Meredith Matone, DrPH, MHS
About Meredith Matone, DrPH, MHS
Assistant Professor
Research Interests
Maternal and child health, early childhood, and program evaluation
Education & training
Graduate Degree
MHS, Maternal and Child Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore MD
DrPH, Child and Adolescent Health and Development, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore MD
Wang X, Whittaker J, Kellom K, Garcia S, Marshall D, Dechert T, Matone M. Integrating the built and social environment into health assessments for maternal and child health: Creating a planning-friendly index, Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2020 Dec; 12(24): 9224
Kanter G, Nabet B, Matone M, Rubin DM. Medicaid expansion and hospital community benefit spending, JAMA Open Network, 2020 May 1; 3(5).
Seshadri R, Strane D, Matone M, Ruedisueli K, Rubin DM. Families with TRICARE report lower health care quality and access compared to other insured and uninsured families, Health Affairs, 2019 Aug.
Wycoff K, Matone M. Amplifying the need for trauma-informed sexual and reproductive health care for at-risk adolescents during times of social and political complexity, Journal of Adolescent Health, 2019 Aug; 65(2):181-184.
Strane D, Kanter G, Matone M, Glaser A, Rubin DM. Migration to pediatric public insurance among working families in the private sector, Health Affairs, 2019 Jul; 38(7).
Whittaker J, Kellom K, Matone M, Cronholm PF. A community capitals framework for identifying rural adaptation in maternal-child home visiting, Journal of Public Health Practice and Management, In Press.
Kallem S, Matone M, Boyd R, Guevara J. Mothers’ mental health care after screening for postpartum depression at well child visits, Academic Pediatrics, In Press.
Matone M, Kellom K, Griffis H, Quarshie W, Faerber J, Gierlach P, Rubin DM, Cronholm PF. A mixed methods evaluation of early childhood abuse prevention within an evidence-based home visiting program, Maternal and Child Health Journal, 2018 Oct;22(Suppl 1):79-91.