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Lauren A. Beslow, MD, MSCE, FAHA

Lauren A. Beslow, MD, MSCE, FAHA

Lauren A. Beslow, MD, MSCE, FAHA

Lauren A. Beslow, MD, MSCE, FAHA, is an attending physician in the Division of Neurology at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

Areas of expertise: Pediatric stroke, Stroke and pediatric congenital heart disease, Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT), Cerebral cavernous malformations (CCM), Sturge Weber Syndrome, Neurovascular effects of sickle cell disease

Locations: Main Building, Buerger Center for Advanced Pediatric Care

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About Lauren A. Beslow, MD, MSCE, FAHA


Attending Physician

Assistant Professor of Neurology and Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania


Child Neurology – American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology

Awards and Honors

2023, American Academy of Neurology A.B. Baker Teacher Recognition Award
2021, Stroke 2020 Outstanding Reviewer Award
2021, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Neurology Residency Teacher of the Year Award
2020, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Pediatrics Residency 2019-2020 Early Career Faculty Honor Roll
2016, Elected by the American Heart Association Stroke Council as a Fellow of the American Heart Association (FAHA)
2012, Travel Award for Junior Investigators from the American Heart Association for the 2013 International Stroke Conference in Honolulu, Hawaii
2011, Recipient of Alavi-Dabiri Post-Doctoral Fellowship Award from The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center
2011, Selected for NINDS Clinical Trial Methods Course in Neurology
2011, Distinguished Research Trainee Award, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2008, Samuel T. Zeritsky Award for Excellence in Research, University of Pennsylvania Department of Neurology
1999, Graduated with Distinction in the Biology Major, Yale University
1999, Graduated Summa Cum Laude, Yale University
1999, Phi Beta Kappa, Yale University

Leadership and Memberships

Memberships in Professional Organizations


2019-present, International Pediatric Stroke Organization
2007-present, International Pediatric Stroke Study (IPSS)
 - 2020-present, IPSS Outcomes Working Group, Chair
 - 2020-present, IPSS Hemorrhagic Stroke Working Group
 - 2020-present, IPSS Acute Treatment Working Group
 - 2020-present, IPSS Moyamoya Working Group
2005-present, Child Neurology Society


2008-present, American Heart Association
 - 2008-present, Stroke Council
2005-present, American Academy of Neurology

Editorial and Academic Positions

Editorial Positions

2021-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Nature Reviews Disease Primers
2021-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Pediatric Stroke
2021-present, Editorial Board, Frontiers in Neurology (Review editor for Stroke, subtopic Pediatric Stroke)
2021-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Journal of the American Heart Association
2021-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Neonatology
2021-present, Editorial Board, Pediatric Stroke
2021, Editorial Board, Neurology
2020-present, Ad hoc reviewer, BMC Health Sciences Research
2020-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
2020-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Archives of Disease in Childhood
2020-present, Editorial Board Member, Pediatric Neurology
2019-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice
2019-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Clinical Epidemiology
2019-present, Ad hoc reviewer, American Journal of Cardiology
2019-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Progress in Pediatric Cardiology
2018-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Epilepsia
2018-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Epilepsy & Behavior
2018-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Neurology
2018-present, Ad hoc reviewer, The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health
2017-present, Ad hoc reviewer, BMJ Case Reports
2017-present, Editorial Board Member, Stroke
2017-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Pediatrics
2017-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Brain and Behavior
2017-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Children
2017-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Paediatrics and International Child Health
2017-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism
2017-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Medical Principles and Practice
2017-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Journal of Pediatric Intensive Care
2016-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Critical Care Research and Practice
2016-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Circulation
2016-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Blood
 2016-present, Ad hoc reviewer, JAMA Pediatrics
2016-present, Ad hoc reviewer, BMC Neurology
2015-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Cerebrovascular Diseases
2015-present, Ad hoc reviewer, The Journal of Pediatrics
2014-present, Ad hoc reviewer, JAMA Neurology
2014-present, Ad hoc reviewer, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology
2014-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Academic Emergency Medicine
2013-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology
2013-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Journal of Translational Medicine
2013-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics
2012-present, Ad hoc reviewer, International Journal of Stroke
2012-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesia
2011-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Journal of the Neurological Sciences
2011-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Journal of Pediatric Neuroradiology
2011-present, Ad hoc reviewer, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery
2010-present, Ad hoc Reviewer, Pediatric Neurology
2010-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Neurology International
2010-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Neuroscience Letters
2010-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Jornal de Pediatria
2010-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Current Medicinal Chemistry
2010-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Stroke
2010-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Resuscitation
2010-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Neurotherapeutics
2009-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Pediatric Emergency Care
2009-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Journal of Child Neurology
2009-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Medical Science Monitor

