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Krisha Le Palma

Krisha Le Palma, PharmD

Krisha Le Palma

Krisha Le Palma, PharmD, is the Supervisor of the Specialty Pharmacy and Centralized Precertification team at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

Areas of expertise: Alert fatigue reduction, Drug-drug interaction management, Infectious diseases in immunocompromised hosts, Immunosuppression in pediatric solid organ transplant patients, Improving non-adherence and health literacy, Specialty pharmacy


About Krisha Le Palma

Dr. Palma currently oversees the Specialty Pharmacy and Centralized Precertification Team. Previously, she held roles as staff specialty pharmacist, Transitions of Care Clinical Specialist, and Nephrology & Solid Organ Transplantation Clinical Specialist.  She started her career as a PGY1 at CHOC Children’s Hospital in Orange County, CA and completed a PGY2 Pediatric Pharmacy Residency at CHOP.


Supervisor, Specialty Pharmacy and Centralized Precertification Team

Education & training

Graduate Degree

Doctor of Pharmacy - University of the Sciences in Philadelphia (USIP), Philadelphia, PA


Pharmacy Practice (PGY1) - The Children's Hospital of Orange County, Orange, CA
Pediatric Specialty (PGY2) - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA

Team affiliations

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Del Valle Mojica C, Montoya JG, McGuire J, Palma KL, Shekdar KV, McLeod R, Contopoulos-Ioannidis DG. Late diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis with macrocephaly in dizyogotic twins after incidental detection of leukocoria: a case report. J Pediatr. 2021 Sep;236:301-306.


Palma KL, Pavlick ER, Copelovitch L. Pretreatment of enteral nutrition with sodium polystyrene sulfonate: effective, but beware the high prevalence of electrolyte derangements in clinical practice. Clin Kidney J. 2018 Apr;11(2):166-171.


Sharma S, Pradhan M, Meyers KE, Palma KL, Laskin BL. Neonatal atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome from a factor H mutation treated with eculizumab. Clin Nephrol. 2015 Sep;84(9):181-5.

Simpao AF, Ahumada LM, Desai BR, Bonafide CP, Gálvez JA, Rehman MA, Jawad AF, Palma KL, Shelov ED. Optimization of drug-drug interaction alert rules in a pediatric hospital's electronic health record system using a visual analytics dashboard. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2015 Mar;22(2):361-9.


Simpao AF, Ahumada LM, Desai BR, Bonafide CP, Galvez JA, Rehman MA, Jawad AF, Palma KL, Shelov ED. Optimization of drug-drug interaction alert rules in a pediatric hospital’s electronic health record system using a visual analytics dashboard. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2014.



Palma KL. Chapter 22 - Transplant. In: Eiland LS, Todd TJ, eds. Advanced Pediatric Therapeutics. Lawrence, Ka: Allen Press;2015: 222-232.

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