Dennis Dlugos, MD, MSCE
Areas of expertise: Epilepsy genetics, Epilepsy surgery, Pediatric epilepsy, Video EEG monitoring, Neurophysiology
Locations: Main Building, Buerger Center for Advanced Pediatric Care
About Dennis Dlugos, MD, MSCE
Dennis J. Dlugos, MD, MSCE, is a professor of neurology and pediatrics at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. He is Director of the Section of Clinical Neurophysiology and the Epilepsy/Clinical Neurophysiology Fellowship. He holds the Tristram C. Colket, Jr. Endowed Chair in Pediatric Neurology.
Dr. Dlugos obtained his medical degree at Columbia University College of Physician and Surgeons in 1988, and a Master of Science Degree in Clinical Epidemiology (MSCE) from the Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in 2002. He completed an internship in Pediatrics at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, in 1989, and served as an Undersea Medical Officer in the U.S. Navy from 1989 to 1993. He then completed a residency in Pediatrics at Thomas Jefferson University and Alfred I. duPont Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Wilmington, Delaware. Dr. Dlugos then completed a residency in Neurology/Child Neurology and a fellowship in Epilepsy and Clinical Neurophysiology at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center and The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
Dr. Dlugos is board certified in Neurology with special qualifications in Child Neurology, Pediatrics, Clinical Neurophysiology, and Clinical Neurophysiology with special qualifications in Epilepsy Monitoring. Dr. Dlugos is a co-investigator on NIH grants involving epilepsy genetics, pharmacogenetics, and epilepsy surgery. Dr. Dlugos is course director of Brain and Behavior, a 9-week Clinical Neuroscience course in the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine curriculum.
Dr. Dlugos is a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Neurology, the American Epilepsy Society, the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society, and the Child Neurology Society. Dr. Dlugos is a frequent lecturer locally and at national medical meetings on topics related to pediatric neurology, epilepsy, and electroencephalograms. He has published papers in journals such as Neurology, Epilepsia, Archives of Neurology, Pediatric Neurology, and Journal of Child Neurology.
Attending Physician
Professor of Neurology and Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Child Neurology – American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
Clinical Neurophysiology – American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
Epilepsy Monitoring – American Board of Clinical Neurophysiology
Pediatrics – American Board of Pediatrics
Awards and Honors
2022, Philadelphia Magazine's Top Doctors in Child Neurology
2013, Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Foundation Award for Distinguished Teaching, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
2012, Best Lecture, Brain and Behavior Course 2012, presented by University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Class of 2015
2009, Dean's Award for Excellence in Clinical Teaching at an Affiliated Hospital (The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia), University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
2008, Faculty Honor Roll for Teaching, Residents in General Pediatrics, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2008, Best Lecture, Brain and Behavior Course 2008, presented by University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Class of 2011
2007, Faculty Honor Roll for Teaching, Residents in General Pediatrics, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2002, Resident's Award for Excellence in Teaching, Department Of Neurology, University of Pennsylvania Medical Center and The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2002, Faculty Honor Roll for Teaching, Residents in General Pediatrics, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
1997, Samuel Zeritsky Resident Research Award, Department of Neurology, University of Pennsylvania Medical Center
1993, United States Navy Commendation Medal for Meritorious Service
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
- 2018-present, Pediatric Epilepsy Research Foundation
