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Sports Cardiology Clinic

Sports Cardiology Clinic

Teen boy wlking with golf club over his shouolder
Contact us

Our Sports Cardiology Clinic at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) provides personalized care and recommendations to promote safe and effective exercise in athletes with cardiac disease. In partnership with Penn Sports Cardiology and Fitness Program, we treat athletes in middle school, high school and college, including:

  • Children with heart disease who wish to participate in sports
  • Children with known or suspected heart disease looking for a safe and fun way to become active and healthy
  • Children with persistent exercise-induced cardiac symptoms referred by another doctor

We work with your family and your child's primary cardiologist to create a safe and effective exercise program that will meet your child's goals. Our services include:

  • Individualized risk assessment
  • Exercise recommendations
  • Nutritional support
  • Collaboration with school athletic programs

How we serve you

We help children and teens set and meet exercise-related goals through safe and sustainable exercise programs and activities. Our Cardiovascular Exercise Physiology Laboratory is the largest of its kind in the country. We provide helpful resources to increase motivation, encourage participation and promote success. Our personalized nutrition plans support long-term exercise programs and overall heart health.

Physician walking down a hallway with her patient

Meet your team

Our team includes cardiologists specializing in congenital heart disease, cardiomyopathy, electrophysiology, advanced cardiac imaging, exercise physiology and cardiac nutrition. We make sure your child gets the highest level of care and support.

Patient stories

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Mother and son smiling
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