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Your Child’s Appointment with the Pediatric Thyroid Center

Your Child’s Appointment with the Pediatric Thyroid Center

Getting ready for your child’s first appointment

After scheduling your child’s first appointment with CHOP’s Pediatric Thyroid Center, you will be asked to send us the following records:

  • Thyroid ultrasound report and a CD of previous thyroid ultrasounds
  • Thyroid-related lab results
  • Prior endocrine records, if applicable
  • Any other thyroid imaging studies (CT, MRI, whole body scans), if applicable
  • Fine-needle aspiration biopsy results and tissue slides (if applicable; request from pathology)
  • Surgical pathology results and tissue slides (if applicable; request from pathology)

Sending these records allows our medical team to effectively evaluate your child so we can offer our expert recommendations. Our goal is for you to leave your first appointment with a plan in place and your questions answered.

All images that are provided are uploaded to your child’s electronic medical record so they are available for team members across disciplines to access as necessary. 

These reports, results and records can be faxed or mailed to:


Please add “ATTN: Lindsay Sisko and Stacey Paukstis” to fax cover sheet


The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Division of Endocrinology, 11 NW
ATTN: Lindsay Sisko, RN or Stacey Paukstis, RN
3401 Civic Center Blvd.
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Note: If a referral from your child’s primary care provider or pre-authorization is required by your insurance plan, please make sure you obtain these before your child’s visit with the Pediatric Thyroid Center.

What to expect during your child’s first appointment

Your child’s first appointment with the Pediatric Thyroid Center is one of the most important meetings with our team. This is a consultation appointment to give us the opportunity to learn more about your child, review all pertinent records and images, and ultimately provide you with a recommendation for evaluation and treatment.

With the exception of potential repeat imaging and laboratory studies, usually no procedures will be performed on the day of your consultation appointment.

Your child’s first appointment will be held in the Buerger Center for Advanced Pediatric Care. Depending on your child’s diagnosis, you may be able to have follow-up appointments at a CHOP Care Network location in Pennsylvania or New Jersey.

Follow-up appointments

We make every effort to partner with your primary care physician and/or local pediatric endocrinologist to decrease travel when possible. Often, we can arrange to have laboratory studies performed locally. However, imaging (ultrasound, CT, MRI and/or nuclear medicine whole-body scans) and treatment (surgery, radioactive iodine) are usually performed at the CHOP Main Campus in Philadelphia.

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