Myron Allukian, III, MD
Areas of expertise: Minimally invasive surgery, Pediatric colorectal surgery, Neonatal Surgery, Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), Trauma surgery
Locations: Main Building, Buerger Center for Advanced Pediatric Care, Specialty Care, King of Prussia
About Myron Allukian, III, MD
Attending Pediatric Surgeon
Assistant Professor of Surgery, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
General Surgery – American Board of Surgery
Pediatric Surgery – American Board of Surgery
Awards and Honors
2018, Houstonia Top Doctors 2018, Houstonia Magazine
2014, Leonard J. Perloff Chief Resident Teaching Award
2014, Leonard D. Miller Teaching Award
2006, Henry Thomas Randall Prize, Brown Medical Student Surgery Award
2005, Foreign Studies Fellowship: International Health Institute, Brown University
2000, Three Sport Varsity Letter Award, Wesleyan University (Football, Wrestling, Track)
1999, Smith and Lane Scholarship
1999, Scholar-Athlete Award
1999, Research Grant: Howard Hughes Summer Research Program
1997 & 1999, Academic All-Star New England Small College Athletic Conference Football Team
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2018-present, American Academy of Pediatrics
2016-present, Association for Academic Surgery
2016-present, American Pediatric Surgical Association, Candidate Member
Editorial and Academic Positions
Academic and Institutional Committees
2021-present, Bloodbank Transfusion Committee
2019-present, Eastern Pediatric Surgery Network (EPSN), CHOP Surgery Representative
2020-present, Clinical Competency Committee, Pediatric Surgery Fellowship Program
2019-present, Clinical Competency Committee, General Surgery Residency Program, Penn Medicine
2019-present, Residency Interview Selection Committee, General Surgery Residency Program, Penn Medicine
Education & training
Graduate Degree
MA in Chemistry - Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT
Medical Degree
MD - Dartmouth-Brown Medical School Program, Hanover, NH
General Surgery - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatric Surgery - Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Gupta VS, Liras IN, Allukian M, Cotton BA, Cox CS Jr, Harting MT: Injury severity, arrival physiology, coagulopathy, and outcomes among the youngest trauma patients. Journal of Surgical Research 264: 236-241, Aug. 2021 Notes: Epub Apr. 8, 2021.
Swendiman RA, Abramov A, Fenton SJ, Russell KW, Nance ML, Nace GW Jr, Allukian Myron III: Use of angioembolization in pediatric polytrauma patients with blunt splenic injury angioembolization in pediatric blunt splenic injury. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 56(11):2045-2051, Nov. 2021 Notes: Epub Apr. 24, 2021.
Hatchimonji JS, Swendiman RA, Goldshore MA, Blinman TA, Nance ML, Allukian M 3rd, Nace GW Jr: Pediatric firearm mortality in the United States, 2010 to 2016: A National Trauma Data Bank analysis. Journal of Trauma & Acute Care Surgery 88(3): 402-407, Mar. 2020.
Swendiman RA, Luks VL, Hatchimonji JS, Nayyar MG, Goldshore MA, Nace GW Jr, Nance ML, Allukian M 3rd: Mortality after adolescent firearm injury: Effect of trauma center designation. Journal of Adolescent Health 68(5): 978-984, May 2021 Notes: Epub Oct. 14, 2020.
Ugalde IT, Prater S, Cardenas-Turanzas M, Sanghani N, Mendez D, Peacock J, Guvernator G, Koerner C, Allukian M 3rd: Chest x-ray vs. computed tomography of the chest in pediatric blunt trauma. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 56(5): 1039-1046, May 2021 Notes: Epub Sept. 17, 2020.
Hodges MM, Zgheib C, Xu J, Hu J, Dewberry LC, Hilton SA, Allukian MW, Gorman JH 3rd, Gorman RC, Liechty KW: Differential expression of transforming growth factor-β1 is associated with fetal regeneration after myocardial infarction. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 108(1): 59-66, July 2019 Notes: Epub Jan. 25, 2019.
Kalkwarf Kyle J, Jensen Shane D, Allukian Myron, Harting Matthew T, Cox Charles S, Fox Erin E, Wade Charles E, Cotton Bryan A: Can we identify futility in kids? An evaluation of admission parameters predicting 100% mortality in 1,292 severely injured children. Journal of the American College of Surgeons 226(4): 662-667, Apr. 2018 Notes: Epub Jan. 8, 2018.
Zgheib Carlos, Hodges Maggie M, Allukian Myron W, Xu Junwang, Spiller Kara L, Gorman Joseph H, Gorman Robert C, Liechty Kenneth W: Cardiac progenitor cell recruitment drives fetal cardiac regeneration by enhanced angiogenesis. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 104(6): 1968-1975, Dec. 2017 Notes: (Epub Aug. 16, 2017).
Zgheib C, Allukian MW, Xu J, Morris MW Jr, Caskey RC, Herdrich BJ, Hu J, Gorman JH 3rd, Gorman RC, Liechty KW. Mammalian Fetal Cardiac Regeneration Following Myocardial Infarction is Associated with Differential Gene Expression Compared to the Adult. Ann Thorac Surg. 2014 May; 97(5):1643-50. PMID: 24792251.
