Elite Athlete Injuries: Maia’s Story
Supported by CHOP over the years, Maia, 18, is hoping to join the U.S. Olympic fencing team to compete in the Summer Olympics.
Every expert physical therapist on your child’s team has the same goal: to see your child thrive.
Supported by CHOP over the years, Maia, 18, is hoping to join the U.S. Olympic fencing team to compete in the Summer Olympics.
Because of a life-threatening infection, Chase’s hands and feet were amputated when he was 3. Today he’s playing soccer and learning to play the drums.
Despite efforts to save his toes, Brandon required an amputation. With help from experts at CHOP, he’s back playing his favorite sports.
At age 2, Sammy suffered burns over 50 percent of his body, requiring many procedures, including amputation of both of his lower legs. He has come a long way in the eight years since he began working with CHOP's rehabilitation team.