dose Doxycycline. Pediatrics 143(2): e20181642, February 2019.
Flanders T, Billinghurst L, Flibotte J, Heuer G: Neonatal Hydrocephalus. Neoreviews 19(8), August 2018.
Flibotte J & Gokulakrishnan G: Chapter 46: Examination of the Newborn Infant. Rudolph's Pediatrics, 23rd Edition 2017.
Robinson A, Flibotte J, Kaplan SL, DeMauro SB: Lenticulostriate Vasculopathy and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Preterm Infants: A Systematic Review. American Journal of Perinatology 34(8): 780-786, July 2017.
Handley SC, Ebbert RP, Edwards TM, Flibotte J: A Newborn Infant with Giant Omphalocele and Peeling Skin. NeoReviews 18(4): e253-e257, April 2017.
Flibotte JJ, Lee GE, Buser GL, Feja KN, Kreiswirth BN, McSherry GD, Nolan SM, Tolan RW Jr, Zhang H: Infertility, in vitro fertilization and congenital tuberculosis J. Perinatol 33(7): 565-568, July 2013.
Flibotte J: Disorders of the Gastrointestinal System. Netter's Pediatrics. Florin T, Ludwig S (eds.). Oxford: Elsevier, Page: 652-657, 2011 Notes: Chapter 103.