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Christina Bergqvist, MD

About Christina Bergqvist, MD

Christina Bergqvist, MD, is a pediatric neurologist at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and medical director of the Dietary Treatment Program.


Attending Physician

Associate Professor of Neurology, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania


Child Neurology – American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology

Epilepsy – American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology

Awards and Honors

  • 2018, Fellow of Strömstads Academy, Strömstad, Sweden
  • 2015, CHOP clinical lab week award and fundraiser
  • 2013-2015, "Top Doctors in Philly", Philadelphia Magazine
  • 2013, "Mentor Award" from Claremont Graduate University
  • 2013, Nations First Ketogenic Diet Kitchen, opened at CHOP
  • 2006, Resident's Award for Excellence in Teaching
  • 2004, Excellence in Pediatric Epilepsy Research, American Epilepsy Society Meeting
  • 1997, National EpiFellows Foundation Award
  • 1997, Zeritsky Presentation Award for Senior Neurology Resident Research Project
  • 1997, One in a Thousand Award, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Leadership and Memberships

Memberships in Professional Organizations

  • 2008-present, The Charlie Foundation
    • 2008-present, Scientific Board Member
  • 2005-present, American Society for Bone Mineral Research
  • 2004-present, Society for Pediatric Research
  • 1997-present, American Epilepsy Society
  • 1997-present, American Child Neurology Society
  • 1996-present, American Academy of Neurology
  • 1992-present, American Academy of Pediatrics

Editorial and Academic Positions


2007-present, Ad Hoc Reviewer /Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology
2007-present, Ad Hoc Reviewer/Pediatrics
2007-present, Ad Hoc Reviewer/Neurology
2007-present, Ad Hoc Reviewer/Epilepsy Research
2006-present, Ad Hoc Reviewer/Journal of Pediatrics
2006-present, Ad Hoc Reviewer/Neuropediatrics
2002-present, Ad Hoc Reviewer/Annals of Neurology
2001-present, Ad Hoc Reviewer/Neurology
2000-present, Ad Hoc Reviewer/Epilepsia

Academic and Institutional Committees:

2005-present, Rounding Committee
2004-present, General Clinical Research Centers Advisory Committee/CTRC
2000-present, Neurology Residency Selection Committee

Education & training

Medical Degree

MD - Temple Univeristy School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA


Pediatrics - St. Christopher's Hospital for Children/Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA


Pediatrics - St. Christopher's Hospital for Children/Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA
Child Neurology - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA


Clinical Neuro-Physiology, EEG and Epilepsy - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA




Marsh ED, Bergqvist AGC, Medne L, Haasoun P, Gonatas NK, Eagle RX, Viaene A, Rorke-Adams LB : Novel Neuropathological Features of a Child with an Epileptic Encephalopathy due to presumed Polyol Dysmetabolism. Journal of Pediatric Epilepsy January  2019.


Zaman T, Helig I, Bozovic IB, DeBrosse S, Bergqvist AC, Medne L, Maver A, Helbig KL, Zang Xiahong, Goldberg EM.: "Mutations in SCN3A cause early infantile epileptic encephalopathy" Annals of Neurology 83(4): 703-717, April 2018.


Carolien G. F. de Kovel, PhD1,2; Steffen Syrbe, MD, PhD3; Eva H. Brilstra, MD, PhD1;  Nienke Verbeek, MD, PhD1; Bronwyn Kerr, PhD4,5,6; Holly Dubbs, MD7; Allan Bayat, MD, PhD8; Sonal Desai, MGC, CGC9; Sakkubai Naidu, MD10,11; Siddharth Srivastava, MD12; Hande Cagaylan, MD13; Uluc Yis, MD, PhD14; Carol Saunders, PhD15,16,17; Martin Rook, PhD18; Susanna Plugge, MSc19; Hiltrud Muhle, MD20; Zaid Afawi, MD, PhD21; Karl-Martin Klein, MD, PhD22; Vijayakumar Jayaraman, MSc23; Ramakrishnan Rajagopalan, PhD23; Ethan Goldberg, MD, PhD7; Eric Marsh, MD, PhD7; Sudha Kessler, MD, MSCE7; Christina Bergqvist, MD7; Laura K. Conlin, PhD23; Bryan L. Krok, PhD23; Isabelle Thiffault, PhD15,16; Manuela Pendziwiat, MSc20; Ingo Helbig, MD7,24; Tilman Polster, MD, PhD25; Ingo Borggraefe, MD, PhD26; Johannes R. Lemke, MD, PhD27; Marie-José van den Boogaardt, MD, PhD1; Rikke S. Møller, MSc, PhD8,28; Bobby P. C. Koeleman, PhD1: "Neurodevelopmental Disorders Caused by De Novo Variants in KCNB1 Genotypes and Phenotypes" JAMA Neurol 74(10): 1228-1236, October  2017.