- 2018-present, Board of Directors
- 2017-present, International League Against Epilepsy
- 2017-present, Regulatory Task Force of the Commission on Medical Therapies
- 2016-present, Scientific Foundation of Ireland
- 2016-present, Scientific Review Board
- 2014-present, Epilepsy Foundation of America
- 2018-present, Professional Advisory Board, Research and New Therapies Subcommittee
- 2016-present, Scientific Review Board
- 2014-present, Dravet Syndrome Foundation
- 2014-present, Scientific Review Board
- 2007-present, CURE (Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy)
- 2007-present, Scientific Review Board
- 2005-present, American Clinical Neurophysiology Society, Fellow
- 1997-present, American Epilepsy Society
- 2015-present, Chair, Education and Professional Development Committee
- 2003-present, Pediatric Content Committee
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2007-present, Reviewer, Pediatrics
2006-present, Reviewer, Clinical Infectious Diseases
2006-present, Reviewer, Annals of Neurology
2006-present, Reviewer, Expert Reviews in Neurotherapeutics
2005-present, Reviewer, Neurology
2005-present, Reviewer, Mayo Clinic Proceedings
2005-present, Reviewer, Epilepsia
2005-present, Reviewer, Archives of Neurology
2005-present, Reviewer, Pediatric Emergency Medicine
2004-present, Reviewer, Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology
Research Interests
Epilepsy genetics
Intensive Care EEG monitoring
Epilepsy surgery
Education & training
Graduate Degree
MS in Clinical Epidemiology (MSCE) - University of Pennsylvania, Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Philadelphia, PA
Medical Degree
MD - Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY
Pediatrics - National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, MD
Neurology/Child Neurology - University of Pennsylvania Medical Center and The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatrics - Thomas Jefferson University & Alfred I. Dupont Institute, Philadelphia, PA & Wilmington, DE
Epilepsy and Clinical Neurophysiology - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Additional Training
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Yuskaitis C, Ruzhnikov M, Howell K, Allen I, Kapur K, Dlugos D, Scheffer I, Poduri A, Sherr E : Infantile spasms of unknown cause: predictors of outcome and genotype-phenotype correlation. Pediatric Neurology 87: 48-56, 2018.
The International League Against Epilepsy Consortium on Complex Epilepsies (including Dlugos, DJ): Genome-wide mega-analysis identifies 16 loci and highlights diverse biological mechanisms in the common epilepsies. Nature Communications Page: 9:5269 | DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07524-z, 2018.
The Epi4K Consortium (including Dlugos D): De novo variants in the alternative exon 5 of SCN8A cause epileptic encephalopathy. Genetics in Medicine 20: 275-81, 2018.
The EPGP and Epi4K Consortia (including Dlugos DJ): Application of Rare Variant Transmission-Disequilibrium Tests to Epileptic Encephalopathy Trio Sequence Data. European Journal of Human Genetics 25: 894-9, 2018.
Kim H, Kim SY, Lim BC, Hwang H, Chae JH, Choi J, Kim KJ, Dlugos DJ. Spike persistence and normalization in benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes - Implications for management. Brain Dev. 2018 May 10. pii: S0387-7604(18)30184-0.
Halford JJ, Sperling MR, Nair DR, Dlugos DJ, Tatum WO, Harvey J, French JA, Pollard JR, Faught E, Noe KH, Henry TR, Jetter GM, Lie OV, Morgan LC, Girouard MR, Cardenas DP, Whitmire LE, Cavazos JE. Detection of generalized tonic-clonic seizures using surface electromyographic monitoring. Epilepsia. 2017 Nov;58(11):1861-1869.
von Spiczak S, Helbig KL, Shinde DN, Huether R, Pendziwiat M, Lourenço C, Nunes ME, Sarco DP, Kaplan RA, Dlugos DJ, Kirsch H, Slavotinek A, Cilio MR, Cervenka MC, Cohen JS, McClellan R, Fatemi A, Yuen A, Sagawa Y, Littlejohn R, McLean SD, Hernandez-Hernandez L, Maher B, Møller RS, Palmer E, Lawson JA, Campbell CA, Joshi CN, Kolbe DL, Hollingsworth G, Neubauer BA, Muhle H, Stephani U, Scheffer IE, Pena SDJ, Sisodiya SM, Helbig I; Epi4K Consortium; EuroEPINOMICS-RES NLES Working Group. DNM1 encephalopathy: A new disease of vesicle fission. Neurology. 2017 Jul 25;89(4):385-394.