Academic and Institutional Committees

2021-present, Cure HHT Research Network Unresolved Topics in Brain AVMs Work Stream for HHT Research Roadmap
2021-present, Neurology Division Wellbeing Co-Lead
2021-present, International Pediatric Stroke Organization Moyamoya Disease Working Group
2021, Reviewer for 2022 International Stroke Conference Pediatric Stroke Abstracts
2020-present, Reviewer for 2022 International Stroke Conference Pediatric Stroke Abstracts
2020-present, International Pediatric Stroke Organization Hemorrhagic Stroke Working Group
2020-present, International Pediatric Stroke Organization Pediatric Stroke Outcomes Working Group, Chair
2020, Reviewer for 2021 International Stroke Conference Pediatric Stroke Abstracts
2018-present, Publications Committee, Seizure in Pediatric Stroke Study II
2018-present, Publications Committee, Seizure in Pediatric Stroke Study I
2018-present, Publications Committee, International Pediatric Stroke Study
2018-present, Selection Committee, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Division of Neurology High School Scholars Program (NHSSP)
2015-present, Data Safety and Monitoring Board of NIH R01 Funded Stroke Prevention in Nigeria Trial (SPIN)
2015-present, Data Safety and Monitoring Board of NIH R01 Funded Primary Prevention of Stroke in Children with Sickle Cell Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa II (SPRING) trial
2012-present, Perinatal Stroke Working Group of the International Pediatric Stroke Study
2010-present, Arteriopathy Subgroup of the International Pediatric Stroke Study

2016-present, 2016-present,

Education & training

Graduate Degree

MS in Clinical Epidemiology (MSCE) - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

Medical Degree

MD - Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA


Pediatrics - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA


Pediatrics - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Child Neurology - The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA


Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatric Stroke - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Faculty Fellow, Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics - The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA




Beslow L.A., Agner S.C., Santoro J.D., Ram D., Wilson J.L., Harrar D., Appavu B., Fraser S.M., Rossor T., Torres M.D., Kossorotoff M., Zuñiga Zambrano Y.C., Hernández-Chávez M., Hassanein S.M.A., Zafeiriou D., Dowling M.M., Kopyta I., Stence N.V., Bernard T.J., Dlamini N., on behalf of the International Pediatric Stroke Study Group. International prevalence and mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 in childhood arterial ischemic stroke during the COVID-19 pandemic. Stroke 2022;53(8):2497-2503. PMID:35380052


Shih E.K., Beslow L.A., Natarajan S.S., Falkensammer C.B. Messe S.R.,+ Ichord R.N.+ +Co last authors: Prevalence of patent foramen ovale in a cohort of children with cryptogenic ischemic stroke. Neurology 97(21): e2096-e2102, 2021.

Lang S., Tucker A., Schreiber C., Storm P.B., Liu H., Li Y., Ichord R., Beslow L.A., Sedora-Roman N., Cox M., Nasser H., Vossough A., Fisher M., Kilbaugh T.J., Huh J.W.: Arterial spine labeling as an ancillary assessment to post-operative conventional angiogram in pediatric moyamoya disease. Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics  2021.

Hutchinson M.L., Beslow L.A., Shih E.K., Licht D.J., Kimmel A.C., Granath C. Ichord R.N. : Endovascular and thrombolytic treatment eligibility in childhood arterial ischemic stroke. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology  34: 99-104, 2021.

Beslow L.A., Vossough A., Ichord R.N., Slavova N., Yau M.L.Y., Gajera J., Stojanovski B., Adil M.M., Breimann J., Kimmel A., Mackay M.T.: Association of pediatric ASPECTS and NIH Stroke Scale, hemorrhagic transformation, and 12-month outcome in children with acute ischemic stroke  Neurology 2021.

