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Elizabeth Brennan, RDMS

Elizabeth Brennan, RDMS

Elizabeth Brennan, RDMS

Elizabeth Brennan, RDMS, is a sonographer with the Center for Pediatric Contrast Ultrasound at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

About Elizabeth Brennan, RDMS




Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer (RDMS) – Abdomen (AB)

Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer (RDMS) – Pediatrics (PS)

Sonography Principles and Instrumentation (SPI)

Education & training

Undergraduate Degree

BS in Radiologic Science - Thomas Jefferson University, College of Health Professionals, Philadelphia, PA
BSN in Health Science - Lock Haven University, Lock Haven, PA


Lectures by Invitation


Brennan E. Benefits and Techniques of Pediatric IV CEUS. The 2023 Society of Diagnostic Sonography Annual (SDMS) Conference - National Harbor, MD, September 2023.

Brennan E. Intracavitary CEUS Phantom Demonstration. The European Society of Pediatric Radiology (ESPR) 2023 57th Annual meeting - Belgrade, Serbia, June 2023.

Brennan E. Contrast hands on workshops for CEUS and CeVUS with phantoms. The European Society of Pediatric Radiology (ESPR) 2023 57th Annual meeting - Belgrade, Serbia, June 2023.

Brennan E. Pediatric CEUS knobology and settings. The 13th Annual Radiological Society of Saudia Arabia (RSSA) Conference - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, February 2023.

Brennan E. Contrast hands on workshops for CEUSS and CeVUS. The 13th Annual Radiological Society of Saudia Arabia (RSSA) Conference - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, February 2023.

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