Chelsea Black, PhD, ABPP-CN
Locations: Buerger Center for Advanced Pediatric Care
About Chelsea Black, PhD, ABPP-CN
Pediatric Neuropsychologist
Clinical Neuropsychology – American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP-CN)
Awards and Honors
2017, American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting Fellow
2012, Commendation for Excellence, Temple University
2008-2009, Honors Program, University of North Carolina
2007-2009, Dean's List, University of North Carolina
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2014-present, International Neuropsychological Society
2021-present, American Board of Professional Psychology
2021-present, American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2021-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Developmental Review
2020-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Motivation and Emotion
2018-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Child Neuropsychology
2018-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society
Academic and Institutional Committees
2020-present, Chair, Teletesting Workgroup, Neuropsychology and Assessment Service
2019-present, Test Acquisition Committee, Neuropsychology and Assessment Service, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
2019-present, Co-Leader, Internship Recruitment Screening Quality Improvement Workgroup, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
2018-present, Clinical Research Committee, Neuropsychology and Assessment Service
2018-present, Website Update Workgroup, Neuropsychology and Assessment Service, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
2018-present, Training Advisory Committee, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Research Interests
Language skills
Executive function abilities, and mood dysregulation in pediatric medical disorders
Pediatric neuroinflammatory disorders
Pediatric epilepsy
Education & training
Undergraduate Degree
BS in Biology, Psychology - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Graduate Degree
PhD in Clinical Psychology - Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
MA in Clinical Psychology - Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
Clinical Psychology (Pediatric Neuropsychology track) - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatric Neuropsychology - Children’s National Medical Center, Washington, DC
Schreiber, J.M., Tochen, L., Brown, M., Evans, S., Ball, L.J., Bumbut, A., Thewamit, R., Whitehead, M.T., Black, C.L., Boutzoukas, E., Fanto, E., Suslovic, W., Berl, M., Hammer, M., & Gaillard, W.D.: A multi-disciplinary clinic for SCN8A-related epilepsy. Epilepsy research 159: 106261, Jan 2020.
Damme, K.S.F., Alloy, L.B., Young, C.B., Kelley, N.J., Chein, J., Ng, T.H., Titone, M.K., Black, C.L., & Alloy, L.B.: Amygdala Subnuclei Volume in Bipolar Spectrum Disorders: Insights from Diffusion-Based Subsegmentation and a High-Risk Design. Human Brain Mapping in press.
You, X., Zachery, A.N., Fanto, E.J., Norato, G., Germeyan, S.C., Emery, E.J., Sepeta, L.N., Berl, M.M., Black, C.L., Wiggs, E., Zaghloul, K., Inati, S.K., Gaillard, W.D., & Theodore, W.H. : fMRI prediction of naming change after adult temporal lobe epilepsy surgery: Activation matters. Epilepsia 60(3): 527-538, Mar 2019. PMCID: PMC6401285
Shapero, B.G., Curley, E.E., Black, C.L., & Alloy, L.B. (2019). : The interactive association of proximal life stress and cumulative HPA axis functioning with depressive symptoms. Depression and anxiety 36(11): 1089-1101, Nov 2019.
Black, C.L., Shih, S.W., Sepeta, L.N., Facella-Ervolini, J.W., Isquith, P.K., & Berl, M.M.: Everyday executive function in focal onset pediatric epilepsy on the parent-report BRIEF2. Child neuropsychology : a journal on normal and abnormal development in childhood and adolescence 25(1): 22-43, 01 2019.
Gu, R., Jiang, Y., Kiser, S., Black, C.L., Broster, L.S., Luo, Y., & Kelly, T.H. : Impulsive personality dimensions are associated with altered behavioral performance and neural responses in the monetary incentive delay task. Neuropsychologia 103: 59-68, Aug 2017. PMCID: PMC5576147
Ng, T. H., Stange, J. P., Black, C. L., Titone, M. K., Weiss, R. B., Abramson, L. Y., Alloy, L. B.: Impulsivity predicts the onset of DSM-IV-TR or RDC hypomanic and manic episodes in adolescents and young adults with high or moderate reward sensitivity. Journal of affective disorders 198: 88-95, 07 2016. PMCID: PMC4844858
Shapero, B.G., Stange, J.P., Goldstein, K.E., Black, C.L., Molz, A.R., Hamlat, E.J., Black, S.K., Boccia, A.S., Abramson, L.Y., & Alloy, L.B. : Cognitive Styles in Mood Disorders: Discriminative Ability of Unipolar and Bipolar Cognitive Profiles. International journal of cognitive therapy 8(1): 35-60, Mar 2015. PMCID: PMC4399766
Boland, E.M., Stange, J.P., Adams, A.M., LaBelle, D.R., Ong, M.L., Hamilton, J.L.,Connolly, S.L., Black, C.L., Boccia, A., & Alloy, L.B. : Associations between sleep disturbance, cognitive functioning and work disability in Bipolar Disorder. Psychiatry research 230(2): 567-74, Dec 2015. PMCID: PMC4655200
Alloy, L.B., & Black, C.L. : Cyclothymic disorder. The Sage Encyclopedia of Abnormal and Clinical Psychology. New York: Sage Publications. A. Wenzel, E. FlannerySchroeder, & D. Friedman-Wheeler (eds.). 2015.