Sudha A. Anupindi, MD, FSAR
About Sudha A. Anupindi, MD, FSAR
Attending Radiologist
Associate Professor, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Diagnostic Radiology – American Board of Radiology
Pediatric Radiology – American Board of Radiology
Awards and Honors
2014, Richard H. Marshak International Lecturer Award - awarded by the Society of Abdominal Radiology
2011, Cum Laude Award for Excellence in Educational Exhibit Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)
2006, Jack Wittenberg, M.D. Teaching Award, Massachusetts General Hospital
1999, Fellow of the Year Award, Yale University School of Medicine
1991, Recruitment Award presented by American Medical Women's Association (AMWA)
1990, Cum Laude Graduate, Boston University
1989, Dean's List, Boston University
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2011-present, Society of Abdominal Radiology
- 2011-present, Member
- 2012-present, Pediatric Representative-Small Bowel Imaging Focus Group
2010-present, North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (Member)
2010-present, American Association for Women's Radiologists (Member)
2009-present, European Society of Pediatric Radiology (Member)
2008-present, European Society of Radiology (Member)
2006-present, American College of Radiology
- 2006-present, Member
- 2013-present, Ad Hoc Committee-Pediatric MRI Accreditation
1999-Present Society for Pediatric Radiology
- 1999 - present, member
- 2010-2013 MR Committee
- 2010-2013 Safety Committee
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2014-present, Reviewer, Abdominal Imaging
2013-present, Reviewer, American Journal of Roentgenology (AJR)
2013-present, Reviewer, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (JMRI)
2012-present, Reviewer, European Journal of Radiology (EJR)
2012-present, Writer for Hermes column; Pediatric Radiology
2011-present, Reviewer, European Journal of Pediatrics
2011-present, Reviewer, Imaging in Medicine
2010-present, Reviewer, Pediatric Health
2009-present, Reviewer, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition
2003-present, Reviewer, Journal of Pediatric Radiology
Academic/Institutional Positions
2013-present, Member, Foreign Body Ingestion Clinical Pathway Committee, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2008-present, Chairperson, Education Committee, Department of Radiology, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2006-present, Member, Fellowship Admissions Committee, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Education & training
Medical Degree
MD - UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, NJ
Internal Medicine - St. Peters Medical Center, New Brunswick, NJ
Diagnostic Imaging - Morristown Memorial Hospital, Morristown, NJ (Chief Resident)
Pediatric Radiology - Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven CT
Expert Panel on Pediatric Imaging: Koberlein GC, Trout AT, Rigsby CK, Iyer RS, Alazraki AL, Anupindi SA, Bardo DME, Brown BP, Chan SS, Chandra T, Dillman JR, Dorfman SR, Falcone RA Jr, Garber MD, Joseph MM, Nguyen JC, Safdar NM, Karmazyn B (2019 May). ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Suspected Appendicitis-Child. Journal of the American College of Radiology, 16 (5S): S252-S263. Doi: 10.1016/j.jacr.2019.02.022.
Expert Panel on Pediatric Imaging: Nguyen JC, Dorfman SR, Rigsby CK, Iyer RS, Alazraki AL, Anupindi SA, Bardo DME, Brown BP, Chan SS, Chandra T, Garber MD, Moore MM, Pandya NK, Shet NS, Siegel A, Karmazyn B (2019 May). ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip-Child. Journal of the American College of Radiology, 16 (5S): S94-S103. Doi: 10.1016/j.jacr.2019.02.014.
Expert Panel on Pediatric Imaging: Safdar NM, Rigsby CK, Iyer RS, Alazraki AL, Anupindi SA, Bardo DME, Brown BP, Chan SS, Chandra T, Dillman JR, Dorfman SR, Garber MD, Lam HFS, Nguyen JC, Siegel A, Widmann RF, Karmazyn B. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Acutely Limping Child Up to Age 5. J Am Coll Radiol. 2018 Nov;15(11S):S252-S262. doi: 10.1016/j.jacr.2018.09.030.
Rapp JB, Anupindi SA, Maya CL, Biko DM. Assessment of Normal Jejunum with Diffusion-Weighted Imaging n MRE in children. Pediatr Radiol. 2018 Nov;48(12):1763-1770. doi: 10.1007/s00247-018-4200-2. Epub 2018 Jul 31.
