Kathy Abel, DNP, RN APNC
Locations: Buerger Center for Advanced Pediatric Care, Specialty Care, Atlantic County, Specialty Care & Surgery Center, Brandywine Valley, Specialty Care, Virtua
About Kathy Abel, DNP, RN APNC
Family Nurse Practitioner
Basic Life Support (BLS)
Family Nurse Practitioner – Board Certified (FNP-BC)
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
American Association of Orthopaedic Nurses
American Association of Nurse Practitioners
American College of Nurse Practitioners
Research Interests
Comparison of telemedicine to in office visit in post op knee arthroscopy patients Return to sport after spondylolysis Return to sport after ACL reconstruction
Education & training
Undergraduate Degree
BSN - Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA
Graduate Degree
DNP - Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Camden, NJ
MSN, Family Nurse Practitioner Program - Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark, NJ
Abel, K, Baldwin, K, Chuo J, Ganley T, Kim A, Wells L & Giordano, T, Can Telemedicine be used for Adolescent knee arthroscopy post-operative visits? (2017), JOPA, 17.
Chilutti Abel K, Baldwin K, Chuo J, Ganley T, Kim A, Wells L, Giordano T. Can Telemedicine Be Used for Adolescent Postoperative Knee Arthroscopy Follow-up? JBJS JOPA. 2017; 5(4): e26.
Abel, K, Chilutti, D, Goebel, J, Ganley, T, Wells, L, Winell, JJ. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries in the Pediatric Population: A Case Study (2010). Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal, 32(2), 112-121.
Kleposki, RW, Abel, K, Sehgal, K. Common pediatric hip diseases in primary care. Clinical Advisor for Nurse Practitioners; June 2010, 13(6), 21.