Masnada, Silvia; Hedrich, Ulrike BS; Gardella, Elena; Schubert, Julian; Kaiwar, Charu; Klee, Eric W; Lanpher, Brendan C; Gavrilova, Ralitza H; Synofzik, Matthis; Bast, Thomas; Gorman, Kathleen; King, Mary D; Allen, Nicholas M; Conroy, Judith; Zeev, Bruria Ben; Tzadok, Michal; Korff, Christian; Dubois, Fanny; Ramsey, Keri; Narayanan, Vinodh; Serratosa, Jose M; Giraldez, Beatriz G; Helbig, Ingo; Marsh, Eric; O'Brian Margaret; Bergqvist, Christina A; Binelli, Adrian; Porter, Brenda; Caglayan, Hande S; Arslan, Muluay; Pena, Sergio D.J; Sisodiya, Sanjay M; Balestrini, Simona; Syrbe, Steffen; Veggiotti, Pierangelo; Lemke, Johannes R; Moller, Rikke S; Lerche, Holger and Guido Rubboli: "Clinical spectrum and genotype-phenotype associations of KCNA2-related encephalopathies" Brain. Oxford University Press, 140(9): 2337-2354, September 2017.


Groveman S, Fenton C,  Randall R, Chee C, Bergqvist AGC : "Improved lipid profile with ketocal® 4:1 liquid" Infant Child & Adolescent Nutrition 7(3): 157-161, June 2015.

Fenton C, Groveman S, Chee C, AGC Bergqvist : "Use of Expressed Breast Milk with the Ketogenic Diet" Infant, Child & Adolescent Nutrition 7(6): 342-346, June  2015.


Groleau V,Schall J, Stallings V, Bergqvist AGC : "Long Term Impact of Ketogenic Diet on Growth and Resting Energy Expenditure in Children with Intractable Epilepsy" Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 56(9): 898-904, September 2014 Notes: doi: 10.1111/dmcn.12462. [Epub ahead of print).

Li H, Jauregui J ,Fenton C, Chee C, Bergqvist AGC: "Epilepsy Treatment Simplified through Mobile Ketogenic Diet Planning" Journal of Medical Application 3(2): 11-15, July 2014.

Taub K, Kilaru-Kessler S, Bergqvist AGC: "Risk of Seizure Recurrence After Achieving Initial Seizure Freedom on the Ketogenic Diet" Epilepsia 55(4): 579-83, April 2014 Notes: published ahead on line doi: 10.1111/epi.12583. Epub 2014 Mar 27.    


Kilaru Kessler S, Gallagher PG, Shellhaas RA, Clancy RR, Bergqvist AGC: "Early EEG improvement after ketogenic diet initiation" Epilepsy Research. Elsevier, 94((1-2)): 94-101, March 2011 Notes: Accepted Jan 2011, online Feb 2011.


Fenton,C., Chee, C.M., Bergqvist, A.G.C: "Manipulation of types of fats and cholesterol intake can successfully improve the lipid profile while maintaining the efficacy of the ketogenic diet" Infant, Child and Adolescent Nutrition 1(6): 338-341, December 2009 Notes: Accepted for publication October 12, 2009.


Bergqvist AGC, Schall JI, Stallings VA, Zemel BS: "Progressive bone mineral content loss in children with intractable epilepsy treated with the ketogenic diet." American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 88: 1678-84, December 2008 Notes: Accepted for publication August 30, 2008.