Jump C, Anupindi S, Peranteau W, Dunham B, Mamula P. Extensive Thoracic Injury From Button Battery Ingestion. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2016 Mar;62(3):e24.
Gwal K, Bedoya MA, Patel N, Rambhatla SJ, Darge K, Sreedharan RR, Anupindi SA. Reference values of MRI measurements of the common bile duct and pancreatic duct in children. Pediatr Radiol. 2015 Feb 20. [Epub ahead of print]
Sahn B, Anupindi SA, Dadhania NJ, Kelsen JR, Nance ML, Mamula P. Duodenal hematoma following EGD: comparison with blunt abdominal trauma-induced duodenal hematoma. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2015 Jan;60(1):69-74. doi: 10.1097/MPG.0000000000000564.
Delgado J, Jaramillo D, Ho-Fung V, Fischer, MJ Anupindi SA: MRI Features of Plexiform Neurofibromas Involving the Liver and Pancreas in Children with Neurofibromatosis Type I Clinical Radiology 69(6): e280-4, Jun 2014.
Anupindi SA, Halverson M, Khwaja A, Jekovic M, Wang X, Bellah R: Common and uncommon applications of bowel ultrasound in children with pathological correlation. AJR Am J Roentgenology AJR AM J Roentogenol, 202(5): 946-959, May 2014.
Dhyani M, Anupindi SA, Hahn PF, Ayyala R, Gee MS: Defining and Imaging Algorithm for Non-cystic Splenic Lesions Identified in Young Patients. AJR AM J Roentgenology 201(6): 1043-7, December 2013 Notes: (*)1st Author is trainee.
Muchantef K, Epelman M, Darge K, Kirpalani H, Laje P, Anupindi SA: Sonographic and radiographic imaging features of the neonate with necrotizing enterocolitis: correlating findings with outcomes. Pediatric Radiology 43(11): 1444-52, November 2013.
Jeckovic M, Anupindi SA, Barbir SB, Lovernski J : Is ultrasound useful in detection and follow-up of gastric foreign bodies in children? Clinical Imaging 37(6): 1043-7, Nov-Dec 2013.
Garcia M, Taylor G, Babock-Cimpello L, Dillman J,Iqbal V, Guijano CV, Wooton-Georges SL, Adelqais K, Anupindi SA, Senvane S, Joshi A, Verramani M, Atabaki SM, Monroe DJ, Blumberg SJ, Ruzal-Shapiro C, Dayan S: CT Scan with IV Contrast Alone (CTIV): The role of Intra-abdominal Fat (IAF) on the Ability to Visualize the Normal Appendix. Academic Emergency Medicine 20(8): 795-800, August 2013.
Aronson PL, Henderson AA, Anupindi SA, Servaes S, Markowitz RI, McLoughlin RJ, Woodford AL, Mistry RD: Comparison of clinicians to radiologists in assessment of abdominal radiographs for suspected intussusception. Pediatric Emergency Care 29(5): 584-7, May 2013.
Henderson AA, Anupindi SA, Servaes S, Markowitz RI, Aronson PL, McLoughlin RJ, Mistry RD: Comparison of 2-view abdominal radiographs with ultrasound in children with suspected intussusception. Pediatric Emergency Care 29(2): 145-50, Feb 2013 Notes: (*)1st author is a trainee.
Anupindi SA, Ayyala R, Kelsen J, Mamula P, Applegate KE: Imaging of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Children. Evidence-Based Imaging: Improving the Quality of Imaging in Patient Care, Revised Edition. Medina LS, Blackmore CC, Applegate KE (eds.). Springer, Page: 571-91, 2011.
Anupindi S, Ayalla R, Kelsen J, Mamula P, Applegate KE. Imaging of inflammatory bowel disease in children. In: Medina LS, Applegate KE, Blackmore CC, eds. Springer. pp. 487-507.
Aidlen J, Anupindi SA, Jaramillo D, Doody DP. Malrotation with midgut volvulus: CT findings of bowel infarction. Reprinted in Helix Review Series-Pediatrics Vol 9, Issue1/2006.