Beslow L.A., Linds A.B., Fox C.K., Kossorotoff M., Zuñiga Zambrano Y.C., Hernández-Chávez M., Hassanein S.M.A., Byrne S., Lim M., Maduaka N., Zafeiriou D., Dowling M.M., Felling R.J., Rafay M.F., Lehman L.L., Noetzel M.J., Bernard T.J., Dlamini N., on behalf of the International Pediatric Stroke Study Group: Pediatric ischemic stroke: an infrequent complication of SARS-CoV-2. Annals of Neurology 89: 657-665, 2021.

Anderst J., Carpenter S.L., Frazier T.N., Appavu B., Noetzel M., Beslow L.A., Sharma M. : Subdural hemorrhage in a cohort with cerebral sinovenous thrombosis: application to abusive head trauma  Child Abuse & Neglect  117: 105119, 2021.


Sun L.R., Linds A., Sharma M., Rafay M., Vadivelu S., Lee S., Brandão L.R., Appavu B., Estepp J.H., Hukin J., Hassanein M.A., Chan A., Beslow L.A., on behalf of the International Pediatric Stroke Study Group: Cancer and tumor-associated childhood stroke: results from the International Pediatric Stroke Study. Pediatric Neurology 111: 59-65, 2020.

Simonetti B.G., Rafay M.F., Chung M., Lo W.D., Beslow L.A., Billinghurst L., Fox C.K., Pagnamenta A., Steinlin M.K., Mackay M.T.: Comparative study of posterior and anterior circulation stroke in childhood - results from the International Pediatric Stroke Study (IPSS)  Neurology 94(4): e337-e344, 2020.

Payabvash S., Falcone G.J., Sze G.K., Jain A., Beslow L.A., Petersen N.H., Sheth K.N., Kimberly W.T.: Poor outcomes related to anterior extension of large hemispheric infarction: topographic analysis of GAMES-RP trial MRI scans Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases  29(2): 104488, 2020.

Beslow L.A., Breimann J., Licht D.J., Waldman J., Fallacaro S., Pyeritz R.E., Goldmuntz E., Vossough A: Cerebrovascular malformations in a pediatric hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia cohort. Pediatric Neurology 110: 49-54, 2020.

Porcari G.S. Jordan L.C., Ichord R.N., Licht D.J., Smith S.E., Beslow L.A.: Outcome trajectories after primary perinatal hemorrhagic stroke   Pediatric Neurology 105: 41-47, Apr 2020.


Vorasayan P., Bevers M.B., Beslow L.A., Sze G., Molyneaux B.J., Hinson H.E., Simard J.M., von Kummer R., Sheth K.N., Kimberly W.T. : Intravenous glibenclamide reduces lesional water uptake in large hemispheric infarction. Stroke 50(11): 3021-3027, 2019.

Chung M.G., Guilliams K.P., Wilson J.L., Beslow, L.A., Dowling M.M., Friedman N.R., Hassanein S.M.A., Ichord R., Jordan L.C., Mackay M.T., Rafay M.F., Rivkin M., Torres M., Zafeiriou D., deVeber G., Fox C.K.  : Arterial ischemic strokes secondary to cardiac disease in neonates and children  Pediatric Neurology 100: 35-41, 2019.


Sheth K.N., Petersen N.H., Cheung K., Elm J.J., Hinson H.E., Molyneaux B.J., Beslow L.A., Sze G.K., Simard J.M., Kimberly W.T. : Long-term outcomes with IV glyburide from the GAMES-RP study of large hemispheric infarction: an exploratory analysis. Stroke 49(6): 1457-1463, 2018.

Fox C.K., Jordan L.C., Beslow L.A., Armstrong J., Mackay M.T., deVeber G., on behalf of the SIPS Investigators.: Children with post-stroke epilepsy have poorer outcomes one year after stroke.  International Journal of Stroke  13(8): 820-823, 2018.

Beslow L.B., Dowling M.M., Hassanein S.M.A., Lynch J.K., Zafeiriou D., Sun L.R., Kopyta I., Titomanlio L., Kolk A., Chan A., Biller J., Grabowski E.F., Abdalla A.A., Mackay M.T., deVeber G., on behalf of the International Pediatric Stroke Study Investigators: Mortality after pediatric arterial ischemic stroke. Pediatrics(5), e20174146, 2018.