Morris MW Jr, Allukian M 3rd, Herdrich BJ, Caskey RC, Zgheib C, Xu J, Dorsett-Martin W, Mitchell ME, Liechty KW. Modulation of the inflammatory response by increasing fetal wound size or interleukin-10 overexpression determines wound phenotype and scar formation. Wound Repair Regen. 2014 May-Jun; 22(3):406-14. PMID: 24844340.
Caskey RC , Zgheib C, Morris M, Allukian M, Dorsett-Martin W, Xu J, Wu W, Liechty KW. Dysregulation of Collagen Production in Diabetes Following Recurrent Skin Injury: Contribution to the Development of a Chronic Wound. Wound Repair Regen. 2014 Jul-Aug; 22(4):515-20. PMID: 24898050.
Caskey RC, Allukian M, Lind RC, Herdrich BJ, Xu J, Radu A, Mitchell ME, Liechty KW. Lentiviral-mediated Over Expression of Hyaluronan Synthase-1 (HAS-1) Decreases the Cellular Inflammatory Response and Results in Regenerative Wound Repair. Cell Tissue Res. 2013 Jan; 351(1):117-25. PMID: 23149717.
Allukian M 3rd, Xu J, Morris M, Caskey R, Dorsett-Martin W, Plappert T, Griswold M, Gorman JH 3rd, Gorman RC, Liechty KW. Mammalian Cardiac Regeneration after Fetal Myocardial Infarction Requires Cardiac Progenitor Cell Recruitment. Ann Thorac Surg 2013 Jul; 96(1):163-70. PMID: 23816072.
Herdrich BJ, Danzer E, Davey MG, Allukian M, Englefield V, Gorman JH 3rd, Gorman RC, Liechty KW. Regenerative healing following foetal myocardial infarction. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2010 Dec; 38(6):691-8. PMID: 20452780.
Fry AJ, Grant AA; Allukian M. Pinacol reduction-cum-rearrangement. A re-examination of the reduction of aryl alkyl ketones by zinc–aluminum chloride. Tetrahedron Letters. 2002; 43(24):4391-4393.
Fry AJ, Allukian M, Williams AD. Reduction of diaryl alkenes by hypophosphorous acid–iodine in acetic acid. Tetrahedron. 2002 May 27; 58(22):4411-4415.
Allukian M, Han G, Hicks, L, Fry AJ. Reductive deuteration of ketones, benzhydrols, α, β-unsaturated ketones, and aryl alkenes by deuterium iodide in acetic acid. Arkivoc. 2002;(i)76-79. http://www.arkat-usa.org/get-file/19349/
Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)
Members of the Eastern Pediatric Surgery Consortium including Allukian M III: Validity and inter-rater reliability of keyword-based operative report review for disease severity assessment in pediatric appendicitis: Results from a multi-center pediatric research consortium. Presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics Surgical Section (virtual), Oct. 2021.
Aronowitz D, Hwang R, Abramov A, Nace GW, Allukian M III: Validity administration of prophylactic antibiotics for central venous port placement in high-risk pediatric patients is not associated with decreased infections. Poster Presentation at the American Academy of Pediatrics Surgical Section (virtual), Oct. 2021.
Abramov A, Bie FD, Hwang R, Hornick M, Allukian M, Nace G: Management of pneumatosis intestinalis beyond the neonatal period. Journal of the American College of Surgeons 231(4 Suppl 2): e180, Oct. 2020 Notes: Presented at the American College of Surgeons Annual Scientific Forum, Oct. 2020 (virtual).
Hatchimonji, Justin S. MD*; Luks, Valerie L. MD*; Swendiman, Robert A. MD*; Allukian, Myron III MD†; Nance, Michael L. MD†; Nace, Gary W. Jr MD†: Settling the score. Pediatric Emergency Care Feb. 5, 2021 Notes: Presented at the Pediatric Trauma Society Annual Meeting (virtual), Nov. 2020.
Swendiman RA, Hatchimonji JS, Orji WU, Nayyar MG, Allukian MA III, Nace GW, Nance ML: The clinical significance of firearm-related extremity injuries in pediatric patients. Presented at the Pediatric Trauma Society Annual Meeting (virtual), Nov. 2020.
Lectures by Invitation
Allukian M. "Pediatric Surgery." Pediatric Surgery Resident Lecture, Mercy Hospital, Lansdowne, PA, Apr. 22, 2021.
Allukian M. "Topics in Pediatric Surgery." Pediatric Surgery Resident Lecture, Inspira Hospital, Mullica Hill, NJ. Oct 2020.
Allukian M. "The Pediatric Surgical Patient." Pediatric Surgical Resident Lecture, Abington Hospital, Abington, PA. Sept 2020.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Dave, A., Allukian, M., Dickie, B. (2022). Hirschsprung Disease. In: Mattei, P. (eds) Fundamentals of Pediatric Surgery. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-07524-7_72
Dave A, Allukian M III, Dickie R: Hirschsprung disease. Fundamentals of Pediatric Surgery, Third Edition. Mattei P, Nichol FP, Rollins MD II, Muratore CS (eds.). New York: Springer, 2021.
Allukian M, Liechty KW: Inflammation as a confounding factor in regenerative medicine. Chronic Inflammation: Molecular Pathophysiology, Nutritional & Therapeutic Interventions. Roy S, Bagchi D, Raychaudhuri S (eds.). Boca Raton: CRC Press, Page: 93-106, 2013 Notes: Chap. 7.