Lin JJ, Banwell BL, Berg RA, Dlugos DJ, Ichord RN, Kilbaugh TJ, Kirsch RE, Kirschen MP, Licht DJ, Massey SL, Naim MY, Rintoul NE, Topjian AA, Abend NS. Electrographic Seizures in Children and Neonates Undergoing Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2017 Mar;18(3):249-257.
French JA, Lawson JA, Yapici Z, Ikeda H, Polster T, Nabbout R, Curatolo P, de Vries PJ, Dlugos DJ, Berkowitz N, Voi M, Peyrard S, Pelov D, Franz DN. Adjunctive everolimus therapy for treatment-resistant focal-onset seizures associated with tuberous sclerosis (EXIST-3): a phase 3, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Lancet. 2016 Oct 29;388(10056):2153-2163.
Lemke JR, Geider K, Helbig KL, Heyne HO, Schütz H, Hentschel J, Courage C, Depienne C, Nava C, Heron D, Møller RS, Hjalgrim H, Lal D, Neubauer BA, Nürnberg P, Thiele H, Kurlemann G, Arnold GL, Bhambhani V, Bartholdi D, Pedurupillay CR, Misceo D, Frengen E, Strømme P, Dlugos DJ, Doherty ES, Bijlsma EK, Ruivenkamp CA, Hoffer MJ, Goldstein A, Rajan DS, Narayanan V, Ramsey K, Belnap N, Schrauwen I, Richholt R, Koeleman BP, Sá J, Mendonça C, de Kovel CG, Weckhuysen S, Hardies K, De Jonghe P, De Meirleir L, Milh M, Badens C, Lebrun M, Busa T, Francannet C, Piton A, Riesch E, Biskup S, Vogt H, Dorn T, Helbig I, Michaud JL, Laube B, Syrbe S. Delineating the GRIN1 phenotypic spectrum: A distinct genetic NMDA receptor encephalopathy. Neurology. 2016 Jun 7;86(23):2171-8.
Topjian AA, Sánchez SM, Shults J, Berg RA, Dlugos DJ, Abend NS. Early Electroencephalographic Background Features Predict Outcomes in Children Resuscitated From Cardiac Arrest. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2016 Jun;17(6):547-57.
Williams RP, Banwell B, Berg RA, Dlugos DJ, Donnelly M, Ichord R, Kessler SK, Lavelle J, Massey SL, Hewlett J, Parker A, Topjian AA, Abend NS. Impact of an ICU EEG monitoring pathway on timeliness of therapeutic intervention and electrographic seizure termination. Epilepsia. 2016 May;57(5):786-95.
Dlugos DJ. The nature of neonatal status epilepticus--a clinician's perspective. Epilepsy Behav. 2015 Aug;49:88-9.
Abend NS, Wagenman KL, Blake TP, Schultheis MT, Radcliffe J, Berg RA, Topjian AA, Dlugos DJ. Electrographic status epilepticus and neurobehavioral outcomes in critically ill children. Epilepsy Behav. 2015 Aug;49:238-44.
Kessler SK, McCarthy A, Cnaan A, Dlugos DJ. Retention rates of rufinamide in pediatric epilepsy patients with and without Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome. Epilepsy Res. 2015 May;112:18-26.
Topjian AA, Fry M, Jawad AF, Herman ST, Nadkarni VM, Ichord R, Berg RA, Dlugos DJ, Abend NS. Detection of electrographic seizures by critical care providers using color density spectral array after cardiac arrest is feasible. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2015 Jun;16(5):461-7.
Bearden D, Steenhoff AP, Dlugos DJ, Kolson D, Mehta P, Kessler S, Lowenthal E, Monokwane B, Anabwani G, Bisson GP. Early antiretroviral therapy is protective against epilepsy in children with human immunodeficiency virus infection in Botswana. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2015 Jun 1;69(2):193-9.
Yang A, Arndt DH, Berg RA, Carpenter JL, Chapman KE, Dlugos DJ, Gallentine WB, Giza CC, Goldstein JL, Hahn CD, Lerner JT, Loddenkemper T, Matsumoto JH, Nash KB, Payne ET, Sánchez Fernández I, Shults J, Topjian AA, Williams K, Wusthoff CJ, Abend NS. Development and validation of a seizure prediction model in critically ill children. Seizure. 2015 Feb;25:104-11.