Bergqvist AGC, Schall JI, Trabulsi J, Stallings VA: "Growth failure in children with intractable epilepsy is not due to increased resting energy expenditure." Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 50: 439-444, April 2008.

Caspari SS, Bergqvist AGC, Kotegal S, Strand EA. : "Obstructive sleep apnea, seizures, and childhood apraxia of speech."   Pediatric Neurology 38: 422-425, March 2008.


Kilaru S, Bergqvist AGC: "Current treatment of Myoclonic Astatic Epilepsy: Clinical experience at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia." Epilepsia 48(9): 1-5, September 2007.

Bergqvist AGC, Schall JI, Richard EL, Gallagher PR, Stallings VA: "Predictive power of first morning glucose and the ketogenic diet." Neuropediatrics 38: 193-196, September 2007.

Volpe S, Schall JI, Gallagher MA, Stallings VA, Bergqvist AGC: "Nutrient intake of children with intractable epilepsy compared with healthy children." Journal of the American Dietetic Association. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 107(6): 1014-1018, June 2007.

Kossoff EH, Pyzik PL, Rubenstein JE, Bergqvist AGC, Buchhalter JR, Donner EJ, Nordli DR, Wheless JR: "Combined ketogenic diet and vagus nerve stimulation: Rational polytherapy?" Epilepsia 48(1): 77-81, January 2007.

Bergqvist AGC, Schall JI, Stallings VA: "Vitamin D status in children with intractable epilepsy, and impact of the ketogenic diet." Epilepsia 48(1): 66-71, January 2007.


Bergqvist AGC, Schall JI, Gallagher PR, Cnaan A, and Stallings VA: "Fasting versus gradual initiation of the ketogenic diet: A prospective randomized, clinical trial of efficacy." Epilepsia 46(11): 1810-1819, November 2005.


Farina L, Bergqvist AGC, Zimmerman RA, Haselgrove J, Hunter JV, Bilaniuk LT: "Acute diffusion abnormalities in the hippocampus of children with new-onset of seizures; The development of mesial temporal sclerosis." Neuroradiology 46(4): 251-257, April 2004.


Wang ZJ, Bergqvist AGC, Hunter JV, Jin D, Wang DJ, Wehrli S, Zimmerman RA: "In vivo measurement of brain metabolites using two-dimensional double-quantum MR Spectroscopy-exploration of GABA levels in a ketogenic diet." Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 49(4): 615-619, April 2003.


Bergqvist AGC.  : "Side Effects of Epilepsy."  Epilepsy Quarterly 6(1): 4,11-12, Spring 1998.

Lectures by Invitation


Bergqvist AGC. "Dravet Syndrome and use of ketogenic diet(s)" 6th Global symposium on ketogenic therapies for neurological disorders, Jeju, Korea. Oct 2018.

Bergqvist AGC. "2018-Ketogenic diet(s)", "How do we approach Treatment Resistant Infantile Spasms" and " Management of the Ketogenic diet(s)" South American League Against Epilepsy, San Paulo, Brazil. Jun 2018.

Bergqvist AGC. "Ketogenic diet therapies", Stromstad Academy, Stromstad Sweden. Jun 2018.


Bergqvist AGC. "When standard treatments fail" infantile spasms, Pediatric State of the Art Symposium, American Epilepsy Society, Washington DC. Dec 2017.

Bergqvist AGC. "Dietary therapies for Dravet Syndrome", Dravet Syndrome Foundation Northeast Chapter, Langhorne, PA. Oct 2017.

Bergqvist AGC. "Dietary Therapies State of the Art 2017" and "Clinical considerations, patient cases"  Nordic Keto meeting, Queen Silvia's Children's Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden. Sep 2017.

Bergqvist AGC. "Clinical management of Epilepsy; News and Future Developments" Danone (Nutricia), Utrecht, Netherlands. Jul 2017.

Bergqvist AGC. "Epilepsy and ketogenic diet; current clinical challenges in patient management" Danone (Nutricia), Utrecht, Netherlands. Jul 2017.

Bergqvist AGC. "Side Effects of Ketogenic Diet(s)", Keto University- Nutricia, Chicago, Ill. Jun 2017.


