Suzanne E. Beck, MD
Areas of expertise: Asthma, Cystic fibrosis, Newly diagnosed to advanced cystic fibrosis, Sleep medicine
Locations: Buerger Center for Advanced Pediatric Care
About Suzanne E. Beck, MD
Attending Pulmonologist
Medical Director of the Sleep Lab
Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Basic Life Support (BLS)
Diplomate – National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME)
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
Pediatric Pulmonology – American Board of Pediatrics
Pediatrics – American Board of Pediatrics
Pulmonary Disease – American Board of Internal Medicine
Sleep Medicine – American Board of Pediatrics
Awards and Honors
2022, Philadelphia Magazine's Top Doctors in Pediatric Pulmonology
2012, The Division of Sleep Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Allan Ian Pack Excellence in Teaching Award
1999, Young Investigator Award, Maryland Thoracic Society
1995-1999, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Clinical Fellowship
1992, ATS Travel Award
1986, Magna Cum Laude, West Chester University
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2004-present, American Academy of Sleep Medicine
1995-present, American Thoracic Society
1991-present, American Academy of Pediatrics
1990-2004, American Medical Association
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2010-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Pediatrics
2010-present, Ad hoc review, Sleep
2008-present, ad hoc reviewer, Pediatric Emergency Care
2008-present, Ad hic reviewer, Thorax
2007-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine Review
2006-present, Ad hoc reviewer, J Sleep Medicine
2004-present, Ad hoc reviewer, J Pediatrics
2000-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Pediatric Pulmonology
Academic and Institutional Committees
2013-present, Member, Readmission QI committee
2012-Present, Leader, Sleep Lab I Team
2011-present, Leader, Sleep CPAP QI Committee
2006-present, Advisor, Cystic Fibrosis Learning and Leadership QI Collaborative, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CF QI Committee member, advisor)
Education & training
Medical Degree
MD - Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatrics - The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Baltimore, MD
Pediatrics - The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Baltimore, MD
Pediatric Pulmonology - The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Eudowood Division of Pediatric Respiratory Sciences, Baltimore, MD
Del Rosso L, Berry RB, Beck SE, Wagner MH, Marcus CL: Pediatric Sleep Pearls, 1st edition. Elsevier. Elsevier (eds.). Elsevier, August 2016.
Beck, Suzanne E: Who Is at Risk for Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea? In: Curbside Consultation in Pediatric Sleep Disorders. Aaron S. Chidekel (eds.). Slack Incorporated, November 2015.
Beck SE. Hemoptysis. In: Schwartz's Clinical Handbook of Pediatrics, 6th Ed. Zorc JJ, Alpern ER, Brown LW, Loomes KM, Marino BS, Mollen CJ, Raffini LJ, (eds). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, July 2012.
Beck S.E. and Brooks, L.J. and The Section of Pediatric Pulmonology: Home Monitoring. In Pediatric Pulmonology, First Ed. Michael J. Light, MD, FAAP, Editor in Chief, Carol Jean Blaisdell, MD, FAAP, Douglas N. Homnick, MD, MPH, FAAP, Michael S. Schechter, MD, MPH, FAAP, Miles M. Weinberger, MD, FAAP, (eds). American Academy of Pediatrics, January 2011.
Needleman JP and Beck SE: Other Extrapulmonary Complications and Treatment. Cystic Fibrosis in Lung Biology in Health and Disease. Julian L. Allen, Howard B. Panitch, Ronald C. Rubenstein, (eds). Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. 242: 356, 2010.
Beck SE: Hemoptysis. In: 5 minute Pediatric Consult, 5th edition Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 2007.
Beck SE, Schidlow DV.: Bronchoscopy. In: Pediatrics. 1st ed. Osborn LM, Dewitt TG, First LR, Zenel JA. (eds.). Mosby, St. Louis, MO, Page: 1754-56, 2005 Notes: ISBN 0-323-01199-3.