Educational Materials
Many school districts require that students learn CPR and how to use an AED. However, the guidelines for how to train students in these techniques are often left up to the individual educators.
The following materials are intended to help support educators and students in developing their own curriculum. We hope they will help you create an interactive, educational experience. These videos, presentations and websites can be used in your lesson plans. You can also share them with students as they develop their own creative educational projects.
Understanding sudden cardiac arrest
An important part of CPR and AED education is explaining how the heart works and the causes of sudden cardiac arrest. The following web pages offer information about how the normal heart functions, the risk factors and causes of SCA, and how to recognize SCA.
CPR and AED education presentation
This presentation includes information about SCA, including the conditions that cause it, risk factors, and how to recognize and prevent SCA. It offers detailed CPR and AED instructions you can use in your teaching, and other information that can supplement lesson plans. Download the presentation »
Youth Heart Watch video series
In this video series, you’ll hear from families whose children died unexpectedly from sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). Cardiac experts discuss risk factors and symptoms of SCA and how Youth Heart Watch aims to significantly reduce SCA and death among children.
Public access defibrillation program resources
Youth Heart Watch (YHW) is an affiliate of Project ADAM®, which helps schools implement programs to make automated external defibrillators (AEDs) available. These programs also aim to support schools in being prepared for a cardiac emergency through staff CPR and AED training, student CPR and AED education, fundraising ideas and support, and sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) awareness education for students, staff and families.
- Part 2 of the YHW video series talks about CPR and AED training, as well as implementing an AED program in your school.
- Project ADAM® offers additional resources to help you answer some initial questions regarding the establishment of a public access defibrillation program, anticipate the costs, and begin planning for training and program implementation.
If you are interested in becoming a Youth Heart Watch school, please contact us at
Healthy lifestyle resources
These resources focus on promoting healthy lifestyle choices and changes, which can help reduce the risks of sudden cardiac arrest. Learn more »