Porcari G.S., Beslow L.A., Ichord R.N., Licht D.J., Kleinman J.T., Jordan L.C. : Neurologic outcome predictors in pediatric intracerebral hemorrhage: a prospective study. Stroke 49(7): 1755-1758, Jul 2018.


Duran D, Messina RD, Beslow LA, Montejo JD, Karimy JK, Gavankar Furey C, Sheridan AD, Sze G, Yarman Y, DiLuna ML, Kahle KT. Malignant Cerebellar Edema Subsequent to Accidental Prescription Opioid Intoxication in Children. Frontiers in Neurology 2017;8:362.

Beslow, LA. Stroke Diagnosis in the Pediatric Emergency Department: An Ongoing Challenge. Stroke 2017; 48(5):1132-1133.

Mirsky DM, Beslow LA, Amlie-Lefond C, Krishnan P, Laughlin S, Lee S, Lehman L, Rafay M, Shaw D, Rivkin MJ, Wintermark M; International Paediatric Stroke Study Neuroimaging Consortium and the Paediatric Stroke Neuroimaging Consortium. Pathways for Neuroimaging of Childhood Stroke. Pediatric Neurology 2017;69:11-23.

Uohara MY, Beslow LA, Billinghurst L, Jones BM, Kessler SK, Licht DJ, Ichord RN. Incidence of Recurrence in Posterior Circulation Childhood Arterial Ischemic Stroke. JAMA Neurology 2017; 74(3):316-323.

Billinghurst LL, Beslow LA, Abend NS, Uohara M, Jastrzab L, Licht DJ, Ichord RN. Incidence and predictors of epilepsy after pediatric arterial ischemic stroke. Neurology 2017;88(7):630-637.

Grunwald Z, Beslow LA, Urday S, Vashkevich A, Ayres A, Greenberg SM, Goldstein JN, Leasure A, Shi FD, Kahle KT, Battey TW, Simard JM, Rosand J, Kimberly WT, Sheth KN. Perihematomal Edema Expansion Rates and Patient Outcomes in Deep and Lobar Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Neurocritical Care 2017;26(2):205-212.


Bernard TJ, Beslow LA, Manco-Johnson MJ, Armstrong-Wells J, Boada R, Weitzenkamp D, Hollatz A, Poisson S, Amlie-Lefond C, Lo W, deVeber G, Goldenberg NA, Dowling MM, Roach ES, Fullerton HJ, Benseler SM, Jordan LC, Kirton A, Ichord RN. Inter-Rater Reliability of the CASCADE Criteria: Challenges in Classifying Arteriopathies. Stroke 2016;47(10):2443-9.

Sheth KN, Elm JJ, Molyneaux BJ, Hinson H, Beslow LA, Sze GK, Ostwaldt AC, Del Zoppo GJ, Simard JM, Jacobson S, Kimberly WT. Safety and efficacy of intravenous glyburide on brain swelling after large hemispheric infarction (GAMES-RP): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 2 trial. Lancet Neurology 2016;15(11):1160-9.

Schindler EA, Guo XM, Schrag M, Ghoshal S, Schilsky ML, Beslow LA. Neuropsychiatric Presentation of Wilson Disease in an Adolescent Male. Neuropediatrics 2016;47(5):346-7.

Murthy SB, Urday S, Beslow LA, Dawson J, Lees K, Kimberly WT, Iadecola C, Kamel H, Hanley DF, Sheth KN, Ziai WC; VISTA ICH Collaborators. Rate of perihematomal edema expansion is associated with poor clinical outcomes in intracerebral haemorrhage. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 2016;87(11):1169-1173.

Adil MM, Vidal GA, Beslow LA. Clinical Outcomes among Transferred Children with Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Strokes in the Nationwide Inpatient Sample. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 2016;25(11):2594-2602.

Ghoshal S, Bronen RA, McCarthy PL, Pels SG, Beslow LA. Acute Stroke in a Girl With an Absent Radial Pulse. Pediatric Neurology 2016;62:77-8.

Hawks C, Jordan LC, Gindville M, Ichord RN, Licht DJ, Beslow LA. Educational Placement After Pediatric Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Pediatric Neurology 2016;61:46-50.

Beslow, LA. Back to Basics-Vital Sign and Blood Glucose Abnormalities and Outcome in Childhood Arterial Ischemic Stroke. JAMA Neurology 2016;73(7):785-6.