Translated by McDowell P, Rodriguez M: Ketogenic Diet Manual, Fifth Edition, translated in Spanish. CHOP KD program. CHOP, July  2017.

Bergqvist AGC, Bulgun CA, Tuttle A, Mulliken L, Chee CM: The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Ketogenic Diet Manual and Exchanges System, Third Edition. CHOP Division of Neurology January  2009.

Bergqvist AGC, Bulgun CA, Tuttle A, Chee CM: The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Ketogenic Diet Manual and Exchange System, Second Edition. CHOP Division of Neurology December 2006.

Bergqvist AGC, Bettler J, Chee CM: The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Ketogenic Diet Manual and Exchange System, Version 1.5. CHOP Division of Neurology July 2004.

Bergqvist AGC, Bettler J, Chee CM: The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Ketogenic Diet Manual and Exchange System, First Edition. CHOP Division of Neurology December 2001.

Editorials, Reviews, Chapters


Bergqvist, AGC, MD; Fenton, C, RD, CSP, LDN; Groveman, S, MS, RD, LDN; Tefft, S, RN, Conteh, H, BS, Sheen, J, BS, Vondran, P, BS; Chee, C, RN.: "Ketogenic Diet Manual, Fifth Edition" CHOP. CHOP, Dietary Treatment Program of Epilepsy and Neurological Disorders Page: 1-85, February 2017 Notes: Education material for families in our program.


Dlugos D,Bergqvist AGC, Clancy R, Nordli D : "Pediatric and neonatal electroencephalography"  Current Practice in Clinical Electroencephalography 4th Edition. Ebersole, Nordli and Husain (eds.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Page: 125-213, June 2014.


Bergqvist, Christina, MD; Fenton, Cagla, RD, LDN;Tuttle, Alan MSW,LCSM; Mullikin, Lisa, MSS,LSW; Chee, Claire, RN: Ketogenic Diet Manual, Fourth Edition. The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. CHOP, Page: 1-76, April 2013.


Bergqvist, AGC: "Dietary therapies and bone health"  Dietary treatment of epilepsy: Practical implementation of ketogenic therapy. Neal, E (eds.). Wiley-Blackwell, Page: 159-166, 2012.


Bergqvist, AGC: Dietary therapies and bone health Dietary treatment of epilepsy. Neal, E (eds.). Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.


Bergqvist AGC: "Encephalitis" In: The 5-minute Pediatric Consult, Fifth Edition. Schwartz MW (eds.). Williams & Wilkins, Page: 296-297, 2008.

Bergqvist AGC: "Myoclonic-Astatic Epilepsy or Doose Syndrome". Pediatric Epilepsy Case Studies: From Infancy and Childhood through Adolescence Chapman K, and Rho J (eds.). CRC Press, Page: 231-39, September 2008 Notes: First Edition.


Bergqvist AGC: "Tics" In: The 5-minute Pediatric Consult, Fourth Edition. Schwartz MW (eds.). Williams & Wilkins, Page: 844-845, 2005.

Bergqvist AGC: "Encephalitis" In: The 5-minute Pediatric Consult, Fourth Edition. Schwartz MW (eds.). Williams & Wilkins, Page: 352-353, 2005.


Bergqvist AGC: "Indications and Contraindications of the Ketogenic Diet." In: Epilepsy and the Ketogenic Diet. Stafstrom, CE, and Rho JM (eds.). Humana Press, Inc. Page: 111-121, 2004.


Clancy RR, Bergqvist AGC, Dlugos D: "Neonatal Electro Encephalography" In: Current Practice of Clinical Electroencephalography, Third Edition. Ebersole JS, and Pedley TA (eds.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Page: 160-234, 2003.

Bergqvist AGC, Clancy RR: "Infarctions and Stroke in the Fetus and Neonates and Neonatal Seizures." In: Fetal and Neonatal Secrets. Hanley & Belfus (eds.). 2003.

Bergqvist AGC: "Encephalitis" In: The 5-minute Pediatric Consult, Third Edition. Schwartz MW (eds.). Williams & Wilkins, Page: 344-345, 2003.

Bergqvist AGC: "Tics" In: The 5-minute Pediatric Consult, Third Edition. Schwartz MW (eds.). Williams & Wilkins, Page: 822-823, 2003.