Abend NS, Dlugos DJ, Zhu X, Schwartz ES. Utility of CT-compatible EEG electrodes in critically ill children. Pediatr Radiol. 2015 Apr;45(5):714-8.
Naim MY, Gaynor JW, Chen J, Nicolson SC, Fuller S, Spray TL, Dlugos DJ, Clancy RR, Costa LV, Licht DJ, Xiao R, Meldrum H, Abend NS. Subclinical seizures identified by postoperative electroencephalographic monitoring are common after neonatal cardiac surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2015;150(1):169-178.
Abend NS, Bearden D, Helbig I, McGuire J, Narula S, Panzer JA, Topjian A, Dlugos DJ. Status epilepticus and refractory status epilepticus management. Semin Pediatr Neurol. 2014 Dec;21(4):263-74.
Connolly B, Matykiewicz P, Bretonnel Cohen K, Standridge SM, Glauser TA, Dlugos DJ, Koh S, Tham E, Pestian J. Assessing the similarity of surface linguistic features related to epilepsy across pediatric hospitals. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2014 Sep-Oct;21(5):866-70.
Milligan CJ, Li M, Gazina EV, Heron SE, Nair U, Trager C, Reid CA, Venkat A, Younkin DP, Dlugos DJ, Petrovski S, Goldstein DB, Dibbens LM, Scheffer IE, Berkovic SF, Petrou S. KCNT1 gain of function in 2 epilepsy phenotypes is reversed by quinidine. Ann Neurol. 2014 Apr;75(4):581-90.
Wagenman KL, Blake TP, Sanchez SM, Schultheis MT, Radcliffe J, Berg RA, Dlugos DJ, Topjian AA, Abend NS. Electrographic status epilepticus and long-term outcome in critically ill children. Neurology. 2014 Feb 4;82(5):396-404.
Sánchez Fernández I, Abend NS, Arndt DH, Carpenter JL, Chapman KE, Cornett KM, Dlugos DJ, Gallentine WB, Giza CC, Goldstein JL, Hahn CD, Lerner JT, Matsumoto JH, McBain K, Nash KB, Payne E, Sánchez SM, Williams K, Loddenkemper T. Electrographic seizures after convulsive status epilepticus in children and young adults: a retrospective multicenter study. J Pediatr. 2014 Feb;164(2):339-46.e1-2.
Bearden D, Strong A, Ehnot J, DiGiovine M, Dlugos D, Goldberg EM. Targeted treatment of migrating partial seizures of infancy with quinidine. Ann Neurol. 2014;76(3):457-461.
Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)
Dlugos D. Management of Pediatric Focal Epilepsy. American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting, Dec. 2017, Washington, D.C.
Dlugos D. Empiricism in Seizure Therapy Development. American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting, Dec. 2017, Washington, D.C.
Lectures by Invitation
Dlugos D. EEG as an Outcome Measure in Clinical Trials: Current Limitations and Artificial Intelligence Opportunities, Korean Data and Software-Driven Healthcare Consortium (K-DASH) Symposium, Seoul, Korea. Dec 2018.
Dlugos D. What's New in Anti-Epileptic Drug Pipeline? Hot Topics Symposium, American Epilepsy Society 2018 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Dec 2018.
Dlugos D. Pediatric Epilepsy Clinical Trial Design: Past, Present, Future, Pediatric Grand Rounds, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea. Dec 2018.
Dlugos D. Non-Seizure Outcome Measures: Challenges & Opportunities, Child Neurology Society Annual Meeting Satellite Seminar, Chicago, IL. Dec 2018.
Dlugos D. 2018 Epilepsy Clinical Trial Update: What Matters for KCNQ2? KCNQ2 Cure Summit, Anaheim, CA. Sep 2018.
