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Earlobe Deformities

Earlobe Deformities

Learn more about the Ear Deformities Program

Earlobe deformities

Earlobe Deformities Image

Congenital earlobe deformities come in a variety of shapes, including earlobes with clefts, duplicate earlobes, and earlobes with skin tags.


The cause of congenital earlobe deformities is unknown. They are a rare type of ear deformities.


Earlobe deformities can be treated with surgery. Surgical options include:

  • Merging segments of the earlobe (also called the lobule) into a single earlobe
  • Removal of duplicate earlobes
  • Adding more tissue to the earlobe with local skin flaps
  • Removal of skin tags

Many of these procedures may be done under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis, and your child will be able to return home the same day.

Resources to help

Reviewed by David W. Low, MD

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