Adil MM, Vidal G, Beslow LA. Weekend Effect in Children With Stroke in the Nationwide Inpatient Sample. Stroke 2016;47(6):1436-43.

Urday S, Beslow LA, Dai F, Zhang F, Battey TW, Vashkevich A, Ayres AM, Leasure AC, Selim MH, Simard JM, Rosand J, Kimberly WT, Sheth KN. Rate of Perihematomal Edema Expansion Predicts Outcome After Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Critical Care Medicine 2016;44(4):790-7.

Adil MM, Beslow LA, Qureshi AI, Malik AA, Jordan LC. Hypertension is Associated With Increased Mortality in Children Hospitalized With Arterial Ischemic Stroke. Pediatric Neurology 2016;56:25-29.

Sheth KN, Elm JJ, Beslow LA, Sze GK, Kimberly WT. Glyburide Advantage in Malignant Edema and Stroke (GAMES-RP) Trial: Rationale and Design. Neurocritical Care 2016;24(1):132-9.


Smith D.M., Vossough A., Vorona G.A., Beslow L.A., Ichord R.N., Licht D.J. Pediatric cavernous sinus thrombosis: a case series and review of the literature. Neurology 2015;85(9):763-769.

Urday S., Beslow L.A., Goldstein D.W., Vashkevich A., Ayres A.M., Battey T.W.K., Selim M.H. Kimberly W.T., Rosand J., Sheth K.N. Measurement of peri-hematomal edema in intracerebral hemorrhage. Stroke 2015;46(4):1116-1119.

Smith S.E., Vargas G., Cucchiara A.J., Zelonis S.J. Beslow L.A. Hemiparesis and epilepsy are associated with worse reported health status following unilateral stroke in children. Pediatric Neurology 2015;52(4):428-434. NIHMS 717641

Adil M.M., Qureshi A.I., Beslow L.A., Malik A.A., Jordan L.C. Factors associated with increased in-hospital mortality among children with intracerebral hemorrhage. Journal of Child Neurology 2015;30(8):1024-1028.

Sultan S.M., Beslow L.A., Vossough A., Elkind M.S.V., Kasner S.E. Mirsky D.M. Licht D.J. Ichord R.N. Predictive validity of severity grading for cerebral steno-occlusive arteriopathy in recurrent childhood ischemic stroke. International Journal of Stroke 2015;10(2):213-218.

Sinclair A.J., Fox C.K., Ichord R.N., Almond C.S. ,  Bernard T.J., Beslow L.A. , Chang A.K.C., Cheungh M., deVeber G., Dowling M.M., Friedman N., Giglia T.M., Guilliams K.P., Humpl T., Licht D.J., Mackay M.T.,  Jordan L.C. Stroke in children with cardiac disease: report from the International Pediatric Stroke Study group symposium. Pediatric Neurology 2015;52(1):5-15.


Lin K.Y., Basavaraj K., Witmer, C.M., Beslow L.A., Licht D.J., Ichord R.N., Kaufman B.D. Thrombotic events in critically ill children with myocarditis. Cardiology in the Young 2014;24(5):840-847. NIHMS 511445

Bernard T.J., Rivkin M.J., Scholtz K., deVeber G., Kirton A., Gill J.C., Chan A.K., Hovinga C.A., Ichord R.N., Grotta J., Jordan L.C., Benedict S., Friedman N.R., Dowling M.M., Elbers J., Torres M., Sultan S., Cummings D.D., Grabowski E., McMillan H.J., Beslow L.A., Amlie-Lefond C., on behalf of the Thrombolysis in Pediatric Stroke Study. Emergence of the primary pediatric stroke center: impact of the thrombolysis in pediatric stroke (TIPS) trial. Stroke 2014;45(7):2018-2023.