Dlugos D. Pediatric Epilepsy Classification, The Ecuador Neurology Project, American Academy of Neurology, Guayaquil, Ecuador. Aug 2018.
Dlugos D. Seizure - or Not, The Ecuador Neurology Project, American Academy of Neurology, Guayaquil, Ecuador. Aug 2018.
Dlugos D. Infants and young children with focal seizures: Regulatory challenges and opportunities, ILAE Regulatory Task Force, European Epilepsy Congress, Vienna, Austria. Aug 2018.
Dlugos D. Dravet Syndrome: Clinical Trial Overview, Dravet Syndrome Foundation Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. Jul 2018.
Dlugos D. Epilepsy 101 - Webinar for School Nurses, Epilepsy Foundation of Eastern Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PA. May 2018.
Dlugos D. Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome - What We Say and Know, Research Roundtable in Epilepsy, Epilepsy Foundation of America, Washington, DC. May 2018.
Dlugos D. Utility of Pediatric EEG in the Revised 2017 ILAE Seizure Classification, American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA. Apr 2018.
Dlugos D. Utility of Pediatric EEG in the Revised 2017 ILAE Seizure Classification, American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA. Mar 2018.
Dlugos D. Pediatric Epilepsy - New Classification, New Medications, 21st Annual Wake Forest University Pediatric Epilepsy Symposium, Asheville, NC. Feb 2018.
Dlugos D. Infantile Spasms - Treatment and Outcome Data, 21st Annual Wake Forest University Pediatric Epilepsy Symposium, Asheville, NC. Feb 2018.
Dlugos D. Serendipity and Empiricism: Keep All Credible Options Open in Epilepsy Drug Development, Investigator's Workshop, American Epilepsy Society 2017 Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Dec 2017.
Dlugos D. Established Strategies and Emerging Approaches for Focal Seizures, Satellite Symposium, American Epilepsy Society 2017 Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Dec 2017.
Dlugos D. Epilepsy 101 - New Classification, New Guidelines, New Treatments. Epilepsy Foundation of Eastern Pennsylvania, Epilepsy Education Exchange, Morton, PA. Nov 2017.
Dlugos D. Epilepsy Clinical Trial Update: What Matters for KCNQ2? KCNQ2 Cure Summit, Boston, MA. Oct 2017.
Dlugos D. Seizure - or Not, The Ecuador Neurology Project, American Academy of Neurology, Guayaquil, Ecuador. Jul 2017.
Dlugos D. Pediatric Epilepsy Classification, The Ecuador Neurology Project, American Academy of Neurology, Guayaquil, Ecuador. Jul 2017.
Dlugos D. KCNT1 Epileptic Encephalopathy - Phenotype, Genotype, Precision Therapy. International Conference on Neurology and Brain Disorders, Valencia, Spain. Jun 2017.
Dlugos D. Post Approval Requirements for AEDs in Infants, Antiepileptic Drug and Device Trials XIV, The Epilepsy Study Consortium, Aventura, FL. May 2017.
Dlugos D. Advances in the Management of Epilepsy, Spring Managed Care Forum 2017, American Association of Integrated Healthcare Delivery Systems and National Association of Managed Care Physicians, Orlando FL. Apr 2017.
Dlugos D. Neonatal and Pediatric EEG, Crozer-Chester Medical Center School of Clinical Neurophysiology, Upland PA and Philadelphia PA. Mar 2017.
Dlugos D. Clinical Framework for Pediatric Epilepsy Drug Development, Epilepsy Foundation of America, Research Roundtable for Epilepsy, Washington, DC. Mar 2017.
Dlugos D. Pediatric EEG; Neonatal Seizures and Infantile Spasms; Overview of Pediatric Epilepsy and Syndromes; EEG Monitoring in the Pediatric ICU; SUDEP, Pediatric Epilepsy Fellow Course, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston Salem, NC. Jan 2017.