Bergqvist AGC: "Encephalitis" In: The 5-minute Pediatric Consult, Second Edition Schwartz MW (eds.). William & Wilkins Page: 344-345, 2000.

Bergqvist AGC: "Tics" In: The 5-minute Pediatric Consult, Second Edition. Schwartz MW (eds.). William & Wilkins Page: 814-815, 2000.


Lynch D, Bergqvist AGC: "Acute Ataxia" In: Gellis & Kagan's Current Pediatric Therapy 16. Burg FD (eds.). WB Saunders, Page: 447-449, 1998.

Bergqvist AGC, Lynch DR: "Movement Disorders" In: Gellis & Kagan's Current Pediatric Therapy 16. Burg FD (eds.). WB Saunders, Page: 455-459, 1998.

Bergqvist AGC, Lynch D: "Pediatric Movement Disorders" Gellis & Kagan's Current Pediatric Therapy 16. Burg. WB Saunders (eds.). Page: 455-459, 1998.


Bergqvist AGC: "Tics (movement disorder)" In: The 5-minute Pediatric Consult Schwartz MW (eds.). William & Wilkins, Page: 60-61, 1997.

Bergqvist AGC: "Encephalitis" In: The 5-minute Pediatric Consult Schwartz MW (eds.). William & Wilkins, Page: 308-309, 1997.



Bergqvist AGC, Bulgun CA, Tuttle A, Mulliken L, Chee CM: The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Ketogenic Diet Manual and Exchanges System, Third Edition. CHOP Division of Neurology January 2009.


Bergqvist AGC, Bulgun CA, Tuttle A, Chee CM: The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Ketogenic Diet Manual and Exchange System, Second Edition. CHOP Division of Neurology December 2006.


Bergqvist AGC, Bettler J, Chee CM: The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Ketogenic Diet Manual and Exchange System, Version 1.5. CHOP Division of Neurology July 2004.


Bergqvist AGC, Bettler J, Chee CM: The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Ketogenic Diet Manual and Exchange System, First Edition. CHOP Division of Neurology December 2001.

Patient experience rating

(based on 48 submissions)

  • Clear Explanation
    4.9 of 5
  • Showed Concern
    4.9 of 5
  • Would recommend
    4.9 of 5
  • Discussion of Proposed Treatment
    4.9 of 5
Learn about the patient experience rating system


  • Doctor is amazing. Very nice and knowledgeable. I feel good with my child's care in her hands.

    5 of 5
    Dec 13, 2024
  • Dr. B and the entire keto team have been nothing short of amazing during our entire treatment at CHOP

    5 of 5
    Sep 25, 2024
  • Dr. B. Is the best and we are so lucky to have our son under her care.

    5 of 5
    Jul 02, 2024
  • Dr. B is the best neurologist we've seen. I really appreciate her detailed explanations to any questions and level of care she expressed during our visits.

    5 of 5
    Mar 10, 2024
  • Great doctor

    5 of 5
    Oct 13, 2023
  • Provider is extremely knowledgeable and kind. I trust her advice.

    5 of 5
    Oct 11, 2023
  • Dr B is absolutely amazing and I'm so happy to have her as my daughters doc she's right on the ball she knows what she's doing and my daughter interacting with her she's very sweet.

    5 of 5
    Aug 24, 2023

    5 of 5
    Aug 20, 2023
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About the Patient Experience Rating System

The Patient Experience Rating is an average of all responses to the care provider related questions shown above from our nationally-recognized Press Ganey Patient Satisfaction Survey. Patients that are treated in outpatient or hospital environments may receive different surveys, and the volume of responses will vary by question. Responses are measured on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score. We are committed to true transparency. However, to ensure the comments are fair and correctly attributed, we review each one before posting to the website. We exclude entire comments that disclose patient’s protected health information, are off-topic, or include other confidential or inappropriate content. Comments will appear on provider bios only if providers have a minimum number of comments. Comments are shared internally for education purposes to ensure that we are doing our very best for the patients and families for whom we are privileged to care. The comments are submitted by patients and families and reflect their views and opinions. The comments are not endorsed by and do not reflect the views of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

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