Adil M.M., Quereshi A.I., Beslow L.A., Jordan L.C. Transient ischemic attack requiring hospitalization of children in the United States: Kids' Inpatient Database 2003-2009. Stroke 2014;45(3):887-888. NIHMS 557706

Beslow L.A., Ichord R.N., Gindville M.C., Kleinman J.T., Bastian R.A., Smith S.E., Licht D.J., Hillis A.E., Jordan L.C. Frequency of hematoma expansion after spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage in children. JAMA Neurology 2014;71(2):165-171. NIHMS 513431

Beslow L.A., Ichord R.N., Gindville M.C., Kleinman J.T., Engelmann K., Bastian R.A., Licht D.J., Smith S.E., Hillis A.E., Jordan L.C. The pediatric intracerebral hemorrhage Score: a simple grading scale for intracerebral hemorrhage in children. Stroke 2014;45:66-70. PMCID: PMC3910321

Bruno C.J., Beslow L.A., Witmer C.M., Vossough A., Jordan L.C., Zelonis S., Licht D.J., Ichord R.N., Smith S.E. Hemorrhagic stroke in term and late preterm neonates. Archives of Disease in Childhood. Fetal and Neonatal Edition 2014;99:F48-F53. PMCID: PMC3864979


Pensirikul A.D., Beslow L.A., Kessler S.K., Sanchez S.M., Topjian A.A., Dlugos D.J., Abend N.S.: Density spectral array for seizure identification in critically ill children. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology 30(4): 371-375, Aug 2013.

Frisoli F.A., Lang S.S>, Vossough A., Cahill A.M., Heuer G.G., Dahmoush H.M., Storm P.B., Beslow L.A.: Intrarater and interrater reliability of the pediatric arteriovenous malformation compactness score. Journal of Neurosurgery Pediatrics 11(5): 547-551, May 2013.

Kranick S.M., Campen C.J., Kasner S.E., Kessler S.K., Zimmerman R.A., Lustig R.A., Phillips P.C., Beslow L.A., Ichord R., Fisher M.J.: Headache as a risk factor for neurovascular events in pediatric brain tumor patients. Neurology 80(16): 1452-1456, Apr 2013.

Beslow L.A., Abend N.S., Gindville M.C., Bastian R.A., Licht D.J., Smith S.E., Hillis A.E., Ichord R.N., Jordan L.C.: Pediatric intracerebral hemorrhage: acute symptomatic seizures and epilepsy. JAMA Neurology 70(4): 448-454, Apr 2013.


Beslow L.A., Vossough A., Dahmoush H.M., Kessler S.K., Stainman R., Favilla C.G., Wusthoff C.J., Zelonis S., Licht D.J., Ichord R.N., Smith S.E.: Modified pediatric ASPECTS correlates with infarct volume in childhood arterial ischemic stroke. Frontiers in Neurology 3: 122, 2012.

Lang S.S., Beslow L.A., Gabel B., Judkins A.R., Fisher M.J., Sutton L.N., Storm P.B., Heuer G.G.: Surgical treatment of brain tumors in infants younger than six months of age and review of the literature. World Neurosurgery 78(1-2): 137-144, Jul 2012.

Lang S.S., Beslow L.A., Bailey R.L., Vossough A., Ekstrom J., Heuer G.G., Storm P.B.: Follow-up imaging to detect recurrence of surgically treated pediatric arteriovenous malformations. Journal of Neurosurgery Pediatrics 9(5): 497-504, May 2012.

Kleinman J.T., Beslow L.A., Engelmann K., Smith S.E., Licht D.J., Ichord R.N., Jordan L.C.: Evaluation of intraventricular hemorrhage in pediatric intracerebral hemorrhage. Journal of Child Neurology 27(4): 526-531, Apr 2012.

Beslow L.A., Kasner S.E., Smith S.E., Mullen M.T., Kirschen M.P., Bastian R.A., Dowling M.M., Lo W., Jordan L.C., Bernard T.J., Friedman N., DeVeber G., Kirton A., Abraham L., Licht D.J., Jawad A.F., Ellenberg J.H., Lautenbach E.,* Ichord R.N.* *Co-last authors: Concurrent validity and reliability of retrospective scoring of the pediatric National Institutes of Health stroke scale. Stroke 43(2): 341-345, Feb 2012.


Abend N.S., Beslow L.A., Smith S.E., Kessler S.K., Vossough A., Mason S., Agner S., Licht D.J., Ichord R.N.: Seizures as a presenting symptom of acute arterial ischemic stroke in childhood. The Journal of Pediatrics 159(3): 479-483, Sep 2011.

Beslow L.A., Smith S.E., Vossough A., Licht D.J., Kasner S.E., Favilla C.G., Halperin A.R., Gordon D.M., Jones C.I., Cucchiara A.J., Ichord R.N.: Hemorrhagic transformation of childhood arterial ischemic stroke. Stroke 42(4): 941-946, Apr 2011.