Dlugos DJ: Pediatric Epilepsy: A Guide to Diagnosis, Treatment and Future Directions. Pediatric Epilepsy: A Guide to Diagnosis, Treatment and Future Directions. Englewood, CO: Consensus Medical Press, 2006.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Clancy RR, Bergqvist AGC, Dlugos DJ, Nordli DR: Normal Pediatric EEG: Neonates and Children. Current Practice of Clinical Electroencephalography, 4th edition. Ebersole JS, Husain AM, Nordli DR (eds.). Wolters Kluwer Health, Page: 125-212, 2014.
Kessler SK, Dlugos DJ: Generalized Seizures in Early Childhood. Pediatric Epilepsy. Duchowny M, Cross JH, Arzimanoglou A (eds.). New York: McGraw Hill, Page: 75-84, 2013.
Ferraro TN, Dlugos DJ, Hakonarson H, Buono RJ: Strategies for Studying the Epilepsy Genome. Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies, 4th edition. Noebels JL, Avoli M, Rogawski MA, Olsen RW, Delgado-Escueta AV (eds.). Oxford University Press, Page: 663-74, 2012.
Sullivan J, Bakey C, Dlugos D: Generalized Tonic Seizures. Atlas of Video EEG Monitoring. Sirven J, Stern J (eds.). McGraw Hill, New York, NY, Page: 295-301, 2010.
Stannard KM, Dlugos DJ, Glauser T: Childhood Absence Epilepsy. Atlas of Video EEG Monitoring. Sirven J, Stern J (eds.). McGraw Hill, New York, NY, Page: 233-239, 2010.
Shellhaas RA, Dlugos DJ: Treatment of the Child or Adolescent with Newly Diagnosed Epilepsy. Therapeutic Strategies in Epilepsy. French J, Delanty N (eds.). Oxford, UK: Clinical Publishing, Page: 85-102, 2009.
Smith SE and Dlugos DJ: Cavernous sinus syndrome; Pseudotumor cerebri (Idiopathic intracranial hypertension); Subdural hematoma; Vein of Galen malformations; Neural tube defects. The Five Minute Pediatric Consult, 5th edition. Schwartz MW (eds.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008.
Poduri A, Shellhaas R, Dlugos DJ, Berman PH, Tennekoon G: Neurology. The Philadelphia Guide: Inpatient Pediatrics. Frank G, Shah SS, Zaoutis LB, Catallozzi MC (eds.). Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, Page: 259-286, 2005.
Dlugos DJ, Buono RJ: Predicting the outcome of AED therapy - standard clinical methods and the potential of pharmacogenomics. Progress in Epilepsy Research. Benjamin SM (eds.). New York: Nova Science Publishers, Page: 77-91, 2005.
Dlugos DJ and Smith SE: Cavernous sinus syndrome; Pseudotumor cerebri (Idiopathic intracranial hypertension); Subdural hematoma; Vein of Galen malformations; Neural tube defects. The Five Minute Pediatric Consult, 4th edition. Schwartz MW (eds.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005.
Dlugos DJ: Cavernous sinus syndrome; Pseudotumor cerebri (Idiopathic intracranial hypertension); Subdural hematoma; Vein of Galen malformations; Neural tube defects. The Five Minute Pediatric Consult, 3nd edition. Schwartz MW (eds.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003.
Clancy RR, Bergqvist AC, Dlugos DJ: Neonatal EEG. Current Practice of Clinical EEG, 3rd edition. Ebersole JS, Pedley TA (eds.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Page: 160-234, 2003.
Dlugos DJ: Cavernous sinus syndrome; Pseudotumor cerebri (Idiopathic intracranial hypertension); Subdural hematoma; Vein of Galen malformations; Neural tube defects. The Five Minute Pediatric Consult, 2nd edition. Schwartz MW (eds.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2000.
Dlugos DJ: Cavernous sinus syndrome; Pseudotumor cerebri (Idiopathic intracranial hypertension); Subdural hematoma; Vein of Galen malformations; Neural tube defects. The Five Minute Pediatric Consult. Schwartz MW (eds.). Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1997.