Laura S. Cubit, PhD
Areas of expertise: Autism, Developmental disabilities, Disruptive behavior disorders
Locations: Center for Advanced Behavioral Healthcare
About Laura S. Cubit, PhD
Research Psychologist
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) Certification – PCIT International
Awards and Honors
2018-2019, Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities Fellowship, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2018, Dissertation Grant Award, Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology, University of Rochester
2017-2018, Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (1F31MH113269, NIMH), University of Rochester
2016, Helen and Vincent Nowlis Award for Excellence in Teaching and Mentoring, University of Rochester
2014-2015, Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities Fellowship, University of Rochester Medical Center
2014-2015, Predoctoral Fellow in Hearing, Balance, and Spatial Orientation (T32DC009974, NIDCD), University of Rochester
2012-2014, Robert L. and Mary L. Sproull Fellowship
2010, Joanne Mary Sullivan Prize for Excellence in Psychology, Tufts University
2010, Phi Beta Kappa National Honors Society
2010, Summa cum laude, Tufts University
2010, Constantine Ghikas Prize in Romance Languages, Tufts University
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2015-present, International Society for Autism Research
2019-present, American Psychological Association
Editorial and Academic Positions
Academic and Institutional Committees
2020-present, CAR Call to Action Committee, Center for Autism Research
Education & training
Undergraduate Degree
BA in Biopsychology, Spanish - Tufts University, Boston, MA
Graduate Degree
PhD in Clinical Psychology - University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
MA in Clinical Psychology - University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
Predoctoral Clinical Psychology Intern, Autism Spectrum Disorders Track - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Clinical Postdoctoral Fellow - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA (Chief Psychology Fellow)
Post-baccalaureate Fellow - Pediatrics and Developmental Neuroscience Branch, National Institute of Mental Health
Sariyanidi, E., Zampella, C.J., Drye, M.N., Fecher, M.L., Megginson, G., Cubit, L.S., Schultz, R.T., Guthrie, W., Tunc, B.: Reconstructing 3D Face of Infants in Social Interactions Using Morphable Models of Non-Infants. Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval. Bernetti, S., Thehoaris, T., Daoudi, M., Ferrari, C., Veltkamp, R.C. (eds.). 2022.
Cola, M., Yankowitz, L., Tena, K., Russell, A., Bateman, L., Knox, A., Plate, S., Cubit, L. S., Zampella, C. J., Pandey, J., Schultz, R. T., Parrish-Morris, J. : Friend matters: Sex differences in social language during autism diagnostic interviews. Molecular Autism 2022.
Cubit LS, Canale R, Handsman R, Kidd C, Bennetto L.: Visual attention preference for intermediate predictability in young children. Child Development 92(2): 691-703, 2021.
Soskey LN, Allen PD, Bennetto L.: Auditory spatial attention to speech and complex non-speech sounds in children with autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research 10(8): 1405-1416, 2017 Notes: maiden name: Soskey.
Shoffner J, Trommer B, Thurm A, Farmer C, Langley WA, Soskey L, Rodriguez AN, D'Souza P, Spence SJ, Hyland K, Swedo SE.: CSF concentrations of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate in a cohort of young children with autism. Neurology 86(24): 2258-63, 2016 Notes: maiden name: Soskey.
Soskey L, Holcomb PJ, Midgley KJ.: Language effects in second-language learners: A longitudinal electrophysiological study of spanish classroom learning. Brain Research 1646: 44-52, May 2016 Notes: maiden name: Soskey.
Graf-Myles J, Farmer C, Thurm A, Royster C, Kahn P, Soskey L, Rothschild L, Swedo S.: Dietary adequacy of children with autism compared with controls and the impact of restricted diet. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 34(7): 449-459, 2013 Notes: maiden name: Soskey.
Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)
Cola, M. L., Yankowitz, L. D., Plate, S., Russell, A. S., Knox, A., Pelella, M. R., Leuzzi, M., Tena, K. G., Zampella, C. J., Cubit, L. S., Pandey, J., Schultz, R. T., Parish-Morris, J.: Identifying homogeneous subgroups of autistic youth based on talkativeness. Poster presentation at the International Society for Autism Research 2022 Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas May 2022.
Drye, M., Zampella, C. J., Fecher, M., Benecke, R., Cubit, L. S., Megginson, G., Steinbeck, L. K., Wang, L. A., Schultz, R. T., Guthrie, W.: Psychometric properties of broadband screening tools for developmental delays in infants at high- and low-risk for autism. Poster presentation at the International Society for Autism Research 2022 Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas May 2022.
Fecher, M., Zampella, C. J., Drye, M., Benecke, R., Cubit, L. S., Megginson, G., Steinbeck, L. K., Wang, L. A., Schultz, R. T., Guthrie, W.: Caregiver concerns predict specific areas of adaptive functioning in infants and high- and low-risk for autism. Poster presentation at the International Society for Autism Research 2022 Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas May 2022.
Knox, A., Tena, K. G., Russell, A. S., Pelella, M. R., Leuzzi, M., Zampella, C. J., Cola, M. L., Cubit, L. S., Pandey, J., Schultz, R. T., Parish-Morris, J.: Social motivation predicts behavioral compensation in autistic adolescents. Poster presentation at the International Society for Autism Research 2022 Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas May 2022.
Guthrie, W., Zampella, C.J., Cubit, L.S., & Miller, J.S.: Screening for developmental deceleration across domains: A new strategy for early autism detection. Poster presentation at the Society for Research in Child Development 2021 Annual Meeting (virtual conference) April 2021.
Cola, M., Yankowitz, L., Tena, K., Plate, S., Bateman, L., Zampella, C., Cubit, L., Pandey, J., Schultz, R., Parish-Morris, J.: Friend matters: Autistic girls talk more about friends during diagnostic interviews. Oral presentation at the International Society for Autism Research 2021 Annual Meeting (virtual conference) May 2021.
Steinbeck, L., Zampella, C., Cubit, L., Drye, M., Fecher, M., Wang, L., Wallis, K., Miller, J., Guthrie, W. : Sex differences in universal autism screening using the M-CHAT in primary care. Poster presentation at the International Society for Autism Research 2021 Annual Meeting (virtual conference) May 2021.
Guthrie, W., Zampella, C.J., Cubit, L.S., & Miller, J.S.: Screening for developmental deceleration across domains: A new strategy for early autism detection. Poster presentation at the International Society for Autism Research 2020 Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA (conference canceled) May 2020.
Lectures by Invitation
Cubit LS. "Supporting Students on the Autism Spectrum," Staff Education Seminar, Mastery Charter School, Philadelphia, PA. Nov 2021.
Cubit LS. "Attention preferences and predictability in young children and relevance for autism spectrum disorder", Psychology Department, University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA. Mar 2019.