Jérôme Clatot, PhD
About Jérôme Clatot, PhD
Director, ENGIN Ion Channel/Electrophysiology Core
Awards and Honors
2015, AHA meeting Travel award 2015
2014, Hearth Rhythm Society clinical research fellowship award
2012, PhD in Electrophysiology, Very Honorable
2012, Biophysical society meeting Travel award
2011, Denis Escandes Award of Excellence Laureate
2009, CODDIM Fellowship (French Governmental Pre-Doctoral Fellowship grant)
2006, Biotechnology/Cellular Pathology Master II, Honors Distinction
2005, Biochemistry Master I, Honors Distinction
2003, DEUG SVN Honors Distinction
Leadership and Memberships
American Heart Association
Biophysical Society
Heart Rhythm Society
Education & training
Graduate Degree
PhD in Cellular Cardiac Electrophysiology - Paris University, Paris, France
MS in Physiology Biotechnology - Pontoise University, Pontoise, France
Post-Doctoral Fellow in Cellular Cardiac Electrophysiology - Lankenau Institute for Medical Research, Wynnewood, PA
Post-Doctoral Fellow in Cellular Cardiac Electrophysiology - Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Clatot J, Marionneau C, Deschênes I. Voltage-gated sodium mutations can exert dominant negative suppression by coupled gating deficiency or trafficking deficiency. “American Journal of Physiology, 2018 ”
Chatterjee S., Vyas R., Chalamalasetti S., Sahu I.D., Clatot J., Wan X., Lorigan G.A., Deschênes I., Chakrapani S. The Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel Pore exhibits Conformational Flexibility during Slow Inactivation. Journal of General Physiology, 2018
Clatot J., Hoshi M, Wan X., Liu H, Jain A., Shinlapawittayatorn K., Marionneau C., Ficker E., Ha T., Deschenes I. Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels Assemble and Gate as Dimers. Nature Communications 2017.
Ziyadeh-Isleem A*, Clatot J.*, Duchatelet S, Gandjbakhch E, Denjoy I, Hidden-Lucet F, Hatem S, Deschênes I, Coulombe A, Neyroud N, Guicheney P. *Both authors contributed equally to this work. A truncating SCN5A mutation combined with genetic variability causes sick sinus syndrome and early atrial fibrillation. Heart Rhythm Journal 2014 Jun;11(6):1015-23
Clatot J., Ziyadeh-Isleem A., Maugenre S., Denjoy I., Liu H., Dilanian G., Hatem S.N., Deschênes I., Coulombe A., Guicheney P., and Neyroud N. Dominant-negative effect of SCN5A N-terminal mutations through the interaction of Nav1.5 alpha-subunits. Cardiovascular Research 2012 96: 53-63
Lectures by Invitation
Invited Grand Round lecturer, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 2017.
Invited Grand Round lecturer, Hôptial Pitié Salpetrière, Paris, France. 2017.
Invited Grand Round lecturer, Bern Universitaat, Bern, Switzerland. 2017.
Clatot J. Book: “Le complexe du canal sodique cardiaque Nav1.5”, Editions universitaires europeennes 2016. ISBN: 978-3-8417-2917-0