Ichord R.N., Bastian R., Abraham L., Askalan R., Benedict S., Bernard T.J., Beslow L., deVeber G., Dowling M., Friedman N., Fullerton H., Jordan L., Kan L., Kirton A., Amlie-Lefond C., Licht D., Lo W., McClure C., Pavlakis S., Smith S.E., Tan M., Kasner S., Jawad A.F.: Interrater reliability of the pediatric NIH stroke scale (PedNIHSS) in a multicenter study. Stroke  42(3): 613-617, Mar 2011.


Heuer G.G., Gable B.C., Beslow L.A., Stiefel M.F., Schwartz E.S., Storm P.B., Ichord R.N., Hurst R.W. : Diagnosis and treatment of Vein of Galen aneurysmal malformations  Childs Nervous System 26(7): 879-887, Jul 2010.

Beslow L.A., Ichord R.N., Kasner S.E., Mullen M.T., Licht D.J., Smith S.E., Storm P.B., Jordan L.C., Messé S.R. : ABC/XYZ estimates intracerebral hemorrhage volume as a percent of total brain volume in children. Stroke 41(4): 691-694, Apr 2010.

Beslow L.A., Licht D.J., Smith S.E., Storm P.B., Heuer G.G., Zimmerman R.A., Feiler A.M., Kasner S.E., Ichord R.N., Jordan L.C. : Predictors of outcome in childhood intracerebral hemorrhage: a prospective consecutive cohort study. Stroke 41(2): 313-318, Feb 2010.

Editorials, Reviews, Chapters


Beslow L.A., Billinghurst L.: Stroke, arteriopathy, and vascular malformations. Comprehensive Pediatric Hospital Medicine, Second Edition. Zaoutis L.B., Chiang V.W. (eds.). McGraw-Hill Education, Page: 664-681, 2018.


Beslow L.A., Jordan L., Smith E. : Vascular malformations, intracerebral hemorrhage, and subarachnoid hemorrhage in infants and children. Swaiman's Pediatric Neurology, Sixth Edition. Swaiman K.F., Ashwal S., Ferriero D.M., Schor N.F., Finkel R.S., Gropman A.L., Pearl P.L., Shevell M.I.  (eds.). Elsevier, Inc. Page: e178-195, 2017.


Sultan S., Beslow L.A., Ichord R.N.: Cerebral sinus venous thrombosis. Pediatric Neurocritical Care. Demos Medical Publishing, 2012.

Rose D.Z., Beslow L.A., Smith S.E.: Arterial ischemic stroke. Pediatric Neurocritical Care. Demos Medical Publishing, 2012.

Lin K., Beslow L.A., Licht D.J.: Cardiac neurocritical care. Pediatric Neurocritical Care. Demos Medical Publishing, 2012.

Lang S., Beslow L.A.: Acute spinal cord disease and injury. Pediatric Neurocritical Care 2012 Notes: Demos Medical Publishing.

Beslow L.A., Heuer G.G., Jordan L.C.: Notramatic intracerebral hemorrhage. Pediatric Neurocritical Care. Demos Medical Publishing, 2012 Notes: Pediatric Neurocritical Care.


Bearden D.R., Beslow L.A.: Childhood Stroke. Netter's Pediatrics. In: Florin T.A., Ludwig S. (eds.) (eds.). Elsevier Incorporated, 2011.

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    4.7 of 5
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    4.8 of 5
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    4.8 of 5
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    4.7 of 5
Learn about the patient experience rating system

About the Patient Experience Rating System

The Patient Experience Rating is an average of all responses to the care provider related questions shown above from our nationally-recognized Press Ganey Patient Satisfaction Survey. Patients that are treated in outpatient or hospital environments may receive different surveys, and the volume of responses will vary by question. Responses are measured on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score. We are committed to true transparency. However, to ensure the comments are fair and correctly attributed, we review each one before posting to the website. We exclude entire comments that disclose patient’s protected health information, are off-topic, or include other confidential or inappropriate content. Comments will appear on provider bios only if providers have a minimum number of comments. Comments are shared internally for education purposes to ensure that we are doing our very best for the patients and families for whom we are privileged to care. The comments are submitted by patients and families and reflect their views and opinions. The comments are not endorsed by and do not reflect the views of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

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